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Austria's swing to the far right on Poland?

johnny reb  49 | 7984
1 Nov 2017   #121
Oh, they will see the light sooner or later. A few more hurricanes, a few more major floodings, a few more wildfires ...

LOL, oh we have already seen the light as it is written in scripture and prophesied that all those things would happen in the end times.

It is YOU who will see the light sooner or later, trust me.
Every knee shall bow including yours.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
1 Nov 2017   #122
@johnny reb

Red pill, seeing the light... same same

I don't understand how some people could still support migration from me and Africa into Europe despite all the evidence on how it's ruining the continent. I mean even mutti Merkel went from calling these people 'cultural enrichment' to now a 'burden' that others are obliged to share.

And that's just one of many topics like multiculturalism that have mounds of evidence to show they're harmful to society yet the left keeps supporting them.... which makes me believe a good chunk of thr smarter ones know this but support such policies because of their hatred of traditional Christian European man.
TheOther  6 | 3596
1 Nov 2017   #123
That 50%+ includes democrats and leftists as well...

(Blind) faith crosses party lines...

Those wars are basically used to justify the bloated defense budget...

Fully agree.

It has little to do with culling the herd, at least not the present wars the us participates in.

Just wait until trump decides to push the button. His fingers are really itching, that's for sure.
johnny reb  49 | 7984
1 Nov 2017   #124
I agree, Trump should let N. Korea attack the (Left) west coast with a couple of six nukes before he responds. lol
For the love of Mary can we get back on topic here.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9693
1 Nov 2017   #125
What happened in Lower Manhattan yesterday afternoon is being blamed by "Blondie" in the White House on the Dems, especially the oft unjustifiedly beleaguered Sen. Schumer.

The man does think on his feet, when he reminded our Tweeter-in-Chief that it was HE, namely the Man With The Red Tie, who summarily cut funding for terrorist security, not the Dems!!
johnny reb  49 | 7984
1 Nov 2017   #126
For the love of Mary can we get back on topic here.

Evidently not.

namely the Man With The Red Tie, who summarily cut funding for terrorist security,

If the Dems would have listened to the man in the Red tie to not allow the terrorists into our country in the first place like Poland does we wouldn't need funding for terrorist security.

Put the horse in front of the buggy Lyzko.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
1 Nov 2017   #127
beleaguered Sen. Schumer.

A rabid Zionist yet gun control and pro uncontrolled borders advocate (except for when it comes to the Palestine-Israel issue) with dual Israeli-American citizenship (makes you wonder where his interests lie first) who also flip flopped on his position of gay marriage/DOMA

Back on topic:

Victor Obran PWNS Merkel - she's not clapping at the end of this one!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
1 Nov 2017   #128
on the Dems

A guy with a foot long beard who espouses radical views and goes to mosques known to be radical should be investigated and surveilanced. But noooo that violates his privacy and human rights. Boo hoo. The relatives and friends of these people know damn well who is radical and who talks about jihad and kuffars and all this other stuff yet they rarely ever report suspicious behavior and suspicious statements to the police. And even when the police do find out, oftentimes there limited on what they can do. Same as with the case in the UK - dozens of Pakistani men were abusingand grooming hundreds of girls, many underage for years - yet the social services admitted that they didn't want to bust them because of fear of being called xenophobic as most the suspects were pakis or at least muslim.

Normal Muslims don't have foot long beards and go to extremist mosques... There are many Muslims in Chicago and most of them look and act like normal everyday people. The ones who wear traditional garb, have huge beards, are often unemployed, go to these radical mosques and write messages praising wahabism/salafism online, and force their wives to wear burkas and have like 10 kids are the ones that we need to be careful of.

The left could stop the human trafficking in Europe in almost 1 day - or at least severely cut it down. There are facebook groups with hundreds of posts and numerous traffickers OPENLY advertising their services. Migrants exchange tips, travel routes, offer each other housing, how to lie on paperwork to get asylum and/or benefits, etc. They are all breaking the law. The German government will ban facebook posts and fine people who make negative comments about the refugee crisis yet it does NOTHING about the people openly engaging in human trafficking on the same platform with Germany oftentimes being the destination.
johnny reb  49 | 7984
1 Nov 2017   #129
Well damn it the Dems (Lyzko) fight Trump 145 on everything he is doing.
Trump wants to stop immigration from Muslim Countries where these terrorists are coming from and the Dems (Lyzko) have a fit and call Teflon Trump xenophobic and stop him from doing it with court orders.

Now the deadly results of the Dems (Lyzko) stupidity shows up they blame that on Trump too.
The Dems (Lyzko) want it both ways and guess what, it doesn't work that way, you are either with us or against us and Lyzko is against us.

