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They seem nice, but could Polish girls be "gold diggers"?

still_wisher  7 | 97
27 Feb 2009   #31
and you think thats right!!!!!!!

sure it is not or i wouldn't call it steeling !!

Apul how old are you, and how old is the polish girl?

good question..

I dont think that's what he was doing! Blimey the way some people think is sick!

still sick even if he did 1 thing from all what he'd said.
lexi  1 | 176
27 Feb 2009   #32
Polish women are very practical and are the pillar upon which many men build their success.

The saying is behind every successful man there is a good women. Never a truer word spoken.
still_wisher  7 | 97
27 Feb 2009   #33
not (never) :) common don't be so hard on all women !! sometimes the saying becomes true ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666
27 Feb 2009   #34
I was gonna put that expression down, lexi, but I thought I'd give sb else the chance to do so. My fiancee has helped me out immeasurably with Polish authorities. I just don't have the time to be piddling around with documents.

Sorry apul, you got a raw deal through being gullible, deal with it. It's often the little things in life that we value. Simplicity is genius. I bought 3 containers of bigos today with good bread and that will make my fiancee's day. She doesn't expect that much. I bought her chocolates also, good Ferrero Rondnoir's. That helps too, only 13PLN. No harm in buying flowers either. These are symbols, signs of love which should be followed up with REAL love.

I was a babysitter many years ago and actually told the guy to stop paying me far too much. I felt like he was using his money as power. I was only a student then so accepted a little more than the going rate per hour but I drew the line. Money was like paper to that guy, minted he was. I hate gold digging.

Shelley, I hear ya. You have a point but Brits had the motivation to work for a long time. Working conditions there are much better for the most part. Or were at least. Still, Poles have to instigate change from within, start demanding more. Equal pay for equal work n all that.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883
27 Feb 2009   #35
not (never) :) common don't be so hard on all women !! sometimes the saying becomes true ;)

What are you talking about, lexi was correct in what she wrote "never a truer word spoken" is CORRECT.
Seanus  15 | 19666
27 Feb 2009   #36
Apul, some words of advice. Don't expect too many Polish girls to be that grateful. Gratitude is not their strong point.
lexi  1 | 176
27 Feb 2009   #37
The key factor to Apul's relationship is the age difference!
still_wisher  7 | 97
27 Feb 2009   #38
i think so also , but he didn't reply yet..
Seanus  15 | 19666
27 Feb 2009   #39
I'd say the naivety factor but there we go. Once your money is gone, it's gone and many aren't so willing to come forward and replenish your stocks.
still_wisher  7 | 97
27 Feb 2009   #40
naivety factor here is strange bc i dont think that there is someone in this age got all this naivety !! but mby u r right
Seanus  15 | 19666
27 Feb 2009   #41
Geez, people are people. If people delude themselves that they are gonna always get their desired reaction to their actions, all power to them.

He thought he had the gift of the gab. Little did he know that she had the gift of the grab.
OP apul  1 | 14
27 Feb 2009   #42
The key factor to Apul's relationship is the age difference!

there si a 8 year age difference is that big i dont think so. !!!!!!!

Apul how old are you, and how old is the polish girl?

we are both over 30,

Apul, some words of advice. Don't expect too many Polish girls to be that grateful. Gratitude is not their strong point.

thats ture
Seanus  15 | 19666
27 Feb 2009   #43
Why didn't you give it a trial run first, apul? You went the full hog too quickly. Some of them are self-piteous cretins who think that the world owes them a living.

Zero appreciation. I bet she is looking for the next instalment.
still_wisher  7 | 97
27 Feb 2009   #44
we are both over 30,

oh !!! and she did all that !!! so im sorry what Seanus said (I bet she is looking for the next instalment.) is 100% right , she is a pro :)
OP apul  1 | 14
27 Feb 2009   #45
yes you right,

another poor sole or a meal ticket (as my mum says)

life goes on,
like you said

Why didn't you give it a trial run first, apul

50 years im think

is that ok
lexi  1 | 176
27 Feb 2009   #46
we are both over 30,

Why is she studying at 30 and arcitecture! What did she do the ten years before that?
still_wisher  7 | 97
27 Feb 2009   #47
sucking blood of another poor guy :)
Ja Przybylem  - | 42
27 Feb 2009   #48
No if you had an ounce of decency about you and a real man, you would have stopped this in it's infancy. One a "freeloader" always a freeloader. Don't make excuses.

