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Paintings of artists from Poland?

pawian 221 | 24284
20 Oct 2021 #61
I had no idea how to paint such a painting anyway.

I remember how I copypainted Black Madonna of Częstochowa with oil paints on a piece of cardboard when young. I still have it in my archives, looks extremely infantile. :):)

black and white drawings.

pawian 221 | 24284
21 Oct 2021 #62
I saw Siudmak's painting for the first time in "Fantastyka" too

Now when I look through old issues I see there were quite a few which featured Siudmak`s art.

Paulina 16 | 4323
21 Oct 2021 #63
Now I've remembered that it was "Nowa Fantastyka", to be precise - I'm pretty sure this is the issue in which I saw that painting - I remember this cover (which is also Siudmak's work):

I also remember this one, "Podwójne oblicze duszy", from that issue, I think:


black and white drawings.

Even those pencil drawings show that he's a perfectionist - they're so detailed and refined :)

I still have it in my archives, looks extremely infantile. :):)

In the beginning copying is a good way to learn drawing/painting :) That's great that you kept it, btw :)) I don't have any drawings left from my childhood or early teen years - I guess everything was thrown away. There's only one notebook left from when I was a younger teen - I used to draw in it during summer holidays at my grandma's in the countryside. But my cousins took it without telling me about it and now it resides in Wrocław ;P

Now when I look through old issues

You still have them? That's cool... I don't remember what happened to our issues (and I think we had only two in total).

Btw, pawian, you revived my Siudmak nostalgia ;D I feel like copying his works again after so many years lol
jon357 73 | 22653
22 Oct 2021 #64
By Maria Jarema 1908-1958
Kompozycja, 1955
Muzeum Narodowe we Wrocławiu

pawian 221 | 24284
22 Oct 2021 #65
Now I've remembered that it was "Nowa Fantastyka", to be precise

That means you couldn`t come across his art in 1980s like me coz New Si-Fi has been published since 1990.

Siudmak nostalgia

hahaha it wasn`t my intention.
jon357 73 | 22653
14 Nov 2021 #66
David Friedmann 1893-1980 (born just across the border in Ostrava) who spent WW2 in the Lódż Ghetto, in Oświęcim (at the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp) and Gliwice.

He painted this in September 1945 in memory of his wife and kids who he last saw in the ghetto in Łódż.

Wincig 2 | 225
14 Nov 2021 #67
Here is one for Zbyszek Koziol, which I bought in 1999 from his gallery in Key West

jon357 73 | 22653
17 Nov 2021 #68
An illustration from the Street of Crocodiles (PL: Sklepy cynamonowe) 1934, by Bruno Schulz

Alien 22 | 5225
18 Nov 2021 #69
What does this picture show?
jon357 73 | 22653
18 Nov 2021 #70
A scene from one of his stories, Cinnamon Street.
jon357 73 | 22653
21 Nov 2021 #71
Nightwalk, by Jerzy Szelągowski, 1929-1991

Joker 2 | 2229
21 Nov 2021 #72
Nice painting!

I used to love going to the museum. We have a real nice one in Chicago.

Wyspanski has great artwork! I stayed at his hotel in Krakow

Novichok 5 | 7804
21 Nov 2021 #73
Nice painting!

I agree. The contrast between the couple and the coldness of the streets is amazing.
Joker 2 | 2229
21 Nov 2021 #74

I wouldn't mind having a copy of that for my rec room aka man cave:)

Its has the "Noir" vibe to it!
Novichok 5 | 7804
21 Nov 2021 #75
I have a picture like this with a couple walking the street in Paris on a rainy day. Makes you stop and think...
The one in #64 I would have to be paid to bring home.
Joker 2 | 2229
21 Nov 2021 #76
Now I've remembered that it was "Nowa Fantastyka"

That looks like 1970s album art (Yes) had this on all their covers.

The one in #64 I would have to be paid to bring home.