Trump said on Twitter that the driver in Tuesday's attack "came into our country through what is called the 'Diversity Visa Lottery Program,' a Chuck Schumer beauty" - a reference to the Senate's Democratic leader.

President Trumps first and foremost job is to protect American citizens and he is being blocked from doing it.
The blood here is directly on the Dems (Lyzko's) hands.
Needless to say the PiS Party in Poland have the guts to stand up to the Lefties (Merkel) and tell them NO, my children's safety is more important then your Political Correctness.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
1 Nov 2017   #130
Needless to say the PiS Party in Poland have the guts to stand up to the Lefties (Merkel) and tell them NO, my children's safety is more important then your Political Correctness.

Not just Poland but also increasingly Hungary, Austria, Denmark, the Baltics, Czechy, Slovakia, Italy (especially Northern Italy), Romania, Slovenia, Serbia, - basically almost every country east of Germany. Even Putin says 'Russia is first and foremost for Russians' and few politicians in the West have the balls to say that.

Chuck Schumer

The Zionists have been huge promoters of open borders and 3rd world immigration ever since the Jacob Javitz sponsored 1965 Open Immigration Act
Tacitus  2 | 1295
1 Nov 2017   #131
That just goes to show you how some people think.

An American kills almost 60 people but the guy in the Oval Office claims that this is not the time to discuss gun control.

A muslim kills 8 people and the same person says it is time for political action.
TheOther  6 | 3596
1 Nov 2017   #132

Try the truth for once:

The blood here is directly on the Dems hands.

"The legislation passed in a bipartisan vote of 231-192 in the House. The Senate version, which contained the "diversity immigrants" provision, passed in an overwhelming 89-8 vote and was signed into law by President George H.W. Bush at the end of 1990."
johnny reb  49 | 7984
1 Nov 2017   #133
Do you ever agree with ANYONE on this forum ? lol
Nearly a year into his presidency, all Donald Trump has to show for his campaign pledges to get tough on immigration are:
three executive orders that have been overturned by judges and funding proposals for a border wall that have been turned down repeatedly by the Left.

Let's talk about these executive orders to deny immigration that have been blocked by the Liberal Courts.
That's what I am talking about, denying entry into the U.S.A. from Muslim Countries that produce terrorists.
The gate was wide open by Obama before Trump finally slammed it shut yet the horse was already out of the gate.

at the end of 1990.

At the end of 1990 the Dems controlled the Senate I do believe.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
1 Nov 2017   #134
An American kills almost 60 people but the guy in the Oval Office claims that this is not the time to discuss gun control

Thats because gun control does nothing to limit murders in the US. Any large to medium city in the us has a plethora of guns in the hoods regardless of what the laws are. Same with even countries like Mexico that have way stricter gun laws... for legally owned guns...
TheOther  6 | 3596
1 Nov 2017   #135
Do you ever agree with ANYONE on this forum ?

Why would anyone agree with political and religious fringe elements that are destined to go the way of the dodo? Right wingers, left wingers, Muslim or Christian fundamentalists - doesn't matter. What you see in the US and Europe right now is a temporary phenomenon. The rude awakening will come soon enough.

At the end of 1990 the Dems controlled the Senate I do believe.

Just looked it up. 55 Dems, 45 Reps. The final vote was 89:8 in favor, so a majority of Republicans must have supported the legislation and the Republican president signed it.
Tacitus  2 | 1295
1 Nov 2017   #136
@Dirk diggler
Things would not immediately change since there are already so many guns circulating in the USA, bit give it 10 years and we would see results. Mexico is not the standard you would want to meaure the USA, it is enough to measure them with any European country.

One of the main mistakes of the USA has been its' overreacting in the face of islamic terrorism. 9/11 was horrible, yet the war on terror has killed more Americans (and far more people from the invaded country), not to mention the financial and political costs with no tangible benefit. Meanwhile factors that could be changed like drug abuse and gun violence has claimed approx. 100k lifes. Does that really look like a reasonable calculation?
idem  - | 131
1 Nov 2017   #137

How this analogy works with Europe?

Not so many guns in circulation in Europe but still few nasty terrorist attacks.....

We have polish saying 'odwracanie kota ogonem' which matches very well your analogy.
Tacitus  2 | 1295
1 Nov 2017   #138
Not so many guns in circulation in Europe but still few nasty terrorist attacks.....

Relatively few yes, and even fewer with guns.

