I would like to ask PO supporters to post 5-10 Achievements of the Tusk's government. Thank you.
Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government
delphiandomine 86 | 17823
12 May 2011 #2
Let's just say one - they've managed to keep Jaroslaw Kaczynski out of power successfully.
Anyway, Tusk is on course to be the first Polish prime minister to successfully be re-elected. That should tell you all.
Anyway, Tusk is on course to be the first Polish prime minister to successfully be re-elected. That should tell you all.
Let's just say one - they've managed to keep Jaroslaw Kaczynski out of power successfully.
keeping Kaczyński out as a value in itself - OMG :) - you must take Kaczyński for no less than some Hitler
hague1cmaeron 14 | 1366
12 May 2011 #4
I would like to ask PO supporters to post 5-10 Achievements of the Tusk's government. Thank you.
With Pleasure, I will post a few, I can name 70 in fact let me start: premier.gov.pl/en/government_activities/infrastructure
And I can go on and on and on. would like any more examples?
Spending rule
and the same time (or actually even before) goverment messed with various position of the budget (removing them from the state budget - like the road construction fund) which is just a case of 'creative accountancy'
Budget savings.
heheh lowering the cost of public administration by increasing the number of state beaurocracy by some 20 per cent???
Poland is swiftly increasing it's national debt and you mumble something about not falling into a debt trap
Construction of a new terminal in Wrocław - Starachowice airport.
what do I humble peasant need an extension of an airport for?
I am not impressed by this gevernment job. They were too passive and did too little to modernise the country (too little reforms) especially in the last year, when the president's veto was no longer an excuse.
Thank you. Please add more. 5-10 biggest achievements.
I would like to ask PO supporters to post 5-10 Achievements of the Tusk's government. Thank you.
1. Raise food prices.
2. Destroy railway.
3. Raise electricity prices.
4. Not build the roads they promised.
5. Not give the raises they promised.
Let's just say one - they've managed to keep Jaroslaw Kaczynski out of power successfully.
F*ck you you're not polish nor living in Poland you have no say here.
And I can go on and on and on. would like any more examples?
Yes please. Please select 5-10, which are the most important.
Achievements of the Tusk's government.
people, i am disappointed with Tusk`s government. Its total disaster and shame
THE HITMAN - | 236
12 May 2011 #11
With Pleasure, I will post a few, I can name 70 in fact let me start
A link from "The Chancellery of the Prime Minister ". . . . How absurd . . !
That should tell you all.
You didn,t answer the question.
people, i am disappointed with Tusk`s government. Its total disaster and shame
Best answer so far.
Achievements of the Tusk's government.
Here is what Tusk done in order to follow EU and satisfy `natural Western allies` of Poland. and Racowie (Serbians) aren`t natural allies?? How much money mr. Tusk? How much money of so called west and Arabs? how much money for blood, tears and soul of Serbs?
Poland Recognizes Kosovo
Tusk has justified the decision by pointing to the 20 EU countries which have either already recognized Kosovo or are planning to do so, saying it would be inappropriate for Poland to put its natural Western allies in an awkward position.
I would like to ask PO supporters to post 5-10 Achievements of the Tusk's government. Thank you.
One main achievement: Tusk and his team successfully implemented the policy of containment. Namely, they have contained Kaczynski and his pseudo-patriotic oprychnina mafia from ruling this country and, what is more, are still preventing civil war which Kaczyński would like to unleash in Poland to get power.
That is enough for me to eternally support PO, no matter what mistakes they make.
Edit: After reading previous posts, I see I wasn`t too original. :):):)
F*ck you you're not polish nor living in Poland you have no say here.
What about me? Do I have a say here? :):):)
THE HITMAN - | 236
12 May 2011 #14
What about me? Do I have a say here?
No. You,re pro PO and hence, biased with your opinion.
Neutral opinions are more valid, they don,t get caught up with internal politics and propaganda.
You can tell this by your attitude..... " Kaczynski and his pseudo-patriotic oprychnina mafia ".
So "your say", borders on the pathetic.
No. You,re pro PO and hence, biased with your opinion.
