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Abortion still under control in Poland

pawian  224 | 27236
8 Nov 2021   #1951
in 2018 NFZ eventually canceled its contract(s) with the company

Darling, stop this nasty twisting and manipulating. We are talking about the PiS-induced death of a young woman this year, not the prehistory of the hospital.
Novichok  4 | 8748
8 Nov 2021   #1952
Why would rape justify abortion?
jon357  72 | 23361
8 Nov 2021   #1953
the PiS-induced death of a young woman this year,

This is something that won't be easily forgotten. Ani jednej więcej is a serious statement.
Novichok  4 | 8748
8 Nov 2021   #1954
Ani jednej więcej is a serious statement.

No, it's a stupid statement by a woman, a child, or a gay guy. It's stupid because it can be applied to EVERYTHING that involves risk. Like crossing the street.

A drunk gets hit while crossing the street at night...let's dig a tunnel for $1,000,000. Ani jednego więcej!!!! No way!!!! Every life is precious!!!! Even drunks!!!!
jon357  72 | 23361
8 Nov 2021   #1955
it can be applied to EVERYTHING that involves risk.

And in Poland right now, it is applied to this, with support from most of society.
Crow  154 | 9463
9 Nov 2021   #1956
People, my Sarmatian brethren, venerable maidens of Slavdom

So spoke Serbian Tsar Uros IV Dusan Nemanjic The Mighty, at his Code (Zakonik), section: On Poor Woman >

``The poorest spinstress shall be as free as a priest shall.``
Novichok  4 | 8748
9 Nov 2021   #1957
with support from most of society.

Most of the German society supported Hitler.
jon357  72 | 23361
9 Nov 2021   #1958
Did they?

He never got a majority vote.

The overwhelming majority in Poland however support, according to the poll cited in this thread, a return to the previous situation or even more liberal abortion laws.
Novichok  4 | 8748
9 Nov 2021   #1959
The overwhelming majority in Poland however support, according to the poll cited in this thread,

40% of students in the US support abolishing the 1st Amendment because they are morons.

Did the Poles who participated in that poll get the specifics and the consequences of the pro-abortion vote? Was that poll designed by a pro-leftist zealot who asked: Are you a nice progressive person who wants women to have all the reproductive rights they so richly deserve or a mean sob fascist who wants to deny Polish women their equality?

Is that how it was phrased? Give me that job and I will have 99% of Polish mothers vote to kill their teens.
jon357  72 | 23361
9 Nov 2021   #1960
40% of students in the US

Who cares about students thousands of miles away?

Did the Poles who participated in that poll get the specifics and the consequences of the pro-abortion vote?

So you've completely misunderstood, or probably just started mouthing off without reading the thread. There is no 'pro-abortion vote'.

Read the actual posts you're trying to comment on and maybe I'll respond.
Novichok  4 | 8748
9 Nov 2021   #1961
according to the poll cited in this thread,

What the hell is that if not a reference to a vote of some kind. People vote when asked by a pollster. Duh!

Who cares about students thousands of miles away?

An example of how stupidity manifests itself among the educated and presumably intelligent people. Do you know what the word "example" means?
jon357  72 | 23361
9 Nov 2021   #1962
He's still misunderstanding what he's trying to post about, perhaps deliberately, perhaps not. Did he read what the poll he's posting about actually said? It's in this thread
Novichok  4 | 8748
9 Nov 2021   #1963
Did he read what the poll he's posting about actually said?

according to the poll cited in this thread, a return to the previous situation or even more liberal abortion laws.

You did. Good enough for me. It was about abortion - a black and white issue. You are either for it or against it being allowed. Duh!
pawian  224 | 27236
9 Nov 2021   #1964
Why would rape justify abortion?

Because a victim mustn`t be forced to carry the rapist`s seed and then child in her. Imagine that you are raped by a big black guy who sells you a sexually transmitted disease. Would you keep it and see it develop or go to a doctor to cure it?? Tell us, darling.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
9 Nov 2021   #1965
the doctors perfectly knew about it

If the doctors performed abortion when the foetus was still alive, they feared they would have been accused of breaking the law. This is how it works and not how PiS and Konfederacja and that liar and manipulator Gumishu say.

The mother died and PiS and Gumishu have her blood on their hands.
Alien  25 | 6353
9 Nov 2021   #1966
You're right, the doctor must be free to choose.
Roibeard79  3 | 39
9 Nov 2021   #1967
Imagine that you are raped by a big black guy who sells you a sexually transmitted disease.

