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New European Council's report: "Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ...

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11872
17 Nov 2020   #301
Funny how the European council (Germany )...


Just in case:

It's hardly (Germany) only...

....It has sparked stiff resistance in Warsaw and Budapest, where right-wing governments are adamantly opposed to a tool that could cause them to lose EU money if they continue with policies seen as eroding democratic standards.

But EU ambassadors voted by a qualified majority - around two-thirds - in favor of the rule of law mechanism despite their objections...

About Jamel...about 35 people are living there.....and no, I don't know of any other of it's kind!

Definitely not enough for a parade....
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11872
17 Nov 2020   #302
Not so funny....seriously!

Police clash with neo-Nazis and homophobic thugs as thousands swamp the streets for banned far right march
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
17 Nov 2020   #303
In Poland you have 1/3 of the country proudly displaying homophobia.

More like 80%+, 1/3 is LGBT free thanks to wise municipal administrators who don't want the anal brigades to brainwash even more children.


Regardless of what words you nitpick, the fact remains that the majority of Poles are against LGBT whether that's gay marraige, adoption, or even accepting a gay teacher, childminder, co-worker etc.

Most Poles don't like pedaly - that's a fact. Miesjca pedala jest pod butem!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11872
17 Nov 2020   #304
....the fact remains that the majority of Poles are against LGBT whether that's gay marraige, adoption, or even accepting a gay teacher, childminder, co-worker etc.

Do you have some numbers to support your opinion?

Because I only found that survey (June 2020):

How do you feel about the term LGBT?

After that there is a majority of about 64,28% having either neutral or positive feelings about that term....
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11872
17 Nov 2020   #305
Dirk, I'm sure Jamel is Juden- und Homo-Frei! Maybe you should start looking for property there...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
17 Nov 2020   #306
That's asking about the term LGBT...

Take your pick -

In a 2013 opinion poll conducted by CBOS, 68% of Poles were against gays and lesbians publicly showing their way of life, 65% of Poles were against same-sex civil unions, 72% were against same-sex marriage and 88% were against adoption by same-sex couples.

In a CBOS opinion poll from August 2013, a majority (56%) of respondents stated that "homosexuality is always wrong and can never be justified". 26% stated that there is nothing wrong with it and can always be justified". 12% were indifferent.

A CBOS opinion poll from February 2014 found that 70% of Poles believed that same-sex sexual activity "is morally unacceptable", while only 22% believed it "is morally acceptable".

52.5% thought that the current scale of promotion of gay content is excessive

An Ipsos survey in October 2019 found that a majority of Polish men under 40 believe that "the LGBT movement and gender ideology" is the "biggest threat facing them in the 21st century"

"Homosexual propaganda needs to be limited, so children will not have an improper perspective on the family." - 56% agreed, 44% disagreed

2019 - 84% against gay adoption, 66% against marraiges, 60% against registered partnerships... 50-80% would not accept a gay

Dirk, I'm sure Jamel is Juden- und Homo-Frei! Maybe you should start looking for property there...

If it's in Germany it most certainly is not... Germanistan is arguably the most cucked nation in Europe after the United Kaliphate and French Emirate. If I wanted to live around a bunch of mud I'd move to the south side of Chicago.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11872
17 Nov 2020   #307
Well...that would fit the thread header quite nicely....what can one say....

Germanistan is arguably the most cucked nation in Europe after the United Kaliphate and French Emirate.

...and here I keep scratching my head and wondering why you seem to not like that idea of a Kaliphate really much. After all you would fit in even better in a Kaliphate! All that terrorizing and hunting and stoning and killing of LGBT people and Jews...wouldn't that be great?

Kaliphate Poland...a wet dream come true! Right?'s that most of these are brown and muslim people, ja? That's the problem??? You wish it would be white and christian people alone doing that?
Crow  154 | 9463
17 Nov 2020   #308
European council (Germany )

Yes, its one and same. Or rather Magna Germania, a new Reich.

accuses Poland, while Germany itself is still allow

That is to be thanked to Vatican. Only blind fanatics aren't aware of it.

Germanistan is arguably the most cucked nation in Europe after the United Kaliphate and French Emirate

Oh how nicely said. Compared to these Poland is today cradle of normalcy.
gumishu  15 | 6226
17 Nov 2020   #309
stoning and killing of LGBT people and Jews...wouldn't that be great?

someone was hit in a soft spot I see
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11872
17 Nov 2020   #310
Well...not my's Poland which get's a bad name!

What should I care...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
17 Nov 2020   #311
@Bratwurst Boy

I have said repeatedly that we could definitely learn a thing or two from the muslims or even Russia in terms of how to handle the gays. Point is, most Poles don't like gays and no amount of jewish and eu propoganda is going to change that. There's a reason why Poles put that marraige is a protected institution between man and woman in the constitution and there's no desire to change that.
gumishu  15 | 6226
17 Nov 2020   #312
Well...not my's Poland which get's a bad name!

the problem is I haven't recently heard of anyone killed in Poland because they were Jews or gay (and recently means like a couple of years now)

if you do then point me to your source
mafketis  38 | 11091
17 Nov 2020   #313
problem is I haven't recently heard of anyone killed in Poland because they were Jews or gay

That's a _problem_ for you?
Tacitus  2 | 1259
17 Nov 2020   #314
Well, two Poles recently killed a German in Berlin because he was gay.
mafketis  38 | 11091
17 Nov 2020   #315
Problem solved!!!!!! (for gumishu and probably Dirk)
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
17 Nov 2020   #316
heard of anyone killed in Poland

It's the safest country I have ever lived in full stop.

