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The BEST Guide to POLAND
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What do Polish girls think about dating Asian guys?

26 Mar 2017   #91
All the Polish girls that I have dated tend to have an interest in Asian culture. They either like anime, kpop, kdrama, manga, food or other cultural stuff. If they express interest in any of these things, then you can definitely get a first date, contingent on if she finds you physically attractive. I haven't had trouble getting dates in Poland as a Korean guy, so take that as you will.

Basically ignore all the racists in the thread. They're just jealous 'their women' are being taken. They treat women like objects and have no respect for either them or the culture of others.
efraim91  - | 3
26 Mar 2017   #92
I used to work on board a ship owned by a german company but the crew where Filipino (I am) and polish. One of the polish cadet showed me a picture of her sister and she looks good.. Hope one day i can meet a polish woman in person or to have a friendly chat chat on facebook, Im 26 btw =D
Bieganski  17 | 888
26 Mar 2017   #94
They treat women like objects and have no respect for either them or the culture of others.

Hilarious! A Korean preferring to date white women going around and lecturing others about racism and objectification of women.

You have no credibility.

Here are just two of many accounts from within the past year alone:

South Korea′s struggle with cultural diversity

"Many in South Korea have complained about what they perceive as growing intolerance against foreigners, pointing to Korean-only bars."


Hmmm. Imagine that. Koreans keeping non-Koreans (especially Africans) out of social gathering spaces in Korea like bars where Korean women often go to socialize and look for boyfriends, lovers and potential husbands.

On the racist beauty standards in Asian culture...the disturbing link between Asian skin color and status

"Women-and not just Asians-around the globe are subject to the pressure of having fair skin. And this obsession with skin color isn't just about beauty: It has real-life consequences that can stretch to everyday prejudice, class status, and quality of life. Many layers of systematic oppression are hidden behind seemingly innocuous compliments..."


Yes, indeed. Multiculturalism requires not just tolerance but understanding. And people being people it's clear that no one, not even immigrants from Asia, leave their prejudices behind when their airplane touches down on a runway in Europe.

So to help Poles understand Asian culture better this would be a great opportunity for the two carnival barkers for diversity @sunwooz (a self-described Korean) and @efraim91 (a self-described Pinoy) to explain to the forum which one of them has the higher status both in Asia and in Europe.

@sunwooz and @efraim91 over to you!
26 Mar 2017   #95
@Bieganski It looks like we found another jealous polish guy!

Did I ever say I prefer to date white women? Funny, because I didn't. I've literally dated women from every 'race' and have no strong preference for one or the other.

Are you a man? Because, this kind of insecurity is very unbecoming of a real man. It's no wonder people refuse to date you.

Also, when did I ever say that Korea was a bastion for equality? I didn't. Again, you're projecting your thoughts on me because you're extremely insecure. This is how a child deals with his problems. You're basically a child.

When you see me walking down the street with a Polish girl, you should come up to me and say this to my face.. Oh wait.. You won't, because you're a giant insecure little *****.
Wulkan  - | 3136
26 Mar 2017   #96
Again, you're projecting your thoughts on me

Talk about projecting thoughts

It's no wonder people refuse to date you.

Has he ever said people refuse to date him or it's just your secret desire that suits your tiny ego?

When you see me walking down the street with a Polish girl

Nobody gives a slightest fcuk what nationality girl you date here. All the posts you wrote here are nothing more than hate and flaming, you seem to be very sad and negative individual so don't expect random person talk to you on the street.
26 Mar 2017   #97
I'm the negative one? I'm literally the one who said to ignore all the hateful racists in this thread.

You're beyond delusional.

I'm saying people refuse to date him because of his obvious insecurities. You're one of em' too.
Wulkan  - | 3136
26 Mar 2017   #98
I'm the negative one?


I'm literally the one who said to ignore all the hateful racists in this thread.

You said much more than just that.

You're one of em' too.

