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Dodgy PRL-holdover judiciary finally reformed

jon357  72 | 23361
30 Jul 2017   #151
He embraced it wholeheartedly. We can see where he got his ideas from.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
31 Jul 2017   #152
studied Marxist-Leninist theor

One of the all-time hands-on Polish experts on the theory and practice of Marxism was Polish Primate, the saintly Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński. He realised one could not adequately combat one of the 20th century's greatest evils without knowing what makes it tick.

he studied Marxist-Leninist theor

So did every other uni student. It was a required course. Too bad your knwoledge of PRL is based on only what you've read and assorted hearsay, especially from self-styled "experts" like HB!
jon357  72 | 23361
31 Jul 2017   #153
So did every other uni student. It was a required course.

No. That was not a 'course', it was his Masters' degree subject.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
31 Jul 2017   #154
his Masters' degree subject

He had to thoroughly understand what made the enemy tick so he could fight them more effectively first in KOR, later at Wałęsa's side (they made his presidency), subseuqnretly in PiS. Also at present they continue their commitment to the de-communisation which should have been dealt with in 1990-1992 in opposition to Platformers who want in the worst way to preserve the undeserved privileges of PRL hold-overs in the judiciary, PO and elsewhere. Even old Balcerman (that's what he called in foreign-correspondents' circles!) has recently crawled out of the woodwork to apparently hopes to cause more damage to the Polish economy. Has he been a sleeper whom Soros has only just now reactivated? Balcerman, in acse you've forgotten, was the one who sold off and destroyed Poland's industrial assets, caused widespread unemployment and turned the economy over to foreign-interest groups.
jon357  72 | 23361
31 Jul 2017   #155
He had to thoroughly understand

Po, he thoroughly embraced it.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
31 Jul 2017   #156
Yes. Even if he wanted to "understand" it, he could have done that without acquiring top grades in the subject.

It was a point of honour among many people in universities studies to get a 3 from the subject, just like in Russian classes in school. I struggle to understand why Jarek would want top grades from the subject.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988
6 Dec 2017   #157
Poland's 'independent judiciary' shown here walking out of a meeting with PO politicians in July.

And some still wonder why PiS want to reform this corrupt mess.
jon357  72 | 23361
6 Dec 2017   #158
this corrupt mess.

It was better before, when it wasn't politicised and the actually could walk out of meetings with politicians.
kondzior  11 | 1026
7 Dec 2017   #159
You see nothing wrong with judges not being controlled by any democratically elected official? Its giving up democracy. What can the average voter do about judges? Nothing. Who elects judges? Other judges. How is that in any way shape or form democratic?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
7 Dec 2017   #160
You see nothing wrong with judges not being controlled by any democratically elected official?

If politicians can't be trusted to interfere with the judiciary, then it's the best of a bad situation.

What is needed is reform of the court system to ensure that cases are heard in turn, while abandoning the idiotic 'protokol' system.
kondzior  11 | 1026
7 Dec 2017   #161
If politicians can't be trusted to interfere with the judiciary, then it's the best of a bad situation.

Dude, what planet are you from?

Judges, prosecutors and lawyers has always been the most hermetic corporation with it's root going deep into communist times.
And right now there's absolutely zero public control over what happens in judiciary branch of the state.

Jan Bury (an obvious crook) was able to be a member of Krajowa Rada Sądownictwa (office meant to control courts) for how many years exactly? And why nothing could have been done against him, even though there was a mountain of evidence collected? Why a judge didn't allow for him to be arrested?

Because it's one big "I scratch your back, you scratch mine" buddy-buddy system of corruption.
pawian  224 | 27236
23 Aug 2019   #162
The recent scandal with troll factory organised by PiS politicians in the Ministry of Justice, together with PiS-nominated and -controlled judges, against independent judiciary, shows that PiS didn`t reform anything. They claimed to strive at replacing old pathology but instead of cleaning the system, they introduced another pathology - this time, their own - servile judges who will do any dirty job for a bowl of rice from PiS.

Fortunately, Poland is anchored in the EU which won`t allow PiS turn Polish judiciary system into their own troll factory. No way!

PiS, get the fek out to the Kremlin where you belong! Wypierdalać na Kreml, skurwysyny, tam wasze miejsce.

