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Has feminism and lesbianism progressed in Poland?

Novichok  4 | 8841
15 Feb 2022   #361
This is Poland, not America.

Because women are constructed the same exact way and act according to their biological mission of having babies everywhere.

That is why, no matter where they are, they gravitate to power and money. In every country, regardless of who runs it, the government is that place, and the stronger, the better. That is why to women a limited conservative government that governs the least is of no interest. And that is why they vote for the Democrats, Bolsheviks, and the leftists everywhere. At some point, they adored Hitler.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
15 Feb 2022   #362
Women already became considerable workforce

A might as well claim that increasing the financial minimal requirements wanted by women overall created (by an increased income) a disaproriate large amounts of single males who were ready for a second round (ww2). While also ignoring the need of the Germanic societies (especially French wants of revenge) during ww1 to claim an increased position among great powers.

Putting blame solely on a societies structure for it's masculinity is like blaming female dogs to prefer male authority
pawian  225 | 27344
15 Feb 2022   #363
Oath, I would like to comment on your post but I have s considerable problem coz it is a bit ambiguous. What do you mean by:

minimal requirements wanted by women - from whom? employers or partners?

need of Germanic societies - how does it relate to female workforce during WW1?

female dogs prefer male authority - Which males? Male dogs or male humans?

Can you rewrite it coz now it is impossible to understand properly.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
16 Feb 2022   #364
Ask yourselves what are women's needs in a man (the most basic ones) and what are the odds of a man finding a spouse if over 60% of young men are poor/less educated/bad prospects. Such a huge gap of men are easily used for warfare as they consider their prospects as a soldier to be an upgrade or at least fight a bit before dying anyways without prospects.

Employers/partners, the situation leads to the same issue repeatedly.

By knowing that women look for a man that earns more then themselves, then decreasing artificially the amount of money earned for men. It creates a situation with a lesser amount of eliagble men for women overall in said society (a highly successful male will have a higher selection of women however if non-monogamous) while driving more men towards evil (toxic masculine behaviour)

In the past an locked group of families (hereditary elite positions) excluded the possibility of women to even dream of joining or competing about "top rank" men in society. Nowadays such a possibility is theoretically possible and on a global level due to global communications
pawian  225 | 27344
16 Feb 2022   #365
gap of men are easily used for warfare

The problem is that you mixed two things - I talked about results of WW1, namely increased female workforce while you are talking about reasons for a war. Sorry but we can`t run it like that. :):)
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
16 Feb 2022   #366
The results lead to an increased chance for warfare...
Novichok  4 | 8841
16 Feb 2022   #367
I am so amazed and actually jealous. In my wildest dreams, I wouldn't be able to connect vaginas with "warfare". That's a first here.
pawian  225 | 27344
16 Feb 2022   #368
I wouldn't be able to connect vaginas with "warfare".

Yet, you are scared of vaginas and see them in your nightmares. That complex is called "vagina dentata" - you fear having your penis devoured by them. That is why you are such a woman hater.
Novichok  4 | 8841
17 Feb 2022   #369
Woman - female of human species who...

...flashes her cleavage in a plunging structured grey minidress at Molly-Mae Hague's PrettyLittleThing clothing launch

...only to quickly tell you to look here, not there.

If you wish to see one...
pawian  225 | 27344
17 Feb 2022   #370
If you wish to see one..

No, we don`t. Honestly, I never check those links from tabloids you offer us. Only mental losers read such stuff. :):)

Sometimes Marta creates funny metaphors in her memes:

Taking off the tickling sweater of other people`s expectations is good for you regardless of temperature.

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Alien  25 | 6369
17 Feb 2022   #371
Yes, wool sweaters can be tickling.
pawian  225 | 27344
18 Feb 2022   #372
wool sweaters can be tickling.

More than woolly mammoths? :)

funny metaphors

I am afraid I overdid with taking care of the Hearth.

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Alien  25 | 6369
18 Feb 2022   #373
Use a fire extinguisher, babe!
pawian  225 | 27344
19 Feb 2022   #374
Use a fire extinguisher

That fire was a metaphor, an extinguisher is too literal .


That`s sexist. Don`t use such terms here if you want to pass for a decent person. :):)
Novichok  4 | 8841
19 Feb 2022   #375
That`s sexist.

Is looking down that "plunging cleavage" sexist and piggish or is it what the wearers expect as a reward for their effort to show it off as proof of feminist liberation from the toxic men and their Victorian prudishness?
pawian  225 | 27344
19 Feb 2022   #376
Say it again in other words coz now it sounds like utter blabber.
pawian  225 | 27344
19 Feb 2022   #377
Poloniusz, I saw you have dropped by. What do you think about this one?

I went through the hell of a stillbirth and recovered. Now I demand: do not condemn Polish women to it.

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Poloniusz  5 | 970
19 Feb 2022   #378
Women already became considerable workforce during WW1 when millions of white males happily went to war started by their white male governments.

You don't know what you are talking about!

Your erroneous statements show you are ignorant of major processes in history! Or you are ready to falsify history to suit your sick agenda?

Millions of white males did not happily go to war. They were drafted (aka conscripted) by their governments to do so. They had no choice. If they didn't comply they faced consequences like imprisonment, fines and even public taunting by hypocritical women who were exempted and never once protested this gender inequality!

Ever hear about the shameful history of white feather girls in Britain?

It happened.

And women, as natural Marxist-Leninist-Socialist-Communists, fully supported the action of their governments!

Fact: Women only became considerable in the workforce, not only because men were forced to leave and fight, but because many of the industries were either already nationalized or manufacturing products for their number one customer - the government!

Fact: Women financially benefited by the men killed in war as they were granted the first State-funded, non-contributory pension.

