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Austria's swing to the far right on Poland?

SigSauer  4 | 377
7 Nov 2017   #181

You're joking right Harry? My views are not bigoted or racist, especially not racist. Your assertions do not make it so. It is YOUR views which have led to the rise of the far-right in Europe, and YOUR views are responsible for getting an ass clown like Donald Trump elected. What do you think will happen when you continually label anyone who disagrees with your dogmatic neo-liberalism as "racists" "bigots" "islamophobes" "xenophobes" "nazis" "white supremacists".

I suppose your side does not expect ANY push back to policies of open borders, cultural dismantlement, 31 genders, and policing our speech. Your side wants to criminalize my disagreement with being co-opted into another persons mental illness, requiring me to use the gender pronoun they tell me to use. Your side wants people fired from their jobs for voicing legitimate and valid criticisms of particular ideologies which are detrimental and toxic Europe and the west, ideological viewpoints which have caused ACTUAL harm (i.e.- rapes in Germany and Sweden), not the imagined harm that you think people on the right are doing. So please, spare me your BuzzFeed talking points.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
7 Nov 2017   #182
You're blaming the european people for being reactionary? They're not being ignorant. Quite the opposite they're no longer naive nor do they care anymore about being called racist bc that word has been totally worn out. Europeans are seeing the civilizations being threatened by Muslims and the unelected pc pushing commisars who protect them along with the German cow Merkel. Why is it that Buddhists Jews atheists Ukrainians poles Hungarians orthodox literally no other religion or culture or country in europe commits nearly the same level of death, terror, rape, crime, years long states of emergency quite like Muslims do? What other religion is killing 20k 30k people a year in the name of their God? Do christians say praise jesus after massacring a dozen people? Just last week in NYC one of religion of peaces finest drove a truck into a crowd chanting Allah akbar and asking for an Isis flag to be hung above his hospital bed. They ought to let the survivors torture that pr1ck.

Also sig the amount of genders is double - 72 according to the safe space crybabies at university of Michigan and other unis.
7 Nov 2017   #183
Islam is an aggressive supremacist violent ideology

Not at all. If you are violent, your interpretation of the Koran and your Islam will be violent, just as with any religion. There are marauding Buddhist monks murdering Muslims in some places, does that mean that Buddhism is a violent religion? In Poland within living memory gangs of Catholics murdered scores of people due to their religion, does that mean that Catholicism is a violent religion?

Pick up a Koran if you don't believe me.

Clearly you haven't read the bible, or did you miss the bits about owning slaves and murdering unruly children?

We Poles don't want them in Poland it's that simple

I've been living here for a long time: until very recently Poles were becoming far more accepting of other creeds and colours (they still are compared when I got here). The problem only really started when scumbags realised they could tap into hate and fear in order to gain power for themselves. And now that is amplified by the ability of the ignorant to make utterly false claims such as asserting that no refugee can legally pass through a safe country.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
7 Nov 2017   #184

Yes and there are far more violent Muslims than europeans, chinese, brits, indians, etc. Hence why Muslims are responsible for the majority of the terror attacks, rapes, murders, etc in europe

Also the new New testament has little violence. The old testament describes wars, political intrigue, etc. The new New testament does not have the sort of vengeful God like thr old.
SigSauer  4 | 377
7 Nov 2017   #185

You are making a false equivalency that is actually quite infuriating. Yes, you can point to the terrible things written in the bible, but the fact is that Christianity had a reformation 400 years ago, and we've decided to dispense with most of the really ugly parts. Yes, you can still find pockets of ideological resistance if you really try. Just off the top of my head regarding US terror attacks, we've had people from Uzbekistan, Dagestan(Russia), and several Middle Eastern and GCC countries specifically.

Honestly, how many Muslims have you spoken to directly about this? I work side by side with them every single day. They will all tell you that 1. violent jihad is part and parcel of the religion, and 2.Islam is different because Mohammad(pbuh) had to run a state, whereas Jesus did not. So the real point is that they do not just view it as a religion, but they also view it as integral to politics. The disdain for secularism here is extremely strong and palpable.

