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Poland in the European Union. Polexit?

johnny reb  49 | 7974
9 Jan 2018   #61
So you have no sources which would make it just your opinion.

One person who doesn't have a special prosecutor.

Not yet, hang on, it's coming and she will be steam rolled.
There are MANY investigations going on with her and her foundation as we speak.
The drive by media hates Trump so you get the bias news daily but they won't print what is going on with Crooked Hillary until there is no more denying it.

Just hang on as it is getting better and better every day with her corruptions.
Her illegal e-mail server is what they will start with.
jon357  72 | 23361
9 Jan 2018   #62
it's coming

We're still waiting...

Meanwhile, the only politician there actually being investigated by the special prosecutor is the deranged orange fool...

And Europe (like everyone else) still hates him.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
9 Jan 2018   #63
jon I will compile a list of updates just for you jon.
The market is going to close in an hour so I don't have time right now.
Later tonight maybe just for you.
jon357  72 | 23361
9 Jan 2018   #64
jon I will compile a list of updates

Not much of an update since the prosecutor hasn't called off his official enquiry.

There's a great new book out about the idiot - an absolute lack of dignity, restraint and very probably he has a serious case of mental deterioration. But hey, he's got a bigger button and his works...

And meanwhile Europe thrives, with Poland a strong member of the Union - despite the current ruling party's efforts to bring shame on itself.

The market is going to close

Buy shares in coffin makers.
Tacitus  2 | 1264
9 Jan 2018   #65
Whatever you might think about Trump, it is obvious that him being president is very harmful and potentially fatal for Poland's interest. It is a fact that he has no knowledge about Eastern Europe, or a deeper understanding of perhaps Poland's greatest foreign political concern, the crisis in the Ukraine.

During one of Trump and Merkel's first phone calls, Merkel reportedly had to explain the history of Ukraine to Trump, who was said to be unaware of the country's importance in trans-Atlantic relations.

Not to mention his dubious ties with Putin and Russia. It is also apparant that those who cheer for this guy have (just like him) no understanding of how the EU works and why leaving the EU would catastrophic for Poland. Even disregarding the tremendous economic fall-out of this decision, what exactly would Poland gain by this? It would be left isolated against the influence of Russia, with no strong alliance to counter it. Nato will lose significance as the American pivot to Asia continues and European defence agreements within the EU intensify.

I mean sure, if Poland suddenly decides that it wants to be subservient to Russia than this might work out, but otherwise Polexit would be utter stupidity.
Crow  154 | 9463
9 Jan 2018   #66
him being president is very harmful and potentially fatal for Poland's interest.

you are the one who don`t understand. Geo-strategy in Europe changed and don`t depend on USA crucially. Strengthening of Serbia doing more positive things then you may even imagine. With strong Serbia, things in Europe stays as it was before Turks appeared in Europe. Poland becoming continental power, again.
gumishu  15 | 6227
9 Jan 2018   #67
Whatever you might think about Trump, it is obvious that him being president is very harmful and potentially fatal for Poland's interest

you must be joking, I guess - German hegemony in Europe is harmful for Poland and Trump presidency forms a nice and much expected counterbalance
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
9 Jan 2018   #68

92% support EU membership in Poland.

Trump presidency forms a nice and much expected counterbalance

I'm honestly surprised that you trust a word the Americans say.
Tacitus  2 | 1264
9 Jan 2018   #69
Geo-strategy in Europe changed and don`t depend on USA crucially

If you want protection against Russia, which Poland desperately does, you need the USA and this won't change for the next few years.

Strengthening of Serbia doing more positive things then you may even imagine.

Serbia is a tiny, poor and - outside of the Balkans - irrelevant country. You have 7m people, ranking 30th in Europe per GDP.
You have very little to offer to Poland.


I think you are the one who is either joking or ignorant.
TheOther  6 | 3596
9 Jan 2018   #70
German hegemony in Europe is harmful for Poland

Any country that takes German cash with both hands has no leg to stand on when it comes to whinging about German hegemony.

Trump presidency forms a nice and much expected counterbalance

Trump and his followers are out to destroy the EU, in case you haven't noticed. Some of the religious nutters who support him believe that the European Union is "The Beast" or the "Seat of the Antichrist". One of the reasons why the Mercer family (the ones who are behind Breitbart) supported Farage and the UKIP during BREXIT. Don't believe me? Google "Europe in Bible Prophecy".

