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Abortion still under control in Poland

GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
13 Nov 2021   #2131

Being saved means being grateful for it and zealous for the glory of Our Lord, not negligent in spreading His word.

And if a woman killed twelve babies that would indicate an obvious lack of faith, so your "logic" fails (as most human made theories in the light of eternal wisdom of God).
pawian  224 | 27236
13 Nov 2021   #2132
And if a woman killed twelve babies that would indicate an obvious lack of faith,

But that is your own interpretation from modern times. Didn`t you provide us biblical quotes where there is nothing about abortion, only about believing which leads to salvation?????
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
13 Nov 2021   #2133
Because that's what you asked for (assurance of salvation).

There are tons of biblical, Christian teaching on abortion, consistent with what I am saying. I have discussed it in detail on many occasions - been there, done that, got the t-shirt. You won't persuade me, I won't persuade you (but the fact that you are uneasy about it indicates traces of conscience within you, so maybe there's still hope :)).

Good night.
pawian  224 | 27236
13 Nov 2021   #2134
Because that's what you asked for

Yes, I did and I realised that a woman who has multiple abortions can still be saved. So, why are you so edgy about the topic?
Novichok  4 | 8748
13 Nov 2021   #2135
When muslims take over the apostate countries,

I am beginning to like Muslims for their attitude about abortions and the flying lessons for gays.
OdrowazP  8 | 40
14 Nov 2021   #2136
@johnny reb
You are correct, a fetus is a human being. I'm just embracing the term "fetus" as another stage of what is considered human, not to dismiss its Humanity.
Novichok  4 | 8748
14 Nov 2021   #2137
I'm just embracing the term "fetus" as another stage

...and always use quote marks to distance yourself from that hideous word the Mengele feminazis need to dehumanize the unborn.
OdrowazP  8 | 40
14 Nov 2021   #2138
No, occasionally I won't need quote marks. If anything, in order to make fetuses more human, we must use the word more to legitimize its usage within the category of human being.
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
14 Nov 2021   #2139
I realised that a woman who has multiple abortions can still be saved.

The woman's actions of repeatedly murdering her own children (breach of God's commandment "thou shalt not kill") are a clear indication of her not having the grace of faith. Of course it's possible for God to eventually lead this woman to repentance and grant her true saving faith. It is also possible for me to play a perfect game of golf. Possible, but not very likely. That's why Christianity is not about clinging to some distant, fringe possibilities but about spreading the Gospel and the knowledge of God's commandments.

I am beginning to like Muslims for their attitude about abortions and the flying lessons for gays.

I, on the other hand, think that treatment of women and LGBT people in some Muslim countries is deplorable and nothing short of barbaric, and it saddens me to see it happening to an ever larger extent in islamic communities the West. However, it needs to be said that the West is bringing this scourge on their own heads by their mass apostasy.
OdrowazP  8 | 40
14 Nov 2021   #2140

It (woman's life being more worthy than that have a fetus) is. Which is why most places allow abortion and will continue to do so.

Challenge: why is the life of the woman more important than that of the fetus?
Novichok  4 | 8748
14 Nov 2021   #2141
I, on the other hand, think that treatment of women and LGBT people in some Muslim countries is deplorable

You changed the subject. I said:

I am beginning to like Muslims for their attitude about abortions

...not women. Two different things.

The Western attitude about mental illness - extolled, admired, and threaded as normal - is the opposite of and worse than what Muslims do to them. Add to it transgender crap done to kids and you have Mengele-grade criminality worse than throwing gays off the roof since gender reassignment is done without kid's consent.
pawian  224 | 27236
14 Nov 2021   #2142
are a clear indication of her not having the grace of faith.

That sounds like Calvinism. :)

Of course it's possible for God Possible, but not very likely.

Again, who told you this? Coz it wasn`t in those quotes you offered.
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
14 Nov 2021   #2143
That sounds like Calvinism. :)

I told you I am of a Reformed confession now. :)

Again, who told you this? Coz it wasn`t in those quotes you offered.

It's all in the Bible, Pawian - you can hardly expect me to quote everything for you. However, if apart from the Bible you would like some valuable commentary, then I reccommend reading: John Calvin, Herman Bavinck, Louis Berkhof, Cornelius van Til, John Frame or R.C. Sproul for a start. Tolle lege! :)
pawian  224 | 27236
14 Nov 2021   #2144
a Reformed confession

Mostly man-made.

you can hardly expect me to quote everything for you.

No need for it. Your quotes as well as your own claims only proved that it is enough to believe to achieve salvation. Only that. That is why, there is no need to strive and lead a good life. In result, a woman can have a dozen abortions and it shouldn`t be of your concern. Take care of yourself while she takes care of herself. Isn`t it logical and faif????
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
14 Nov 2021   #2145
Based on God's revelation and the Holy Scripture. The closest thing there is to genuine biblical Christianity. However, your being a stubborn, willfully obstinate besserwisser that you have always been, Pawian, prevents you from seeing it. Oh, well... I can live with that. :)
pawian  224 | 27236
14 Nov 2021   #2146
stubborn, willfully obstinate besserwisser

Yes, because I want people to realise their mistaken approach - some believe they are saving their souls when they impose various bans on other people who don`t believe. And that is a very harmful belief coz all religious wars and massacres were started for that reason.