Yes of course, you need to blame the reactions on 'uneducated scumbags,' like we're to believe that 63 million people in America who voted for Trump are all redneck hillbillys, smoking Newports, bangin their cousins, and doing meth. You can continue to have an uninformed opinion like this, but if you ever want your side to win another friggin election, you might want to actually LISTEN to the people on the other side of the aisle and what they have to say. I am actually a centrist in most aspects of politics, but the things your side says literally push some of my views to the right.

I believe in decriminalizing all drugs, criminal justice reform, the freedom to marry whoever you want, a woman's right to choose, etc. You find it convenient to label people and put them into a box, well you're not going to do that with me. You also are never going to change anyone's opinion 1. by calling them some buzzword label like bigot or racist (and often times it is unwarranted), and 2. speaking down to people whose opinion you disagree with.

Finally, because you're unable to engage in debate and spirited discussion without trying to make things personal, I'll compare CV's and pay stubs with you any day Harry. Maybe you can fix my 10 speed for me.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
7 Nov 2017   #186
until very recently Poles were becoming far more accepting of other creeds and colours.

Yes, Poles continue to be welcoming of Asians, Indians, Ukranians, Belarussians, Italians, etc. However, even in 2015 they were firmly against accepting migrants - hence PO's loss and record low popularity - less than half of PiS

Perhaps if the migrants and Muslims behaved better they'd be more accepted and less vilified. However, Muslims time and time again refuse to speak out against the rapes of European women, they don't condemn the Charlie Hebdo attacks- most Muslims still believe that in Europe people who caricature Muhammed should be killed - that is totally against the European values of free speech which Muslim migrants REFUSE to accept. Same thing with equality for women. They hate these ideals yet naïve liberals keep supporting them and apologizing for all the problems Muslim migrants have caused.

It's the same way with blacks in the us. the reason why normal law abiding blacks get pulled over by cops far more than whites is because so many blacks are involved in drug dealing ang street gangs. It's the same with Muslims in Europe. Europe has seen innumerable terrorist attacks, rapes, crimes, 2 year state of emergency in france, countless riots, economic problems like spending 100k a day to house migrants on a cruise ship, etc. so naturally when Poles, Austrians, Hungarians, Czechs, etc see all that happening in Western Europe they don't want to take the risk of having the same kind of things occurring in their own country.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
7 Nov 2017   #187
Back on topic: Red Pilled Austria:

Nationalists are taking over baby - we're not going to let Eastern Europe be cucked, forced to take down crosses because they offend non-citizen Muslims, have our women raped, have our countrymen massacred by the religion of peace, or any of this other bs.

TIDE TURNING? Slap in face for Juncker as Austria appoints anti-EU Foreign Minister
7 Nov 2017   #188
Just off the top of my head regarding US terror attacks, we've had people from Uzbekistan, Dagestan(Russia), and several Middle Eastern and GCC countries specifically.

Remind me where the people who carried out the attacks at Oklahoma, Las Vegas, Sandy Hook, Sutherland Springs, etc were from. Was it Austria? Was it Poland? Was it a country where the majority of the people are Muslims?

Honestly, how many Muslims have you spoken to directly about this? I work side by side with them every single day.

More than a few, given that I lived in a very Muslim part of the UK for a couple of years and in the Middle East too (although the people in the UK are noticeably more open when it comes to speaking to white people).

Finally, because you're unable to engage in debate and spirited discussion without trying to make things personal, I'll compare CV's

You're unable to engage in debate without throwing out entirely false claims which do nothing to help debate (such as calling people barbarians and lying about what laws say). And of course displaying your ignorance, such as not knowing what the plural of CV is.
SigSauer  4 | 377
7 Nov 2017   #189

The mental gymnastics required to hold positions like yours, obfuscate, conflate, and parse words has to be literally exhausting. The cognitive dissonance is on a level that is almost incomprehensible to me. You literally avoid responding to points that don't reaffirm your narrow world view. I am at least open minded enough to discuss contrary ideas, your tactic is just to browbeat people and condescend. It's a typical tactic from holier than thou left wing Brits living abroad, I'm well familiar with your kind.

