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Are all beautiful Polish girls as crazy as this?

Seanus  15 | 19666
14 Aug 2010   #91
Just be careful when you are out drinking with her. When I wasn't taken, many years ago now, I would find that the sexy ones, logically enough, had these huge dudes around them. Many Polish guys are reasonable and I could strike a chord but that can go out of the window when they drink. Then you could find yourself confronting 4 massive dudes. You are not going to win that one.
southern  73 | 7059
14 Aug 2010   #92
It is worse with serbian girls.There you find yourself among really huge dudes with fat necks and big hands and primitive appearance.
Pinching Pete  - | 554
14 Aug 2010   #93
fat necks and big hands and primitive appearance.

southern  73 | 7059
14 Aug 2010   #94
Yes,only the Germans and the Serbs can scare you by their appearance.The Germans because of the way they carry weapons(you think the Death started a walk) and the Serbs because of their paranoid eyes and threatening posture.(I guess one of the reasons for their persecution is the fear they caused to westerners).
19 Aug 2010   #95
No anecdotes. Only evidence. Conflict and chaos reign in my Polish wife's head. I'm running! After 8 years of trying. I'm out. Buyer beware. They aaint gonna change!
Seanus  15 | 19666
19 Aug 2010   #96
Amongst the most selfish I have known. I'm surprised such a kind of person can function in a team at all. It's like a constant battle and degradation attempt.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
20 Aug 2010   #97
"....she seems almost to enjoy conflict; she wants to control every aspect of my life; she is extremely distrusting and jealous; she is very temperamental; and, most frustratingly of all, she is NEVER wrong, and EVERYTHING is always my fault. A couple of weeks ago during an argument she actually hit me."

You are dating a spoiled child, therefore, any major decisions must be controlled by you.

She knows (that) you know that she is using you. Put your money to better use and dump her.
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Aug 2010   #98
Exactly! Put the foot down and they often change, believe me. They likely need you much more than the opposite. Just think with the right head as thinking with the wrong one only ends badly for you. Just think about it!
southern  73 | 7059
21 Aug 2010   #99
Basically with Polki you need to play your klarino no matter what they do.
OP softhearted63  1 | 8
24 Aug 2010   #100
I originally posted this thread.

Well, it's over. I just couldn't stand it any more.

She was suffocating me with accusations, dreadful comments about any female acquintance. She was a time-bomb; if things weren't going her way, big trouble.

I have to admit - and this is difficult to say - she was bullying me, using her 'value' as a beautiful young women to emotionally blackmail me.

It's fresh. I hurt. I miss the nice things. But I simply could not live my life with this madness - pretty on the outside, rotten to the core.

Thank you all for good advice - advice which really only confirmed my gut feelings.

Any genuinely 'nice' Polish ladies out there? I'd love to hear from you. Prove me wrong.

Thank you.
Michelangelo  - | 2
24 Aug 2010   #101
I have always been unlucky to have such a gf. Never looked for good looking ones, but always ended up with one anyway. Luckily, my current one has learnt what it means to be a woman in man's life :D

You need to support her, whether that's her educational or professional goals or emotional little problems. But, at the same time, show her who's the king of the castle. When she says "Honey, could you bring me a glass of juice, please?" Don't go... Just say "It's good idea, bring one for me as well, love." They love to be adored, but don't like submissive men at the same time. Strange, I know. But, being a prick works :D
Paulina  19 | 4558
25 Aug 2010   #102
Any genuinely 'nice' Polish ladies out there? I'd love to hear from you.

Sure, there are plenty, but why Polish ladies? I can see in you profile that you live in Scotland, right? Is there something wrong with Scottish ladies?

Prove me wrong.

Maybe pick better next time ;) And someone closer to your age...
southern  73 | 7059
25 Aug 2010   #103
Basically with slavic women you always have to say yes.For example ''will you kiss me?''-Yes,of course.''I want hugs.''-Yes.''Will we do it?''Yes,of course.''I want you on me.''-Yes.''Tak.''-Yes.''May I bring my girlfriend?''-Yes,of course.''You are so handsome.''-Yes.
25 Aug 2010   #104
Post a picture of the girl so we know how she looks like ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Aug 2010   #105
If at first you don't succeed (in tormenting your partner), try and try again ;) ;) The motto of Polish women, learned as a mantra :) :)
25 Aug 2010   #106
so you are a masochist, right?

:) :)

Oh... I see that you are indeed.

Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Aug 2010   #107
I was kidding, Zeti :) My wife was sitting next to me when I wrote it so I was just winding her up.
southern  73 | 7059
25 Aug 2010   #108
Your wife checks the forum and knows you are Seanus?I will never allow it to my Polki.Once asked what I write I answered "confidential."
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Aug 2010   #109
Oh yeah, I have nothing to hide :) She knows well what I write. She also knows when I'm being serious and when I'm tongue in cheek :)
pgtx  29 | 3094
25 Aug 2010   #110
My wife was sitting next to me

HI SEE-ANUS'S WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

southern  73 | 7059
25 Aug 2010   #111
And you show her your mobile phone?Your messages and photos?
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Aug 2010   #112
Do you see anus, pgtx? What's that all about? ;) She's crazy, she likes a good scrap :)
A J  4 | 1075
25 Aug 2010   #113
My wife was sitting next to me when I wrote it so I was just winding her up.

Will she show her boobs if I send you a PM? (To wind you up, of course!)

25 Aug 2010   #114
My wife was sitting next to me

Hi! :)
Keep him short! ;)
southern  73 | 7059
25 Aug 2010   #115
Poor wife has to wait till PF goes to sleep.
25 Aug 2010   #116
Southern I'm starting to like your sense of humor ;DDD
pgtx  29 | 3094
25 Aug 2010   #117
Poor wife has to wait till PF goes to sleep.

hahaha... ok, that was good southern...
southern  73 | 7059
25 Aug 2010   #118
Either that or Seanus writes in pleasure.
Seanus  15 | 19666
26 Aug 2010   #119 pleasure yet :( My wife would demand money to see boobs as nice as hers :) I'm dead serious when I tell her that they are the nicest pair I have ever seen :) Plus, she loves getting massages as, well, she needs them. Anyway, I have no wish to cross over any borders here so will kindly refrain from further comments :)
md06jnk  - | 3
26 Aug 2010   #120
yes mostly are like this.

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