Platformer mudslingin
It's amusing that anyone who criticizes PiS is automatically a PO supporter in your eyes. Is that how PiS supporters think ? Do they need an enemy to fuel their hate ?
Your tragedy is that
you're soon going to see multiple PO members join PiS. And they're going to the the most worthless people, turncoats without any beliefs, only good for the "party discipline". This is how Dear Leader Kaczyński works - he exploits internal conflict, and extracts members from other parties. Tusk, like Kaczyński, liked to eliminate any charismatic and industrious people from his party to preserve his own absolute control. The only reason it's not working anymore is that Merkel shot herself in the foot by pulling Tusk to Brussels, leading PO leaderless. So internal conflict is brewing in PO, PO is stuffed with submissive Sejm members, just the kind Kaczyński likes. He isn't above creating new offices or commissions just to accomodate them.
Yes, I was strangely silent because I didn't know about this forum.
At least the new state forest bloke has had experuience in that area.
Not all experience is positive ! Some is just
bad habit.
I think you underestimate how very important forests are for Poland.
Poland has very low supply of freshwater. One of the lowest in Europe. Without water, it can't be a strong, populated country. Even if PiS found enough money for the "500 per child" program, it would work for long because of this limit.
There are two things that can be done:
1 Saving water
2 Planting forests
Saving water needs good education and a paradigm shift in thinking. Like Sweden, switch from bathtubs to showers. Don't flush toilets with clean water. Store rain in tanks to water gardens. But Poland is horrifically clueless when it comes to ecology and renewable resources. PiS advocates burning lignite (a.k.a. brown coal) in power plants, because it's very cheap and Poland has lots of it. But here's a thing: coal power plants cause lots of air pollution, which leads to diseases. Poland already has very polluted air compared to other European countries. Cheaper energy, more money needs to be spent on healthcare. PiS politicians also like to say Poland is not the problem, because majority of CO2 comes from developing countries.
This gives those countries an excuse - why should we care about environment if Poland is not doing it ? Long story short - with this kind of thinking Poland is not becoming an environmentally conscious state any time soon.
This leaves forests. Forests hold water, and the land becomes more humid. So why exactly is PiS appointing a borderline criminally incompetent person as a chief of state forests ?