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Dodgy PRL-holdover judiciary finally reformed

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 Jul 2017   #61
constitution sets forth rules

Such as the fair, impartial and non-partisan attributes required of judges who may not belong to a poltical party nor engage in politics. Yet, constitution or not,

they have turned their meetings and assemblies into hate-filled political rallies that engage in nothign but politics and obsessive PiS-bashing. That shows their total partisanship and lack of impartiality, making them unfit to adjudicate. But we all know the non-constructive "total opposition" ecclectically latches on to only those constitutiuonal points that serve their own ad hoc needs.
16 Jul 2017   #62
Care to name one and provide some evidence

First perhaps you'd like to present some evidence to support your laughable claim that Polish judges are generally corrupt? You keep making the claim and there's nothing to stop you from naming them here (unlike the name of the former Warsaw correspondent for the Podunk County Polish Pig Farmer's Gazette, which can't be posted here).

Wonder if HB was amongst that anarchic rabble

Why wonder? Me being there was what enabled me to call you out when you repeated here as facts the lies about that event you'd heard on Radio Maybach.

they have turned their meetings and assemblies into hate-filled political rallies that engage in nothign but politics and obsessive PiS-bashing.

Prove it. I know that when trotting out the Party's line for both of the readers of the Podunk County Polish Pig Farmer's Gazette it was never necessary to prove anything, but here at PF we expect proof. The transcripts of those meetings are publicly available information, so link to them and quote the parts which support your laughable claims. Either that or just admit that as usual you're just repeating what you've just heard on Radio Maybach.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 Jul 2017   #63
Do you even read your posts?

I don't get your point. I was referring to the screaming, shouting, howling, scuffling and overall mad-dog hysteria that went on outside the Sejm. There should be more of the same today at 3PM but this time in broad daylight. You will get to see who the trouble-makers are unless they cover their faces.
mafketis  38 | 11137
16 Jul 2017   #64
I was referring to the screaming, shouting, howling, scuffling and overall mad-dog hysteria that went on outside the Sejm

Didn't see that, I saw people upset at government actions making use of the constitutionally guaranteed (for the time being at any rate) right to protest government action that they think is wrong.

Calling it hysteria and anarchy stinks of someone swallowing a party line, hook and sinker.
16 Jul 2017   #65
people upset at government actions making use of the constitutionally guaranteed (for the time being at any rate) right to protest government action that they think is wrong.

Yes, and we'll be doing it again today and as many times as is needed until First Secretary Kaczynski understands that he cannot turn Poland into the PiSlamic State.

Calling it hysteria and anarchy stinks of someone swallowing a party line, hook and sinker.

Surely you can't be surprised that our 'Polish' 'friend' is yet again trotting out the Party line just as he did for decades when the Party was the PZPR instead of PIS.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 Jul 2017   #66
swallowing a party

Where yoiu there? Don't believe GW codswallop which is as reliable as Hairy B! Go and see for yourself. Above all, chat up some of the onlookers, normal people watching what do them is a poor man's circus or freak show. "Panie, a kto za to zapłaci?" or "Dużo szumu, z którego nic nie wynika!" or "Pokrzyczą, powrzeszczą i rozejdą się do domów!"
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 Jul 2017   #67
your laughable claim that Polish judges are generally corrupt

Care to provide the quote. Some judges are corrupt, others are simply, inept or sefl-serving. There are prolly also some who take their misison seriously and truly try to serve the people. But they must indeed be few and far between because the average Pole dreads going to court knowing how he will be treated by aloof, eltitist toga-clad swine looking their nose down on the common rabble. Like sh*t! Take an interpreter along and ask any Pole who has had the experience. Stand outside the court bldg at Leszno and chat up people leaving it.For starters: "Jak pana/panią potraktrował sąd"? "Jacy pana/pani zdaniem są sędziowie?" "Czy jest pan/pani zadowolony/zadowolona z polskiego sądownictwa?"
16 Jul 2017   #68
aloof, eltitist toga-clad swine looking their nose down on the common rabble.

You keep claiming that, but you offer is no evidence to support your claim: I wonder what the reason for that might be.

the average Pole

Would that be the same non-existent average Pole who used to be quoted in the Podunk County Polish Pig Farmer's Gazette talking about the "bandits" from Solidarnosc and how the PZPR took great care of him?

