new nomenklatura
Instead of all your badmouthing, cynical speculation, dodgy insinuations and general PiS-bashing, sit back and get the real info direct from the horse's mouth!
Polish Radio reported that the head of Poland's ruling conservatives on Friday defended plans for sweeping changes to the country's courts. The Law and Justice (PiS) government argues that changes are vital to reform what it claims is an inefficient and sometimes corrupt judicial system in Poland.
PiS leader Jarosław Kaczyński told reporters on Friday that the Polish judiciary "suffers from two serious illnesses: the first is the collapse of moral principles, professional morality, general morality.
"The second issue is huge inefficiency, delays in cases, which cause many people to suffer in different ways."
Ordianry Poles have criticised Polish courts for taking too long to hear cases, and have accused judges of being an elite, self-serving clique often out of touch with the problems of ordinary citizens. A PiS-backed bill on the National Council of the Judiciary (KRS), a constitutional body tasked with safeguarding the independence of courts and judges, would see the terms of 15 of its members who are judges phased out, and their replacements selected by parliament -- not by other legal professionals, as is currently the case.
A second bill would change the way that heads of district and appeals courts are appointed, making the justice minister solely responsible for such decisions.
Meanwhile, other planned changes would introduce new rules for appointing Supreme Court judges. Current judges of the court could be retired under a PiS-backed bill.