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Why is Poland so hostile against Germany? Do they realize how their reparations rubbish damages relations?

8 Feb 2020   #61
police station where im stationed

Yes, I think you mentioned before that you are a police officer, which gives me a brilliant idea!

The story would make a great newspaper article:

- a German Polizei officer, who is a great admirer of Putin and wants to regain the lands lost to Germany in WW2
- the said Polizei Officer claims to have hunted down immigrants on the streets of Germany as his hobby
- he posts his photos on the largest Poland related forum on the internet

@Weimarer - this will make a great story. You will be a star!

What is the full name and number of the police unit you are stationed at and who's your commanding officer? (I need this information for the article).
8 Feb 2020   #62
@Weimarer... you are not answering - please, I need those answers from you.

Of course, you posted your photos here (I already downloaded them to my hard disk, and will send them as an attachment to Polizei Thüringen), if I have to establish your personal data myself, but it will be much faster if you just post the information here.

Here's the website...

... do you think I should use an email, or will it be faster if I send the photos and links through Facebook profile of Thuringen Police? they answer questions quickly?

I'm thinking something along the lines...

"Dear Polizei Thuringen,

This man (*post photos here*) claims to be your officer. Could you please bo so kind as to..."

etc. etc. :)
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
8 Feb 2020   #63

It gets boring. I ask again.

On a friendly note, how was it in Poland after fall of the wall, regarding that? Did poland have a drop in born babies after fall of communism, like we had? Did it bound back to normal like here as well?

Thats genuine interest by me. Here we never hear about that. Tell me.
8 Feb 2020   #64
I ask again.

Yes, I ask again - the name and number of your police unit, and the name of your commanding officer.

Or should I establish these myself?

What you posted here (and what I have backup of) is quite enough for a great story!
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
8 Feb 2020   #65

OK, we have had our fun....... leave Erik alone now or he will start to hate Poles.
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
8 Feb 2020   #66
No its actually not enough for a good story. Many AfD members are in police or Bundeswehr. I know what i can say and what not. And what i said is far less than what others did.

So are you interested in talk or not?

Beside that, your assumption that im at Polizei Thüringen is wrong. Germany has many different branches. Bundespolizei, Landespolizei ect.

So are you interested in answering my question about post communist poland or not?

You can dislike all you want. Im an upright man who stands for his opinion and does not backtrack because threats. Thats how i was raised, to stand my ground and for what i believe in.
8 Feb 2020   #67
come on peace ok?

Yes, I am a very peaceful person, but there's a limit to the amount of bullshit that I can take.


Tell ya what, teddy bear, you will f*ck off from this forum and never come back. If I see any of your bullsh*t again, I'm going with the story and photos everywhere, the press, Thüringer Polizei, political authorities - everywhere.

Beside that, your assumption that im at Polizei Thüringen is wrong. Germany has many different branches. Bundespolizei, Landespolizei ect.

I think German police is efficient enough to establish your identity.

I know what i can say and what not.

Oh, so a police officer can say what you said about chasing Arabs on the streets etc. :) Perfect, we'll see if German Police authorities agree with that. :)
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
8 Feb 2020   #68

Well i ask again and you are free to answer, how was it in post communist poland? The 1990th? Im seriously interested about that.

I assume eastern germans and polish share some fate in that era
8 Feb 2020   #69
Come on, what's the matter? Chicken? What are you so afraid of?

You said nothing wrong, right? It is perfectly normal for a police officer in Germany to say things like...

"This is Germany. Tourists can come, rest can **** off. The arabs get hunted through streets here. (...) How many i have hunted doesnt matter, at least in a public forum."

... etc. etc. Right? :)

Come on, boy - you said you are brave, and you stand up for what you believe. It's time to show that - give me the name of your unit, and your commanding officer.

Unless you are full of sh*t and you aren't and never were a police officer, just another internet troll?
Spike31  3 | 1485
8 Feb 2020   #70
I know what i can say and what not

Because your beloved state of Germany would punish you for speaking your mind freely.

That's the difference between Poland and Germany. In Poland there are certain cultural structures that keeps the society civilized despite of political circumstances. This was already put in test during partitions and communist times.

In Germany, however, the whole society could easily be shaped like a lump of clay by those who hold power.

Modern Germans, in my opinion, are not a fully cililized nation but a half-savages put in order by strict laws. Everything needs to be sanction by rules or else you wouldn't know how to behave properly.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
8 Feb 2020   #71
Spike31, be wary of such generalizations, and yet, there may well be something in what you've stated.
However, Duda's Holocaust-collaboration proviso with subsequent punishment from several years back, would have been UN-
THINKABLE in present-day Germany!
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
8 Feb 2020   #72
I never Said im a Police officer. I Said at the Police Station works a polish cleaning women. When you study certain subjects at university in Germany, you also have to do something called practica, which means you get a few months contract at a company or certain Public Service, get some Insight, work there and work on a Project. You assumed what you assumed.

Im not scared from your threat.

As for my state Germany, it is in big turmoil. Tue leftist liberal old elites are shaking. The AfD rising. Merkel ist political finished and the old big Parties SPD and CDU collapsing. They are in fear and in my own state Thüringen is chaos right now because of that. I dont know how i can explain in english, but the old elites Here are in fear. And dont be too Sure that wont Happen in your country as Well. You have Same elites Like Tusk, who betray your own country for their perverted Agenda.

There might be come a time where patriotic Germans and patriotic poles have to fight side by side.

Im quite sure 99% of your world view is similar to mine.

