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New European Council's report: "Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ...

13 Jun 2015   #1

Report can be read in its original language, English.

Sad but unfortunately true!
Polsyr  6 | 758
13 Jun 2015   #2
Reading with much interest... Nothing entirely new but still sad.
13 Jun 2015   #3
The Council of Europe article about the report can be found here

The full report is here:

Sad but unfortunately true!

Not as true as it once was. For example, looking at PF, only two posters from Poland post homophobic and/or racist rubbish here, and one of those two isn't Polish. Poland is certainly moving in the right direction, even if it has got a way to go.

Please avoid posting multiple links because they become inactive in time.
OP Gosc123456
13 Jun 2015   #4
Yes, Polsyr and Harry! Nothing new and if some slight improvements, Poland is still behind.
13 Jun 2015   #5
if some slight improvements, Poland is still behind.

I don't think you can say "if"; there definitely have been improvements. Yes, Poland does still have work to do, but things are getting better.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 Jun 2015   #6
Things are getting better

...And you'll probably be happy when attendance in the pervert parades will become mandatory like the Mayday ones were in PRL and pictures of happily married fathers and mothers with naturally born children will be banned from school textbooks and public space in general.

BTW will hypocrite Biedroń be there? Not long ago he was solemnly pledging: "We are not interested in adoptions we only want civil partnerships." But today's homo circus will brandish slogans demanding "Gay marriage with adoption rights".

Since you hate liars so much (or so you claim), you should openly condemn Biedroń's duplicity.
jon357  72 | 23665
13 Jun 2015   #7
And you'll probably be happy when attendance in the pervert parades will become mandatory

pictrues of happily married fathers and mothers with naturally born children will be banned from school textbooks and public space in general

No plans for any of that - basically just your fantasy.

For example, looking at PF, only two posters from Poland post homophobic and/or racist rubbish here, and one of those two isn't Polish.

Quite. The Parada Równości is mostly attended by heterosexual families, Mr Biedroń won by a landslide and is hugely popular, people who are black, Muslim, foreign, Trans, gay, whatever lead happy lives without any of the crap from some of the more extreme people here.
13 Jun 2015   #8
The Parada Równości is mostly attended by heterosexual families,

Yep, and that's a fact that is utterly blatant to anybody who has actually ever been to one of the parades. It's certainly good to see Polish families standing up against bigotry and hatred, and the fact one can see so many of them doing just that is one of the reasons I think this report is overly negative.

people who are black, Muslim, foreign, Trans, gay, whatever lead happy lives without any of the crap from some of the more extreme people here.

Well, yes, but that's to be expected: none of the people who post racist and/or homophobic rubbish here would ever dream of directing such abuse at their targets in real life. That's one of the reasons they so love being able to post it here.
Polsyr  6 | 758
13 Jun 2015   #9
.And you'll probably be happy

Totally off topic Polonius3.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 Jun 2015   #10
So Harry, is Biedroń a liar or not? Since you hate liars so much (or so you claim), you should openly condemn Biedroń's duplicity.
jon357  72 | 23665
13 Jun 2015   #11
t's certainly good to see Polish families standing up against bigotry and hatred

And this is the reality. Good to see President Biedroń raising awareness of some of the problems that people encounter in Poland B though.
13 Jun 2015   #12
It's the reality and one more and more people every year acknowledge.
The issue is one of awareness. Polish people, in general, are not bigots; they prefer to live and let live. When Polish people understand that there are some people who are discriminated against, whose lives are made hard or even impossible, Polish do stand up and show their solidarity with their fellow humans. The more people learn that, for example, two people who love each other can't be a normal couple because the law discriminated against them, the more people say "That's wrong; that has to change".

Totally off topic Polonius3.

What were you expecting? Off-topic insults are all he ever has to fall back on.
jon357  72 | 23665
13 Jun 2015   #13
Polish people, in general, are not bigots; they prefer to live and let live.

A Centuries' old liberal tradition and a respect for privacy contribute to this.

What were you expecting? Off-topic insults are all he ever has to fall back on.

Everything points to much deeper problems, however this thread is not the place to expand on that.
Atch  22 | 4299
13 Jun 2015   #14
pervert parades

homo circus

And we're off! I knew you'd be out of the starting blocks lickety split on this one. Off you go now and read the prayer of St Francis "Lord make me an instrument of your peace'.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 Jun 2015   #15
And we're off!

Gentle words will not soften the hearts of those who regard the Seven Cardinal Sins as virtues, priorities and things to live by. To them evil is good, and good is evil -- religion and the family must be undermined, distorted and ultimately replaced with some ersatz libertine construct so we can all live in a "Brave New World"!
jon357  72 | 23665
13 Jun 2015   #16
none of the people who post racist and/or homophobic rubbish here would ever dream of directing such abuse at their targets in real life. That's one of the reasons they so love being able to post it here.

It's called internet de-individuation. Reality (and President Biedroń's comments) just don't bear it out in real life.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 Jun 2015   #17
Polish families standing up

Foreign-aping Polish familish that have heard of such goings-on abroad and think that makes them modern, cutting-edge and trendy.
Modern? What year was Sodom and Gomorrah?
Marsupial  - | 871
13 Jun 2015   #18
Polonius you are fighting too hard and at this level you end up turning ppl who may have agreed with at least some of what you say into opponents.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Jun 2015   #19
I'm with you all the way on this one Polonius.
"Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ...
This is a good thing as it showing the world that their beliefs will not be altered by outsiders to "enrich"
their culture with immorality and sin.
The bible commands me to treat my brothers in Christ with love and respect.
I am not commanded to do so with people who are not my brothers in Christ. (non-christians)
This is not to say I wouldn't but it may help the Progressive Liberals understand why I may appear to
be one of those names they tag me with.
Hats off to Poland for standing strong against these libertines.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
13 Jun 2015   #20
Polish people, in general, are not bigots; they prefer to live and let live

Not here in Gdynia :( People are always telling you "You can't do that.............." without the proper forms of address as well :(

I always end up telling them to **** off and mind their own business.

