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Why is Poland so hostile against Germany? Do they realize how their reparations rubbish damages relations?

Weimarer  6 | 357
7 Feb 2020   #1
I honestly dont get it and would like to understand.

If i had to pick a country that actually hates us, i would say poland. We see nothing but hateful comments from poland towards Germany and that reparations rubbish is crazy at best for many reasons.

1. Poland will not get a single cent. So why keep this up? Do poles actually really believe Germany would pay them such gigantic amounts of money?

2. Why beg Germany for money and not Russia?
3. This is not a one way street. Germans too can demand reparations from poland. my grandmothers family comes from Silesia and had to leave their home. We quite well know where our property i. Even spotted it on google maps for my grandmother.

So what does Poland try to achieve this?

I have nothing against poles. I even talk to them when encounter them. But i take no **** and that counts for most Germans.

Same counts for Nordstream 2 pipeline as well. Thats a german project and none of polands business.
Lenka  5 | 3548
7 Feb 2020   #2
. I even talk to them when encounter them

Wow!!! Really?!! How can we, as a nation, show you our gratitude?...

Germans too can demand reparations from poland.

The difference being that it was your country that started it, attacked and killed and robbed.
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
7 Feb 2020   #3

My grandmother attacked nobody, killed nobody and robbed nobody. She was 6 years then.

We too can demand reparations or revenge.

I believe its in polands best interest to come to good relations with Germany.

It will not get a single cent if it is acting like an enemy, but will pay a big price if it attacks us.

As for WW II, it was Poland that started attacks against Germans first.
Lenka  5 | 3548
7 Feb 2020   #4
We crossed the border and started shooting first?
All these historians will be shocked I think.
mafketis  38 | 11260
7 Feb 2020   #5
As for WW II, it was Poland that started attacks against Germans first.

Russian toll talking point, please elaborate for those less versed in Putin's rewriting of history...
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
7 Feb 2020   #6
Germany needed acess to its area in Danzig. It was Poland denieing this, plus Poland printed postcards that said they want attack Germany.

After all thats irrelevant. Im a young german and will certainly not apologize for anything nor do i feel any guilt for anything. Im damn proud fr my country and allow noone trying to use WW II as a whip against my people.

Im in the Junge Alternative, youth organisation of AfD. And we have more and more political sucess. Poland would be wise to act in a more friedly way towards Germany or would be in for a hard awakeneing.

As i said, i have no problem with poles. But i take nothing.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Feb 2020   #7
We see nothing but hateful comments from poland towards Germany

Do all Poles you know have such attitude?

As for WW II, it was Poland that started attacks against Germans first.

hahaha Was Hitler your grandpa? He claimed the same things.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
7 Feb 2020   #8
Yes I am also seeing a pattern - a polite enquiry about a tourist attraction is followed by endless posts raking over historical controversies with.a dose of Muslim bashing thrown in.
mafketis  38 | 11260
7 Feb 2020   #9
Germany needed acess to its area in Danzig. It was Poland denieing this

Why should Poland allow a violation of its territorial integrity?

Did you forget the radio station?
Lenka  5 | 3548
7 Feb 2020   #10
Why should Poland allow a violation of its territorial integrity?

Didn't you hear? Apparently they needed access. It our fault for not saying 'Oh welcome, do as you please ' :D
If he is the sample of the future of AfD then I really wonder who votes for them.
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
7 Feb 2020   #11
We live in 2020. I give a **** about WW II.

Is that clear? What i talk about is polish hostility against Germany in 2020.

Does Poland actually expect to get any money from us? I mean thats ridicolous. Using astronomical high amounts is even more funny.

What do they try to achieve with that? Would like to understand to see how i think about that.


Well actually in my state Thüringen we are already at 25% and currently push Merkels voting minions down the drain. We are already Nr. 2 in parliament.

Who votes for us? Patriotic Germans like myself who love their country and have enough of WW II bullshit.

Im 23 years old. Im not responsible for WW II. My parents were not responsible for WW II and even my grandparents were not. And i dont allow anyone to try to make me for something responsible that i have nothing to do with.

I think thats quite understandable, right?
kaprys  3 | 2076
7 Feb 2020   #12
A certain number of Germans stayed in Poland after the war. They're the only minority that have their representatives in the Polish parliament, I think.

Well, if your grandma was only six, she didn't own the house. Her parents did. Now what was their attitude towards Hitler? Were they happy or sad when they got Polish cattle or when Polish forced labourers were made to work for them?

How about millions of Poles that were resettled to make room for Germans due to Lebensraum? How about those who were killed like children of Zamojszczyzna? How about places turned into cities, towns and villages turned into piles of rubble?

I'm not a fan of reparations but I'm a descendant of forced labourers. My family members were torn from their homes and families. One was killed in a concentration camp after he'd escaped from his lovely bauer - a regular German like your great grandparents .
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
7 Feb 2020   #13

Im sorry that your family suffered. But maybe see, that mine had not such a great time as well? They had to start completly new. We have a big farm here in Thüringen, own land and forests but all this was because hard work of my grandparents and parents who build evrything new.

Millions of Germans had to leave their home too. What you say happened also to Germans. Maybe try to see other side as well.

Do you think my grandmothers family was greeted with open arms here? They were germans but treated like **** from locals in Thüringen.

My grandmothers parents were not political. They got no polish cattle or workers. Her mother was a math teacher, her father worked at train station repairing steam lokomotives.

You know, she is from a village called Kuhnersdorf. I heared its close to Breslau. I never was in Poland and sometimes i would like to know where half my family came from.
mafketis  38 | 11260
7 Feb 2020   #14
Does Poland actually expect to get any money from us?

