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The BEST Guide to POLAND
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They seem nice, but could Polish girls be "gold diggers"?

Exiled  2 | 424
2 Mar 2010   #151
The problem with polish girls is that they never stop.They ask you for more and more.On the other hand a lot give it for very small money and if you become known,they bring every girl to you it is just matter of time for the fame to expand.Of course they take money from other boyfriends simoultaneously.Personally the Czech style fits me much more it seems to me reasonable.The polish has a reason definitely but it is weird culturally for us.
Ironside  50 | 12916
2 Mar 2010   #152
The problem with polish girls is that they never stop.

**** southern if you are a half wit, an ugly little leprechaun, and on the top of it you are poor, find yourself female leprechaun as ugly and dim as yourself and be content with it!

Stop making those threads and post, you have no time for anything else, work, meeting new people and all this stuff!
Maybe WB is right about you! Just give us a break will you?!
bolek  6 | 330
2 Mar 2010   #154
yes the rule of thumb is, would a Polish girl marry a man from the west if he had no money, the answer is ...................NO................
Ogien  5 | 237
2 Mar 2010   #155
Why sadly? Because foreigners are so stupid? Or because Polish girls are clever?

Being a gold-digger doesn't make you clever. It just shows you're not willing to pursue a career and make a living on your own.

Most gold-diggers have a very low IQ.

Well, I don't really blame them even if they're "gold diggers" (it depends obviously what you really understand under it), lol. Who wants to be with some loser without any future?

That would be the pot calling the kettle black. The real loser is the uneducated Polish girl who has no career and therefore depends on someone else to make a living.
Amanda91  1 | 135
2 Mar 2010   #156
It's an illusion to believe that education automatically means a career but as far as a typical "gold digger" (no feelings, cash rules) as I've already mentioned above twice, I'm on your side and strongly condemn it too.
bolek  6 | 330
2 Mar 2010   #157
Most gold-diggers have a very low IQ

Thats just not true, Gold diggers come in all shape and sizes, as a matter of interest the greatest gold digger was the following person, have you heard of Johnson and Johnson, you have have used its baby powder when a you were young, this may surprise you, hmmm,

Piasecka Johnson was born in Poland. Her father was a farmer.[1][2] She graduated from Wroclaw University with a M.A. in Art History. She left Poland in 1968, with just $100.[3]

Piasecka Johnson was hired as a cook hired by Esther Underwood Johnson, then wife of John Seward Johnson I. Her cooking was terrible though, so she switched jobs with the Johnson's chambermaid.[4][5]

smewtm  - | 1
2 Mar 2010   #158
f stop  24 | 2493
3 Mar 2010   #159
I think I need a definition of gold digger here.
Granted, he got shafted, but would he have been happier if she invested his money is something more frivolous than her education?
There is another side to this, maybe. I'm not saying that's the case here, but consider.
Some men do not want "their" women to work, they take great pride in being in total control and can't even imagine any possible reasons why another human being (well, a woman, which must be a completely different beast) would feel seeds of discontent when she is so well materially compensated for making him the goal of her life. Possible?

If marriage is really a partnership, each partner contributes whatever "currency" they have, and agree, to contribute. It irks me to no end, the husbands who believe they have have automatic authority at home because they pay for it. These men you can't convince that it's not all about money, so it's kinda ironic that they complain about gold diggers.

A scattered thought: Jewish mothers tell their daughters here: "It's just as easy to fall in love with a rich man, as it is with a poor one".
Exiled  2 | 424
3 Mar 2010   #160
One of my polish gfs got STD.How nice.However the milking continues.Piranchas.
krysia  23 | 3058
6 Mar 2010   #161
She said she got the money, by selling the car that I gave her.

Wow. Very creative~Lol.
But how did she haul all her clothes back without the car?
Exiled  2 | 424
6 Mar 2010   #162
Many girls are gold diggers.I introduced a belarussian girl to a friend and she ate from him 10000 euro in one year.He even paid for her whole family to come.The point is the polish girls I had before 2004 never asked for anything.They even wanted to pay for some dates.Now I get demands for transactions 300-400 euro per each per month.Ukraina is much cheaper.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
7 Mar 2010   #163

This seems to be a consensus from the men (here). Doesn't say much for the majority of the female population and of course they have only themselves to blame as so many women have overplayed their dirty and torn gender card.

That's right guys; give women a taste of real equality and not the pick-and-choose kind that has been so detrimental. This generation of women (1960's - 2010) will be treated harshly by historians as the most selfish ("entitled"- "empowered") bunch of whiners since Eve.

The ancients knew more about this than the current "PC" generation which has taken a huge step backwards.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589
7 Mar 2010   #164
It's obvious that most people here don't know what they're talking about.

This question if much more complex than most of you think.
convex  20 | 3928
7 Mar 2010   #165
That's right guys; give women a taste of real equality and not the pick-and-choose kind that has been so detrimental

Equal rights mean equal responsibilities. Sure you can join the military, welcome to the club, you're now required to register for the draft. Look at the hypocrisy, just recently in the US, [] - this made big headlines.
Exiled  2 | 424
7 Mar 2010   #166
This question if much more complex than most of you think.

I remember you admitted that you were interested only in man's money because all men are the same for you.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
7 Mar 2010   #167
Truth is not 'relative' and therefore does not change depending on the forum. Of course with liberals and feminists objective truth is indeed 'relative', and slippery.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
7 Mar 2010   #168
Truth is not 'relative' and therefore does not change depending on the forum.

where did I say anything about it being relative I must ask?

Of course with liberals and feminists objective truth is indeed 'relative', and slippery.

