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Abortion still under control in Poland

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
14 May 2019   #1501
Rapes aside, do you think that the Catholic Church should be welcoming Planned Parenthood baby killers and their pro-abortion political protectors?
Lyzko  44 | 9745
14 May 2019   #1502
Betcha zloties to paczki you were a Phyllis Schaffy supporter way back when. Ya sure talk like one with such psychologically inflammatory
rhetoric about "baby killers", indicating you obviously were never a woman:-)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
16 May 2019   #1503
I learned it from the masters of bs talk, the abortion freaks. To them, sticking a sharp object into a 28-week unborn baby is "reproductive rights".

Poland has one of the strictest abortion rules. The US - the most relaxed. Show me one statistical difference - skip the sob stories - where Poland is worse off for it
Lyzko  44 | 9745
16 May 2019   #1504
Poland may well be better off than the US, as she takes a more proactive role in assuring a single law for the whole country!

Incidents of rape in Poland are undoubtedly lower than in the US:-)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
16 May 2019   #1505
Is this supposed to be in response to my last sentence above or just two stand-alone comments?
Lyzko  44 | 9745
16 May 2019   #1506
One related statement meant to illustrate that for everything in life, there is cause and effect!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
16 May 2019   #1507
So, more restrictions on abortions, fewer rapes?
amiga500  5 | 1505
23 Oct 2020   #1508

Polish Court goes Catholic Jihad on Abortions

Banning severe foetal abnormalities as a reason for an abortion , what the actual ****? The middle class polish women will just continue going to go to czech for abortions and the poor women will have backyard abortions or drown the baby in the bath after birth. this is total madness. Hint to Polish Women just eat 50 Papaya seeds for a natural miscarriage.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
23 Oct 2020   #1509
You seem to be under the impression that murder has no consequences, especially towards those you seem esthetically unpleasing.

I am quite grateful that you are not the prime minister of Poland
jon357  72 | 23361
23 Oct 2020   #1510

This isn't about 'murder'. It's about forcing women to carry foetuses that aren't viable.

It's also about women being able to access terminations in sterile and regulated conditions, instead of getting out the coat hanger.

The scale of the protests show that Polish women want the same access to terminations as any other.

50 Papaya seeds

Pennyroyal tea was what they used to use in the UK. It's still on sale.
mafketis  38 | 11137
23 Oct 2020   #1511
forcing women to carry foetuses that aren't viable.

Yes the kind hearted souls of PiS want fetuses with untreatable fatal conditions to be born so they can suffer horribly for a few minutes or hours (and they want the women who give birth to them to watch it alll)

What a bunch of ghastly ghouls....
Atch  22 | 4299
23 Oct 2020   #1512
For those who are in favour of this ruling, what they don't realize is that it's only a small step from here to banning abortion when there is a fear for the health or life of the mother - and that could be passed in exactly the same way as this ruling has been. It's very easy, when you argue from a fundamentalist Catholic point of view, to say that the mother's life is in God's hands and she will live or die if it's God's will.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
23 Oct 2020   #1513

What do you call killing unarmed prisoners? Tell me how can someone not born yet, protect themselves from death? We are not talking about a single cell that has no possibility on it's own to become a human being here.

You can bend it no matter how, I won't agree with you on this. It's just wrong, if women even considers this I rather spend the rest of my time as a hermit. Hidden away from anything you would call civilization

Love is what I aim for, and this action will never be love.
cms neuf  1 | 1846
23 Oct 2020   #1514
I don't think the consensus view of Polish women is for abortion on demand. I think there are many (like my mother in law ! but even among younger women) who think it should be allowed in these cases but not just because of an unwanted pregnancy.
23 Oct 2020   #1515
Thank God for the long-awaited ruling of the Constitutional Court.

Eugenic abortions in Poland were performed in 24-25th week of pregnancy, when babies were old enough to survive outside mother's womb.

Overwhelming majority of eugenic abortions were conducted with the aim of killing babies suspected with Down syndrome (many of those diagnosis were false, and if the parents' didn't succumb to pressure, prefectly healthy children were born on many occasions); the usual procedure involved giving birth to the "sick" baby by artificial induction of labor, and if the baby didn't die during the labor, it was put away to stop breathing (which could take up to an hour). Unspeakable barbarism.

This will no longer happen in Poland and I am proud of my country, despite the tornado of insults, hate and mouth foam coming our way.

  • smile.jpg
Atch  22 | 4299
23 Oct 2020   #1516
Unspeakable barbarism.

I would say that if such practices were going on (where did you get your infomation?), in the 21st century, then a public enquiry is long overdue and a complete reform of the health service would be indicated.

with the aim of killing babies suspected with Down syndrome

Would this be because successive governments, including the present one, have no interest in funding the necessary supports and services for such children and their parents?
23 Oct 2020   #1517
if such practices were going on (where did you get your infomation?), in the 21st century, then a public enquiry is long overdue

Agreed. There are reports from medical staff who took part in the procedures, and I also hope that it will be thoroughly investigated.

because successive governments, including the present one, have no interest in funding the necessary supports and services for such children and their parents?

As much as I agree that the latest ruling of the Constitutional Court should be followed by serious financial aid to the children and their families, I cannot agree with what you would seem to suggest here -- that lack of money justifies, in a way, killing a child.
cms neuf  1 | 1846
23 Oct 2020   #1518
It's not just a lack of money - raising a disabled child can take over every aspect of your life. Fathers often leave and the mothers often find themselves sandwiched between caring for Babcia and caring for a special needs kid.

