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They seem nice, but could Polish girls be "gold diggers"?

Seanus  15 | 19666
22 Feb 2010   #91
I'm not saying that materialism is a measure of worth here at all. I'm very far from being a materialist. I'm just saying that if Polish women want to pursue the material life then it shouldn't be made harder by their country which doesn't pay well for the most part.

It's not sth I value, esp as a teacher.
Exiled  2 | 424
22 Feb 2010   #92
Russians are gold diggers too of course but Russians manage at least to make you feel good.While with polish girls there is always misery.
Wroclaw Boy
22 Feb 2010   #93
Russians are gold diggers too of course but Russians manage at least to make you feel good.

Youre not really in a position to comment as you live in a fantasy world of sex trips to the Czech republic and feel the need to publish them on the forum in a step by step process in order to make up for your short comings in the real world.

Youre a filthy animal.

What kind of normal person says this:

Watching TV and drinking beer while the girl(one of them) is kneeling on silent BJ.

Correct its just not normal, but then you find out the poster is Greek/Arab living in a kebab shop with his Mother and the answers become clear......
Exiled  2 | 424
22 Feb 2010   #94
I described a phantasy of men which usually stays phantasy since either you have the beer and watch TV or the girl kneeling,no girl will satisfy all three terms.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
22 Feb 2010   #95
Women are women; doesn't matter much if they are Polish, Irish, Macedonian, or Brazilian (well, there's a story there but perhaps some other time).

In general, when deciding on marriage women practice hypergamy. This evolutionary instinct is tempered as women age because women's (sexual) power is at its height when they are young (fertile). In short, womens standards drop as they get older and they realize that the top 10 per cent (of) males are not interested in them.

A woman's best bet is marriage and it's best when she marries young (exceptions duly noted). That's because a woman's social power declines after child-bearing age as does the dubious area and appeal of 'beauty'.

Traditional marriage had some advantages for men as well but these have been eroded by discriminatory judicial systems and laws which favor women and discriminate against men.

Today's men are rightfully wary of entering into the marriage contract which binds men in a multitude of ways especially after a divorce (women initiate 70% of all divorces) and when children are involved.

There seems to be a mini-marriage strike by men, especially in the U.S. It's more difficult to get men to bite on that baited hook after these past 4 decades of "politically correct"

feminist driven culture which has stripped men of their masculinity. Men are told they must do this, but can't do that, etc. Women are told they can do anything but without the responsibility that men continue to have. We are now seeing the tragic results as evidenced by single parent families raising their children who are more prone to becoming drug addicts and/or criminals.

It is enlightening to see that even men in these threads have seen the light.
pgtx  29 | 3094
25 Feb 2010   #96
Are Polish girls "gold diggers"?

no.... mostly coal diggers... you cannot expect more of guys now days...
Exiled  2 | 424
25 Feb 2010   #97
Yes,polish will try to extract everything you have.But the balkan stuff will remain in place.(no Bobbit here).
Wroclaw Boy
25 Feb 2010   #98
If you repeat the same words you will win at the end

Good atleast you have the capacity to learn and behave. Perhaps now you will take my initial advice and get a REAL girlfriend too, instead of living in fantsay worlds of 6 Polish girlfrineds and sex trips to the Czech Republic.
krysia  23 | 3058
25 Feb 2010   #99
Are Polish girls "gold diggers"?

  • rsz_mama_4_003.jpg
rich55  3 | 49
26 Feb 2010   #100
First it is "whine"...I am tired of seeing you guys spell it "whinge" all over the forums.

Both legitimate words which mean pretty much the same thing.
Nataliee  1 | 2
26 Feb 2010   #101
Oh yes they.You should of seen that one coming. They are arrogant penny pinching, disrespectful gold diggers. I have had a polish friend who i had to get rid of she tryed to use my house like a hotel when i let her stay here once. Then lost her mind and got really angry at me when i cut her off because of it i think she thought she had me pegged as a permantant place to use as a hotel for her and her bf when she was in england. I have also had a polish female lodger who told me she was going to pay me £50 less rent a month because i removed my own vacum from the house, which i left in the beginning out of kindness for a month or 2!