That's the kind of people we are dealing with, not some "nice and much expected counterbalance".
Joker  2 | 2390
9 Jan 2018   #71
We all know that the prosecutor is dealing with it, and it's barely got started.

Its been a year and still nothing, nada, zilch, keep dreaming snowflake!

Try spinning the fake dossier some more, now that collusion and his mental state conspiracy theories are being debunked.

Obviously he is mentally unstable- question i

He looked quite stable today at the bi-partisan immigration negotiation.

He appeared like a guy in full control. Perhaps, the author of that silly book took some gullible libs for ride (scam) lol
Tacitus  2 | 1264
9 Jan 2018   #72
Its been a year and still nothing, nada, zilch, keep dreaming snowflake!

It takes time for a president to get impeached. They needed 2 years for Nixon after the discovery of the Watergate-Scandal, as of right now, the noose is tightening around Trump.

Try spinning the fake dossier some more, now that collusion and his mental state conspiracy theories are being debunked.

How are they "debunked"? Everything we learn just makes the case even more damning.
TheOther  6 | 3596
10 Jan 2018   #73
It takes time for a president to get impeached.

Trump won't get impeached. As long he's the useful idiot who signs everything they put in front of him, the GOP establishment will protect him. Once they are done with their destructive agenda, Trump will resign "voluntarily" for health reasons.
Ironside  50 | 12916
10 Jan 2018   #74
How much time and how many resources did he sink into his sick Smolensk fixation?

What fixation? That crash hasn't been investigated properly - that is plain to see. Besides he is not minister of Smolensk but of Defence and he has been doing a splendid job there - the best minister of defense in a living memory.

that mentally unfit goo

You're talking about a legend. He is a bigger than all those who took or claim a lot of credit for allegedly fighting commies. He been there and done it.

A deranged idiot, and the book alleging links with Russia cannot easily be ignored.

Yes you are a commie. Figures that anti-commies are in your black book (red book). I see that Russia being no longer in a grip of communism is no longer your love and promise land.
Tacitus  2 | 1264
10 Jan 2018   #75
Genuine question here: What reasons could have Russia possibly have had for shooting down that plane? The president had low approval ratings and was likely to lose the next election anyway, and Poland's foreign policy towards Russia did not change at all. The Russians must have known that relations with Poland could not have possibly improved after this, even if their involvement remained a secrecy. And the possible fall-out of such an action if it became known is so infintely worse than any possible advantage they would have gained.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
10 Jan 2018   #76
Not much of an update since the prosecutor hasn't called off his official enquiry.

Oh, I was talking about Crooked Hillary's investigations where she blatantly broke the law.
Trumps dossier was paid for by the Clinton Foundation. Illegal as hell.
Now the investigation has found the dossier is full of fake news and lies but it opened the door for an investigation for her on the other candidate (Trump) by the government C.I.A. , F.B.I. , etc.

Illegal as hell
Illegal e-mail server'
Acid washing 30,000 e-mails that had been subpoenaed bt the F.B.I.
Smashing cell phones that had been subpoenaed
How the F.B.I. (Comey) changed the wording so she would be pardoned for her wrong doings BEFORE there was even an investigation.
Illegal as hell.
Lying about Benghazi under oath
Oh hell jon, read 22 of her best scandals for yourself.

How do you think she got her fitting name "Crooked Hillary" ?
Oh she is going down alright.
It will be top news this year and next.
Trump is a choir boy compared to her.
Joker  2 | 2390
10 Jan 2018   #77
As long he's the useful idiot who signs everything they put in front of him, the GOP establishment will protect him.

Slow down Woggie!

You didn't notice Dick Durbin(IL) sitting next to 45 today smiling from ear to ear?

That after 20 years, his life's great achievement is finally coming to fruition because of Trump:)

As stated before, Orange 45`s list of accomplishments keeps growing day by day.
Joker  2 | 2390
10 Jan 2018   #78
If you want protection against Russia, which Poland desperately does, you need the USA and this won't change for the next few years.

With the support from the American citizens and our new President our mutual interests will continue to prosper for years to come:)
jon357  72 | 23361
10 Jan 2018   #79
Trump will resign "voluntarily" for health reasons.

And try to pardon himself on the day he slinks out.

