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Poles are not racist

Lady in red
28 Sep 2007 #91
We went to a Polish restaurant next door to the Polish Centre in Hammersmith on Kings Street and they refused to serve us because he was with me. My brown skin was obviously not acceptable in there.

That sounds a bit strange ? It's against the law to do that and i don't believe that happened, for the reasons you state. And if it did, surely you would have reported them by now ?

Also, my parents weren't rascist and they were Polish........I'm not too sure where you are coming from really. I've read some of your posts and sympathised with your predicament a few times but I'm quite puzzled now at some of the things you state, to be honest.

I've never heard a polish person use the word 'n**ger '
28 Sep 2007 #92
I've never heard a polish person use the word 'n**ger '

That's because they say "czarnuch" instead. :(

We went to a Polish restaurant next door to the Polish Centre in Hammersmith on Kings Street and they refused to serve us because he was with me..

Shameful behaviour... but the food's rubbish in there anyway, so you didn't miss much.

On the other hand, our favourite Polish restaurant in Shepherds Bush 'The Patio' a little further down the road is excellent and the people in there are very nice. Especially the Polish Lady who runs it. I love the food in there.

Thank heavens you know the Patio. There really is no need to go anywhere else for Polish food in west London. Well, except maybe a Polish home, obviously. :)

I think there are rascist people wherever you go unfortunately. It is not a white problem, but one of human beings across the board of every colour and race wanting to treat others who are different, unfairly and with disrespect. I

Reminds me of what used to happen to me and a Jamaican girlfriend in a Chinese restaurant near where we used to live. They would be almost bowing down to the white, middle-aged, middle class couples and families in there... whereas we would get all the attitude and the worst table. It took a few visits to really notice this properly (at first we just thought it was bad service), but eventually it dawned on us what the deal really was, and we never went back after that. Such a shame, because the food was amazing, but there was no way we were going to continue to fill the pockets of scum like that. :(
Murzynka - | 48
29 Sep 2007 #93
It is strange for an English person like me absolutely. Im not used to be treated like that in my own country, but it DID happen 100%. Just because you have never experienced it yourself, doesnt mean I am not telling the truth. Yes it is against the law, but do you think the Police would go down and arrest them ? How do I prove it ? Dont be so Knaive.

Quote one part of my post that shows me saying that I think all Polish people are rascist???
Read my post again. NOWHERE DO I SAY THAT.

There are good people and bad people in this world of every colour and race. I think there are more good than bad. Luckily Iam with one of the good guys. : )

See above, where does it say all Poles are rascist ?????

Are you black ?? If not, it is highly unlikely that you would have heard the word N****r mentioned. I HAVE heard it. Again, just because you have not experienced something doesn't mean it hasn't happened.

Reminds me of what used to happen to me and a Jamaican girlfriend in a Chinese restaurant near where we used to live. (

See, other people have had similar experiences because they have been in similar situations, so this proves it isnt such a rare occurance.

You are puzzled about my post because you are puzzled about yourself. My post is clear to anyone with a good understanding the English Language. You like puzzler are seeing words in my posts that I have not even put there. That I am afriad does suggest that you have a degree of confusion about your own point of view regarding rascism.
Eurola 4 | 1898
29 Sep 2007 #94
Good for you Grzes. Most of the posts are really embarrassing. It is a shame, since Poles should know what it means to be discriminated against.
Murzynka - | 48
30 Sep 2007 #95
My boyfriend wrote something about this in Polish and I think you have seen it Eurola as you have replied to it, but I can't see it here anymore. Thats strange.
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139
30 Sep 2007 #96
Probably removed by Admin. Posts should be written only in English.
foxylitious 1 | 27
30 Sep 2007 #97
There are good people and bad people in this world of every colour and race

yes, couldn't agree more. I have mixed baby... on my way home, on the aroplain full of polish ppl they stare at me and started 2 call me names like that, a, jusyt becouse I hade mixed kid... but I had ppl who loved my babe too. and yes poles r racist, not all thou!
Lady in red
30 Sep 2007 #98
Just because you have never experienced it yourself, doesnt mean I am not telling the truth. Yes it is against the law, but do you think the Police would go down and arrest them ? How do I prove it ? Dont be so Knaive.

You shouldn't always assume other people haven't experienced certain things. I was merely surprised you didn't report the incident because you do appear to be someone who would stand up for their rights. Also, I'm not naive as you infer. Furthermore, I am fully aware of how the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) operates in the UK, and they operate very successfully in cases in the area's you referred too. Rather than complain about it in a forum, surely it's better to ensure that future mixed race couples don't face the same treatment. It's up to everyone to fight racism at every stage :)

I have nothing to do with Puzzler, I only know him from his posts on this forum.