Of course, after all it is YOU commenting on my post addressed to somebody else. You just cannot help yourself, can you? I think we already had a discussion about things and I have moved on, you, on the other hand are still stuck in the whole you have been digging under yourself.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
7 Mar 2010   #169
where did I say anything about it being relative I must ask?

Your refusal to answer Southerns' direct question was telling.

it is YOU commenting on my post addressed to somebody else

Yes indeed, that's never happened in these forums before.

I think we already had a discussion about things and I have moved on,

Lol, you haven't budged a bit; you ignore inconvenient facts but that's how some people handle things; in a state of denial.

you, on the other hand are still stuck in the whole you have been digging under yourself.

Did you mean 'hole'?
See what happens when your blood pressure goes up?
f stop  24 | 2493
7 Mar 2010   #170
Johnson is involved in a number of charitable projects, especially in her native Poland.[

If she was a man, he would be called ambitious. A real go-getter.
beelzebub  - | 444
7 Mar 2010   #171
Wrong...a man who cheats with a married woman, wrecks her marriage then marries her for her fortune would not be admired and that is exactly what she did.

People who work and earn fortunes are ambitious and admired. People who steal them by sex, cheating or lies are scum. Those who are handed them by parents etc are generally resented.
Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Mar 2010   #172
Some are and some aren't. That's really about the stretch of it.
Exiled  2 | 424
7 Mar 2010   #173
I am really afraid to communicate with my polish gfs since they know their immediate words will be about financial problems and pomuc.And I want to save for my trip this month to Belarus,the country of Lukashenko.

Damn if penis produced gold,girls would have one more motivation.

Polish girls help you make your pockets lighter.My colleagues laugh at me when they look me at the ATM and two polkas behind.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
8 Mar 2010   #174
f stop: "if she was a man, he would be called ambitious. A real go-getter."

Once again you have it exactly backwards. Men who make their living in this manner are frowned upon. You really should stop using archaic feminist excuses like your response above; it's so 80's.

My colleagues laugh at me when they look me at the ATM and two polkas behind.

Do something about your sex addiction; perhaps some 12-step program would help. Why you let women take advantage of you like this is a repellent trait; a weakness.
pantsless  1 | 266
8 Mar 2010   #175
A thread on polish woman's kompleksy would work far better than this one
Seanus  15 | 19666
8 Mar 2010   #176
True. However, their spending habits are worth mentioning, if just to show how extensively voodoo and black magic work here. I can't find the trees with money on Google Maps, any suggestions? ;)
Exiled  2 | 424
8 Mar 2010   #177
can't find the trees with money on Google Maps, any suggestions? ;)

I try to find a way to cut money from a wall.
28 Aug 2015   #178
Merged: Polish Gold diggers

I was married to one for 12 years. She took everything I had and turned my child against me and then divorced me while she was pregnant by somebody else.
terri  1 | 1661
28 Aug 2015   #179
Sorry my darling, but it was YOURchoice to select this woman out of the thousands of millions of women in the world. You have to live with that.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
27 May 2017   #180
[moved from]

I love polish scammers... They think they're sooo freakin slick...

Especially the young pretty girls who walk around town pretending to not know where they are and ask you for directions, then chat you up and ask you to go for a drink with them at their favorite bar where a friend just happens to be the bartender selling $50 shots of vodka.... Or the hotel receptionist who needs to verify your credit card at 3 am..

The surprising thing is that people fall for this stuff

Anyway ill tell you all a funny story. There were two that always use to do that to unsuspecting tourists from abroad. I played their game with my cousins once to teach em a lesson. The locals knew their gig but apparently the police couldn't really do much about it. Anyway Id pretend to be some guy attending a local conference and didn't know a word of polish. Id walk in their direction (they always stood in a certain corner of the rynek) dressed in a suit speaking english. I overheard one of them say 'him.' and so it began they said they were students from jaggellonian and asked if id want to join them for a drink at their 'favorite bar.' one of the girls spoke half decent English but the other only spoke polish. So Id order shot after shot after shot while texting my cousins keeping them posted on the situation. Then came time to pay the bill I said no problem just add on a beer to settle the stomach down. I think the bartender charged me some $400 for like 8 shots and a few beers. Anyway I excused myself to drain the lizard and out the bathroom window I vanished and into my cousins car parked around the corner. About 30 minutes later the girls are staggering out of the bar totally drunk. My cousins and I pull up in one of those mercedes Vito minivans, put the child lock on, they throw em in the cargo door and i start taking pictures of them and pretending to talk to someone on the other end. Now my polish is suddenly perfect and all they can hear is me saying things like 'no i need 7 thousand for the brunette and 10 for the blonde... I don't care if her teeth aren't perfect get her dentures!... Pakistan? ... Okay well put them on the next outbound crate' of course we released then after about 5 mins. Man they ran for their lives and our stomachs are hurting from laughter lol. I've never seen a girl flat out sprinting in heels except for that day. Well my cousins say they've never seen them hanging out in that corner of the rynek since.

The next day I went to the same bar with my cousins mid afternoon while it was dead and asked for the owner. We told him what his bartender was doing and that their scam is exposed. I offered paid the regular menu price for the drinks ($50 or so), and of course told the bartender and owner off politely. The owner fired the bartender on the spot (although I bet he knew what was going on) and offered us comp meals as well as refunding last nights bill. I insisted id pay the fair menu price though and a couple tyskie for us would suffice. While my cousins wanted to take then up on their offer of free food, I explained wait staff will mess with peoples food they don't like. And so that was that..

I imagine these po and pis scams were more elaborate albeit not as funny. Also evicting old ppl from their homes is just messed up. Apparently this has been occurring in Germany and Sweden quite a bit due to a housing shortage to make room for the migrants.

Home / Love / They seem nice, but could Polish girls be "gold diggers"?

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