Then it will be open season in the media about him and his wife.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
10 Jan 2018   #80
And try to pardon himself

Pardon himself for what jon, he has been convicted of nothing.
What are you talking about, it has been open season on him and his wife since day one.

It seems you refuse to entertain Crooked Hillary's scandals like I pointed out above in post #76 to you jon.
Crooked Hillary was ALREADY pardoned by F.B.I. director Comey BEFORE an investigation was even done by rewording his own report on her which originally had her guilty as they come.

Any input on that jon ?
cms  9 | 1253
10 Jan 2018   #81
She was not pardoned because she was never convicted of anything. comey closed the investigation.

Why do you keep turning this back to Hillary Clinton ? she is not in office and most Poles dont care either way about her. If shes guily then lock her up.

What we do care about is our most important ally being run by a man with the attention span of a 5 year old.
Tacitus  2 | 1264
10 Jan 2018   #82
With the support from the American citizens and our new President our mutual interests will continue to prosper for years to come:)

And where do those supposed "mutual interests" lie?

Poland regards Russia as its' main threat to security. Trump on the other hand has little concern for Russia's threat to Europe.

Poland wants Europe and the USA to remain tough on Russia regarding the Ukraine. Trump had to be strong-armed by his Congress to not make any concessions towards Russia, and has been diplomatic inactive on this issue. Not to mention that he had to be told by Merkel just why the Ukraine is important, and what has happened there. This is certainly nothing high on Trumps' agenda-

Poland is vasly benefiting from its' EU-membership, which is supported by a clear majority. Trump has repeatedly voiced his intention to weaken the EU. He wanted to negotiate trade deals with each EU member individually, knowing that it would be easier for the USA to get a one-sided deal that way.

Poland wants a deal with the UK on Brexit that secures the rights' of its citizen working abroad, or in short, concessions. Trump stated that he wanted to support London, which would have made it more difficiult for the EU to remain commited to the rights of movement.

Poland deems the Nato as essential for its' security. Trump has stated that he considers the Nato of no great importance for the USA.

In short, Poland has nothing to gain from Trump as president and a lot to lose. If it wasn't for the skilled diplomacy of Angela Merkel, (and others) who pointed out that the USA could not negotiate a trade deal with every EU member individually, things could have been very bad for Poland.
G (undercover)
10 Jan 2018   #83
The president had low approval ratings and was likely to lose the next election anyway

Just like Duda was going to lose, PiS was going to lose, Trump was going to lose etc. etc. Personally I'm not a Smoleńsk "believer" in this case, most likely it was an accident, but ffs it shouldn't a matter of believing (or not) in one version or another ! Tuskists ****** up the investigation totally and Russians were doing everything they could to keep this whole case in doubts.

Trump on the other hand has little concern for Russia's threat to Europe.

Huh ? Trump has been much more "hawkish" on Russia than Obama ever was !

Out of curiosity, do you read anything else than German mainstream newspapers ? Try to think on your own ? Because basically all you write here is like taken word by word from the German mainstream media.
TheOther  6 | 3596
10 Jan 2018   #84
Orange 45`s list of accomplishments keeps growing day by day.

Accomplishments? One stolen Supreme Court seat and one expensive tax gift for the donor class. Grifters gonna live, right?
Crow  154 | 9463
10 Jan 2018   #85

After damage of 200 mlrd US dollars in NATO bombardement,

Serbia is a tiny, poor and - outside of the Balkans - irrelevant country. You have 7m people, ranking 30th in Europe per GDP.

My dear, damage that my country suffered from NATO bombardment on infrastructure and industry estimates 100-200 billion USA dollars. One can`t come back from that devastation over night. You know that, don`t you? It was back in 1999 and in those years when NATO and EU actively worked with Islamic league on remodeling of borders in South-Eastern Europe. I hope that you won`t tell how those were old good times when USA, western Europe, NATO and EU had pro-Polish policy. No, it was anti-Polish policy and it proving these days.

Plus, let me tell you what you don`t have in Wikipedia and what you didn`t make an effort to found out on the Net. Serbia is no.1 destination for the foreign investments in the world and economy recuperates and have significant results.