As i Said, peace. Im interested to learn about your country.

P.s. i dont denie that im ignorant towards Poland. I know Not much about it, beside what our Media tell me. Here Media want portry your country in a bad light. Im open to learn and see your side.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
8 Feb 2020   #73
Yo, gang!

Our friend Weimarer's up to his well-known provocateur tactics. His posts are only meant to engender shock value and little else:-)
8 Feb 2020   #74
I never Said im a Police officer

Too bad... it would make a great story. Oh, well...

There might be come a time where patriotic Germans and patriotic Poles have to fight side by side.

Yeah, when your beloved Putin's Russia decides to devour more than they can digest!

Im quite sure 99% of your world view is similar to mine.

65-70% would be a more realistic number. :D

As i Said, peace. Im interested to learn about your country.

Well, I must say you have a very strange way of showing your interest.
Spike31  3 | 1485
8 Feb 2020   #75

And that's why I value his presence on PolishForums. He is a constant reminder of a point of view of German simpletons.
8 Feb 2020   #76
65-70% would be a more realistic number. :D

Minus the hair styling stuff... minus the gay-like selfies (nothing wrong with being gay, mind you)... minus the love of Putin and Dugin... minus the blatant disrespect for your neighbouring country/ies... make that 30-35% then.
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
8 Feb 2020   #77
I never said i love Russia. I only Love one country, my own. But i Trust Russia more than USA. USA is Not our friend. Its hostile towards Germany.

As for interest, im not sugar coating, here Poland is shown as backwarded and poor country that want steal from us. I assume in your Media we are shown in Bad light as well.

Divide et impera.

You are conservative patriotic polish, im conservative patriotic German. By playing us against each other, Bastards Like Soros want win. I guess you agree.
8 Feb 2020   #78
As for interest, im not sugar coating, here Poland is shown as backwarded and poor country

Oh, so it wasn't your own opinion? You were only telling us what the German media say about Poland? All right then. I must have misunderstood your earlier posts. :)
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
8 Feb 2020   #79
I never visited Poland. My opinion on it is shaped on what i get told. I might visit because i want look for Meteorite, but thats remote and not City ect.
8 Feb 2020   #80
My opinion on it is shaped on what i get told.

So don't listen to people who talk nonsense!

I might visit because i want look for Meteorite

Make sure to talk to Szymon Hołownia then - he's the biggest political meteorite of the season. :)
kaprys  3 | 2076
8 Feb 2020   #81
Oh, come on. Macedonia is Greek or something like that. What was that again?

Yet again photos of a muscular youngish brunette are included. Someone likes such photos :)

The forum apparently needs this sort of entertainment from time to time.
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
8 Feb 2020   #82

Well did you ever visit Germany?
8 Feb 2020   #83
I visit Italy quite often. I don't like flying so I usually go by car, and when I do I always make a stop in Ingolstadt, and spend the night there - a very pleasant town.
Ironside  51 | 13109
8 Feb 2020   #84
i never went there yet.

hmm I never went to Germany as in visiting a country. I went twice to visit a distant family. Other that that I was passing by due to good connections.

Germany as in culture or a county wasn't and isn't interesting to me at all.
As I said some time ago most Poles do not find Germany interesting at all.

My grandmother attacked nobody, killed nobody and robbed nobody.

Well, an independent German gov did. If that would had been you gran your family would have to answerfor it not your gov or a nation as a whole. How can you be so dumb? Just stop that stupid trolling.


Sure Russia has it coming - shameless bastards.

By the way. It reminds me that TROLL who posted pictures of someone and claimed to be his. Was he pretending to be a Greek or some or other. Is there a connection? MODS?
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
8 Feb 2020   #85
I was called German cuck, thats why i posted my pic. Im not a troll. Mods can check that. I only have this Account. Im real. You can ask that lyzko guy, He knows im real.

As for your post regarding ww2.

Look, what happened, happened. I dont feel responsible. Im a young man. Am i proud for it? No. But other countries did bad stuff too.

I dont feel the need to apology or to feel sorry. What i can tell you is, that it will not happen again. Im against war as long we are not attacked.

Dont expect me to fall on my knees and beg for forgiveness. British dont do that to India. USA dont do it. So dont expect it from a German.

What you can expect from me is that i want our both nations get along with each other.
Ironside  51 | 13109
8 Feb 2020   #86
Dont expect me to fall on my knees and beg for forgiveness.

I don't, where do you get it from.
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
8 Feb 2020   #87
You said my family has to answer so i assumed you think that way.
Ironside  51 | 13109
8 Feb 2020   #88
IF that was your gran that did wrong. As we know it was all the country and gov so.... Look at the context anyway.
I don't hold you personally responsible and I don't expect from YOU anything - clear?
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
8 Feb 2020   #89
yes sorry got it wrong.

In Germany we call this "Holocaust Folklore" or Guilt Cult. So i assumed you emant this.

Let me explain, our ****** up current leadership holds big speeches, its all empty words. One guy at a flower shop made fun about that. The leftist SPD ordered a flower for a memorial for holocaust and he did not write "Zum Gedenken der Opfer des Faschismus". He did write "Zum Gedenkend er Opfer des Verschissmus", which means the victims of ****.

You know what? The fucktards did not even read it. They did hold their empty speach and placed it on the memorial.

We are ruled by absolute idiots. And Merkel now reached the paranoid phase. I fear in near future we might need help
Lyzko  44 | 9730
8 Feb 2020   #90
Can't disagree with ya there, Joker!

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