Now, after your wise judgement, the only thing I can do is to pack my things and leave the country. :):):) And never come back. PO biased supporter, what am I doing here at all? :):):):)
Neutral opinions are more valid,
You want a neutral opinion? Here you are. Tusk`s government is troubled by multiple drawbacks and has scored numerous blunders, even scandals.
However, it is nothing compared to the djihad that may prevail in Poland if PiS led by its manic commander takes power.
Better? :):):)
So "your say", borders on the pathetic.
Still, it is my say to which I have the right and I will propagate it everywhere and whenever I deem it necessary.
I hope you get used to it sooner or later. :):):)
Don`t you understand? We have to defend Poland, it is the matter of life or death.
As a foreigner, you have no idea what is going on here.
Hey, Mr Unbiased, sth wrong with you? :):):)
THE HITMAN - | 236
13 May 2011 #16
No. Cant you see you,re doing it again. " the djihad that may prevail in Poland if PiS takes power."
Listen . . ! How can you possibly reward failings ? In GB there has been two main political parties, conservative and labour. They each have held office, and when the ruling displeased the public, one would be voted out and the other in. It has never been a question of who the leader was. The issue is what the party manifesto is. So who is to say that if PIS was to be re-elected that Mr. K would be the leader. The important thing is that the successful party fulfill their promises.
Correct. If you want to make a fool of yourself. Be my guest, ........ carry on.
Listen . . ! How can you possibly reward failings ? In GB there has been two main political parties, conservative and labour. They each have held office, and when the ruling displeased the public, one would be voted out and the other in. It has never been a question of who the leader was. The issue is what the party manifesto is. So who is to say that if PIS was to be re-elected that Mr. K would be the leader. The important thing is that the successful party fulfill their promises.
Still, it is my say to which I have the right and I will propagate it everywhere and whenever I deem it necessary.
I hope you get used to it sooner or later.
I hope you get used to it sooner or later.
Correct. If you want to make a fool of yourself. Be my guest, ........ carry on.
Nay, they only put a lid on that, and when it will get really tough in Poland, all that blunders and mismanagement if not something more sinister will back-fire into your face and people like you. Top brass will run like rats from sinking ship, you are stuck here, you should be wiser.
So far, it all on the surface is still stagnant because steam (emigrants) was let out, and EU/emigrants money keep it going for a while.
However clock is ticking.
So far, it all on the surface is still stagnant because steam (emigrants) was let out, and EU/emigrants money keep it going for a while.
However clock is ticking.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11920
13 May 2011 #18
The Polish government
Tusk in time
Poland's politics is stable at last. That is good-but no excuse for complacency
Tusk in time
Poland's politics is stable at last. That is good-but no excuse for complacency
Achievements of the Tusk's government.
Tusk is an idiot who sold the shipyards then when asked didn't know to whom, case closed.
THE HITMAN - | 236
13 May 2011 #20
I would like to ask PO supporters to post 5-10 Achievements of the Tusk's government.
Hey, Mr Unbiased, sth wrong with you?
What,s biased about that ? The guy does not beat about the bush, it,s a straight-forward statement. No one has given the thread creator what he,s asking for. Maybe you would like to be the first .......... 5-10 achievements please Mr pawian, we,re waiting.
No. Cant you see you,re doing it again. " the djihad that may prevail in Poland if PiS takes power."
Yes, I can see I am doing it again. :):):) Thank you for your accurate observations.
So who is to say that if PIS was to be re-elected that Mr. K would be the leader. The important thing is that the successful party fulfill their promises.
Hey, are you really so naive? :):):) Or too clever? :):):)
Correct. If you want to make a fool of yourself.
Yes, sometimes I am overwhelmed by an irresistible urge to make a fool of myself. But others, too. :):):) After all, I am pawian.
Be my guest, ........
I prefer not. Throwing up isn`t my cup of tea. :):):)
and when it will get really tough in Poland,
You mean the Doomsday in 2012? :):):)
you should be wiser.
I try to be. No to PiS!! :):):)
Tusk is an idiot who sold the shipyards then when asked didn't know to whom, case closed.
