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Abortion still under control in Poland

jon357  72 | 23413
12 May 2015   #811
Well yes. Although I don't trust Polish statistics about the pill, I suspect the 50,000 hospitalisations figure was genuine, and there are statistics about the number of Polish women who travel to the UK. Also, a lot go to Czech for it.

It's good that the 'morning after pill' is now available, and one unintended side effect of the 'klauzula sumienia' is that in a small town, women know which doctors are likely to be amenable to a request.
12 May 2015   #812
@Jon: the statistics I have referred to were from the EU not Polish but anyway considering the religious impact in Poland, it's obvious that most women are not on the pill ;) - the women using the pill the most are French (64%) but most French are atheist and it's probably the no.1 explaination.

I personally cannot stand the Polish hypocrisy, abortion is illegal but with money, doctors can do it under the table. I bet a lot of Polish women abort in UK when moving there ;). It would be interesting to have UK's statistics ;). Very sad in the 21st century in Europe! Unfortunately very few women are in favor of abortion in Poland, once again impact of religion ;). (There are abortions inside convents but let's keep quiet! ;))

@Jon: ps; considering the very liberal legislation re abortion in UK, why should women in UK take risks to abort themselves???? Maybe immigrants from Third World countries? Well, I'm not going to develop because Levi would take advantage of that to once again vomit his antimuslim propaganda...
jon357  72 | 23413
12 May 2015   #813
They don't much, unless they're teenagers or there's some other reason - the stats are about Poland not the UK.
12 May 2015   #814
@Jon: yes, probably a lot of teenagers, with no one to talk to....
12 May 2015   #815
" Foaming-at-the-mouth feminists "

nobody is doing that are they? why the need to be so dramatic?
Put simply, it is a woman's right to choose, within certain limits.
Roger5  1 | 1432
12 May 2015   #816
If Poles don't use contraception, how is it that most couples have exactly two kids?
12 May 2015   #817
@Roger: before replying, please read messages! I'm talking about the pill only. I believe when using contraceptives, Poles use condoms instead.;)
Roger5  1 | 1432
12 May 2015   #818
Polish women use the pill in large numbers and do not have a problem getting it.
12 May 2015   #819
@Roger: maybe the (few) women you know but if you check the official numbers, especially from the EU, you'll see that in Poland very few women do compared to other countries (lowest: Poland with 8%, highest France with 64% and the other countries are in between).. Contrary to what you say, a lot of doctors refuse to prescribe it and a lot of pharmacies refuse to sell it and saying the opposite shows that you don't know situation in Poland. It is completely normal that doctors and pharmacists who are strong catholics refuse to prescribe/sell it. Nobody can deny it because we all know that. Have you ever tried to be prescribed the pill or to buy it in a rural area? ;). Since I am a woman (;), I know that in Poland it's not as easy as it is in Western Europe in this aspect. I have experience taking the pill in Poland but ave .... you????

Contrary to you, (besides being a woman), I have very close ties with feminist and pro-abortion circles and believe me, situation in Poland is not as lovely as you prefer to believe.

It's really something to read people not knowing anything about the subject but of course they comment ;) and I love when men, who are not concerned, talk about women's things ;) "lol"
Roger5  1 | 1432
12 May 2015   #820
Did I deny anything? Please don't put words into my mouth. I know the situation is not ideal. Google strawman argument and think about your rhetoric.
12 May 2015   #821
@Roger: just one example (among thousands but I don't have time to look): (according to them 2% of Polish women take the pill). I saw other figures saying 8% but it is still low compared to other countries. Most Polish women do not take the pill. I understand that you hang around a few educated young city girls and often they are on the pill but I am not talking about a few women I have around me but of the overall Polish female populations as indicated by statistics. Like said, the link is one at pure random, any other link shall say about the same. I personally don't know any 15-16 year-old girls on the pill in Poland whereas in most Western European countries it is completely "normal". In France, where I lived some 20 years (so I know ;)), teenage girls don't need parental authorization and it's free and I assume in countries like in UK and Scandinavia it's the same... What I'm saying, it's that very few Polish women are on the pill COMPARED to women from Western European countries. Rozumiesz????
12 May 2015   #822
I'm talking about the pill only. I believe when using contraceptives, Poles use condoms instead.;)

I don't know what's your point in here. If Poles use different form of contraception why does it bother you? If you look at it objectively you see that condom doesn't have any health risks while pill does. And if someone is not in a relationship it makes even more sense. So what's your point? All female should go on pill to make you happy?

a lot of doctors refuse to prescribe it and a lot of pharmacies refuse to sell it

A lot? Most of my friends are on the pill and I never heard once of anyone being refused. So considering that I have a lot of friends on pill you'd think that I would hear of at least one such case. I was on the pill and still no problem. And for 7zl for 3 month you can't even argue that it's expensive for poorer families

I personally don't know any 15-16 year-old girls on the pill in Polands

For once you have to notice that the age of sexual initiation is higher in Poland then in France or UK. So naturally not so many teenage girls use it because why should they without having sex? And it seems it works since Poland has lower rate of teenage pregnancies than UK.