Not quite, as I listed a very brief Cliff Notes version of my story, but regardless, she wanted to spoil me. Anyway, maturity didn't begin to settle in for me until about 25. Prior to that, I wasn't thinking about what it means to be a real man or anything along those lines. I was a boy, mentally.

That was at 22.

Maturity means a lot, and most people I know prior to 25 were not mature. Prior to 25, that wasn't really dating for me, as I fell in love with a new girl every other week. At 25 some kind of switch went off in me.
lexi  1 | 176
27 Feb 2009   #49
That was at 22.

22 or l0 you should have been brought up to believe that "nothing is free in life". Respect is everything, and respect means that you respect the person you are with, whatever the age or circumstances.
Seanus  15 | 19666
27 Feb 2009   #50
Apul, just remember this. If Poland were ever to become a monarchy, they'd be totally swamped with applications to become a princess.
lexi  1 | 176
27 Feb 2009   #51
sucking blood of another poor guy :)

Probably very true
still_wisher  7 | 97
27 Feb 2009   #52
apul , u should'v done this :)
she asked me cash or credit , i jizz in my pants ;)
OP apul  1 | 14
27 Feb 2009   #53
Very good,
how did you find that, dont you work you must have too much time on your hands,
but very good and ture
still_wisher  7 | 97
27 Feb 2009   #54
i know the song :) thats why i found it , and actualy i hv sometime these days
Ja Przybylem  - | 42
27 Feb 2009   #55
22 or l0 you should have been brought up to believe that "nothing is free in life". Respect is everything, and respect means that you respect the person you are with, whatever the age or circumstances.

Thanks for the tip preacher. I also got more tail than I can handle for 10+ years, and the one that spoiled me, was a beauty queen.

what are you on about !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maturity. It doesn't exist in most young people. You don't appreciate things, you're not grateful, and you take advantage of stuff. Before 25, I went from one girl to another. It happens at a different age for everyone, but for me it was around 25 when I began to settle down mentally, build relationships with people, etc. My point is in reference to maturity.

Regardless, I honestly don't see much to analyze here. She over 30, and is a grown woman. Sounds like a bad apple.
niejestemcapita  2 | 561
27 Feb 2009   #56
Yes of course they are.

I would back this up with some choice personal anecdotes but I cant be bothered.:}(anyway they are not alone)
Wroclaw Boy
27 Feb 2009   #57
Gold diggers eventually have to sustain themselves whilst being banged by the most hideuos of fat fucks with a few quid in the bank. Makes me sick.

Then they get pregnant sign a pre nuptual agreement and hey they lose big time. Love versus money, they alwasy come unstuck in the end and its one big heart ache. Problem is it takes the gold diggers years to figure this out.

Mind you seems like Apul's ex is doing alright.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235
28 Feb 2009   #58
me i dont think so,
Ive never had any problem getting girlfriends.

you obviously have bad taste in women. you sponsored a Polish girl for months, she used you and you haven't even noticed what she was really doing. and now you claim all Polish women are gold diggers. you could've picked any woman and chances are she'd turn out that way as well. you think you can buy love? it's hard to believe you have achieved something in your life if you're so naive and absolutely useless when it comes to reading people and recognising their true intentions. did she ever pay for anything for you? she'd probably go mental if you asked her to buy something with her own money. if you don't like what people are saying and that they are taking the mickey out of you for being a sucker then you shouldn't've asked. so successful, rich and handsome. yet still, you're a loser and a fool for a pretty face. it's good you can at least afford being ripped off! :D
Seanus  15 | 19666
28 Feb 2009   #59
I think you are getting a clear message, apul. Just do the normal things, you know, take her out for lunch once in a while, buy her flowers when the time is right and just listen to some of the things she has to say.

Muniu would say most (all?) of the things she has to say but ok ;)
OP apul  1 | 14
28 Feb 2009   #60

you need to take a chill pill its me whos been fuck not you
i was just interested in what people think i know it could be any woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Home / Love / They seem nice, but could Polish girls be "gold diggers"?

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