Only idiots repeat those silly slogans about selling shipyards. The previous governments, including PiS one, did nothing to save them, either.
What,s biased about that ? The guy does not beat about the bush,
:):):) Nothing biased. I must have mistaken you for someone else, Mr Impartial. I am sorry. :):):)
hague1cmaeron 14 | 1366
13 May 2011 #22
I am your servant, all of these have been inacted:
Science reform
The reform introduces a new model of financing the science sector, based on the principles of competitiveness, quality and transparency of procedures. A new system for evaluating the quality of work of individual scientific entities is being implemented as well. Operation of the National Centre for Science has been launched – an external agency tasked with distributing funding for the so-called basic research. 20 per cent of all its grants will be earmarked for research conducted by beginner-scientists. The previously existing research and development entities will be transformed into research institutes subject to strict quality evaluation and systematic audits. Their primary objective will be to conduct research and development work for the needs of the economy, and to transfer state-of-the-art technologies to the industry. A package of six legal acts forming the foundation stone of the science sector reform entered into force on 1 October 2010. It comprises the following: the Science Financing Act, the Act on the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Research Institutes Act, the Act on the National Center of Research and Development, and the Act on the National Centre for Science.
New model of higher education
The reform of higher education which the Parliament adopted in February will increase the programme autonomy of academic institutions. Rigid, central education standards will disappear and academic institutions will be free to create new, unique fields of study. The programmes will be created with the support of scientific authority figures, employers and experts in the field of economy. The new mechanisms are being launched on the basis of the European Qualification Frameworks. Thanks to the National Qualification Frameworks (NQFs) it will be possible to compare diplomas issued by Polish academic institutions with the diplomas of other European countries.
National Leading Scientific Centres
The reform also stipulates establishment of National Leading Scientific Centres (KNOWs), i.e. best public and non-public academic institutions. The KNOWs will be selected by way of competitions in various knowledge areas. The selection will be carried out by independent committees of international experts. The KNOWs will be financed for five years, with a possibility to extend that period for another five years.
Cassic, once again plying the man and not the Ball, Do you have any valid criticsim to make, or are one of those that Tusk has desrcibed as the ones who "kwenkolom"
I am your servant, all of these have been inacted:
Science reform
The reform introduces a new model of financing the science sector, based on the principles of competitiveness, quality and transparency of procedures. A new system for evaluating the quality of work of individual scientific entities is being implemented as well. Operation of the National Centre for Science has been launched – an external agency tasked with distributing funding for the so-called basic research. 20 per cent of all its grants will be earmarked for research conducted by beginner-scientists. The previously existing research and development entities will be transformed into research institutes subject to strict quality evaluation and systematic audits. Their primary objective will be to conduct research and development work for the needs of the economy, and to transfer state-of-the-art technologies to the industry. A package of six legal acts forming the foundation stone of the science sector reform entered into force on 1 October 2010. It comprises the following: the Science Financing Act, the Act on the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Research Institutes Act, the Act on the National Center of Research and Development, and the Act on the National Centre for Science.
New model of higher education
The reform of higher education which the Parliament adopted in February will increase the programme autonomy of academic institutions. Rigid, central education standards will disappear and academic institutions will be free to create new, unique fields of study. The programmes will be created with the support of scientific authority figures, employers and experts in the field of economy. The new mechanisms are being launched on the basis of the European Qualification Frameworks. Thanks to the National Qualification Frameworks (NQFs) it will be possible to compare diplomas issued by Polish academic institutions with the diplomas of other European countries.
National Leading Scientific Centres
The reform also stipulates establishment of National Leading Scientific Centres (KNOWs), i.e. best public and non-public academic institutions. The KNOWs will be selected by way of competitions in various knowledge areas. The selection will be carried out by independent committees of international experts. The KNOWs will be financed for five years, with a possibility to extend that period for another five years.
A link from "The Chancellery of the Prime Minister ". . . . How absurd . . !