But I'm sure the timing of this whole issue is cynical - to get people on to the streets in crowds and without masks. Sets the stage for a whole lot of whataboutery for 1st November and the annual tight t shirt parade on the 11th.
23 Oct 2020   #1519
raising a disabled child can take over every aspect of your life (...) find themselves sandwiched between caring for Babcia and special needs kid

It is all true, but it doesn't justify killing children. There must be greater help for the families now, and there will be a lot of pressure on the government to provide it.

the timing

...the timing is indeed bad, but better late than never. It was going on for far too long.
Ironside  50 | 12916
23 Oct 2020   #1520
what the actual ****?

Yeah, what is wrong with you, eh?

This isn't about 'murder'.

Well, it is about killing of a human being, that should be put it right. Euphemisms you are using are serve as a deceptive crap to numb peoples awareness' of the issue.

want fetuses with untreatable fatal conditions to be born so they can suffer horribly for a few minutes

Well you are one of those that got away and not only you suffer you cause suffering to others forced to listen to your horrendous self-hating crap. Plus, learn something about the issue from the source not from some biased pamphlets./you sound like a misinformed fool.

Polish women want

Speaking for Polish women now? Have they voted you to be their spokesman?

from a fundamentalist Catholic

lol1 You and your Catholicism are just a sham.
jon357  72 | 23361
23 Oct 2020   #1521
Well, it is about killing of a human being,

An unviable foetus that has at best a few days of misery to actually live. Perhaps you get off on their suffering.

Speaking for Polish women now? Have they voted you to be their spokesman?

No they're speaking more than adequately for themselves right now. They don't need me or you or any other male to tell them what to do with their bodies. As the Polish saying goes, moja pizda, moja decyzja...
23 Oct 2020   #1522
An unviable foetus

"Unviable foetus"? As I mentioned before, eugenic abortions were conducted on 6-months-old unborn babies. Such babies can survive outside their mothers' wombs. I have a friend whose daughter, now 11 years old, was born in 24th week of pregnancy.

what to do with their bodies

Children are not their mothers' bodies, they are separate beings.
Atch  22 | 4299
23 Oct 2020   #1523
lack of money justifies, in a way, killing a child.

I wasn't suggesting that, but never mind.

The reports that you mention from medical staff, are the staff and the hospitals named? What is the source of the reports? Have you seen these reports yourself?

The answer to those abuses, if they were occurring on a regular basis, is not banning abortion. It is naming, shaming and punishing those taking part in them and ensuring that abortions are carried out in an ethical, professional and humane manner.

Your example of the little sweetie pie with Downes Syndrome is all very well, but she will grow up in a country that has no means of providing the right kind of supported living for her when she reaches adulthood and when she loses her parents, what becomes of her Torq? How does your conscious feel about her being placed in an institution, possibly a mental hospital or in some cases a care home for the aged? Will you be volunteering to visit her every weekend and take her to your house for Christmas? Maybe you are one of those rare souls, but if so there aren't enough of you.

And where the child is severely disabled and requires residential care, what do you know of such facilities in Poland? What kind of life does the child have there? Are they located close to the family home? What is the parents' involvement in their child's care?

greater help for the families now, and there will be a lot of pressure on the government

And it won't happen.
jon357  72 | 23361
23 Oct 2020   #1524
abortions were conducted on 6-months

Pregnancies are terminated when appropriate. If you think they shouldn't happen, let us know how many severely disabled people you've cared for until the end of their short and difficult lives.

Children are not their mothers' bodies

A foetus isn't a child.

Perhaps you prefer illegal home abortions.
gumishu  15 | 6227
23 Oct 2020   #1525

as far as I know parents of diabled children now receive more support than before the protest (the article is from 2018)
jon357  72 | 23361
23 Oct 2020   #1526
parents of diabled children now receive more support

Yet there's an option for someone not to be the parent of a profoundly disabled kid, or or not to give birth to a malformed mass of flesh without a brain.

Sadly, the monsters in government now expect women to carry such a foetus to term. Hence protests by Poles on a scale never before seen.

And the government will back down on this.
23 Oct 2020   #1527
she will grow up in a country that has no means of providing the right kind of supported living for her

Yes, so let's just kill her.

Funny how some people worry about the children so much that they are willing to kill them (for their own good of course).

Pregnancies are terminated when appropriate. If you think they shouldn't happen, let us know how many severely disabled people you've cared for

This doesn't even merit a serious reply. Pure idiocy.

Ah, well... I can see that pro-murder crowd has a strong representation on this board. Anyway, I've said what I wanted to say and I won't be dragged into endless discussions on the matter (been there, done that, got the t-shirt).
gumishu  15 | 6227
23 Oct 2020   #1528
And the government will back down on this.

it's a Constitutional Tribunal ruling - the government cannot back down on it
jon357  72 | 23361
23 Oct 2020   #1529
has a strong representation on this board.

And it seems that the mainstream pro-choice movement has a stronger representation in Poland than the anti-choice extremists.

the government cannot back down on it

We'll see...
Atch  22 | 4299
23 Oct 2020   #1530
Funny how some people worry about the children so much that they are willing to kill them

And it's funny how those in favour of bringing severely disabled children into the world have nothing to say on the subject of the lives of those children, after they're born. Just as long as you can ensure that they come into the world, you're satisfied, but you lose interest in them after that. We won't be seeing you out on the streets protesting on behalf of the disabled, will we.

I see the abortion issue as a moral one, which has to be left up to the conscience of the individual. It's between them and God. If you think that's not the case and that the state should ban abortion on the basis that it's murder, then surely contraception should be banned too or at least be made available only to married couples on prescription.

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