Of course, anything that suits your hurt ego, everybody has insecurities here just for you to feel good.
26 Mar 2017   #99
Tell me, what did I say? Lets see if you can even read.
Bieganski  17 | 888
26 Mar 2017   #100

Wow! You're quite the piece of work with a obvious MASSIVE chip on your shoulder! Where to start?! LOL!

Let's see, you come on here bragging (without proof of course) of having no problem dating Polish women and even boast about taking them away from Polish men suggesting you are someone to be jealous of and (naturally) your critics are racist.

And your basis of being such a "magnet" is being an conversant regarding marginalized nerd interests like anime and K-pop. And you're calling me a child? LOL! How old are you? 13?

Ok, it's perspective time. Here's a VERY telling headline about your taste in music:

Census Says 1 Out Of Every 6 Kpop Fans Are Dudes, And We Are Not All Gay!

So you may think your claim about dating women (plural) carves you out to be some kind of stud but you really need to stop and realize that Polish women prefer to date men and not boys. Hence your need to keep trying at a game you are already doomed to keep failing at. But that's to be expected. Just take solace in calling yourself a "player" when it comes to Polish women but never someone who scores.

Face it, you only posted on here because you crave validation. Your highly defensive response only confirms your profound insecurities. Not just in establishing a sustained relationship with any woman but in having to explain your own race-based biases.

By the way, despite playing the race card you never manned up and responded to my request to have you explain Asian culture with the forum. So, I'll ask again, who has higher status in Asia and Europe, you or someone efraim91 and why would that be?
26 Mar 2017   #101
Your posts absolutely screams insecurity. This is really funny haha
Wulkan  - | 3136
26 Mar 2017   #102
Your posts absolutely screams insecurity.

Now when you "prove" your point you can go and play some Starcraft, good job.
26 Mar 2017   #103
The dude is literally going nuts over the fact that I shared my experience with dating polish women. Take your neo-nazi ******** and go **** yourself.
Wulkan  - | 3136
26 Mar 2017   #104
The dude is literally going nuts over the fact that I shared my experience with dating polish women.

Does he? Or perhaps he pointed out some facts about you that you clearly are not proud of.

More hate, more anger and swearing. Thank's god not all Koreans are like you because your country would be doomed.
27 Mar 2017   #105
What facts are you talking about? I literally just shared my opinion ON THE TOPIC ON HAND. And you two neo nazis started talking about how you're some superior race and how every other culture but your own is messed up.

Get a ******* life. I'm so very sorry that you two are insecure enough to behave like this. You're both children.
27 Mar 2017   #106
"You said much more than that"

You still haven't said exactly WHAT I said. Because you know you're downright retarded and cannot read for ****.
Wulkan  - | 3136
27 Mar 2017   #107
You still haven't said exactly WHAT I said.

They treat women like objects and have no respect for either them or the culture of others.

Yes, you started trolling here like crazy, Now play some Starcraft you retarded kim jong un troll
27 Mar 2017   #108
Let's be clear here. You're just another racist mad that 'you're women' are being 'stolen'.
Wulkan  - | 3136
27 Mar 2017   #109
Care to back it up with some quote of mine or it's just your overactive imagination?
Ironside  50 | 12916
27 Mar 2017   #110
Let's be clear here. You're just another racist mad that 'you're women' are being 'stolen'

What women? Those that exist only in your imagination? You must be some a really moronic individual if you think that coming here and posting some fantasy stories under a guest username to get a rise out of people gonna be successful. You credibility is zero, you're some troll-like internet entity a dime a dozen on the internet. Also you must be some teen virgin to get riled is easily after two posters in here deemed right to cut you to side after responding to your HS.

You're not even good at trolling. Pathetic. lol!
Go back to a meting waterhole (I'm sure they exist in the cyberspace) for teens with a retarded social functions. There you all can exchange insults and gain that warm feeling inside that you actually matter and make a difference by magically pressing few key on a keyboard.