I never said, that you said that 'All poles are racist'........I just said my parents weren't. Would help if you read my post, as you don't appear to have read it correctly ?

it is highly unlikely that you would have heard the word N****r mentioned.

I'm sure non Polish people in the UK mention it, but I merely said I had not heard a polish person mention it. There is nothing wrong in me posting that in my message, it's a factual comment.

Are you black ??

No, I'm not but what has that got to do with my reply to you ?

You are puzzled about my post because you are puzzled about yourself.

Not at all. You are quite incorrect in your assumptions. I just cannot understand why, a person like yourself would not have taken the matter further, rather than complain about it on an open forum. As I said before everyone has to fight to ensure future generations don't face similar problems....that's how we got here today.

You don't know anything about me or my life so don't make assumptions about whether or not I have experienced or faced any racism before and I saw nothing wrong in my previous posting to you. I was not insulting you or calling you any names. You appear to be one very angry person :(
Kci - | 12
30 Sep 2007 #99
That sounds a bit strange ? It's against the law to do that and i don't believe that happened, for the reasons you state. And if it did, surely you would have reported them by now

I'm with you on that. As we have laws against being discriminated against on the grounds of our color, race, religion or sexual orientation, i find it strange that the incident wasn't reported.
Murzynka - | 48
1 Oct 2007 #100
You shouldn't always assume other people haven't experienced certain things. I was merely surprised you didn't report the incident because you do appear to be someone who would stand up for their rights.

You dont come across as a person who as experienced what I am talking about due to the fact that you seem to have a hard time believing what I said. I didn't feel the need to go to the trouble of approaching the C of R E due to the fact that I don't care enough about some half wits in a crappy restaurant to go to the trouble.

Also, my parents weren't rascist and they were Polish......

In English, this statement suggests that I am accusing all Polish people of being rascist.

I've never heard a polish person use the word 'n**ger '

I meant the Polish version of the word N****r.

No, I'm not but what has that got to do with my reply to you ?

It has a lot to do with it. You do not know what it is like, as you are a white person with regards to the treatment of black people in britain.

The quote below was made by someone who had a Jamaican girlfriend. He may be white BUT he has an understanding you dont have, as he had a relationship with a black girl and was therefore witness to similar experiences.

Having an opinion that does not mirror yours, does not make me an angry person. If someone writes something I want to comment on, I do. Thats the point of the forums isnt it ?

I'm with you on that. As we have laws against being discriminated against on the grounds of our color, race, religion or sexual orientation, i find it strange that the incident wasn't reported.

HELLO - I AM ENGLISH !! I do know the laws of my own land thank you very much. I didnt report it because I couldnt be bothered. The people were backward peasants, their loss not mine. I can eat lovely Polish food at the Patio in Shepherds Bush and have a lovely time with my boyfriend, so screw them.
witek 1 | 587
1 Oct 2007 #101
The people were backward peasants

most people worldwide (including you) are of peasant descent unless they happen to be descendents of royalty or nobility. so please do not discriminate against us regular folk.

Lady in red
1 Oct 2007 #102
You dont come across as a person who as experienced what I am talking about

You don't know me or what experience I have had, do you. So again you are jumping to conclusions :(

I didn't feel the need to go to the trouble of approaching the C of R E due to the fact that I don't care enough about some half wits in a crappy restaurant to go to the trouble.

I can see that but as I said before, you are quite vociferous with your views and I just thought you would have been interested in ensuring other similar people didn't encounter such problems by reporting the restaurant for what happened. i would have. If everyone buried their head in the sands and just voiced off about it and didn't do anything, then the UK would not have the very comprehensive race laws that are now in place. So I have to assume you aren't interested in that at all ?

Quoting: Lady in red Also, my parents weren't rascist and they were Polish...... In English, this statement suggests that I am accusing all Polish people of being rascist.

No ! In English, my sentence means exactly what i wrote not how you decide to re write it , to fit in with the way you wish to interpret it.

I meant what i wrote, nothing more, nothing less.

You do not know what it is like, as you are a white person with regards to the treatment of black people in britain.

Oh but I do know :) but like you i don't come onto a forum to complain about something I can report and get dealt with in the correct manner. Black people are not the only people who can be discriminated on and just because someone does not disclose all their personal information on a forum, it does not mean they have no experience on any of the issues you mention.

If someone writes something I want to comment on, I do. Thats the point of the forums isnt it ?

That was my point exactly !! Yet, you seem to think only you can comment on what you wrote because you are black !!
Kci - | 12
1 Oct 2007 #103
I didnt report it because I couldnt be bothered. The people were backward peasants, their loss not mine.