'odwracanie kota ogonem'

Not sure how this relates to my statement. There is nothing to twist here, the facts are very clear. Gun violence is infinitely worse in the USA than it is in Europe, in any way you can measure it.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
1 Nov 2017   #139
Gun violence is infinitely worse in the USA than it is in Europe, in any way you can measure it.

Gun violence is also crazy high in Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, Brazil as well as places like Illinois, California, Puerto Rico, etc where there is strict gun control.

Switerland and Czechy have lax gun laws as well as several Scandinavian countries and have very low homicide rates.

Gun control makes little difference - its depends on the society whether there's a lot of crime, extremism, drugs, gangs, crazy people, etc.

Don't forget in France a couple terrorists killed over 100 people with auto AK's and even in places like Belgium SEZs in France Bulgaria Netherlands Ukraine Serbia Czechy its easy to buy guns including old soviet ak's
Tacitus  2 | 1295
1 Nov 2017   #140
Gun violence is also crazy high in Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, Brazil as well as places like Illinois, California, Puerto Rico, etc where there is strict gun control.

So you compare the USA with countries that suffer extremely from organized crime? Is this the new benchmark for the USA?

Illinois, California, Puerto Rico, etc where there is strict gun control.

"Strict" perhaps by American standards, but are they comparable to European standards?

Don't forget in France a couple terrorists killed over 100 people with auto AK's

This issue is actually adressed in the article I provided.

Of course you'll always have people who have connections and get their guns, but you can make it more difficult for the "average" criminal or "lone-wolf" terrorist to get his hands on them. This is significant because those are the ones who are most difficult to detect before they commit a crime.

Not to mention that this might have a beneficial impact on the police force:
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
1 Nov 2017   #141
USA with countries that suffer extremely from organized crime

USA also suffers from extreme 'organized' crime - mainly in the form of street gangs - much of whom are latino and/or black which are the main ones driving up the murder rate - regardless of the state and their gun laws... same as in Honduras mexico etc where gun laws are strict but illegal guns plentiful... same thing with the Philippines where many illegal guns are made in jungles and then shipped to markets

but are they comparable to European standards?

Depends which European country. Guns are easily accessible in many Slavic/Balkan countries and there is lax control in places like czechy, switerland, and high rates of gun ownership yet far less crime. Even despite the presence of organized crime in places like Ukraine, Serbia, Bulgaria, etc. and a lot of guns there aren't all that many shootings.

but you can make it more difficult for the "average" criminal or "lone-wolf" terrorist to get his hands on them.

The four extremists (pretty low rank, extremist migrants) were able to get their hands on an AK... its very to easy to do in the SEZ's in the migrant SEZ type hoods... The average criminal or lone wolf can print a 3d AR-15 that will disintegrate after some 100 rounds... not to mention buy a gun illegally whether from their local hood or through a deep web tor site which is very easy to do as weapons are the 2nd largest black market after drugs... or convert one from a legal no license required bobby pistol .. even a low level weed dealer keeps a 22 or 9 by the bed..
johnny reb  49 | 7984
1 Nov 2017   #142
was signed into law by President George H.W. Bush at the end of 1990."

Which was well before 911 which makes your argument just that, another frivolous argument.
You just want to argue to argue.
I must say that you are turd of a different color.

Just looked it up. 55 Dems, 45 Reps.

WoW can you believe it, the Republicans working with the Dems !
To bad the Dems can't reciprocate but hell no, we have to get Trump out of office before he removes us from office. (Drains the swamp from the deep dark government of America,) You know it and I know it.

Why would anyone agree with political and religious fringe elements that are destined to go the way of the dodo?

Because it is the right thing to do ?
In case you haven't heard, "the meek shall inherit !"
Now get back on topic before the Mods start handing out warnings....YA HEAR !
(doubtful.......sigh.....thick as a brick)
Ironside  50 | 12839
1 Nov 2017   #143
A Strick gun control is a clear sign that a country is taking a first step on its way to became a totalitarian state.
TheOther  6 | 3596
2 Nov 2017   #144
@ johnny reb

We are on topic, my friend. You are just a little slow today, that's all.

Which was well before 911 which makes your argument just that, another frivolous argument.

LOL! You folks and your Orange Fuehrer are blaming the Dems for the terror attack in NYC even though a majority of the GOP plus president Bush signed off on the immigrants provision. Just admit it: lies, deflections, distractions, hate - that's all you've got. And the crazy ultra right wing politicians in Europe follow you like lemmings down the same path. If you don't understand that the birthplace of Adolf electing a right wing populist is a really bad development, then I can't help you. If you are fine that the far right is taking over all across Europe and the US, then you will be doomed to repeat history one way or the other. Good luck, you'll need it. Or do you have bone spurs?

