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Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield?

Seanus  15 | 19666
19 Sep 2009   #151
CK, 9/11 wasn't humiliation for America????? Come on, it was horrible intel failure amongst other things.
scrappleton  - | 829
19 Sep 2009   #152
ZZZZZzzzz.. What? According your "sources" it was all in accordance with some grand plan of the Jews.. Big Capitalism.. who knows who else? Make up your mind.

You are a dizzy bastard at best.
Seanus  15 | 19666
19 Sep 2009   #153
The Zionists had a part in it, yes. Wolfowitz being first among them. There was intel failure in not acting on reliable reports from abroad. Where is my inconsistency? Tell me.

I'm watching the best documentary I've seen on 9/11 to date. It's called ZERO and is an Italian account.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
19 Sep 2009   #154
CK, 9/11 wasn't humiliation for America????? Come on, it was horrible intel failure amongst other things.

it is not enough! There is no place for both on this Earth.

You cannot even build toiled and you want to rule the world, phew!

For sure, you are right, we can't...toilets, cars, computers are all so bad being made in Russia...but listen me kid. There is one thing what we can do good enough - missiles...
Seanus  15 | 19666
19 Sep 2009   #155
I think there is, CK, and has been for some time. Why do you provoke unnecessarily?

This ZERO documentary is amazing. It makes the official story look like a schoolboy's theory. Largely because it is, LOL.

Thanks to those American servicemen who give professional accounts to back up the truth. Prawda nie ma wersi.
Ironside  50 | 12916
19 Sep 2009   #156
here is one thing what we can do good enough - missiles...

Well, sonny, on this I agree with you!
To use it for illuminate effect you should take your missiles and stick up yours ....... and then blow it !
It the best use for your missiles and beneficial to the world I say, also this way is agreeable with you if I'm not mistaken.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
19 Sep 2009   #157
Why do you provoke unnecessarily?

In order to destroy this warm and nauseating crap which is poured in this forum. World is mess and you should adopt this fact. The same is with states, you are either on top or bottom, there is no versatile option, it is not gay scene...
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Sep 2009   #158 have a radical perspective, CK. Even more radical than those who believe in the official account of 9/11. Well, the jury is out on that one.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
20 Sep 2009   #159
I dunno. Actually I don't have my own opinion about all this stuff, simply it is not my business, it is their domestic "razborki". But the result is clear for me, America should exert as much means as to exert itself to the utmost...another war with Iran would be perfect decision!
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Sep 2009   #160
For Russia, yes. They won't attack Iran but will maintain the harsh rhetoric against her.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
20 Sep 2009   #161
We can stand it. But let's see who Mr. Obama will evacuate american troops from Afg and Iraq in the nearest future and all those consequenses wich will appear in American society after this step... I assure you it will be much more exciting show even than the Vietnam disaster itself
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Sep 2009   #162
CK, the worst consequences will be for those countries, NOT America. Look at what is happening in Baghdad, a bomb goes off every day there. Poland doesn't need a shield from that part of the world. It just needs to stay away.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
20 Sep 2009   #163
America dose not care about it, why should we? - It is not our fault.

Who counts those Iraque people, who ever counted them before? Why should we? - It is not our fault.

As I have said it - world is a mess. It is not our fault.
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Sep 2009   #164
America caused that mess in the ME. It added insult to injury by stirring the hornets nest and allowing even more Iraqis to be killed. The Iraqi vets have had enough. I like the desirable transition to democracy there but it was not for them to go in and impose it based on a lie.

Who said anything about fault? I'm talking about being humane.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
20 Sep 2009   #165
I'm talking about being humane

Humane? Come on, what do you mean? To be humane may mean only to reject direct cannibalism; bombing and shooting, espetially if it happens somewhere outside, are kind of humane solution of the domestic problems, am I right?
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Sep 2009   #166
Your conception vastly differs from mine then. Sasha was right about you, you are a wind-up merchant but I enjoy the laughs you give me ;) :)

Many innocent Iraqis have died and that is wrong. They were caught in the middle of a madman and a mad country.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
20 Sep 2009   #167
Your conception vastly differs from mine then. Sasha was right about you, you are a wind-up merchant but I enjoy the laughs you give me ;) :)

I am ready to oblige

Many innocent Iraqis have died and that is wrong.