Alien  25 | 6353
9 Nov 2021   #1968
Sorry for the baboon, he is usually more careful in his wording.
gumishu  15 | 6227
9 Nov 2021   #1969
The mother died and PiS and Gumishu have her blood on their hands.

heh you are funny :)

by the same logic you are guilty of the death of Marek Rosiak (killed by Ryszard Cyba who wanted to kill Kaczyński) if you support PO/PSL (even as a lesser evil)

also I'm not in favour of the latest Constitutional Tribunal verdict on abortion
jon357  72 | 23361
9 Nov 2021   #1970
If the doctors performed abortion when the foetus was still alive, they feared they would have been accused of breaking the law.

This sums it up perfectly.

who wanted to kill

There are always crazies (like Matuszewski) however they are irrelevant to the issue of abortion).
Novichok  4 | 8748
9 Nov 2021   #1971
Sorry for the baboon, he is usually more careful in his wording.

The PF man-child-clown is not worth wasting time on.

From that idiotic response, it is only logical to conclude that rape by a healthy white guy would not justify abortion.

Since women lie about being "raped", how do we know it was rape not a drunken one-time fu*ck with regrets the morning after?
If I got a dollar after a woman claimed that was repeatedly raped by her boyfriend in the last year alone, I could buy a large-screen TV.
Alien  25 | 6353
9 Nov 2021   #1972
Yes Novi, probably such large TV' s you could than afford have not yet been build, which, however, does not change the fact that woman are raped much more offen than men.
Novichok  4 | 8748
9 Nov 2021   #1973
Back to the core question...

How do we know that a woman is not lying when she claims rape and wants an abortion - the rape that she did not report within hours.
pawian  224 | 27236
9 Nov 2021   #1974
Sorry for the baboon, he is usually more careful in his wording.

Are you crazy? I was very careful with the words I directed to Novi, not careless. I meant what I wrote exactly, word by word.

is not worth wasting time on.

Ha! This is the situation I talked about in another thread when you feel crushed and don`t know what to say. No, darling, I won`t let go away with it. Answer my question before you claim that a raped woman shouldn`t have an abortion. Will you keep this sexually transmitted disease from a black guy who rapes you one day or will you cure it???
Novichok  4 | 8748
9 Nov 2021   #1975
How do we know that a woman is not lying when she claims rape...

Yeah, how do we? Because every woman must be believed? Hahahahahahahahaha....hahahahaha...
pawian  224 | 27236
9 Nov 2021   #1976
Ha! Novi, I see you keep deflecting and shunning an answer to my innocent question. OK. Does it mean you have learnt your lesson and will be aware from now on that when you give us your stupidities about women, I will ALWAYS reverse them and direct against you? You should know, darling, that women here and in other threads are under my special protection. Thou shall not pass! Simple.

Yeah, how do we?

Stop talking to yourself, btw. It is a clear sign of a mental disorder.
Novichok  4 | 8748
9 Nov 2021   #1977
How does the doctor know that a woman is not lying when she claims rape and wants an abortion[/quote]
pawian  224 | 27236
9 Nov 2021   #1978
How does the doctor know

It is not his business to decide such things - he must do the job that a woman expects him to do. Simple. Women must be believed. When you once provided info about yourself to prove your origin etc, some guys still didn`t believe you. How did you feel? You were really pissed off. You learnt first hand how it is when people don`t believe you.
pawian  224 | 27236
9 Nov 2021   #1979
Because every woman must be believed?

I find it tragic in you that you don`t know the basic rule for deciding about people`s truthfulness - it is better to release 99 true offenders than to convict one innocent person. I learnt it in 1970s when young. Where were you then and what were you learning that you don`t know it today? Ha???

by the same logic you are guilty of the death of Marek Rosiak

No, Ziem isn`t coz he never advocated such acts or supported their perpetrators. While you do support sacrificing women`s life all the time.
Novichok  4 | 8748
9 Nov 2021   #1980
If every woman who claims rape is believed and abortion is allowed after rape, then abortions are available to all without any restrictions.
Now, children, I will tell you a nice story about the city of Troy and a wooden horse. After that, one about the FBI in America that keeps count of which crime is reported falsely most often. Does anyone here know the answer? Yes, my dear, you are correct - it's rape because women lie as easily as you can pee to justify their promiscuity, boozing, and crimes against men.

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