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Paintings of artists from Poland?

jon357 73 | 22653
10 Mar 2023 #91

It was after all 50 years ago.

And not at all racist given the lady's appearance.
pawian 221 | 24284
10 Mar 2023 #92
And not at all racist

Actually, it was not only sexist but racist, too. A dark female serving while males.
jon357 73 | 22653
10 Mar 2023 #93
A dark female serving while males.

We don't know who she's serving; they're outside the picture. It could be one of the Shirelles.
pawian 221 | 24284
10 Mar 2023 #94
We don't know who she's serving;

Unfortunately, we do. Who travelled by air 50 years ago most frequently???
jon357 73 | 22653
10 Mar 2023 #95
That depends. First class has always been eclectic, and those sitting in first on flights to Poland may well have been diplomats from around the world.

This is off-topic though. Why not post some art instead?
pawian 221 | 24284
10 Mar 2023 #96
This is off-topic though

No, it is NOT. We are commenting on art of the past, aren`t we? :):):)

Why not post some art instead?

Tomorrow. :):)
Alien 22 | 5229
11 Mar 2023 #97
dark female serving while males.

There were no black flying attendants at that time in PLL LOT, so this lady is white and only well tanned and serving was her job (extremely well paid for that time).
pawian 221 | 24284
11 Mar 2023 #98
There were no black flying attendants at that time

Prove it!!!!
Alien 22 | 5229
11 Mar 2023 #99
Mr Google checked it. Is this prove enough?
mafketis 37 | 10789
11 Mar 2023 #100
this lady is white and only well tanned

Definitely intended to be white (blue eyes) not even sure about the tanned part as the whole thing is very stylized....
jon357 73 | 22653
11 Mar 2023 #101
There were no black flying attendants at that time in PLL LOT

You never know.
Paulina 16 | 4324
12 Mar 2023 #102
Extremely sexist.

Yes and the slogan on the poster makes it even worse, I think... Besides, it's pretty dreadful artwise... There were better LOT posters, imho.
johnny reb 47 | 7290
12 Mar 2023 #103
Extremely sexist.

Haven't you heard, SEX SELLS !
jon357 73 | 22653
12 Mar 2023 #104
, it's pretty dreadful artwise

It's of its time, and by a well known artist.
Paulina 16 | 4324
12 Mar 2023 #105
@jon357, I know, I kept a book for children from my childhood with his illustrations :):


I can't say I'm a great fan of his style, but he did better stuff than that poster, imho.
jon357 73 | 22653
12 Mar 2023 #106
I can't say I'm a great fan of his style

He reminds me of another artist working in the same period. Hard to remember which.
pawian 221 | 24284
13 Mar 2023 #107
Yes and the slogan on the poster makes it even worse, I think

Here`s even a more sexist poster. Outrageous. Fekking male chauvinist swine made and propagated it.

Bobko 25 | 2077
13 Mar 2023 #108

I agree sexist posters are disgusting!

Not every Polish man is proficient on the vacuum cleaner.

Alien 22 | 5229
14 Mar 2023 #109
sexist posters are disgusting's pity because I'm just looking for a good plumber.🤔
jon357 73 | 22653
24 Mar 2023 #110
By Peter Solarz, a Chicago-based artist and photographer of Polish background.

He specialises in landscapes and nature images. It's sometimes not easy to tell which of his works are paintings and which are photographs.

3 Apr 2023 #112
Peter Solarz

I really like those, very surreal.
jon357 73 | 22653
5 Nov 2023 #113
Here's a nice one.

Konstanty Kryżycki (1858 - 1911)
Wieczór na Ukrainie (Evening in Ukraine), 1901.

pawian 221 | 24284
5 Nov 2023 #114
Nice one. The sky is clouded but the sun rays break through the clouds behind the artist and light those houses in the background.
I like such contrasts.

PS. In my youth, more exactly at uni, I decided to try out my painting skills. That was the time of my religious revival so I copied the famous Black Madonna portrait onto a piece of paper with oil paints. The effect was horrible - a primitive artist like Nikofor painted better.

Here is a far better pic than mine.

Paulina 16 | 4324
8 Feb 2024 #115
To celebrate today's special day - "Pączek z konfiturą" by Sebastian Talar (oil on wood panel, 20 x 20 cm, 2016) :))):



The effect was horrible - a primitive artist like Nikofor painted better.

You can't suddenly start painting at university age without any previous training and expect great results :))) To paint well you have to first learn to draw at all and then it takes a lot of practice to do it well.


the famous Black Madonna portrait onto a piece of paper with oil paints

1. Paper isn't the best for oil painting. Primed canvas or primed wood panels are much better.
2. In order to paint with oil paints you have to know the basics on how to do it.
3. People are one of the most difficult subjects to draw/paint. It's better for beginners to start with something simpler, imho, in order not to get discouraged and to learn the basics.

In other words - you can't just decide out of the blue to climb Mount Everest without any prior experience in climbing and expect not to die in the process :)))) 😉
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
8 Feb 2024 #116

Is that a painting?Well, obviously it is from your comments.
Incredible, it looks like a photo.....
Paulina 16 | 4324
8 Feb 2024 #117
@Miloslaw, yes, it's an oil painting :)

Incredible, it looks like a photo.....

If you think that then you haven't seen much - there's even more realistic art out there :)))
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
8 Feb 2024 #118
If you think that then you haven't seen much - there's even more realistic art out there

Maybe true, but that is still a fantastic painting!
Paulina 16 | 4324
8 Feb 2024 #119
@Miloslaw, yes, I like that painting too :)

And here's a landscape by the same painter:

Miloslaw 19 | 4949
8 Feb 2024 #120
And here's a landscape by the same painter:

It is a beautiful painting and I prefer it but not as realistic as the doughnut.

Home / Life / Paintings of artists from Poland?
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