So, let believers be believers and do what they believe in - namely, reject abortion and a dozen other matters which they view as unchristian.

On the other hand, let non-believers do what they deem right for themselves. Isn`t it simple?

So, why don`t you leave those poor women alone and let them decide for themselves? If they aren`t your wife or life partner, it is none of your business what they do with and in their lives.
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
14 Nov 2021   #2147
because I want people to realise their mistaken approach


You are very conveniently ignoring the parts of my argument that don't fit your point of view, like the one that it's ridiculous to claim to possess saving faith and at the same time reject and break God's commandments. You also dismiss Reformed theology as being "mostly man-made" (as opposed to which theology, if I may ask?). You do it even though you apparently have no significant knowledge of it. It doesn't surprise me because it's your usual stuff - I don't remember anyone on this forum ever convincing you to change your point of view on anything - you are truly a besserwisser extraordinaire. :)

some believe they are saving their souls when they impose various bans on other people who don`t believe

I never said that. Moreover, I explicitly denied that idea, but still you bring it up again. Same old, same old. :)

And that is a very harmful belief coz all religious wars and massacres were started for that reason.

Such a horrible platitude. I would answer this if you were 16, but I believe you are closer to 60, so.

let non-believers do what they deem right for themselves (...) If they aren`t your wife or life partner, it is none of your business

Well, some things (like murdering children) should definitely be banned and it has nothing to do with people being believers or non-believers or with them being somebody's wives or partners. Any sane society has to have laws against criminal act of murder, especially murder of innocent child by its mother.

Of course, you can stick to your immoral and hypocrytical view of "I believe abortion is evil and I would never do it myself, but I want others to do it freely if they want to", but don't expect sane people, especially Christians, to subscribe to this preposterous approach.
Novichok  4 | 8748
14 Nov 2021   #2148
The surest way to turn any discussion into bs is by injecting religion into it.

The abortion issue is actually very simple. There are three easily recognizable phases in the process of creating a human being. P1. From conception till the first detectable heartbeat. P2. From the first heartbeat till birth. P3. After the birth.

The laws protect all P3s so the fight is between Menegeloids who want to be able to terminate P2s at will and those who still cringe at the idea of plunging scissors into the brain of a P2.

End of the story. No religion or God is needed to understand what's going on. No "fetuses" and no "babies", either.
pawian  224 | 27236
14 Nov 2021   #2149
ever convincing you to change your point of view on anything

Such changes in my opinions take place over years, even decades, not over a few hours during debates in the forum.

I never said that. Moreover, I explicitly denied that idea, but still you bring it up again.

I see and believe you that you don`t want to impose any bans. Who am I to doubt your words....??

And then I read your next paragraph

some things (like murdering children) should definitely be banned

I see and have doubts again. Hey, before you impose your bans, can you introduce some order into your opinions first coz you seem a little confused. :):)
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
14 Nov 2021   #2150
And then I read your next paragraph (...) I see and have doubts again.

That's because you didn't read the paragraphs carefully. I denied the idea that imposing bans on criminal actions is done with the purpose of saving souls. This, however, doesn't mean that no bans should be imposed. There reasons to impose a ban on murdering children are blatantly obvious even if we leave religion out of it.

The problem is that you so desperately want to "win" that you repeat already answered issues over and over again, pretend not to understand the most obvious arguments, and ignore the arguments that don't fit your point of view - that's called intellectual dishonesty, and frankly I don't think I want to play this game anymore. It's boring and ultimately pointless. I'm too old, wise and mature for this. :)
pawian  224 | 27236
14 Nov 2021   #2151
The problem is that you so desperately want to "win"

No, not in this case and thread, the topic is too serious. I am only pressing you to help me establish my attitude which is wavering.

I am a bit disappointed coz you didn`t convince me to your views. Why?

1. you adopted a religion which insists that people are predestined to be doomed or saved already when they are born. I have always considered this idea of Calvinism as ridiculous.

2. You provided us the quotes from the Bible which directly proved that it is enough to believe in Christian God/Jesus to be absolved of all your sins and in result be allowed into Heaven. And then, truly inconsistently, you suggest that removing a fetus is murder which will cost the perpetrator his or her place in Heaven.

3. You meddle into women`s affairs by supporting bans on their choices. In this way you reject minding your own business and you try to control women against their wishes. It is obvious I can`t agree to this as a feminist.

you are truly a besserwisser extraordinaire.

Judging by your propensity for bans, can we say the same about you? :):):)
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
22 Nov 2021   #2152
It has been doctor's fault. That hospital has a poor reputation, doctor responsible is known for his LGBT pro-abortion views.
jon357  72 | 23361
22 Nov 2021   #2153
Reliable sources for that?
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
22 Nov 2021   #2156
I would have to pay for e-edition. I have a paper copy.
Novichok  4 | 8748
22 Nov 2021   #2157
LGBT pro-abortion

LGBT and pro-abortion or LGBT, hence, pro-abortion.
The latter makes as much sense as a corol-blind person demanding color TV in his motel room.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
22 Nov 2021   #2158

He has their flag on his facebook or a twiter account.
Novichok  4 | 8748
22 Nov 2021   #2159
Hey, leftists, can you explain why LGs would give a damn about abortion rights? Never came across a gay man or a lesbian needing one.

So what gives...
jon357  72 | 23361
22 Nov 2021   #2160
Again, no link to prove that.

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