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Paintings of artists from Poland?

Joker 2 | 2176
8 Feb 2024 #121
It is a beautiful painting and I prefer

I like it as well.
15 Feb 2024 #123
And here's a landscape by the same painter:

That is a lovely painting :)

The doughnut looks amazingly realistic. He also painted some really realistic pieces of fruit. What I like about his work is that it is so diverse. For anyone interested, here is a selection of his paintings. Sadly, he died a few years ago :(
pawian 220 | 24664
17 Feb 2024 #124
you can't just decide out of the blue to climb Mount Everest without any prior experience in climbing and expect not to die in the process

That`s the common trait in the youth - believe you can do anything coz you just want to do it. I was such in my youth and thanks to it, I managed to achieve my life goals and now am a happy fulfilled monkey. :):):)
Paulina 15 | 4355
17 Feb 2024 #125
Sadly, he died a few years ago :(

And from I understand - he died young... I'm sure he could get even better at painting, but unfortunately we will never find out... :(

That`s the common trait in the youth - believe you can do anything coz you just want to do it.

Yes, but I'm guessing you gave up after that first oil painting attempt, because you didn't like the result... I think that many people do that, because they probably often don't realise that to make good art you actually have to put effort into learning how to do it and into practicing it. It's not like you are born with a talent, you take a brush in your hand and you're just starting to paint and some kind of magic is happening :))

As one of the drawing & painting teachers at our art school told us - becoming a good artist is due to 10% of talent and 90% of hard work.

So, that comment of mine was a way of encouraging those in self-doubt :) If someone wants to try drawing or painting - do it and don't give up. It's just always better to know what you're doing and do some research about what materials to use in order not to get discouraged at the very beginning of your adventure :)

Since the cyclon Paulina :D brought spring weather to Poland it doesn't look like snowy winter will come back, so let us enjoy it at least in some paintings of Polish artists :):

I like the way Jan Grubiński (1874-1945) painted snow - it looks yummy in his winter landscapes - like whipped cream :))

"Zimowe słońce" (winter sun) - oil on canvas, 70.5 x 103 cm:


"Zima w lesie" (winter in the forest) - oil on canvas, 98.5 x 142.5 cm):


"Świeży śnieg" (fresh snow) - oil on canvas, 72 x 102 cm


"Wilk w zimową noc" (a wolf in the winter night) by Alfred Wierusz-Kowalski - oil on canvas, 117,6 x 152,5 cm, after 1900:

pawian 220 | 24664
17 Feb 2024 #126
some kind of magic is happening :))

Such magic accompanied me in most of my endeavours in my life.... :):): It worked fine except a few cases, including this pathetic painting.

becoming a good artist is due to 10% of talent and 90% of hard work.

Yes, exactly!!! And after that attempt, I realised I could become a world famous artist but didn`t possess enough time and energy to develop my talent into sth bigger !!!! So I gave up with the full knowledge that I was killing a great artist in me!

do some research about what materials to use

When I tried to check my talent, there was no internet. Don`t forget about it.
Paulina 15 | 4355
17 Feb 2024 #127
So I gave up with the full knowledge that I was killing a great artist in me!

Well, I guess we all have to make choices in life ;)

You can always try again once you retire though :) Painting is relaxing :))

When I tried to check my talent, there was no internet. Don`t forget about it.

Yes, I understand. The internet is great in this respect - nowadays you can find any info you need, there are instruction videos on YouTube, you can order art materials in on-line shops, etc. :)))

And another snowy painting...

Marcin Jaszczak is a contemporary artist with an interesting style:

"Zimowy sad III" (winter orchard 3) - oil on canvas, 80 x 70 cm, 2023:

Paulina 15 | 4355
3 Apr 2024 #128
Paweł Kuczyński, a graduate of Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań who was born in 1976, is an illustrator and a satirist who won a record high number of contests.

Some of his works:

"Escape" - watercolours and coloured pencils on paper, 22 × 33.5 cm:


"Smoczek" ("Pacifier") - watercolours + coloured pencils on paper, 29.7 x 21 cm:


"Ukryty" ("Hidden") - watercolours + coloured pencils on paper, 22 x 33.5 cm:


"Księżyc" ("The Moon") - coloured pencils on cardboard, 30 x 30 cm:





"Mur" ("The Wall") - watercolours + pastels on paper, 29.7 x 21 cm.
This piece won the first place at Satyrykon 2023 contest:

Paulina 15 | 4355
3 Apr 2024 #129
And some more:






Paulina 15 | 4355
3 Apr 2024 #131
@Novichok, that's graffiti and there's nothing particularly "Polish" about it. Graffiti originated in the US - so maybe that's why you love it :)))
mafketis 38 | 10775
3 Apr 2024 #132
Graffiti originated in the US -

Ancient Rome was full of graffiti.... so it's nothing new.