Because it is the right thing to do ?

What? Following the world's deplorables into the abyss? No, thank you.
SigSauer  4 | 377
2 Nov 2017   #145

I saw in an earlier page something I must address. Would you all give this "military-industrial complex" nonsense a frigging rest. Where is your tinfoil hat? I work for the "military-industrial complex," we are training an ally countries army to defend itself and its territorial integrity. Everyday that I go to work, no one dies, no one is murdering little babies. Despite what you want to believe, EVERY country on Earth has the RIGHT to a national defense. You happen to be fortunate enough to live in a STABLE country where the idea of open conflicts is a relatively minute possibility. Large swaths of the world are not so lucky, and those who can afford it pay for US military doctrine based training, because it's the best. No one I work with is evil and plotting the next genocide, we all get up and go to work, and do our jobs, and form a bond with our host nation soldiers.

The far-right winning elections in Europe is a direct result (causative) of the lefts immigration policies, open borders, and general disregard bordering on DISDAIN for their own citizens. Europe for the Europeans!
johnny reb  49 | 7984
2 Nov 2017   #146
You folks and your Orange Fuehrer are blaming the Dems for the terror attack in NYC

So now you are talking Snowflake talk.
Where did that REDIRECT come from son, stick to the issue and quit trying to spin this into a terror attack on NYC.
We are not talking the 911 attack.

"The Senate version, which contained the "diversity immigrants" provision, passed in an overwhelming 89-8 vote and was signed into law by President George Bush at the end of 1990."

And I responded well before 911 happened.
When 911 happened it all changed to a new set of rules or weren't you paying attention.
How can you turn that into something I never said ?
Your head is troubled son.

even though a majority of the GOP plus president Bush signed off on the immigrants provision.

Yes, a provision that had nothing to do with banning Islam Nations from immigration because of 911 or did you miss that point too.
I agreed with you that the Republicans worked with the Democratic Senate to pass that provision and even replied "isn't it to bad that the hateful Democratic Party refuses to work with the now Republican senate so we can move forward."

But you refuse to acknowledge that don't you.
johnny reb  49 | 7984
2 Nov 2017   #147
Now lets turn the page and focus on what I said and not what you are implying that I said.

That's what I am talking about, denying entry into the U.S.A. from Muslim Countries that produce terrorists.

Ya trackin' with me or are you just a little slow today ?
Trumps executive orders blocking Muslims from entering America which have NOTHING to do with anything that was signed by G.W. back in 1990 before 911.
Ya trackin' now ?

Just admit it: lies, deflections, distractions, hate - that's all you've got.

Quite the opposite as I just pointed out.
You don't want to debate the immediate topic because you lost the debate so now you want to do a deflect and start debating this:

the birthplace of Adolf electing a right wing populist is a really bad development, then I can't help you.

WTF are you talking about, what has that got to do with Trumps executive orders banning Muslims from migrating to the U.S. ?
I am not the one that needs help, it is YOU who needs help as a multitude of members have already told you.
You just want to turn others agenda's into your agenda to ARGUE your Liberal Socialist propaganda agenda CONSTANTLY !
johnny reb  49 | 7984
2 Nov 2017   #148
We are on topic, my friend.

NO, no we are not on topic, the topic is, Austria's swing to the far right on Poland.
Your posts have all been about American Liberal Socialist propaganda which has nothing to do with the topic or are you just a little slow today.

Something is not right with you.
cms  9 | 1253
2 Nov 2017   #149
Before getting Democrats to work with him, Trump first need to get republicans to agree with him. That's not going to be easy to do, when you have spent the past two years insulting and belittling them. I thought this guy was supposed to be the worlds greatest deal maker?

He was elected, probably fairly, and he has a Republican house and Senate. It is up to him to deliver his agenda and not pass the buck all the time, especially regarding laws that were passed a generation ago.

It is the same with Brexit - now that the idiots that organised it have to deliver on their promises, they are suddenly blaming everyone else for the fact that it is very difficult and everything is still the fault of the EU or Remainers.

If you want to put this back on topic, then I would suggest that recent vote in Austria France, Holland and Germany show that people have now had a wonderful one year live experiment before heir eyes showing what it's like to put idiots in charge. To solve deep problems you need to engage all of society not just 50% and deliberately antagonise the other 50%.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9693
2 Nov 2017   #150
Austria, much as Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Sweden, Germany and the US, clearly knows something's rotten in the state of Denmark, but have convinced themselves outright that Sebastian Kurz is the answer to their prayers and the panacea for the problems.

If only real life were all that simple:-)

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