You never hear of a gay,jew,muslim,black being beaten up in the streets of Poland , it just doesn't happen as a norm here, unlike UK Germany, France where it is a day to day occurrence.

As for the plight of Jews just look at the controversy in the UK where the opposition ultra left wing leader of the labour party (Corbyn) who was suspended by his own party for his hate campaign against the British Jewish community.

Yet these western nations feel they can criticize Poland yet they cannot bring harmony and peace to their own nations.

I looked at the live stream of the Polish independence rally , there were no more than two thousand random nutters causing trouble, that is all that could be mustered from the whole of Poland by the fanatics, funny how the western press used short angled camera shots to make it look as if more people were there causing trouble.

I call bull$hit, Brussels is lensing on Poland as some kind of scapegoat , its trying to create a smoke screen whilst covering up the hate racism, antisemitism, terrorism that is the norm in the rest of Europe.
gumishu  15 | 6226
17 Nov 2020   #317
That's a _problem_ for you?

no not for me - i guess it is a problem for Bratwurst
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11872
17 Nov 2020   #318
it just doesn't happen as a norm here,

So, what was first...the egg or the chicken?

In most other countries open LGBT are the norm as are foreigners....they are visible...makes them easier scapegoats for nutters....different to Poland where they have to hide in funny regions called "LGBT free zones"!

And if they don't want to hide and live in fear they leave....many of them coming to Germany and other western countries.

Are you proud of that?

Excuse me...called out by the world like THAT is embarassing:

Poland LGBT: Diplomats from 50 countries call for end to discrimination

Poland...Europe's "Bible Belt"!
gumishu  15 | 6226
17 Nov 2020   #319
And if they don't want to hide and live in fear they leav

so where do you get people who attend those gay parades in Polish cities from ?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
17 Nov 2020   #320
regions called "LGBT free zones"!

No that didn't happen , some towns said they did not want gayism being taught to their young children, then a gay activist guy thought he could get some mileage / publicity from this and went around putting up official looking gay free zone signs, thus creating controversy.

That's the truth of it bratwurst honest.

Oh I am not anti gay, especially bisexual women, they are just great:)
gumishu  15 | 6226
17 Nov 2020   #321
Diplomats from 50 countries call for end to discrimination

if by discrimination you mean not allowing gay marriages or adopting children by gay couples then firstly we have a different definition of discrimination and secondly this perceived discrimination is written in the Polish constitution (namely that marriage is a union of a man and a woman)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11872
17 Nov 2020   #322
Oh I am not anti gay, especially bisexual women, they are just great:)

They can do what they want as long as it is consentual...

But who teaches "gayism" in the first place??? Where???

if by discrimination you mean not allowing gay marriages or adopting children by gay couples

I think declaring whole regions as LGBT-frei means alot more than that....

What happen's to the gay kid which pops out in such a zone and waves friendly? Teared and feathered? Or stoned first? Then a camp? Or expellation? What?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
17 Nov 2020   #323
Who teaches "gayism" in the first place??? Where???

Germany for a start.
gumishu  15 | 6226
17 Nov 2020   #324
I think declaring whole regions as LGBT-frei means alot more than that....

I have no idea what said declarations entail to be honest so I won't argue with you on that topic - I can't even say if I support/don't support such declarations because the first sentence

What happen's to the gay kid which pops out in such a zone ?

never heard of an incident of the kind you named
Tacitus  2 | 1259
17 Nov 2020   #325
You never hear of a gay,jew,muslim,black being beaten up in the streets of Poland

Whenever you have a gay pride parade in Poland, you have violent protesters trying to attack them with only the police holding them back.

if by discrimination you mean not allowing gay marriages or adopting children

That is textbook discrimination, particulary the latter one. There is no good reason why two gay people should not be able to raise a child as good as a hetero couple, or a even a single parten.

Germany for a start.

That is not "teaching gayism". It is just educating children that LBGTQ is a perfectly normal orientation and no foundation for discrimination as it should be.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11872
17 Nov 2020   #326
Germany for a start.

So...polish towns declare themselves LGBT-frei because of some possibly added school guideline with the name of ""acceptance of sexual diversity" in Germany they disagree with?


Isn't that abit of a overkill???
gumishu  15 | 6226
17 Nov 2020   #327
Whenever you have a gay pride parade

I have ever heard of only one such instance where a gay parade was physically attacked
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11872
17 Nov 2020   #328
never heard of an incident of the kind you named

So...what do you think would happen?
gumishu  15 | 6226
17 Nov 2020   #329
"According to the World Health Organization (WHO), children under the age of four should learn about masturbation as they have "right to explore gender identities"," - this is what more conservative and better oriented people in Poland fear
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
17 Nov 2020   #330
polish towns declare themselves LGBT-frei

No stop listening to your own propaganda , towns DID NOT declare themselves LGBT free they just stated that they would not accept LGBT education as the norm for their children.

Bratwurst I like you and I think you are a level headed guy, but stop listening to your propogandists. come to Poland go visit the so called "gay frei" towns and ask the councillors themselves.

Poland will never make the mistakes of Germany, so don't worry we will not be opening up any concentration camps for gays or Jews any time soon.

Home / News / New European Council's report: "Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ...

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