As much as I am pro relaxing abortion law I think you twist the reality into a picture that suits you.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
6 Jun 2015   #823
Evil must but called by its name, not via various trendy euphemisms such as abortion rights. No-one has the right to kill another either prenatally or through euthanasia.The average person doesn't really know what the gender ideology is all about, so those in the know have to explain the threat it poses to the integral family and the very fabric of a healthy society. It was a clever ploy to call the measure an anti-domestic-violence convention to pull the wool over people's eyes and then slip in toxic leftist lunacies such as genderism. Incidentally, the convention identifies the normal family, religion and tradition as sources of in-home violence but conveniently neglects to mention that the most domestic violence is encountered in unmarried and same-sex homes. If it doesn't fit the propaganda, just omit it, and no-one will be the wiser! That's what the leftist loonies apparently believe.
6 Jun 2015   #824
Evil must but called by its name, not via various trendy euphemisms such as abortion rights.

hear hear

Classifiying babies as objects to be terminated or traded or who knows what else is not better than what they did to poles and jews when they made them out to be objects to be terminated in the final solution. objectifying human beings is evil. period.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
23 Jun 2015   #825
Merged: German baby-killing drones invading Poland,114871,18189479,Pigulki_poronne_trafia_do_Polski____przy_pomocy_drona_.html#Czolka3Img

Polish pro-family groups are up in arms over the latest anti-Polish plot hatched by German feminists. From he country that legitimized the "right" to kill Jews and other undesirables comes a drone promoting the "right" to prenatally murder Polish infants. The German drones are to supply rabid Polish feminists with abortion pills which are justifiably banned in Poland.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
23 Jun 2015   #826
polonius a woman who seeks an abortion is not a 'rabid feminist'.
Would it be better for her to go the back street butcher?
InPolska  9 | 1796
23 Jun 2015   #827
@Rozu: "black street butcher", that's the idea of abortion for the Church ;).

When a woman wants (because of a lot of reasons) to have an abortion, she shall HAVE an abortion and best to have it in a safe medical environment.
TheOther  6 | 3596
23 Jun 2015   #828
that legitimized the "right" to kill Jews and other undesirables comes a drone promoting the "right" to prenatally murder Polish infants

Some German and Polish (!) feminist groups drop pills on Poland, and the chairman of the Polish Association for the Protection of Human Life has nothing better to do than mentioning the Nazis and the war? What an idiot. Pure propaganda BS.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
23 Jun 2015   #829
seeks an abortion

Lots of people "seek" to kill others. That's why back-street and (in countries legitimising prenatal murder) High Street abortionists as well as Mafia hitmen never lack business.

Funny thing, many people would regard having a hitman rub out an adult as something horrible. But the adult has at least seen different things and enjoyed some of life's amenities.

Have you ever thought that the aborted child has been deprived of playing with a top, toy car, doll or puppy, seeing a butterfly or Christmas tree, having Babcia tell him/her a bedtime story....

Strange that the pro-abortion crowd is so against capital punishment, but often supports euthanasia. JP2 opposed all form of killing: abortion, euthanaisa, the death sentence and war.
jon357  72 | 23413
23 Jun 2015   #830
the aborted child

You mean the cluster of non-sentient cells.

Anyway, a woman will get one if she wants one, so the current legislation merely encourages abortions under poor conditions.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
23 Jun 2015   #831
cluster of non-sentient cells

And that's why the potential newborn must be deprived of childhood joys becuase its mother is a selfish sl*t?
gregy741  5 | 1226
23 Jun 2015   #832
Anyway, a woman will get one if she wants one, so the current legislation merely encourages abortions under poor conditions.

then maybe execute woman for that?why not? its just a cluster of Atomic units
jon357  72 | 23413
23 Jun 2015   #833
Not much of an argument is it, since a person is sentient, with hopes, fears, experiences, a personality and a sense of self, whereas an embryo is not.

Evidently, since you seem to favour backstreet abortions, you presumably don't care much about the poor woman who can't get a proper one.
Levi  11 | 433
23 Jun 2015   #834
"And that's why the potential newborn must be deprived of childhood joys becuase its mother is a selfish sl*t?"

I agree, but i would like to make a correction:

The mother AND THE FATHER are both equally murders in case of abortion.

In many cases the woman is forced to abort because of pressure of the man. Just remember few days ago a turkish guy coming here to ask if he could force his polish girlfriend to abort.
jon357  72 | 23413
23 Jun 2015   #835
In many cases the woman is forced to abort because of pressure of the man

In the overwhelming majority of cases not. That is in part why the movement for safer terminations is led by womens' organisations and not mens'.

Evidently you prefer women to undergo the risks of illegal terminations.
Levi  11 | 433
23 Jun 2015   #836
"In the overwhelming majority of cases not"

You are just guessing. There is no reliable that to say such thing as "overwhelming majority".

At least by the evidence of polish forums, with the Turkish Guy asking if he could force his Polish girl to abort against her will, shows much more evidence about who are the criminals.
jon357  72 | 23413
23 Jun 2015   #837
"In the overwhelming majority of cases not"

Nope - health stats are carefully compiled, especially in a contentious area like this. Google them.

At least by the evidence of polish forums, with the Turkish Guy

That's not a great statistical sample. As I say, women will terminate pregnancies and have done since time immemorial, very often without the knowledge of the person who impregnated them, so very sad that you prefer women to undergo the risks of illegal terminations rather than get it sorted legally.
Polsyr  6 | 758
27 Jun 2015   #838
A relevant news story, of high symbolic value and a slap in the face for the anti-abortion lobby in Poland.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
27 Jun 2015   #839
relevant news story

But not a very fresh one. I posted this item several days ago. Wouldn't it be better to slap the face of all exploitative abortionists getting rich on the plight of young unwed girls?
Polsyr  6 | 758
28 Jun 2015   #840
@Polonius3, would be better than letting young unwed girls give their futures away due to unwanted pregnancies (that happen in the first place due to the lack of sex education) wouldn't it?

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