I let you on a secret here - you don't.
Go and do something constructive with yourself and your time. Over and out!
27 Mar 2017   #111
Sigh. You people are in denial. It's rather pathetic.
Wulkan  - | 3136
27 Mar 2017   #112
Perhaps, we refuse to accept the reality that exists in your head, it seems to have little to do with the actual reality. I understand that English is not your native language and you don't understand certain things that are being said here but there is no need for getting too emotional about it.
Paulina  17 | 4465
28 Mar 2017   #113
OK, I think I have to step in here, not only as a Polish woman, but a woman in general... lol
I've been reading this exchange and scratching my head wondering why on Earth all of you jumped on sunwooz like that.
First of all, he didn't attack Polish men in general but those racist posters whose comments were as if taken out of a Nazi textbook (did you guys read this whole thread?) He didn't write that he's taking Polish women away from Polish men, like Bieganski suggested, but that it's the way racists see it, because they see women as objects (and as their property, I imagine). So why the hate?

Second of all, he didn't write that he dates only white women or that his society is perfect.
He also didn't write nor did he imply that he's some kind of a irresistible stud or a "magnet" to women and that all Polish women are tripping over themselves to get to him lol

He wrote, I quote: "All the Polish girls that I have dated tend to have an interest in Asian culture." And then he added: "If they express interest in any of these things, then you can definitely get a first date, contingent on if she finds you physically attractive."

That's all.
It means that women who are interested in Asian culture are more open to a possibility of dating an Asian, especially if he's attractive enough.

Polish women prefer to date men and not boys.

Polish women, like all human beings on this planet, aren't a copy of one another and they may have different preferences, like everyone.
I knew personally two Polish females (one teenager and one adult woman) who were interested in Asian culture and were swooning over South Korean male signers and they made me even watch some TV shows where those signers were guest stars or sth lol Not my cup of tea but I did watch it with them in order to be polite and out of curiosity. The teenage girl will maybe grow out of this but the adult one ended up on Japanese studies so I guess she's hooked for good :)

Also, Justin Bieber isn't only popular (or was, I don't know) only in Asia, is he now? So, clearly, tastes vary.

Of course, the fact that a woman is interested in some culture doesn't have to necessarily mean that she's attracted to men from that culture. I must say that despite the fact that I was interested in Japanese culture and I still value the visual aspect of their culture, for example (many European artists were influenced by Japanese culture during Art Nouveau period, so it doesn't have to be about "marginalized nerd interests like anime and K-pop") I'm not particularly attracted to Asian men. However... After seeing some beefed-up Chinese Americans (or with some other Asian backround maybe - I don't know) I changed my mind somewhat... I guess a handsome well-built man is a handsome well-built man - no matter the race :)

Someone mentioned Filipinos here. They can be handsome too - I did some googling:

He's cute :)

And look at this guy:


OK, he's half-Filipino, half-white and has "American" written all over his face but that makes him a walking commercial for race mixing lol Hot! :)

You're just another racist mad that 'you're women' are being 'stolen'.

Well, I doubt Wulkan is mad that Polish women are being "stolen" by anyone - he lives in the UK, he's in a relationship with a British woman and thinks that Polish women are worse than British ones on all levels :) So I honestly don't understand what he's doing on this thread in the first place.

You credibility is zero, you're some troll-like internet entity

I don't think he's a troll and to me his credibility isn't zero at all. He also doesn't give an impression of a "very sad and negative individual" as Wulkan claimed.

I can't blame him for thinking that men here jumped on him because of their insecurities, as Bieganski clearly overreacted and didn't even read with understanding what sunwooz actually wrote.

Go and do something constructive with yourself and your time.

Like you, Iron? :)

Perhaps, we refuse to accept the reality that exists in your head, it seems to have little to do with the actual reality.

Guys, I don't even know what sunwooz looks like but I'd rather date him rather than any of you already. At least he seems normal in this thread and he can read (sorry for being blunt, but that's how it looks).