No, it's mostly empty rhetoric by the loathsome current government to keep its under-educated rank and file riled up and angry.
Lenka  5 | 3548
7 Feb 2020   #15
@ Weimarer
Again- they can blame their government . If your country starts war then yes- people will suffer. But it's not the same as being the victim of agression.

But no, noone really believes they will get any money
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
7 Feb 2020   #16
Here in Germany its always reported on all big newspapers that Poland wants this and that. Magazines like Bild use it to steer up anti polish ressentiments.

You know what? My grandparents are fiercly anti russian and anti polish. My parents are slightly anti polish.

My generation here is neutral towards poles. Thats why i said i have no problem to talk with them (you propably got it wrong).

But this stuff keeps being triggered up and it goes in directions that i believe, poles cant want.

They say Poland demands 1 trillion € reparations. That amount of money would destroy us if we realy paid it. IT would destroy us a s a nation and the very thought about an amount of money that big triggers defense feelings, because it feels like an attack against us.

Thats understandable, right?

Greece tried the same in their debt crisis and achieved direct oppossite of what they wanted. After they plaid the WW II song, Germany acted relentless and without mercy on them. Totally normal reaction.
Spike31  3 | 1485
7 Feb 2020   #17
They're the only minority that have their representatives in the Polish parliament, I think.

Yes, which is an unforunate lack of a political symmetry between our countries. This needs to be changed by either pressing Germany to start granting Poles living in the Reich the very same rights or by taking away those rights from German minority living in Poland.
Lenka  5 | 3548
7 Feb 2020   #18
What can I say besides 'Don't trust stupid tabloids'?
And while you may think you are neutral it's clear by your posts how negative you are about Poland and Poles.

This needs to be changed

Why? They have what? One MP?
kaprys  3 | 2076
7 Feb 2020   #19
My grandparents also had to start everything anew. The country was destroyed. They would always store salt just in case of war... then they were forced to move to another part of the country just to find jobs to support their children. They lived in a one room flat for years - four people - working hard in industry.

I'm talking about my paternal grandparents. I got to know only one of my granparents. The rest of them had died before I was born or learnt to speak. So I don't know much. Still looking for more precise information. Probably just found a document on one of my great grandfathers. My paternal grandma spent four years in Bayern - first on a farm than in a lager. I know the addresses, too :) She talked both about good and bad Germans. The sad fact is that too often even those responsible for the most obnoxious crimes were regular citizens after the war. Just like the guy who would be messaging to Berlin asking for more ammunition to kill civilians during the Warsaw Uprising who was a mayor later on.
mafketis  38 | 11260
7 Feb 2020   #20
, Germany acted relentless and without mercy on them

A very good description, from a German no less! And a very good reason for Poland to keep its distance from such a merciless country!
Spike31  3 | 1485
7 Feb 2020   #21
Why? They have what? One MP?

The issue is not a number of MEPs but an overall political symbol. German minority have lost all their privileges in Poland after most of them converted into 'volksdeutsche' and acted as a 5th column against Poland and Polish interests before and during WWII.

And a very good reason for Poland to keep its distance from such a merciless country!

And since we cannot keep a geographical distance we should maintain a political one. Nothing good ever came to Poland from Germany, perhaps except for potatoes.

Trading with Germany is fine. When it comes to modern culture and social life they've got nothing of value to offer to us. And geopolitically they're under American boot. Why would we talk with them if we can talk directly with the US?
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
7 Feb 2020   #22
Poland is under american boot. While Germany opposses USA, we See Poland as american poodle.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Feb 2020   #23
Be sensible. When Russia moves, Germans will beg Americans for help. Brits and French alone won`t be able to help you, only the US will. Simple. Now Germans are spitting on the USA but in tough times, they will scream in panic and cry like babies that USA "has left them." :))
7 Feb 2020   #24
I'm not even going to discuss any of the nonsense posted in this thread - it is below my basic human dignity. :)

However, I would just like to notice that if this Weimarer fellow is in any way a typical member of Germany's young generation, then it will make Polish-German relations quite interesting in the future. Perhaps we shouldn't dismiss so lightly what Crow has been trying to tell us about Germany all this time?
Spike31  3 | 1485
7 Feb 2020   #25
Poland and Germany have different interests and political aims. Basically, in German interest is to control - politically and economically - central Europe and in Polish interest is to be strong enough to be able push them away and form a coalition of countries between Germany and Russia strong enough to withstand the pressure from both sides. It's a zero sum game and there's no win-win situation here.

What's positive is that now we've got some room, and some time, to manouver and get stronger before the next strong push which will happen inevitably as history of Europe teaches us.
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
7 Feb 2020   #26
Keep in mind that Germany does not share polands fear for russia. Russia is a economic dwarf. A nigeria with snow.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
7 Feb 2020   #27
Keep in mind that Germany does not share polands fear for russia

Germany is stupid.
Spike31  3 | 1485
7 Feb 2020   #28
Keep in mind that Germany does not share polands fear for russia

Oh, but you do. That Soviet march of 1944-45 have left Germans scared to the bone. Mostly East Germans, though, since Americans have saved your asses in the West.

Russia is an economic dwarf, that's true, but Germany is a military dwarf. And shall stay that way.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
7 Feb 2020   #29
but Germany is a military dwarf

Very true..... Poland will have to defend Germany..... oh the irony!
7 Feb 2020   #30
form a coalition of countries between Germany and Russia strong enough to withstand the pressure from both sides

That's the whole idea behind V4 and Międzymorze.

A nigeria with snow.

...and also with nuclear weapons, one million soldiers, and complete disregard for any civilised or moral standards. Do you really want to underestimate that?

Home / News / Why is Poland so hostile against Germany? Do they realize how their reparations rubbish damages relations?
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