Also most of my students remark about all the black faces in the shops and the bars. Fact. Never heard any homophobic nonsense here though.
13 Jun 2015   #21
Good point Johnny reb........
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
13 Jun 2015   #22
I am not commanded to do so with people who are not my brothers in Christ. (non-christians)

What the **** are you talking about Johnny? Are you suggesting that gays, or any others who may be there to be derided by the non-secular catholic right, are not christian? I think we should be told.
13 Jun 2015   #23
What year was Sodom and Gomorrah?

We're talking about reality here; please don't try to bring fairy-tales into this discussion.
Atch  22 | 4299
13 Jun 2015   #24
I am not commanded to do so with people who are not my brothers in Christ. (non-christians)

Johnny, I'm sorry but God commands us to love everyone. Those who have no faith are particularly in need of your prayers and those who are not of the Christian faith, are not necessarily bad or evil people. I know you're not anti-semitic for example, but I know that you have a thing about Muslims. If you really feel that certain Muslims are a danger then you should be praying for them that they will have a change of heart and make peace with their Christian brothers. I have a very old prayer book/missal published in 1936, long before Vatican II, which instructs us very clearly. Q: Are those of other faiths dammned? A: Most assuredly not.

As for homosexuals or lesbians, many of them are Christians or have some religious faith. And even if they don't, they are God's children as much as you or I. He is their father and he loves them.

I would strongly advise you to try to go on a weekend retreat to one of the enlightened orders such as the Franciscans and seek counsel from them regarding the un-Christian feelings you are harbouring in your heart. I'm serious about that. It's positively sacreligious to be using your Catholic faith as a justification for your views.
gumishu  15 | 6228
13 Jun 2015   #25
If you really feel that certain Muslims are a danger then you should be praying for them that they will have a change of heart and make peace with their Christian brothers

Nobody - not even God - can change your heart except yourself - no amount of prayer you do will change terrorists - however you can pray for taking these fanatic belligerent souls from the Earth

Nobody - not even God - can change your heart except yourself

actually God can change your heart but not against your will
Atch  22 | 4299
13 Jun 2015   #26
however you can pray for taking these fanatic belligerent souls from the Earth

No I'm afraid you can't do that.

The bible commands me to treat my brothers in Christ with love and respect.
I am not commanded to do so with people who are not my brothers in Christ. (non-christians)

Sermon on the mount Johnny and something for you to reflect on, on the Sabbath day:

'But I say to you, Love your enemiesand pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you salute only your brethren, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect'.

Not trying to be awkward here. But both yourself and Polonius base much of your reasoning on Scripture and you're understanding of Scripture is flawed. I know some people think the pair of you are hilarious but I'm a Catholic myself and to be honest I find your views upsetting. I've never in my life felt compelled to quote Scripture on a chat forum or anywhere else......As for Gumishu and his bizarre words about God not having power to change people's hearts???? And suggesting that we pray for Muslims to be wiped off the face of the earth? Where, in the name of the Almighty did you guys receive your Catholic instruction/education??
Levi  11 | 433
14 Jun 2015   #27
Probably the european council wants to turn Poland into another ******** just like they are doing noe with Italy, which received 163 illegal immigrants in JUST 5 MONTHS.

And now the italians need to pay for the food and house of those illegal immigrants (remembering that some of those immigrants arrive in Italy being accused of throwing others from their boats just because they refuse to convert to their religion).

The European Council will not rest while they dont destroy the Polish Society like they done with the other members. They will not rest while they dont flood the country with illegal immigrants.

But fortunately Poland have a great new leader called Duda. So the political correctness troops can cry. Because in few months they will also lose the parliament.

And then the new government will again have sovereignity instead of brussels.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
14 Jun 2015   #28
The European Council will not rest while they dont destroy the Polish Society like they done with the other members. They will not rest while they dont flood the country with illegal immigrants.

I think you misinterpret things very much. The reason why immigrants are flooding to Italy or elsewhere in Europe are mainly economic and political and not religious. Many illigal immigrants escape from the violent stance of Muslim fanatics (bringing more and more poverty onto them) such as ISIS so it is not necessarily the European Council which is "destroying" European societies with illegal immigrants.

You also forget the fact that the bulk of Muslim populations in European countries are descendants of legal immigrants who came to Europe in times of prosperity to do work which the Europeans preferred not to do (like, among others, toilet cleaning). At those times the European Council did not even exist. The multi-culti policies have failed ever since and this is openly acknowledged by European governments now.
14 Jun 2015   #29
The European Council will not rest while they dont destroy the Polish Society like they done with the other members. They will not rest while they dont flood the country with illegal immigrants.

Hmm, you're complaining about non-European immigrants in Poland, but aren't you yourself a non-European who wants to be an immigrant in Poland?

Oh well, never mind; I'm sure that non-European immigrants in Poland very much appreciate the fact that racism and xenophobia in Poland are falling every year.
OP Gosc123456
14 Jun 2015   #30
@Levi: The EU wants so much to destroy Poland that 1. Poland is the no.1 receipient of EU funds (paid by taxpayers from Western Europe) and 2. have chosen Tusk (most probably because as incompetent and as an overpaid clown as the rest of them).

@Harry: Well done! :)

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