As for Serbian contribution to Poland, in modern time, to all who understand Geo-strategy is clear- that Serbia provides a point of equilibrium between Poland and Russia. Without that equilibrium Poland becoming object of trade. No, not because Russia force it but because Poland`s so called western European friends moving to grab Poland and then Russia grab in order to grab what can can be grabbed (Russians would tell- to save what can be saved). See, with strong Serbia on political scene in Europe, Serbian policy seek (due to strong public pressure in that direction) for stronger ties with Poland. If in such a situation western Europe moving against Poland, it means that moving against Serbia, too. To that Russia react in qualitatively different ways, act as ally to Poland. Now, its not only Russia. Serbia is independent and have on its own developed relations with China and countries of Non-Aligned movement from all over the globe. So, if western Europe moves against Serbia, western Europe must count on serious obstacles.

To conclude, that what NATO can offer to Poland is ugly joke in comparison to it what Serbia can offer to Poland, regarding safety. And no, its not about mere strength of Serbia (but strength of Serbia multiplies effects). Its Geo-strategic fact.
Tacitus  2 | 1264
10 Jan 2018   #86
@G (undercover)

Just like Duda was going to lose, PiS was going to lose, Trump was going to lose etc. etc.

I remember that German media predicted both Duda's and PiS victory, so I doubt those were particular upsetting victories. Besides I was merely trying to present the case from a Russian point of view, it just doesn't seem worth the risk in this case to pull a stunt like this. But like I said, I am genuily interested in knowing what kind of motives are suspected here.

Huh ? Trump has been much more "hawkish" on Russia than Obama ever was !

How so?

Because basically all you write here is like taken word by word from the German mainstream media.

I am reading a wide range of German media. I just draw the line when it becomes openly manipulative.


After damage of 200 mlrd US dollars in NATO bombardement,

Deduce one 0 and you'd be closer to the truth.

You know that, don`t you? It was back in 1999 and in those years when NATO and EU actively worked with Islamic league on remodeling of borders in South-Eastern Europe.

You mean the days when Serbia proved all prejudices against the "savage" Balkans right and went on its' genocidal rampage? Honestly, the rest of your post is just as ridiculous. I mean, do you really believe this ridiculous stuff? Serbia as a main destination for foreign investment? Am equilibrium between Poland and Russia?

Serbia has a fraction of the population of Poland, let alone Russia, no common border with Poland, not even a harbour from which it could send aid to Poland if needed. You have nothing to offer Poland in terms of security, even disregarding the insignificant army you have.

And nobody intents to move against Serbia. It is Serbia that wants to move to Western Europe and become part of the EU. Thankfully the EU has now increased its' conditions for membership, because we really don't need yet another underdevolped country in the EU.
Ironside  50 | 12916
11 Jan 2018   #87
Not to mention his dubious ties with Putin and Russia

Well, He stopped Germany and Putin from building north stream 2 - something doesn't compute there or is that an example of German double think. Well, in reality Merkel has much closer ties than Trump.

It is a fact that he has no knowledge about Eastern Europe,

He doesn't have to be a geek. He has people for it. They're very knowledgeable believe you me.

why leaving the EU would catastrophic for Poland.

Nah.. could be beneficial in the long run.
Tacitus  2 | 1264
11 Jan 2018   #88
, He stopped Germany and Putin from building north stream 2 -

No, he didn't. To my knowledge, the project is still going forward. I have found no article stating that this project is cancelled.

Well, in reality Merkel has much closer ties than Trump.

There is no greater adversary to Putin in the Western world than Merkel. She used to be sceptical of him even in the early 2000s when a lot of people still had false expectations of Russia and Putin. They never got along, and all of their personal meetings were frosty at best.

Nah.. could be beneficial in the long run.

Yes, very benefical. Being diplomatically isolated between the EU and Russia, losing a lot of money and the economic damage of leaving the Common market. Sounds very attractive to me.
Crow  154 | 9463
11 Jan 2018   #89
Deduce one 0 and you'd be closer to the truth.

go seek truth for yourself on the Net

As for rest of your comment. Man, I don`t wish to ruin your fictional world but, NATO, EU, USA (Clinton`s and Barack`s administration) did cooperated with Islamic league and worse Arab mujaheedines, in project against Serbians. Its not Serbians who attacked but they were attacked and Serbs defended themselves. Plus, time proving that all what Serbians did to defend themselves contributed to Poland, to Slavic world, to Europe and even to world.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
12 Jan 2018   #90
@Tacitus, please confirm you received my reply. I'm not able to access your mailbox.

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