Living in the mental health system, I have seen blacks that are racist (very infact) and some go as far and say it to your face. Most just pretend to be your friends, but talk behind your back. Now I for one am not racist, I just wish people (black) would stop hating me and my friends for attrocities commited hundreds of years ago. I'm not English, I'm not French I had nothing to do with the slave trade and cramming hundreds of slaves aboard ships suitable for only about 50 "passangers". Poland had no colonies, never tried to conquer Africa (Italy, Germany during the II World War). My only conclusion is yet another case of jelously of our frosty blue eyed blond hairs, a hate on such a magnitude that all I can do is ignore it and continue to enjoy my life :)
I too have been a target of verbal abuse from some black people. Apart from racist remarks, there were just rude ones too, usually spelt out by teenage girls, with typical loud pronunciation.
That has to be an "invented" or adapted word from the english....interesting how language evolves where there is a need. I guess now that Poland has become part of the global network there will be an increasing need for "new" words to describe the myriad of experiences and views of our planet - including both positive and negative attitudes etc.
Tlum - my main response relates to the word "rasista"
polaca - There are plenty in the UK too, I dont like Pakis or any muslims for that matter - and if that makes me a racists then so be it, I can't change how I feel about them, they're disrespectful to white women and think they can treat this country (England) how they like.
Anyway, in my opinion poles are intolerant. I observed young polish people when they saw on the street some black or arabian man...especialy young men dont accept them. And homosecsualists....poles are very agresive to them...
I agree with polaca. Poles can be intolerant. A possible explanation is their limited exposure to other ethnic groups, their limited personal interactions. Some get their racist views from Western movies and stories they heard from friends. Regarding homosexuals, their prejudice stems from their religious upbringing.
I dont understand it but in poland people dont like everything which they dont know. They hate muslims coz they know them only from tv, they hate black people coz they cant see many of them on the streets etc.
Its strange for me. I need to know something to make my own opinion...
I can understand elderly people who remember 2nd war and hate german but i cant stand young people who are so immature and intolerant...
And plenty of exposure to these too, I dont understand homophobics, what's there to be scared of???
I would imagine the majority of homophobics aren't actually 'scared' of homosexuals, rather are disgusted by the homosexual act itself. For Poles, as has been previously said, this is most likely due to their very religious upbringing. For men, it's a testosterone 'thing.' :)
polaca - People have this misconception that brittian is one big happy melting pot, but most british people are probably more racist than your average Pole
Ive never met a racist polish person. I am a black american The ones I know treated me like I've known them for years when I first met them. We are still very close friends, even though they are back in Poland and I am here in the US. I may go there for the first time this new years eve.
Szrbiec: their not that racist... They don't like homosexuals and meybe jews but thats all i think.
What do not say? Młodzież wieśpolska is xenophopbic organisation. They are so stupid, they can't even give u a handbill right. But some part of every nation are idiots. Poles aren't different
I don't know how in poland but in london yes sure . in my workplace we have five cleaners one polish, two spanish & two srilankan. The polish one always complain against both srilankan cleaner but not the spanish.
It's because they ( srilankan) punctual, hard working & different race and the polish one ( hard working but always late comer).
the polish cleaner is so jealous because one cleaner ( srilankan) promoted to supervisor last week. She was so rude with all of us. So, i requested my mate to increase her pay but still she talk rudely. We are thinking to sack her now. She already received one wriiten warning.
Well i already decided to give her last & final written warning. Hope to pass it to her next tuesday when she comes for work. Hope this might change her
She lied to us during interview. provided us false documentation of previous experience. We learned it last week while going through her paper.
We pay her 9 pound per hour (more then average) but still she is rude to all of us.
This is really bad cuz my sinior manager requested me not to hire any polish cleaner.