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US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland

freebird  3 | 532
3 May 2009   #241
well, if you put it this way, we're still "the big boys on the block". Just look at the Soviets, they were always broke but still very powerful. The recession has nothing to do with it and even if it had, look at all the others, they also have problems and not smaller than us at all.
RyanJF  1 | 18
4 May 2009   #242
Yes, we still are, but we're losing influence. Smaller countries aren't quite so keen to listen to everything we say, and people aren't bending over backward to do everything we ask of them.
bimber94  7 | 254
14 May 2009   #243
At last, it looks like (hopefully) JohnP has woken up to the basic fact that we aren't as stupid as his establishment bosses hope we are. Hooray. Not even my cat believes the brainless fairy story that 9/11 wasn't an inside job.
Seanus  15 | 19666
14 May 2009   #244
Well, I heard an interesting story today about a study done. It said that the Germans are much easier to manipulate than the Americans but I think we can safely say that 9/11 proved that wrong.

It was one of the clearest stuff-ups ever, they left trails of evidence everywhere but let's not go into that again.
bimber94  7 | 254
26 May 2009   #245
Lucky that Poland doesn't have oil, then. Or how about a Polish missile base in Alaska (well we can dream can't we?)?
szkotja2007  27 | 1497
17 Sep 2009   #246
No missiles in Poland ! - Obama backs off

The US will shelve its controversial plan to build a defence system in Poland and the Czech Republic after a review of the threat from Iran.

Looks like the US will be looking to Iran to win the Afghan war for them...............again.
Seanus  15 | 19666
18 Sep 2009   #247
After a review of the threat from Iran, what nonsense!! It's bargaining and maneuvering, it has feck all to do with any reviews. The issue is and always has been, 'are they secretly enriching uranium outwith the gaze of the inspectors?'. I can also say that the Israelis have super high-tech equipment to monitor the situation. No, they can't probe everywhere but they have more on Iran than they make out.

More spin here than a spinning top :(
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
23 Sep 2009   #248
After a review of the threat from Iran, what nonsense!

Sure enough all this mess was against Russia, but now:

"come if you dare", our trumpets sound.
"Come if you dare", the foes rebound.
"We come, we come, we come, we come",
Says the double beat of the thund'ring drum.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
23 Sep 2009   #249

Why are the missiles called Patriot?

Wonder if a Patriot missile malfunctions...with a nuke warhed...and go for the beloved country!... a patriot who got a nuke head!... :S
Babinich  1 | 453
14 Feb 2010   #250
There goes the neighborhood...
convex  20 | 3928
14 Feb 2010   #251
Why are the missiles called Patriot?

Easier to get funding. Who votes against the funding of Patriots?
Tymoteusz  2 | 346
14 Feb 2010   #252
Never really understood the need for Patriot missiles in Poland. Who are we protecting from what?? If Europe has worries against others, (It doesn't) let them build their own stuff. Americans are pretty tired of paying for others security (or occupation if you desire) and then getting nothing really in return. I would love to see our troops come home and let the other powers do as they will. It would be hillarious to see Russia rebuild the soviet union and finally gain all of western Europe this time. China take Japan, oh the revenge they would take on the Japanese! How I would love to see us off the world stage just to watch the show that ensued! I believe thats what the world wants also. Lets do this!!!
time means  5 | 1309
14 Feb 2010   #253
I would love to see our troops come home

America prefers its conflicts as far away from American soil as possible. It's always better to **** in someone elses back yard.
Tymoteusz  2 | 346
14 Feb 2010   #254
Of course. Would you like to elaborate on this? Please describe for me the opportunity lost to you due to the US. Please detail how you have suffered at our hands. I'm sure you are too international to have loyalty to any country, but, would you mind telling me where you are from? Are you a Gypsy?
time means  5 | 1309
14 Feb 2010   #255
Would you like to elaborate on this

This is not a dig at the US (you will not find one on here by me) basically it's always better to fight away from home if you can, this avoids the obvious damage to cities, infrastructure etc,

Please describe for me the opportunity lost to you due to the US.

None. I am very pro US.

I'm sure you are too international to have loyalty to any country,

No. I would describe myself as patriotic and proudly served in the British army.

would you mind telling me where you are from

British passport holder although not born in Britain, both parents English.

Are you a Gypsy?