Oh and yesterday i got told off in my local cafe by some nasty Polish girl because she charged me £2.40 for a sandwich instead of £2.65 which was her fault...Rather than just leave it she chased me out of the cafe and looked at me in discust before banning me from the cafe i have used for 15 years!! Over 25p!!!!! which i would of happily given her if she had asked me for it at the till!!

Your Lucky she diddnt get your house..I dont think they like us at all they just want our money..Keep away from them.
26 Feb 2010   #102
I have also had a polish female lodger who told me she was going to pay me £50 less rent a month because i removed my own vacum from the house, which i left in the beginning out of kindness for a month or 2!

Ever heard of contracts and specifying details? Would help avoiding misunderstandings. As a landlord it was totally your fault.

I dont think they like us at all they just want our money..

Why they don't like a sunshine like you???? Little wonder ...
beelzebub  - | 444
26 Feb 2010   #103
Reveling in a victim's pain makes you worse than the wench who used him in my eyes,
Exiled  2 | 424
26 Feb 2010   #104
Not all polish women are gold diggers.Some just want euro or zloty,not any bars.
Arien  2 | 710
26 Feb 2010   #105
I don't have any gold, so do they have silver diggers in Poland aswell?

Exiled  2 | 424
26 Feb 2010   #106
With silver you get just a hand work.
Arien  2 | 710
26 Feb 2010   #107
Okay, so what if I had way more silver than someone else has gold?

Exiled  2 | 424
26 Feb 2010   #108
You would get way more hand works.

Darling,me and my girlfriend are going to the hairdresser.Will you give us 40 euro?Of course will your cousin come tomorrow?Yes darling.Then you can come.

Typical example of polish golf digging for little money.A girl can also need boots,food,rent,Internet or whatever.Here shines the Balkan power.
Wroclaw Boy
26 Feb 2010   #109
Allow me to translate:

Yoh dickhead gimme some money, 40 Euros should do it my cousin is arriving tomorrow and we need to find real men. Also stop masterbating so much your little bedroom stinks, im never going to shag you as youre a filty, dirty, greasy kebab boy.

What you dont have the money? Well go and make some kebabs and ask your mum for a loan, i know she secretly wishes i would take you off her, dont worry i'll keep playing the game to keep her happy, but get one thing straight - YOU MAKE ME SICK.
Exiled  2 | 424
26 Feb 2010   #110
One of my polish gfs started working in ass bar in Germany.Two others started work in massage parlor.It seems local gold is not enough.
time means  5 | 1309
26 Feb 2010   #111
One of my polish gfs started working in ass bar in Germany.Two others started work in massage parlor

You are obviously not delivering the goods (sex wise) at home.
Exiled  2 | 424
26 Feb 2010   #112
Insatiable my friend.Insatiable.
time means  5 | 1309
26 Feb 2010   #113
Too much for one man. Three is a lot why don't you cut down a little. Short haired thug cannot get a girl so maybe you could pass him some of your spare?
Exiled  2 | 424
26 Feb 2010   #114
Who is this short hair thug?The cousin of long hair thug?Anyway even one Polka has such huge appetytu that it is impossible to satisfy them by convential means.
Wroclaw Boy
26 Feb 2010   #115
One of my polish gfs started working in ass bar in Germany.Two others started work in massage parlor.It seems local gold is not enough.

Ahh ah your dreams have indeed taken a turn for the reality. It appears theyve merged from dream world to real world.
Ogien  5 | 237
1 Mar 2010   #116
Sadly, a lot of Polish girls who date foreigners tend to be gold-diggers.
Seanus  15 | 19666
1 Mar 2010   #117
How about those that are married to foreigners? ;) ;)
Exiled  2 | 424
1 Mar 2010   #118
They go for the big kahoona.
krysia  23 | 3058
1 Mar 2010   #119
Sadly, a lot of Polish girls who date foreigners tend to be gold-diggers.

Why sadly? Because foreigners are so stupid? Or because Polish girls are clever?
Exiled  2 | 424
1 Mar 2010   #120
Foreigners are extremely stupid.We are stupid like carriages or like concrete walls.Waaay too stupid.

Home / Love / They seem nice, but could Polish girls be "gold diggers"?

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