....i hear you
Puzzler 9 | 1088
1 Oct 2007 #104
Well, the creature calling itself 'Murzynka' is a virulently racist-fascist Polonophobic bully and liar, as far as I'm concerned. Just look at what this creature has scribbled under the thread on the Negro type who infected Polish women with HIV. It's a disgrace to talk seriously and respectfully to a creature of this ilk.

yes, couldn't agree more. I have mixed baby... on my way home, on the aroplain full of polish ppl they stare at me and started 2 call me names like that, a, jusyt becouse I hade mixed kid... but I had ppl who loved my babe too. and yes poles r racist, not all thou!

- Wow! What a poor victim you are! - Which 'aroplain' was that? Can you give the date of the flight and its number? Haven't you made up the whole alleged incident? Another psychotic liar?

Quoting: Kci
I'm with you on that. As we have laws against being discriminated against on the grounds of our color, race, religion or sexual orientation, i find it strange that the incident wasn't reported.

- Do the laws in question also punish for discrimination against nationality, e.g. against the Polish nationality? Can one 'report' a virulent racist Polonophobe like 'Murzynka'?

If not, aren't the laws in question - racist?

We went to a Polish restaurant next door to the Polish Centre in Hammersmith on Kings Street and they refused to serve us because he was with me. My brown skin was obviously not acceptable in there. I felt like a bla

- Did the incident really happen? - Considering what liar this creature is, I doubt it. And if they allegedly 'refused to serve,' was it really because of 'Murzynka's' 'brown skin,' or because of something else, e.g. the creature insulted them in a racist way?

Quoting: Murzynka
The people were backward peasants

- This expression certainly expresses a racist Polonophobic stereotype. Another proof of Murzynka's Polonophobia.

What kind of Pole is her boyfriend that he puts up with a creature like this? I wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot pole.


I have nothing to do with Puzzler, I only know him from his posts on this forum

- Thank you. I've got nothing to do with cowards like you.
Lady in red
1 Oct 2007 #105
The quote you took from one of my posts was in answer to a previous poster. Why you have then written I am a coward, for stating that, I only know you from what you post on this forum, is utterly beyond comprehension. It's a fact. I do not know you other than from what you post on Polish Forums. So what is the problem here then ?

Because I have absolutely no idea.
Puzzler 9 | 1088
1 Oct 2007 #106
Because I have absolutely no idea.

- You have allowed yourself to be intmidated and bullied by that commiefascist and Polonophobic creature. You have even indignantly assured her your Polish parents weren't racist! How about her parents? Doesn't her conduct in this forum show she was brought up by racist parents?

And you fearfully denied any connectons with me, even though I'm Polish. Being timid, guilt-ridden without reason and respectful towards racists and fascists of Murzynka's ilk only empowers them.


- It certainly shows in your modesty, moderation of conduct, fairness, rational thinking, truth-speaking and tolerance for others (notably the Poles) you have exhibited in this forum.

Well, if certain creatures are English, then those whom I have always considered as English must not be English.

No wonder scores of them leave England, making room for the real 'English.'
Kci - | 12
1 Oct 2007 #107
The laws are there to protect all citizens & residents and the laws are also there to protect the lady in question from an obsessive cyber stalker.
Daisy 3 | 1215
2 Oct 2007 #108
Being timid, guilt-ridden

Puzz, I know LIR very well, we've become good friends away from the forum and what you've written above is not an accurate description of her at all.
Puzzler 9 | 1088
2 Oct 2007 #109
the lady in question from an obsessive cyber stalker.

- A 'cyber stalker'? What the devil is that?

To my understanding, it's a forum where any one has the right to comment freely; it's not some Stalinist dump with crazy censorship Idi Amin style. We went through such censorship under the Russian Communism (and German Nazism too).

Obviously, you're not fit intellectually to participate in free honest discussion here, if you threaten with your 'laws.'

Another 'English' of Murzynka's ilk?

Hence, as far as I'm concerned, get lost, creep.

Puzz, I know LIR very well, we've become good friends away from the forum and what you've written above is not an accurate description of her at all.

- Daisy, sorry for hurting your feelings, but I must remain true to the principle of being honest and speaking the truth as I see it.

Besides, if what I wrote about LIR isn't true, then you have no reason to feel hurt.

Once again, I'm sorry, but I must speak the truth no matter what, to the very end. If you folks will want to kick me out for that, be it.
Daisy 3 | 1215
2 Oct 2007 #110
Ok Puzz and I have to remain true to the principle of being honest as I see it.

LIR wasn't denying or disowning you, simply stating that she doesn't know you, other than your posts on the forum, therefore her posts were not influenced by you.

