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Dodgy PRL-holdover judiciary finally reformed

15 Jul 2017   #31
Very significant that they did the second bill very sneakily at midnight.

PIS are simply yet again repeating what First Secretary Kaczynski learned during the commie era, which some people who hate Poland regard as the good old days, because they had better lives back then.

Shades of the PRL/USSR style 'midnight knock on the door', and these knocks on the door will I suspect happen very soon.

Let's hope that the EU stops the PiSlamic State before that happens. But no doubt if First Secretary Kaczynski does order those to be reintroduced 'Polish' Polly will post here defending that decision, just as somebody used to write in the Podunk County Polish Pig Farmer's Gazette defending the midnight knocks on the door back in the dark days of communism in Poland.
jon357  72 | 23482
15 Jul 2017   #32
PIS are simply yet again repeating what First Secretary Kaczynski learned during the commie era

And Po is sadly trying to deflect from this by posting off-topic rubbish about Japanese tourists in Belgium!!

defending the midnight knocks on the door back in the dark days of communism in Poland.

This will happen, it is starting already. As Kaczynski said, "Terraz kurwa my" ("Now it's our f*cking turn")...
Wulkan  - | 3136
15 Jul 2017   #33
Just as the government of my home country (UK) need its 20% of your small money to promote diversity.

Of course they need my money and that's very good, I'm not angry about it unlike you are about your case.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
15 Jul 2017   #34
very sneakily at midnight

One wonders if that allegation stemmd form sheer ignorance or sheer malice.
The deperate, frustrated, hate-filled losers in their impotent fury tried to sabotage, stall, outshout speakers and otherwise derail the proceediings which as a result lasted late into the night. Of course, the session could have been postponed till the following day, but then the pathetic losers would have rested overnight and revved up their hate machinery for another mud-slinging match at the taxpayer's expense. The only alternative was to vote and they did. All those extra sessions to recall different ministers (how many were there?) cost the taxpayer 1.3 mln zł per session. But it was no skin off of PO's b*llocks, so they went ahead with their muppet shows anyway.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
15 Jul 2017   #35
these knocks on the door will I suspect happen very soon

Thats's what the members of the pathetic losers' clunb said after 15 October 2015 when the Polish nation showed thee PO scamaster regime the red card. All those hoity-toity, self-styled, leftist liberal "freedom-fighters" still clutchng at the trough slipping out of their hands kept bragging that they've got their toothbursh, change of socks and underwear, etc. all packed in anticipation of that knock on the door by Kaczyński's "death squads" at 3AM. And guess what? Those a*seholes are still waiting. R U 1 2?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
15 Jul 2017   #36
your cause

My cause was eloquently outlined by Trump: God, country and family. I would add only altruism -- serving one's fellow-man.There's little chance of PF's godless egoists, perverts, lechers and sundry misfits buying into it.
mafketis  38 | 11127
15 Jul 2017   #37

country - not countries, which do you have more loyalty to the one you have citizenship in or the one you don't?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
15 Jul 2017   #38
more loyalty to

This may surprise you but my country issues no passports and even lacks its own flag, army, navy, government and atomic arsenal. The name of my country is Polonia. I was born a PolAm and have devoted my life to Polonia's self-awareness, development and self-fulfilment the best I knew how, and that has never changed nor will it.
jon357  72 | 23482
15 Jul 2017   #39
My cause was eloquently outlined by Trump: God, country and family

That is actually a hilarious statement.

I would add only altruism

You mentioned Trump, an individual who normalises hatred, whose cohorts despise altruism. The same can be said for the authoritarian and pro-totalitarian PiS who do their semi-legal judicial skullduggery in the dead of night.
Wulkan  - | 3136
15 Jul 2017   #40
You mentioned Trump, an individual who normalises hatred

There is no point spreading fake news, we have CNN for that.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
15 Jul 2017   #41
in the dead of night.

You are literate I believe (at least in Anglo-jabber) and semi-literate as far as Polish goes. It's been clearly explained that the stalling, disrupiton and downshouting tactics used by the opposition dragged the proceedings out into the night. Blame the desperate, frustrated and pathetic losers and their impotent fury for that!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
15 Jul 2017   #42
normalises hatred

No, lower-case jon, it is PO's scorn industry (rhymes with porn industry!) or przemysł pogardy that spews hatred round the clock. To their own disadvantage. Ordinary Poles with even the faintest interest in politics can see they've got no programme other than PiS-bashing, and that's hardłly enough to win an election.

Ask around (but beyond your beloved expat and/or Michnikite circles): Jaki program ma Platforma? You may be surprised at the answer you get from the taxi driver, shop assistant, postman, car mechanic, caretaker, etc.
jon357  72 | 23482
15 Jul 2017   #43
There you go again, Po.

opposition dragged the proceedings out into the night.

Now you know that isn't true, yet somehow you expect people to believe that outright lie. Remember the matter has been much discussed, much reported by reliable sources.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
15 Jul 2017   #44
eloquently outlined by Trump:

I was not evaluating Trump, only referring to what he said. Those words were addressed to the Polish people and to Polonia and they spoke to me.
Wulkan  - | 3136
15 Jul 2017   #45
reliable sources.

they are not
jon357  72 | 23482
15 Jul 2017   #46
A very eloquent answer there, albeit one that most thinking people would disagree with.
mafketis  38 | 11127
15 Jul 2017   #47
at least in Anglo-jabber

No true PolAm would so insult half their heritage like that!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
15 Jul 2017   #48
that isn't true,

But if Gówniane Wieści said it that makes it true for you, eh?
O godz. 2.30 Senat przyjął bez poprawek ustawy o Krajowej Radzie Sądownictwa oraz o ustroju sądów powszechnych.
You may not know the American term filbuster -- it means blocking or delaying the vote on a measure by extensive speech-making, breaks, technicalities, pretexts, etc. There was plenty of that of that all day, plus chanting, shouting down and other disruptive activities -- the whole filibsuter arsenal.