Stand outside the court bldg at Leszno

There is no court on Leszno in Warsaw, no matter what Radio Maybach might tell its listeners. Given that your knowledge of the courts in Poland is so dire that you don't even know where to find one, perhaps you should leave this discussion to people who do know at least the very basics?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 Jul 2017   #69
bandits" from Solidarnosc and how the PZPR took great care of him?

Care to provide a source or quote for yet another Hairy B*llocks fabrication?
You mean your Belarusian handlers haven't informed you about "sądy na Lesznie". You're no Warsovian if you don't know that.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 Jul 2017   #70
you offer is no evidence

The evidence is speaking with average Poles victimised by the post-commie courts of III RP. Can you imagine judges who (unlike your Kaczyński wanting to prosecute dissidents rant) actually did send anti-communists to jail and are still serving as judges.

Humour often tells the story. A man in court kept addressing the judge as Wasza Sprawiedliwość (your justice like your worship) and the judge kept correcting him to say Wysoki Sądzie. After a while the judge got fed up and shouted: Tu nie ma żadnej sprawiedliwości, tu jest sąd! (rush to google trnaslate).
16 Jul 2017   #71
"sądy na Lesznie"

There is no court on Leszno in Warsaw. The court you're apparently thinking of is on Solidarnosci. I do understand that some people don't like to hear that name, because it reminds them of the organisation they worked to oppose while collaborating with the commies, but that's still the name of the street which shows how little you know about courts in Poland.

Humour often tells the story.

Humour might tell stories, but evidence is what tells us what facts are and you offer us neither evidence nor facts.

The evidence is speaking with average Poles

Still trotting out that old reliable chestnut, the non-existent average Pole who could be used to support whatever lies the Party wanted to appear on the pages of the Podunk County Polish Pig Farmer's Gazette: it's hard to think of anything that more shows how even you know your claims are laughable.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 Jul 2017   #72
ld reliable chestnut

So you do not believe in interviewing ordinary people on the street but hang on every word as gospel truth spouted by the PO-KOD-GW-TVN and judicial post-commie mafia?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 Jul 2017   #73
don't like to hear that name

As usual, more Hairy B*llocks. It was calleld sądy na Lesznie before WW2 and by ordinary Warsovians after the commeis renamed the street Świerczewskiego after a Soviet agent. Just like Plac Wilsona persisted in the speech of old Warsovians after the commies renamed it Paris Commune Sqaure. Time and again you have proved you are an alien growth on the body of the Polish nation. You don't know the lingo, the lore, the humour, the sayings, the history and heritage and above all you do not feel the heartbeat of the nation. You are out of sync with the values. spirituality and and sensibilities of Poland. Even if they wallpapered you with Polish passports from head to toe, you would always remain a stray Anglo-expat and eternally displaced UKer.
mafketis  38 | 11137
16 Jul 2017   #74
Take an interpreter along and ask any Pole who has had the experience. Stand outside the court bldg at Leszno and chat up people leaving it

I don't think most people leaving courthouses in any country will be very happy as a general rule, that's not a very good way of gathering data about desirable reforms...
16 Jul 2017   #75
So you do not believe in interviewing ordinary people on the street

I'm fine with interviewing ordinary people, the pproblem comes when the person doing the reporting has the habit of making I quotes and then attributing them to his wife or his son.

that's not a very good way of gathering data about desirable reforms...

You seem to forget that as far as the PiSlamic State is concerned the only factor which decides whether something is desirable or not is whether First Secretary Kaczynski desires it or not. For example, now First Secretary Kaczynski desires courts which will reject the results of any elections which are not to the liking of First Secretary Kaczynski and so that is what PIS are introducing.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 Jul 2017   #76
will reject the results of any elections

You forgot the other Hairy-B*llocky chestnut about of PiS withdrawing Poland from the EU. All praise to Sturmbahnführer Schetine and Petru-Ceauşescu!

PiSlamic State

You said this should be banned so you are contradicting yourself. Nothing new for a LL who frequnetly trips over his own tongue.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 Jul 2017   #77
Podunk County Polish Pig Farmer's Gazette

What ever happened to North Delaware or Southern Pennsylavnia? The readers there feel slighted by the one and only "great"(?) Hairy-B*llocks! (ROFL!!!!!)
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 Jul 2017   #78

people leaving courthouses

That's strange because some people do win their cases in non-RT countries.
Anyway, here are the latest CBOS fidnings:
A majortiy of Poles (51%) give the Polisjh jufdiciary a negative rating and only 36% hold the opposite view. The most telling however is that a mere 4% believe courts are truly independent and adjudicate free of outside pressure.
jon357  72 | 23361
16 Jul 2017   #79
now First Secretary Kaczynski desires courts which will reject the results of any elections which are not to the liking of First Secretary Kaczynski

Basically this.