Or to Belarus at least. :):)

"The main task of the ministry run by Ziobro and Piebiak appears to be the subjugation of all judges to the current government ... these are Belarusian methods being used in an EU country," Kamila Gasiuk-Pihowicz, an opposition MP from the Modern party, said in reaction to the revelations.
Ironside  50 | 12916
24 Aug 2019   #163
The recent scandal with troll factory organised by PiS politicians

Really? Is not about PO Berejza and his factory of trolls in Inowroclaw.?
pawian  224 | 27236
24 Aug 2019   #164
Isn`t it funny how you repeat black propaganda which PiS media are using to cover PiS troll factory? Accusing local PO politicians of trolling is a blatant lie and one shouldn`t propagate it coz they discredit themselves.
pawian  224 | 27236
25 Aug 2019   #165
sure sure why u r so nervous ,,,protesting too much , busted

:):) Why protesting? Didn`t I write

Isn`t it funny how you repeat black propaganda

Did you think it was some kind of sarcasm which should be understood the other way? No. :):)

I said it was funny how partial you are and rest your opinions on PiS media, without checking independent sources. Do you really depend wholly on PiS media for your information about Poland, Mr Expat? That`s sad.


One more thing occured to me. The recent scandal with their troll factory shows PiS` standards.
Firstly, politicians who are members of the party called Law and Justice happily deal with criminal acts. They vowed to clean the judicial system of bad elements, especially the remnants of Soviet times, but they prefered to silence and finally remove independent judges who disagreed with PiS over unconstitutional reforms.

Secondly, in a democratic country with high standards, after revealing that deputy Justice Minister was involved in criminal acts, his boss would resign too. It is obvious that Justice Minister Ziobro, called Sheriff, knew about everything because his deputy was his closest co-worker, even mate.

Of course, such a thing won`t happen coz PiS has very low standards of petty criminals.

Is not about PO

You and a few others still compare currently ruling PiS to PO. How about this: in 2009, when an infamous inmate commited a suicide in the cell, PO Minister resigned coz he felt responsible for his officials` negligence.
Ironside  50 | 12916
25 Aug 2019   #166
One more thing occured to me.

has not occured to you that your cliams are at the least in the same category as what you call propaganda. YI You ou claim you tell the truth and PiS lies. Phew! you have been telling lies before so your credibility is low. If you compare PiS and PO and their record so far there is no doubt that PO looses big time. It is not a secret hence PiS is supported by about 50% of the population.
pawian  224 | 27236
25 Aug 2019   #167
YI You ou claim you tell the truth and PiS lies

hahaha No, I don`t juxtapose me against the whole PiS. :):)

Phew! you have been telling lies

Really? :)

It is not a secret hence PiS is supported by about 50% of the population.

I just caught you lying. Where did you get that 50% from?

Ziemowit  14 | 3936
26 Aug 2019   #168
In 2015 only 37.6 % of votes were cast for PiS. That is far below 50 %. The turnout at the election was 50,91 %, so effectively the percentage was about 19,14% voting for PiS.

Saying that PiS is supported by about 50% of the population is a pathetic act of neo-Bolshevik propaganda.
Ironside  50 | 12916
26 Aug 2019   #169
Oh preteding not to take sides are you? That is pretty pathetic.

Where did you get that 50% from?

Not you caught your hand.I said about 50% which means more or less majority and that is a fact.
pawian  224 | 27236
26 Aug 2019   #170
Not you caught your hand.

No, I just bit yuor hand coz I am a clever dog and immediately sniff liars and false people. :):)

I said about 50% which means more or less majority and that is a fact

No, it is still a lie and I challenge you to prove your original opinion:

PiS is supported by about 50% of the population.


That is pretty pathetic.

No, what you are doing here is pathetic. I think I will send the message to the Kremlin troll factory in St Petersburg to lower your wages for posting here coz you are a useless troll with a very stupid argumentation which influences nobody. They are wasting this money on you.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
29 Aug 2019   #171
PiS is by far the most popular party. It consistently captured high 30 to low 40% over the past few years. If you add the more right wing parties' pis + kukiz + korwin/narodowcy you're well over the 50% mark. One thing is for certain - PiS is owning PO and right wing parties dominate.