It looks interesting.... I like Salvador Dali as well, he was a wild man!
jon357 73 | 22653
21 Nov 2021 #77
One by Paweł Kuczyński b. 1976

jon357 73 | 22653
21 Nov 2021 #78
1970s album art

These are by Stanisław Zagórski (b. 1933)

Novichok 5 | 7804
21 Nov 2021 #79
It looks interesting..

True art meets two conditions: It can be destroyed easily and it changes the way we feel. If a 10-yo kid drew another circle, the author himself wouldn't notice. Hit a wrong key playing Moonlight Sonata and the whole world will scream.
Joker 2 | 2229
21 Nov 2021 #80
Moonlight Sonata

Another classic! Did you know John Lennon played it backwards for the first few measures on the song Because? LOL I know all Beatles trivia..

These are by Stanisław Zagórski

Excellent... Id love to have that Rolling Stones poster too!

I like this artist .....Boleslas Biegas

Hes kind of depressing though.

jon357 73 | 22653
22 Nov 2021 #81
Nice, though dark.

Poland seems to specialise in depressing and dark art nowadays and there's a real following for Polish dark art. Beksiński was the best known, and he has many imitators.

Here's a (slightly) more cheerful one. Wall art, by Sainer and Bezt (known as Etam Cru), Richmond, VA (2013)

Joker 2 | 2229
24 Nov 2021 #82
Check out this Polish Artist, Eugeniusz Zak. The first one freaks me out coz the hill looks stoned..haha

The 3rd painting is from Zdzislaw Beksins, never heard of him but really dark.

jon357 73 | 22653
24 Nov 2021 #83
Zdzislaw Beksins


Born 1929, stabbed to death 2005. Very very popular, though I'm not personally a fan. Huge talent though, and his work fetches high prices now.
jon357 73 | 22653
24 Nov 2021 #84
Another dark one since people seem to like them.

Dawid Planeta, Dreams, 2019

Joker 2 | 2229
25 Nov 2021 #85
Born 1929, stabbed to death 2005. Very very popular,

Ive read he was stabbed by a 19 year old acquaintance after he refused to give him/her money. Probably, much more to that story. Im not liking his work that much, looks a bit Satanic to me. I like dark colors, not occult based subjects.

Dawid Planeta, Dreams, 2019

Interesting and quite good, but not really fo me.

nd his work fetches high prices now.

Not as much as Hunter Bidens! lol Did you see that rubbish yet? I dont want to ruin this thread with it.

Leon Chwistek
I found this painter, he has a cool style...

jon357 73 | 22653
25 Nov 2021 #86
Ive read he was stabbed by a 19 year old acquaintance after he refused to give him/her money. Probably, much more to that story

The son of the building's caretaker. He was quite rich and old but lived in an ordinary block; people used to tap money off him.

Im not liking his work that much

He always maintained that there was humour in his work. I'm not a fan either. Nothing occult, though there are one or two Polish artists who paint esoteric themes, generally much brighter than Beksiński's art.

Leon Chwistek

He was good.
Paulina 16 | 4323
7 Feb 2022 #87
If anyone is going to be in Radom or in the area - an interesting art show titled "Woman" just opened in the Jacek Malczewski's Museum (you can visit it from the 4th of February till the 22nd of June 2022) - many artists contributed to it:

For example, a painting of Tomasz "Alen" Kopera has it's "premiere" there.

Marzena Machaj also painted this for the show:

This art show was organised to honour the memory of the first Polish female painter who got an academic art education and international recognition - Anna Bilińska-Bohdanowicz. Such art show dedicated to women was her unfulfilled dream:


Anna Bilińska-Bohdanowicz - self-portrait.
jon357 73 | 22653
19 May 2022 #88
I'm no fan of street art, however this one is good. In Poland, although I'm not sure which city or which artist. Does anyone know?

jon357 73 | 22653
10 Mar 2023 #89
Some poster art from Poland.

Janusz Grabiański, 1929-1976. LOT advertisement from 1966

pawian 221 | 24284
10 Mar 2023 #90
LOT advertisement from 1966

Extremely sexist.

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