Plenty of protests today in Warsaw about it.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 Jul 2017   #80
Plenty of protests today

And like all the others, including last Decemebr's Muppet Show "putsch", they won't amount to a hill of beans. They'll rant, chant, rave and blow their silly little plastic horns and then go home and watch the telly or get drunk. Witnsesses say the self-styled Führer of Obywatele RP Kasprzak was p*ssed at yesty's rumpus. Can't really blame him. It's easier to make a fool of oneself when inebriated!
jon357  72 | 23361
16 Jul 2017   #81
They'll rant, chant, rave and blow their silly little plastic horns and then go home and watch the telly or get drunk

You have very little respect for the ordinary Polish citizens who oppose this midnight attempted coup.

One good thing is that the constant protests against the PiS junta show the world that people in Poland aren't just going to lie down and let Kaczynski do what he wants.

I wonder how you'll feel (as a long-term tax evader) when the 5am knocks on the door start to come...
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 Jul 2017   #82
First Secretary

At today's Muppet Show outside parliament, the First Commander of the Czerskastraße Ordnungsdienst and editor of the Hymie Herald, was banging on about how he wouldn't wish Ziobro, Kaczyński or Macierewicz the kind of communist-era judges and prosecutors who signed pre-packaged verdicts and sentences, but he failed to mention that his brother was exactly such a person, now a fugitive from justice hiding in Sweden. When someone in the crowd asked him about his brother he bitterly spat back: "Ty sk*rwysynu, złodzieju!" (Michnik did not use an asterisk!)
mafketis  38 | 11137
16 Jul 2017   #83
the Hymie Herald

And the mask falls and the Jew Hater shines through. Don't you ever get tired of being such a joyless fvck?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 Jul 2017   #84
ordinary Polish citizens

Most oridnary citizens whole-hearted support PiS and their good changes. That includes ridding the courts of PRL-era toga-clad bandits, self-serving elitists and those on the take. The sooner the better!


No worse than PiSlamic state, Radio Maybach or Podunk Pig Farmers Gazette. BTW R U 1 2?
mafketis  38 | 11137
16 Jul 2017   #85
BTW R U 1 2?

No I'm not a Jew, Mr. Jew Hater. You'll have to hate me for some other reason because I'm not a Jew.

Most oridnary citizens whole-hearted support

Your raving anti-Semitism? Is that the image of Poland you really want to further?
Wulkan  - | 3136
16 Jul 2017   #86
Plenty of protests today in Warsaw about it.

Warsaw has 1.629.771 registered inhabitants, in the protest there are less than 7.000 which is 0,4% therefore I'm not worried about the safety of my home country, time to open another beer.
jon357  72 | 23361
16 Jul 2017   #87
Your raving anti-Semitism? Is that the image of Poland you really want to further?

Probably yes.

There's some great images being named around the world of the protest
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 Jul 2017   #88
Your raving anti-Semitism

You seem inclined toward hyperbole to be sure.Taking a little p*ss out of the Soviet spies' son and judicial murderer's brother is hardly anti-Semitism, and certainly not raving. Raving are the players of the Muppet Show outside the Sejm. Ravinng anti-Semitism would be callng for the expulsion of Jews form various professions or creating university quotas like they had before the war. Au contraire, I've gone on record as a sincere admirer of Jewry -- a relatively tiny nation of only 15 mln that has excelled in so many different fields in so many different countries. That is through intelligence , hard work and strong ethnic soildarity which Poles cold certainly learn from. Poles are so envious of one another they try to bring any successful compatriot down. Jews do just the opposite -- if one of their kind succeeds, they respect and promote him in every way.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 Jul 2017   #89

Joyless are those dour sourpusses who lack a sense of humour and take themselves too seriously. Lighten up, boy! And here everyone thought Georgia crackers and sundry rednecks and hillbillies like a gooid joke,
jon357  72 | 23361
16 Jul 2017   #90
Raving are the players of the Muppet Show outside the Sejm

I see only dignity there:

Edit. There should be a picture here, however it's not showing for some reason. The picture shows a candlelit vigil outside the Royal Castle, there's a pianist playing Chopin, the large crowd of Poles are mourning the death of democracy in Poland, and abhorring Kavzynski's latest attempt to reintroduce a one party state.

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