Cassic, once again plying the man and not the Ball, Do you have any valid criticsim to make, or are one of those that Tusk has desrcibed as the ones who "kwenkolom"
delphiandomine 86 | 17823
13 May 2011 #23
Kaczynski is consumed with the idea of revenge - no matter what he says, he always ends up betraying the fact that he hates PO with a passion - and he seems to sincerely believe that they stole the 2007 and 2010 elections from him. His actions last time towards journalists was an attack on Press freedom - and it can be seen in the way that Poland suddenly dropped dramatically down the Press Freedom rankings when he was around after years of being pretty much free.
PiS as a party are pretty much unelectable - no matter what PO do, they can't lose to Kaczynski. They certainly gained all the LPR and Samobroona voters - but lost all the "middle ground" voters who want nothing to do with politics based on revenge. For that reason, they're condemned to the political wilderness - and will stay there until they remove Kaczynski from power.
I keep saying it - their policies are electable, but their politicians aren't.
I'm more and more convinced that their victories in 2005 was to do with anti-SLD sentiment as opposed to any real pro-PiS sentiment.
Kaczynski is consumed with the idea of revenge - no matter what he says, he always ends up betraying the fact that he hates PO with a passion - and he seems to sincerely believe that they stole the 2007 and 2010 elections from him. His actions last time towards journalists was an attack on Press freedom - and it can be seen in the way that Poland suddenly dropped dramatically down the Press Freedom rankings when he was around after years of being pretty much free.
PiS as a party are pretty much unelectable - no matter what PO do, they can't lose to Kaczynski. They certainly gained all the LPR and Samobroona voters - but lost all the "middle ground" voters who want nothing to do with politics based on revenge. For that reason, they're condemned to the political wilderness - and will stay there until they remove Kaczynski from power.
I keep saying it - their policies are electable, but their politicians aren't.
I'm more and more convinced that their victories in 2005 was to do with anti-SLD sentiment as opposed to any real pro-PiS sentiment.
Science reform
New model of higher education
National Leading Scientific Centres
More of what ? papers, reforms and plans ? it all will be ! Or not !
What are Tusks achievements - means something done which is working as we speak! Not future or future generation or bright and optimistic future.
Reforms - ****, pardon my French, Poland is doing nothing but reforms, and them more reforms and then reforming reforms and reform reformer or reformist ....will reforms another reform ....
Thats all is an empty BS!Are you blind?or thick?
new model of higher education - the same every few years is a new model of higher education, funny though that level of education is not improving but standards are lower and lower ...
hague1cmaeron 14 | 1366
13 May 2011 #25
I meant to say enacted oops.
Thats all is an empty BS!Are you blind?or thick?
Ssssshhhhh, Come down dear. In order to change things for the better you have to reform them. So what is it about the specific reforms that you don't like, what changes or otherwsie woud you be in support of or against?
Remember the ball and not the man.
he's not a an idiot - he's a liar
what do you actually mean - elaborate please
His actions last time towards journalists was an attack on Press freedom
what do you actually mean - elaborate please
13 May 2011 #27
what do you actually mean - elaborate please
I would imagine that one of the things he means was the mandatory 'lustration' of journalists.
what is supposedly so bad about it - I only can see positives
THE HITMAN - | 236
13 May 2011 #29
After all, I am pawian.
Now I understand your loyalty to PO ..... the realm of monkeys. lol.
5-10 achievements please Mr pawian, we,re waiting.
..... and waiting .... and waiting.
Are you blind?or thick?
I think both.
Now I understand your loyalty to PO ..... the realm of monkeys. lol.
Hey, stop talking about me, though as a typical teacher, I am self-centred and love when the people`s attention is focused on me. :):):) Don`t let yourself be carried away into personal remarks or forget what this thread is all about. :):):)
..... and waiting .... and waiting.
Don`t be silly. I am not going to discuss anything serious with you and waste my precious time. You are not able to understand or accept certain truths. You have already made your mind about Tusk`s government and expressed it. Need reminding, Mr Fair?
Crow: people, i am disappointed with Tusk`s government. Its total disaster and shame
Best answer so far.
Best answer so far.