You folks and your Orange Fuehrer are blaming the Dems for the terror attack in NYC
So now you are talking Snowflake talk.
Where did that REDIRECT come from son, stick to the issue and quit trying to spin this into a terror attack on NYC.
We are not talking the 911 attack.
"The Senate version, which contained the "diversity immigrants" provision, passed in an overwhelming 89-8 vote and was signed into law by President George Bush at the end of 1990."
And I responded well before 911 happened.
When 911 happened it all changed to a new set of rules or weren't you paying attention.
How can you turn that into something I never said ?
Your head is troubled son.
even though a majority of the GOP plus president Bush signed off on the immigrants provision.
Yes, a provision that had nothing to do with banning Islam Nations from immigration because of 911 or did you miss that point too.
I agreed with you that the Republicans worked with the Democratic Senate to pass that provision and even replied "isn't it to bad that the hateful Democratic Party refuses to work with the now Republican senate so we can move forward."
But you refuse to acknowledge that don't you.