Imho, you should all take a step back and chill. And then maybe read sunwooz's first comment again...:

I don't know, I'm not a man so maybe I'm missing some "podprogowy przekaz" is his post, but to me your reaction is pretty mental, guys o_O

Just saying (from a woman's perspective)...
Ironside  50 | 12916
28 Mar 2017   #114
I can't blame him for thinking

I can. Either he is not thinking at all or he is a teen as I said. One way or the other his premised are false. Bieganski jumped on him because our 'supposed to be South Korean' complain about some 'racists' Poles whereas in SK and generally in the Asian countries being racists in western original meaning of the world is pretty much established as a norm in a society.

For example a back man wouldn't have much of a chance to pick up an Asian women as a girlfriend or even wife. Kids of mixed patronage - say European and Asian have a tough live in Asian countries. And so on...

Bieganski ire came from a premise that all those dudes came to Europe or USA and expect a total acceptance from all the people whereas their own respective countries and cultures don't pass a scrutiny when it comes to the acceptance of the foreign people or foreign cultures.

Not unlike some Arab countries who are the first to lambast Europeans about their racist and imperialistic history whereas they themselves as we speak turn black illegal immigrants into slaves.

don't think he's a troll

I think he is an American Asian or even an impostor with a mission. I estimate - Genuine versus troll 50/50.

I don't even know what sunwooz looks like but I'd rather date him rather than any of you already.

So, Paulina still no man in your life.
You missed the point here. Wulkan responded to someone who sounded pathetically out of line and stared to be abusive and presumptuous.
Non of that has anything to do with women, Polish women or dating. I suggested even as a kid that due to the surplus of women in Poland there could be exchange for the surplus of oil from the Middle Eastern countries.

Like you, Iron? :)

oh ha ha ha I actually hate this façade of the Polish culture. Do you want to talk about me? Are you really interested? Pm me!

from a woman's perspective

Sometimes that perspective could be misleading.
nothanks  - | 626
28 Mar 2017   #115
I could definitely go without having to see pictures of Non-Poles on a Polish Forum. Asian dudes? Who cares hahah. Not Polish and their "half Polish" off spring isn't either.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
28 Mar 2017   #116
Asian dudes?

More please. It makes a welcome change from the "bald all over steroid freak" look found on Polish streets.
spiritus  69 | 643
28 Mar 2017   #117
Guys, I don't even know what sunwooz looks like but I'd rather date him rather than any of you already

Geez-what did I do ??!
nothanks  - | 626
28 Mar 2017   #118
More please. It makes a welcome change from the "bald all over steroid freak" look found on Polish streets.

I could see your point - Asian males are quite feminine: small in stature and hairless.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
28 Mar 2017   #119
Asian males are quite feminine


Toughest guy I've ever met in Poland had a beard, had arms made of granite and could kick so fast that it was a blur. Oh, and he was Asian.

Certainly he put most of those MMA wannabes to shame.
Bieganski  17 | 888
28 Mar 2017   #120
in SK and generally in the Asian countries being racists in western original meaning of the world is pretty much established as a norm in a society.

Exactly. And this rude guest poster was looking for an argument with his very first post:

This forum seems to be a good indication of the level of education of its users.

He then began throwing insults around calling other posters racists and neo-nazis. And when challenged on his hypocrisy he reacted with hot headed foul mouthed ranting.

As you pointed out Asian countries are some of the most racist societies on earth and not just towards each other. Here is one revealing clip from a few years ago demonstrating what Japanese nationalists really think of white Westerns:

So where's the same love that they expect to be shown when visiting or residing in the West?

It doesn't matter. There will always be fools and traitors among us who hate themselves and their heritage so much that they are committed to welcoming all foreigners regardless of their true, long term intentions.

We've seen it recently:
And not so long ago:

And yeah, both fake "refugees" of today and real nazis in the past saw local women in other lands as nothing more than inferior objects to be owned, raped and murdered.

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