Who said they are inocent? Besides, they are arabs. Their women will breed twice as much...

Please, give up this petty-bourgeois crap...You cannot feel sorry for all mankind. Who do you think you are? Jesus Christ?
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Sep 2009   #168
They can't breed if they are dead, CK. Well, innocent until proven guilty. I don't feel sorry for all mankind, I value innocence. Jesus Christ set the path for us to follow. You are an orthodox Christian, right?
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
20 Sep 2009   #169
They can't breed if they are dead, CK.

So much the better! No man - no problems!

Well, innocent until proven guilty.

Once, during Stalin's epoch we had had one attorney-general, his name was Vishinskiy. So, he used to say - "frank confession is a queen of justice"

You are an orthodox Christian, right?

Well, you will laugh, but no, I am not Orthodox. I am not baptised
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Sep 2009   #170
So you are pro-abortion too then? Terminate life before it gets out?

Was he a fan of Smirnoff? Sounds like it.

Why should I laugh? I haven't been baptised either but I am still a Christian.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
20 Sep 2009   #171
Why should I laugh? I haven't been baptised either but I am still a Christian.

Ha-ha, technicaly you are not! Or may be you think about yourself - "I am decent and gentle, that I must be a Christian". Bulls!t. You are not! It is not enough, if we follow your supposed thoughts we would decide that Ancient Romans and Greeks were Christians too. They were mild and gentle, who can dispute? But certainly they were not! And the same with you, you are not Christian, you are just perfect example of your time and society where you live, i.e., just soft-belly bourgeois.
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Sep 2009   #172
Who are you to tell me if I am Christian or not? A Christian cannot be Stoic? Soft-belly becomes I'm reasonable and don't condone death like you do? It's you who should get a private shield as I guess you have made enemies in your time ;) ;)
Babinich  1 | 453
20 Sep 2009   #173
dont be such an American and learn to read.

It must be your superior intellect that leads you to state your case in such a manner.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
20 Sep 2009   #174
A Christian cannot be Stoic? Soft-belly becomes I'm reasonable and don't condone death like you do?

Ha-ha, It makes me to remind you that exactly Stoics were those who had strongrelations with premature death. Although christianity had incorporated some elements of Stoicism, there was still wide abyss between these currents. As for you, your concept has nothing common neither with Christianity nor with Stoicism.....I think it is rather Epicureism - the kind of religion which emasculates as it was said by the Julian ii.
Babinich  1 | 453
20 Sep 2009   #175
"The way it was conveyed to the Czechs and Poles could not have been worse."

The Tabula Rasa...

Did you catch the other gem in the piece?
Bakeros  - | 5
20 Sep 2009   #176
I am from Poland and I am glad that the whole idea isn't going to be implemented, it would ony be of the U.S benefit. The idea was a relict of old Bush policy, who was afraid of war with Russia. Even though the u.s is at war with iraq and afganistan, it is really hard to imagine how iraq or afganistan would strike the u.s directly(?). Things are quite different when it comes to Russia or China, aren't they? So if there was going to be a war with Russia, Russian missles would some how be supressed by those elements in Poland. As I said it already, it was the old policy. The agenda is quite complicated and I don't want to go into details, but to sum it up- Poland wouldn't have any interrest in allowing the u.s to create "the shield".
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Sep 2009   #177
Whatever you say, CK ;)
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
20 Sep 2009   #178
Do you see it? You already do not have strength to dispute! Seanus, Seanus, we will bury your ideals someday!
Bakeros  - | 5
20 Sep 2009   #179
Whatever you say, CK ;)

what does the CK stand for :/ ?

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