Now PiS is now on an offensive against the LGBT cancer in Poland - and based on the Poles' disapproval of things like gay marriage, adoption by gays, and even pride parades it's consolidated and even slightly increased their popularity. Before it was turd world migrants - which the majority of Poles don't want either, now it's the forcing of LGBT down Polish peoples' throats which the majority of Poles don't want either.

I love the fact that the most popular party in Poland recently made a logo with a polish family under a unmbrella shielding them from the lgbt rainbow. If the republicans in the US did that or the tories in the UK - not that they would as they've long been cucked - the populace would get their panties in a bunch. Not Poles though = )
mafketis  38 | 11137
29 Aug 2019   #172
Now PiS is now on an offensive against the LGBT cancer in Poland

shouldn't they start with..... you know who....
pawian  224 | 27236
4 Feb 2020   #173
The statistics prove PIS didn`t reform anything. It is even worse - after 5 years of PiS` deform, an average lawsuit lasts longer than before. From 4.1 months in 2011 to 5.4 months in 2018. Thank you, PiS. :):):)

It was obvious from the very beginning. PiS` real intention was to remove or intimidate decent independent judges and replace them with PiS-controlled renegades. The improvement to the system to make it more efficient has never been PiS` concern.

Check this table:

  • ECzPp_zWsAAKK4J2..jpg
Spike31  3 | 1485
5 Feb 2020   #174
Any change of a current state of affairs in Polish judiciary system will be beneficial. Basically this post-PRL system penetrated by post-comunist "judges" is so broken that even the worst reform will only improve it
5 Feb 2020   #175
Any change of a current state of affairs in Polish judiciary system will be beneficial.

True. However, evolutionary changes might be more advisable than the revolution PiS started - don't throw the frog into boiling water, just increase the temperature slowly but steadily. All this could have been done more slowly, quietly, and without such international uproar (hardly justified but predictable).
mafketis  38 | 11137
5 Feb 2020   #176
Stupid PiS phrasemaking gives the game away.... "post-communist" (ie that which came after communism) which means that their agenda is essentially to go back to PRL structures - which is what they do up and down the line without exception.

PiS = neo-PRL, rule of law is subjugated to the will of the ruling party and the most powerful person has no formal position beyond that of party leader
pawian  224 | 27236
5 Feb 2020   #177
Any change of a current state of affairs in Polish judiciary system will be beneficial. Basically this post-PRL system penetrated by post-comunist "judges"

You`d better stop for a while and think reasonably at last. With judiciary under full control, PiS will use it against its political opponents at will, just like it is happening now, we can see the first attempts.

As far as I know, PiS considers nationalists and Konfederacja as rivals on the right side of the political scene. I can easily imagine lawsuits based on false charges against Konfederacja politicians one day. Or, when Konfederacja gains big support in elections one day, PIS Supreme Court and National Electoral Commission will annul these results.

Do you really want it?


It is sad that PIS calls everybody who disagrees with them as communist or postcommunist despite so many ex communists in their own ranks. What a filthy party of hypycrites.
pawian  224 | 27236
5 Feb 2020   #178
All this could have been done more slowly, quietly, and without such international uproar

Do you also agree to PiS controlled judiciary? Again you sound quite suspicious. Aren`t you a nasty PIS agent here? hahaha
5 Feb 2020   #179
Ha, ha, you're like a good czekhist, Pawian - always on the lookout for the enemies of communism. :)

I am for the much needed reform of the judiciary (and also for democratic control of judiciary power - similar to German or French model), not for the PiS enforced revolution.
Spike31  3 | 1485
5 Feb 2020   #180
post-communist" (ie that which came after communism)

Post-communist means those who started in a communist era and kept their positions and priviledges well into IIIRP. And also those young ones who have inharited their positions only thanks to their parents being a prominent apparatchiks in PRL times.

However, evolutionary changes might be more advisable than the revolution PiS started

We've tried this evolutionalry method for 30 years and it didn't improve things at all. Those who have died or retired were replaced by a younger ones from the same political swamp. A judiciary pathology has managed to replicate itself in the next generation. To effectively treat this cancer you need to cut off a degenerate tissue.

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