There are types of graffiti (gang signs, tags) that were popularized in the US and then exported (unfortunately) most of it is completely devoid of any aesthetic value.
Paulina 15 | 4355
3 Apr 2024 #133
Wow, I didn't know about this, thanks!

And even in those times people complained about it lol - a quote from that Wiki article:

Writing around 100 AD, Plutarch wrote of graffiti: "There is nothing written in them which is either useful or pleasing - only so-and-so 'remembers' so-and-so, and 'wishes him the best', and is 'the best of his friends', and many things full of such ridiculousness".

Novichok 5 | 7778
3 Apr 2024 #134
Graffiti originated in the US - so maybe that's why you love it :)))

The US had intelligent graffiti to support gang drug sales.

Polish graffiti is dumb and serves no identifiable purpose that requires intelligent thought.
Paulina 15 | 4355
3 Apr 2024 #135
Nonsense, both the US and Poland had and have both intelligent and dumb graffiti :)) (although I don't know what's so "intelligent" about supporting gang drug sales) Stop trolling, Novichok.
mafketis 38 | 10775
3 Apr 2024 #136
both intelligent and dumb graffiti :

Sometimes cities sort of informally designate places for larger scale more ambitious street art.... my us college town had something like that and where I live now does too. in both cases these are cement blocks next to a busy road. Some of it is dumb and derivative but some is pretty okay and I have no problem with that. I intensely dislike idiots that scrawl stuff on buildings that people live in...

Paulina 15 | 4355
3 Apr 2024 #137
my us college town had something like that and where I live now does too

It does seem to be happening in Poland these days too:

some is pretty okay and I have no problem with that.

Yeah, it can make some run down, gray buildings, etc. look less depressing, I guess.

I intensely dislike idiots that scrawl stuff on buildings that people live in...

Me too. I especially hate it on historic buildings. And I despise those a$$holes who cover proper street art, murals with their ugly scribbles, destroying people's work :/
Paulina 15 | 4355
3 Apr 2024 #138
Since we've switched to discussing painting on walls :) - murals by Natalia Rak, a graduate of Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź, born in 1986, who's creating both in Poland and internationally:

First the artist:


And her work:






Novichok 5 | 7778
3 Apr 2024 #139
Yeah, it can make some run down, gray buildings, etc. look less depressing, I guess.

Those should be wrecked, not painted.
Paulina 15 | 4355
3 Apr 2024 #140
@Novichok, by "run down" I meant "wyglądające obskurnie" and not unfit for living or use. I didn't know how to put it in English.
Novichok 5 | 7778
3 Apr 2024 #141
Still standing 2017...If Natalia could paint it...
The address is: Zeromskiego 59, Radom. I used to live in the building next to this beauty...

Paulina 15 | 4355
3 Apr 2024 #142
@Novichok, yeah, it looks horrible... It doesn't seem like people are living there... 🤔

That was 7 years ago though, so who knows what happened to it.
Alien 22 | 5397
3 Apr 2024 #143
That was 7 years ago though, so who knows what happened to it.

it is possible that in the meantime it has already been renovated or demolished.
Paulina 15 | 4355
3 Apr 2024 #144
@Alien, could be... In my neighbourhood two blocks of flats were renovated in a rather short time span not that very long ago, including mine and another one is being renovated right now.

And getting back to topic, I'm honestly in awe of artists who make murals on entire walls of a few storey buildings... Even though I can paint, it still boggles my mind lol I don't know how they do it - I'm guessing that they are probably using a grid to scale up or sth, but still - it's wild... 🤯 🤩
Novichok 5 | 7778
3 Apr 2024 #145
make murals on entire walls of a few storey buildings...

It's lovely on someone's apartment building. Not on our house. You would be furious if Picasso himself did it to yours.
Paulina 15 | 4355
3 Apr 2024 #146
It's lovely on someone's apartment building. Not on our house.

Oh, I would love it on mine! :D Novichok, take into consideration who you're talking to - I love art :)

You would be furious if Picasso himself did it to yours.

Are you kidding?? Imagine how much money such house would be worth then ;D
Alien 22 | 5397
3 Apr 2024 #147
would be worth then

It would be priceless
Novichok 5 | 7778
4 Apr 2024 #148
I would love it on mine!

I never found women with three eyes attractive - Picasso or not...
Paulina 15 | 4355
4 Apr 2024 #149
@Novichok, I didn't mean a mural particularly by Picasso. We were talking about murals in general. Obviously I'd prefer one that I would personally like.
Novichok 5 | 7778
4 Apr 2024 #150
Obviously I'd prefer one that I would personally like.

That's the problem...Plain walls are tolerable to all. Once you allow "art" on them, one day you will find a pride flag on your apartment building. A week later, two faggots fvcking...Next, svastika...Hello, Ministry of Approved Art...

The same with air...We don't want perfume sprayed into it to cover up the shyt deposited on sidewalks by homeless bums.

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