So unless you want to be PF's Goebbels (Hi Godwin!), don't keep repeating a lie thinking it will somehow become true. That's what you get from hanging out with your guru Hairy B, the forum's Liar Laureate. Z jakim prezstajesz, takim się stajesz (rush to Google translate!)
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
15 Jul 2017   #49
half their

100% Polish DNA -- 4 Polish-born grandparents. But ah knows that don't cut no ice with a southern cracker and/or redneck like yoself, boy,

thinking people

Antics with semantics?! To some thinking people are perverts, atheists, egoists, lechers and assorted misfits. There's no law against thinkng that, only it's pretty lame!
Wulkan  - | 3136
15 Jul 2017   #50
albeit one that most thinking people would disagree with.

Nope, most people know that mainstream media lie
Ironside  50 | 12928
15 Jul 2017   #51
Very good, that pigsty needed to be clean up a long time ago. Its a good thing that PiS is going to ably a brush there, maybe.

Pity that they won't introduce the American system.
jon357  72 | 23482
15 Jul 2017   #52
Its a good thing that PiS is going to ably a brush there, maybe.

I doubt the coup will last that long - it looks like the international community, after having woken up some time ago, are now going to take some action.
mafketis  38 | 11127
15 Jul 2017   #53
100% Polish DNA -- 4 Polish-born grandparents. But ah knows that don't cut no ice with a southern cracker and/or redneck like yoself, boy,

Then you're not American at all, just a bad Pole who refuses to pay taxes or get a Polish passport (while enjoying the benefits of am American passport).

The man without a country - that's you.

Real PolAms are just as proud of their American heritage and language as they are of Poland.
Sparks11  - | 333
15 Jul 2017   #54
Pity that they won't introduce the American system

Are you referring to the POTUS being able to appoint supreme court judges or something else? PiS seems to have taken it further by being able to fire judges. It's interesting that what one side of pond finds appalling, the other finds normal. Americans basically accept that the POTUS appoints judges, but here it's an atrocity. Here state sponsored media is rather acceptable but I'm Am. probably not.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 Jul 2017   #55
able to appoint supreme court judges

Why hasn't it been mentioned that the KRS and the Constitutional Tribunal are both PRL-era concoctions? Many countries have done just fine without such additional, sjupefluous bureaucratic entities. The Supreme Court in most cases is sufficient.

The best thing about the judicial reform is the removal of PRL-era judges. Toga-clad regimists (backers of the PRL regime) who prosrecuted dissidents should have been debarred in 1990. Most of today's rows stem from the lack of thorough de-communisation during the birth of III RP. Recently when one PO backer started talking about how communism was overthrown in 1989, SLD leader Czarzasty replied: "No such thing occurred. You simply made a deal with us! (wyście się z nami dogadali)!"
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 Jul 2017   #56
rather than the dodgy

There is nothing dodgier than the post-PRL or neo-PRL judiciary. First and foremost, it is self-serving entity that constitutes a privileged caste accountable and beholden only to itself. Between jabs of the pitchfork, Jaruzelski must be chuckling deep down in hell because his bureacratic concoctions have been the root of the hysterical anti-government anarchy now taking place.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 Jul 2017   #57
international community

The internatonal community would do well to stop Europe's downward slide and continued spiritual and cultural deterioration. Rootless mamby-pamby wimps, obsessively repeating their mutli-culti fairy tales, are defenceless as a new-born babe in the face of ruthless, aggressive Third World hordes. You have yet to answer Trump's straight forward question: Why does Europe refuse to defend its heritage?
mafketis  38 | 11127
16 Jul 2017   #58
nothing dodgier than the post-PRL or neo-PRL judiciary

But PiS wants to _create_ a neo-PRL judiciary that is politicized as much as possible and that will serve as useful lapdogs (wierne sługi as it were) for the current government.

the hysterical anti-government anarchy

Do you even read your posts?
16 Jul 2017   #59
Many countries have done just fine without such additional, sjupefluous bureaucratic entities.

Poland has a constitution which was chosen by the Polish people in a free and fair election. That constitution sets forth rules regarding many things which the PiSlamic State now ignore because they lack the popular support to change that constitution.

who prosrecuted dissidents should have been debarred in 1990.

Yes, the likes of First Secretary Kaczynski and the Party's leader in the Parliament should have been barred from public life, just as the foreigners who collaborated with the commies should have been deported and those who bought state-owned property at knockdown prices should have had that seized. Sadly that didn't happen and it's simply too late now.

the hysterical anti-government anarchy

The hysterical thing is not the protests, those are good humored and make me proud to live in Poland. What's hysterical and hilarious about this are the posts you write, not only are they so reminiscent of the articles in the Podunk County Polish Pig Farmer's Gazette about the bandits from Solidarnosc but they reek of the fear that is dripping of the supporters of the PiSlamic State at the thought that they may have to face free and fair elections (and thus afterwards answer for their crimes).
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 Jul 2017   #60
foreigners who collaborated with the commies

Care to name one and provide some evidence or is it more of the same hairy-b*llocking from morning till night?
Not surprisng that HB supports the hysterical, screaming, shouting and scuffling rumpus-raisers tryng to storm the Sejm and shoving and badmouthing parliamentarty guards and police. And (Mayfixit et all hard-nosed capitalists take note!) wasting more taxpayer money. The interior minister is mulling having trouble-makers pay for the extra police security their punch-ups cost. Wonder if HB was amongst that anarchic rabble. But it was little more than a Sunday school picnic compared to the real "fun" provided by the anarcho-leftist scum of Hamburg

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