See that part there where I admitted I was wrong regarding the asylum laws, that's called personal responsibility, real men admit when they're wrong. Rather than a willful and negligent lie, I regard that was being misinformed, on my part. I think we'll all be waiting a very long time before we'd see you make such a concession.

So that is a no to comparing resume's or pay stubs?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
7 Nov 2017   #190
Remind me where the people who carried out the attacks at Oklahoma, Las Vegas, Sandy Hook, Sutherland Springs, etc were from.

All the massacres by white people in the US and Europe combined over the past 30 years doesn't even compare to the fatalities caused by 9/11 alone - not to mention all the other Islamic terror attacks in France, UK, Spain, Belgium, Germany, USA, etc.

Most Muslims, with the exception of the few who wish to work, assimilate, and follow the laws and customs of their host nations (the Turks and Kurds for example don't seem to have much of an issue assimilating), are INCOMPATIBLE with Western civilization and liberal ideologies.

You fail to realize that Islam, even in a so called 'moderate' form, is an aggressive religious/political ideology developed over 1k years ago that seeks to implement Sharia law and Islam in every country of the world by FORCE and greatly decrease the rights of women, religions other than Islam, gays, etc. Those who resist converting to Islam are to be killed or extorted (jizya tax). You fail to understand that Muslims HATE the liberal western secularism of Western Europe and are using your own PC far left liberalism against the citizens of the country. The West preaches tolerance and the Muslims have taken advantage of that by spewing a hateful, supremacist political and religious ideology.
cms  9 | 1253
7 Nov 2017   #191
My guess is that US gun deaths far outnumber deaths from terrorism since say 1989 when the Cold War ended. It is consistly over 10.000 people per year, including babies, grandmothers and literally thousands of other innocent victims.

What is it with you guys and the schlong waving about pay stubs and cars and how educated you are ? I am always reading that of the apparent reasons for the attractiveness of the far right is that US males feel insecure and this kind of playground talk would back that up. I think the last time I compared pay stubs with someone was after a particularly hard week at Waffle House.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
7 Nov 2017   #192
My guess is that US gun deaths far outnumber deaths from terrorism since say 1989 when the Cold War ended. It is consistly over 10.000 people per year, including babies, grandmothers and literally thousands of other innocent victims.

It's actually mostly young black men that are both victim and perp and that's a fact. Recently a Chicago magazine (I forgot if it was the trib or sun times) compiled a sort of collage of all the deaths since 2001 - which was more than the amount of Americans that died in both Afghanistan and Iraq combined. If you look at the photos of the victims, its well over 90% young black and Hispanic men. It's the same scenario in every major city with the exception that in some cities the rate of Hispanic homicide victims/perps is a larger proportion.

US males feel insecure

I can't speak for all conservative US males but as a former democrat and centrist, the ridiculous multi-kulti far left PC agenda that resembles the same sort of socialism my family escaped from is what has pushed myself and many men like me to the right. Not insecurity. In the 90's and early 2000's people preached tolerance and respect - now that's no longer enough. Now you're forced to not only tolerate but also like things that are contrary to your own values, morals, religion, etc... and if you don't wildly clap and applaud hordes of migrants cutting into razor wire to illegally enter European countries or trannies who use locker rooms and bathrooms based on 'what they identify with' because their ego and sense of entitlement is more important than the uneasiness and discomfort of everyone else around them... well you're considered a racist/homophobe/etc...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
7 Nov 2017   #193
US gun deaths far outnumber deaths from terrorism since say 1989 when the Cold War ended

Well, since 2001 there have been over 30,000 terror attacks (amount of attacks, not fatalities) around the world. How many attacks have Buddhists/Christians/Hindus/Jews combined committed? Couple dozen? Maybe a couple hundred? Certainly not tens of thousands though... To this day, not a week goes by that Islamic fundamentalists do not attempt to kill Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists explicitly in the name of Allah.

This is the same Taliban that is gradually being recognized as a legitimate government...
Allah Akbar!
SigSauer  4 | 377
7 Nov 2017   #194

I was addressing a specific claim and attack. I'd much rather discuss the issues on their merits, than deal with sophomoric personal attacks.