Tymoteusz  2 | 346
14 Feb 2010   #256
I appologize. I misread the tone of your post. Sorry.
time means  5 | 1309
14 Feb 2010   #257
I appologize

No need matey :-)
JohnP  - | 210
20 Feb 2010   #258
this thread is still going? I left, went to Iraq (again) came back, and generally ignored this forum for months....and it's still going.

Except for one or two days, Iraq was quiet where I was located. now claiming to be a nuclear power. Can't say I (and others) didn't tell you so.
Their missiles can apparently now reach Poland. "Experts" claimed they didn't think it would be possible for quite a few years. It would be foolhardy to think they haven't already made the connection themselves and at least begun work on just how to mount said WMD into said missile...

Poland is not getting interceptors, now. Russia (and her ally Iran) is most happy with this.
One wonders why Poland sought independence from the Warsaw Pact and Soviet Influence, if it has to ask Russia for permission to do anything?

Patriots were not the interceptors being offered, but THAAD-which are capable of destroying ICBM's at much much greater ranges and at safer distances than Patriots; Patriots, I believe, were a later deal meant to appease Russia.

Contrary to some posts, and propaganda from Russian as well as misinformed sources...nuclear weapons were NEVER on the table.

It is apparent some posters here (thankfully not all) let their dislike in general of Americans taint their understanding of reality, and wildly follow any conspiracy which allows them to continue their anti-US views.

disagreement with these raving lunatics is simply an invite to their attentions, and to have them claim "brainwashing" and all sort of other things...never mind they never seem to back up their own theories.

This thread is tiring. Poland, sorry. Hope you don't need the interceptors.

They've never *really* been all that much about the U.S....contrary to what blowhards on here will tell you, we already have protection in the US; the same sort Russia convinced you not to have.

Russia has, after all, always been a friend not only of the US, but of Poland....

John P.
z_darius  14 | 3960
20 Feb 2010   #259
Americans look like fools now. Trying to appease Russians rarely works, but why would anybody believe Polacks. They've known Russians only... well... forever. Obamians of course know better.
beelzebub  - | 444
20 Feb 2010   #260
Americans look like fools now.

While it happens to the best of us occasionally it is your cultures default state.
z_darius  14 | 3960
20 Feb 2010   #261
Not what I have seen in literature, British and American. I do admire Mark Twain for his keep observation of the American stupidity though, as well as some more modern social commentators born and raised in the US.
Babinich  1 | 453
20 Feb 2010   #262
Americans look like fools now.

Now??? Believe me, we Americans often look like fools (Congress) by our own devices.
21 Feb 2010   #263
No missiles in Poland !

are you sure?
skysoulmate  13 | 1250
14 May 2010   #265

Great post!!!

Thank you for your service by the way...
Velund  1 | 489
14 May 2010   #266
Americans are pretty tired of paying for others security (or occupation if you desire) and then getting nothing really in return.

Yeah... It is not known who really pay, it is pretty easy to print few truckloads of fresh&crunchy $100 bills and send them abroad... ;) To never see it again. ;)

It would be hillarious to see Russia rebuild the soviet union and finally gain all of western Europe this time.

Did you heard russian jokes about Russian Independency Day? ;) Something like "in this day Russia finally became independant from Turkmenbashi"... ;) I don't think we will take them back so easy. ;)

Western Euarabia... Do we need it, really?
skysoulmate  13 | 1250
14 May 2010   #267
Velund - what are you trying to tell us? This is the google ad below your reply:

...Russian Fiancee or Wife?
K1/K3 Lawyer. Starts at Only $195 Bring her from Russia/Ukraine Fast!...

...are you trying to colonize the West with the help of "your" women rather than kalshnikovs? LOL

I welcome that kind of warfare!!! ;)
Velund  1 | 489
14 May 2010   #268
...are you trying to colonize the West with the help of "your" women rather than kalshnikovs? LOL

Pretty, smart and loving woman is much more precious thing than a litle bit drunk guy with Kalashnikov. ;) So, this sort of weapon will be reserved for very special opponents. ;)

I welcome that kind of warfare!!! ;)

Hm... I think you still not realizing how powerful that weapon is... ;)
Zbyszko  1 | 25
14 May 2010   #269
America prefers its conflicts as far away from American soil as possible. It's always better to **** in someone elses back yard.

America didnt ask the nasty towelheads from far away arab lands to start all the BS in OUR front yards i.e. 9/11 so ye it serves right to go to their far away soil and f... it up. Get real!

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