I think Murzynka accused Lir of ganging up with you aginst her, which was not the case. If Lir has formed the same opinion of Murzynka as yourself, without any influence from you, then surely that adds credence to that formed opinion.
Puzzler 9 | 1088
2 Oct 2007 #111
adds credence to that formed opinion

- 'Murzynka's' 'opinions' are rubbish. I'm sure you can see that - you're an intelligent lady. This creature doesn't deserve beiing spoken to or about in a serious manner.
Daisy 3 | 1215
2 Oct 2007 #112
'Murzynka's' 'opinions' are rubbish

I was referring to Lir's and your opinion of Murzynka, not Murzynka's opinion.

I'm not actually sure what Murzynka's opinion really is, nothing about her actually rings true
Murzynka - | 48
2 Oct 2007 #113
yes, couldn't agree more. I have mixed baby... on my way home, on the aroplain full of polish ppl they stare at me and started 2 call me names like that, a, jusyt becouse I hade mixed kid... but I had ppl who loved my babe too. and yes poles r racist, not all thou!

Good luck for you and your family. You should be very proud of your gorgeous baby. Anyone else who is rude to you because of your son or daughter are just ignorant and need to be ignored, although Im sure it can be hard at times. Remember, all of the mixed couples that are living here are all behind you, and you are not alone. Every year that goes by more and more inter-racial couples can be seen and it is nice to know, that people can just love someone for who they are.

I'm not actually sure what Murzynka's opinion really is, nothing about her actually rings true

You obviously can't read and understand the English Language.

- 'Murzynka's' 'opinions' are rubbish. I'm sure you can see that - you're an intelligent lady. This creature doesn't deserve beiing spoken to or about in a serious manner.

If you continue to refer to me as a creature I am going to have to talk to someone from this website. You are an ignorant pig and I am suprised with laws on harrassment and racial abuse, that you can get away with this and no one from administration says anything.

No wonder scores of them leave England, making room for the real 'English.'

I was born here so I am real English. You are accusing me of being a rascist ???? Look at your posts. Every single one is rascist and Im not even communicating with you and you are still harrassing me in here.
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139
2 Oct 2007 #114
Puz, come on... Stop calling her a creature. You better go get the oinker.
Murzynka - | 48
2 Oct 2007 #116
most people worldwide (including you) are of peasant descent unless they happen to be descendents of royalty or nobility. so please do not discriminate against us regular folk.

You have totally misunderstood what I said. I was referring to them as peasants in regard to their lack of education and backward way of thinking. It is a figure of speech in England. My family were descendants of slaves that were taken from Africa to work on sugar plantations in the West Indies. Also my Indian blood comes from indentured labourers from India who travelled to Guyana to do the work that the free slaves were no longer doing. Slaves were lower than peasants in the society hierarchy, so I am not saying what you think I am.

Well, the creature calling itself 'Murzynka' is a virulently racist-fascist Polonophobic bully and liar, as far as I'm concerned.

You call me a creature 3 times in one post and I am supposed to be rascist ??????? My post about the African guy and Polish ladies is a balanced one if you care to read it with a sane mind.

- Wow! What a poor victim you are! - Which 'aroplain' was that? Can you give the date of the flight and its number? Haven't you made up the whole alleged incident? Another psychotic liar?

Why are you attacking this lady ? Is it because she has a mixed race child Puzzler ? You refuse to believe her ? Why is she a liar all of a sudden ?

What kind of Pole is her boyfriend that he puts up with a creature like this? I wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot pole.:)

Puzzler, if you live in London I have a suggestion for you. Email me with a request to meet my Polish boyfriend. He will meet you somewhere and you can ask him face to face why he puts up with a 'creature' like me. Let me know the place and time and he will be there.

LOL I am so glad you wouldnt touch me with a 10 foot Pole, the idea of a scumbag rascist lunatic internet psychopath touching me would make me projectile vomit so far, I think my sick would fly across the English channel to France. LOL idiot.

As you seem to like to refer to me as a 'creature' Puzzler, I thought this picture would brighten up your day. The people who lynched this man, thought of him as an animal in exactly the same way you think of me. Don't get too much of a hard on looking at it, as I know you are such a fan of hatred.

Murzynka - | 48
2 Oct 2007 #117
The last picture of the two hands is the kind of picture I prefer.

tornado2007 11 | 2270
2 Oct 2007 #119
sorry to disappoint the creator of this thread but there are racists in nearly all nationalities including the Polish
Kilkline 1 | 682
2 Oct 2007 #120
Not just normal racists either, but commie-racist-fascist-polonophobes. There much worse.

Oh yes.

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