With regard to the number of deaths from gun violence. You realize that a portion of those are 1. Justifiable homicide, and 2. suicide. So when we discuss that number, we should subtract those before we begin the discussion.
cms  9 | 1253
7 Nov 2017   #195
You can subtract them and you can subtract Latinos and you can subtract young black men if you think their lives are worth less. The number of white native born American gun related murders is higher than all the deaths in the West from terrorism.

In fact I reckon you could pick a very white peaceful state like Minnesota or Maine and the same would be true.
SigSauer  4 | 377
7 Nov 2017   #196

Why would I subtract those? I don't ascribe more or less value to lives based on skin color (no identity politics here sir). However, I'd say that in the cases of justifiable homicide, then yes, those people made decisions which caused the justified use of deadly force against them, and you'll get 0 sympathy from me for them. In the case of suicide, while tragic, that is a decision that someone with a mental illness made, a regrettable one.
mafketis  38 | 11178
7 Nov 2017   #197
The number of white native born American gun related murders is higher than all the deaths in the West from terrorism.

Huh? Most white native born gun deaths in the US are suicides (technically illegal so categorized as 'gun crime'). Haven't you ever heard of the Smith & Wesson Retirement Plan?
7 Nov 2017   #198
your tactic is just to browbeat people and condescend. It's a typical tactic from holier than thou left wing Brits living abroad, I'm well familiar with your kind.

I do love the way you try to claim your opponent does something and then in the next sentence try to do the exact same thing. Of course you fail, because you're foolish enough to believe every word jimmy tells you about me.

You realize that a portion of those are 1. Justifiable homicide, and 2. suicide. So when we discuss that number, we should subtract those before we begin the discussion.

Unlike you cms is not ignorant enough to believe that the plural of resume is resume's, so he's well aware of that. And unlike you, I actually know what those numbers are. According to data from the Violence Policy Center released in 2015 ( for every single justified homocide committed by a citizen in the USA there were 32 criminal gun homicides, 78 gun suicides and two accidental gun deaths.

you can subtract Latinos and you can subtract young black men if you think their lives are worth less.

Of course he does: to him they are just seventh century barbarians.
SigSauer  4 | 377
7 Nov 2017   #199

This is boring bud. Your editorializing is tired and lame. First, I'm hispanic, so lets get that out of the way. Second, I've never spoken about blacks or latinos in that way, because it would be untrue. Savages and barbarians come from countries in North Africa and the M.E., those that are born and raised there, and who hold very specific views on women, homosexuals, and human rights. I use these terms mostly because it infuriates PC liberals like yourself, but also because there is a heavy element of truth to it, despite your denials.

The grammar stuff on the internet, have you not learned how utterly lame that is? So is that a no, once again to comparing our education and work history?
SigSauer  4 | 377
7 Nov 2017   #200
@johnny reb

Not sure that I find consensual sodomy to be that appealing, quite honestly.

The FBI also estimates firearms are used 1.5 million times a year to save lives or end forcible felonies, the vast majority of times the brandishing/presence of the weapon ending the attack without it needing to be fired. But, I mean, screw those 1.5 million instances per year and those people, they should all die and have the police arrive 20 minutes later to clean up the mess.
7 Nov 2017   #201
Savages and barbarians come from countries in North Africa and the M.E., those that are born and raised there, and who hold very specific views on women, homosexuals, and human rights.

And, of course, the south of your own fine country (and the north too of course); I can't remember the last time I saw for myself anybody from Africa or the ME proudly displaying the flag of slavery. There's not exactly a shortage of such creatures in Poland either, but at least EU membership has meant lots of them have left Poland, perhaps some of them are even responsible for Austria's swing against immigrants.

So is that a no, once again to comparing our education and work history?

I've posted plenty about my education and work history over the years, feel free to have a read. You might even find something to talk about instead of addressing the fact that yet again you just got owned by somebody who knows how rarely guns in the USA are used in a justified homicide.
SigSauer  4 | 377
7 Nov 2017   #202

Yea, your definition of getting owned, in your own mind, I suppose. 1.5 million uses of firearms to stop forcible felonies each year resonates plenty well with me.
mafketis  38 | 11178
7 Nov 2017   #203
proudly displaying the flag of slavery

An exaggeration, the 'confederate flag' was not used by the confederacy (it was a component of a couple of flags but the flag as it exists now was not a thing until the 20th century).

At most it's a flag of segregation, bad enough, but accuracy matters.
Ironside  50 | 12959
7 Nov 2017   #204
proudly displaying the flag of slavery.

Nah I don't even try to guess whatever do you mean by that cryptic statement. Probably some uneducated nonsense as per usual.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
8 Nov 2017   #205
Well of course blacks and arabs aren't going to fly the confederate flag.... Muslims instead fly the black standard - a flag that has the shahada/takbir (Allah Akbar as in modern Iraq) written on it was used during Muhammed and the following caliphates brutal conquest of 'kuffars' where they raped, pillaged, and murdered anyone who refused to submit to Islam - much like they're doing now in Europe. The same flag was used by ISIS as well as modern Arab states which have incorporated parts of the black standard onto their national flag - Saudi Arabia, iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Malaysia, Mauritania, etc. that's why so many Arab countries have combinations of black/green/red/white on their flag and will display Islamic symbols on their national flag whether it's the shahada, takbir, a crescent, etc.

I'd rather see these symbols on toilet paper or a floor mat, but that's just me...

As far as blacks/Africans, they have a variety of flags... some denote nationalism, some have communist emblems, some historic African emblems, some religious, just depends on the country... Mozambique even has an AK-47 on its flag and a very commie era looking coat of arms...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
8 Nov 2017   #206
USA are used in a justified homicide.

Im not aware of the overall US statistics with justifiable homicide. What I do know is that in my city which happens to be the murder capital of the US, only about 12% of murders, are 'cleared' meaning the suspect is arrested, the shooting was justified as self defense, the shooting was a suicide, or it was a cop shooting a perp. The remaining 88% are not 'cleared' meaning no suspect is arrested.

In 2017, out of over 500 homicides the numbers break down as follows:

Legal Outcome
No Suspect Charged 506
Suspect Charged 71
Police-Involved 10
Self-Defense 10
Murder-Suicide 4

Most of these murders 500 are committed by gangs with guns that were purchased illegally. The remaining self-defense, police involved, etc are mainly murders committed by legal gun owners. Almost all of these 500 murders were committed in majority black areas like the west side and south side with a mixed Hispanic/black/white neighborhood coming in 5th most deadly. A black neighborhood can easily have 300+ shootings, 25-75 murders a year while on the white north side it's a shock when there's just 1 murder.

Out of all murders in Chicago, 78% are by blacks, 17% by Hispanics, and the remainder are police/white/unknown.

Like the famous web celebrity Tj Sotomayor (who is a black Panamanian says): Don't ban guns, ban n1ggers...
OP Lyzko  44 | 9720
9 Nov 2017   #207
So far as I can tell, Austria has nearly zero issues with gun-related deaths, as it's illegal to own, operate, or purloin such a weapon without a certified license.

Unlike in Texas, Austrians tend to follow rules, not assume they are meant to be broken:-)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Nov 2017   #208
Unlike Republican Texas were men are men, Democratic New Jersey tends to have man buns with safe rooms.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9720
9 Nov 2017   #209
At least Phil Murphy (bless his little ol' heart) unlike Greg Abbott, believes that health care for EVERY American citizen, not merely the Goldman, Sachs crowd, is a bloody RIGHT rather than merely a privilege granted to the self-annointed few:-)

Furthermore, in comparison with the fella he replaced in the running, namely, Steve Sweeney, Murphy learned German when opening up relations with Goldman, Sachs Berlin almost twenty-odd years ago. He also insisted that his team learn German, albeit for convenience. English was the language they ended up using in negotiations.

He seems far-sighted and compassionate, qualities so sorely lacking in the bummy, proletarian bigot Christie!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Nov 2017   #210
It should read:
Unlike Republican Texas were men are men, Democratic New Jersey tends to BE man buns with safe rooms.
Lyzko Austria is only half the size of Florida with only one town over a million with the next ones of only 200,000.
No big city gangs like the U.S. where guns are legal to own by law abiding citizens.

or purloin such a weapon without a certified license.

Could you tell us where you get a certified license to PURLOIN a weapon ???? lol

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