And here is their outrageously solipsistic, zero skin in the game, sick and twisted logic used to cash in:

"Many of the women whose husbands, fiancés or boyfriends were killed in the First World War felt that they too had served their country by sacrificing their men to war, and that their loss deserved recognition."


You constantly mention American women in Polish threads and matters. Quit this silly obsession. This is Poland, not America.

And yet you cited WW1 and "white male governments" when Poland didn't even exist!

Nevertheless you need to show gratitude and thank Polonia and in particular one famous man - Ignacy Jan Paderewski - for Poland's restoration.

"Paderewski drafted the 13th of Wilson's 14 Points, calling for a free and independent Poland."


What do you think about this one? Now I demand.

pawian  225 | 27344
19 Feb 2022   #379
And women, as natural Marxist-Leninist-Socialist-Communists,

Very good you never cease to reveal your obsession. hahaha

Your erroneous statements show you are ignorant

Daling, why are you so brazenly copying from me? Can`t you use your own ideas???

Millions of white males did not happily go to war.

Of course they did. On both sides. Stop descrediting yourself with your ignorance.

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Atch  22 | 4299
20 Feb 2022   #380
hahaha Darling, we are talking about WW1. not WW2.

There was an Eastern Front in World War I as well.

@ Poloniusz, speaking of ignorance, you need to widen your reading about World War I. Conscription wasn't introduced in Britain until 1916. As for women, they weren't forced into the jobs they did. They volunteered - and there were already a few million women in the workforce before the war. I realize that it's too much to expect you to have the common decency to respect the memory of women who lost their husbands and sons.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
20 Feb 2022   #381
World War I.

The most decorated female combatant in the history of warfare. She went to WWI in the place of her brother, wounded several times and remained a very humble individual throughout her life.
Novichok  4 | 8841
20 Feb 2022   #382
Hey, pawian, I have a list of dumb sh*it women everywhere, Poland included, say. Here is the dumbest one: I want a divorce.
If you ask, I will explain why it's really the stupidest thing to say to a guy. BTW, I have more...
pawian  225 | 27344
20 Feb 2022   #383
harmful activities which affect their body and mind: abusing alco and drugs, smoking, gambling and womanizing.

Useful data on smoking and alco abuse: from 2012 so quite obsolete today but it shows certain tendencies quite well - namely, males take risk and endanger their health twice or nearly thrice more often than females.

17.9% of women and 39.9% of men in Poland admit to smoking in the daily system. 37% of women smoke at least 20 cigarettes a day and 63% of men. Excessive consumption of alcohol affects every fourth male drinker, but less than the tenth woman.
Novichok  4 | 8841
20 Feb 2022   #384
namely, males take risk and endanger their health twice or nearly thrice more often than females.

...and love dying for their country. Women think oh sh*it, I have a couple of kids at home. No way!
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
20 Feb 2022   #385
I went through the hell of a stillbirth

Its says I'am strong.... (). I say she is vulgar and rude.
pawian  225 | 27344
20 Feb 2022   #386
I say she is vulgar and rude.

Yes, on purpose - it is a meme which has to carry strong message. If she was nice, you wouldn`t pay attention to it and comment.

love dying for their country.

Yes, in the wars they provoke themselves. Amazing, isn`t it? Or are you going to convince us that it is women who start wars??? :):)
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
20 Feb 2022   #387
Yes, on purpose - it is a meme which has to carry strong message

It is strong. It tells us - a rude and a vulgar woman whines.
pawian  225 | 27344
20 Feb 2022   #388
and in this way attracts our attention to the problem. You reject this problem today coz you are biased. But one day you might think it over. The meme has played its role.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
20 Feb 2022   #389
Conscription wasn't introduced in Britain until 1916.

And? It still didn't apply to women.

Speaking of 1916, what was your homeland's sentiment during this time period of the war?

Oh yeah, your lot literally started a second armed front against Britain:

"In 1916, Irish republicans took the opportunity of the ongoing war to proclaim an independent Irish Republic and launch an armed rebellion against British rule in Dublin, which Germany attempted to help."


And this is how the poet and Irish nationalist Francis Ledwidge summed things up at the time:

"If someone were to tell me now that the Germans were coming in over our back wall, I wouldn't lift a finger to stop them. They could come!"



They volunteered - and there were already a few million women in the workforce before the war.


"Though there was initial resistance to hiring women for what was seen as 'men's work', the introduction of conscription in 1916 made the need for women workers urgent. Around this time, the government began coordinating the employment of women through campaigns and recruitment drives."


In other words, women had to be coaxed into work. Employers never wanted women anyway because they knew (just like it is today) that women are less productive than men.

It was only due to government intervention and being the majority buyer of industrial output to meet the war effort that companies relented and hired women. Read the rest of the article where it accounts that women were more interested in striking over pay and in turn were quickly let go by companies as soon as the war was over. The companies rationally paid men more thus proving the age old adage that for an honest day's work they will give an honest day's pay.

to have the common decency to respect the memory of women who lost their husbands and sons.


If only women had the common decency to respect the memory of the husbands and sons they lost!

Clearly, you never heard the story of Mabel Beadsworth who was one of the first women to receive a war widows' pension.

Mabel was married to British Army Private Alec Beadsworth and had two children with him before he was killed in action in May 1915.

Then in January 1916 Mabel gave birth to a third child.

But rumors began to swirl about the true faithfulness of Mabel.

The local Pensions Office and Army Council got a tip off from Mabel's mother-in-law and an investigation found that Mabel's third child did not belong to her dead husband Alec but rather some other guy named Norton.

So Mabel was rightfully stripped of her pension obtained only due to the ultimate sacrifice made by her fallen hero husband Alec.

You can read this floozie's sob story here:

Never mind though that the article admits that Mabel went on to have SEVERAL more children (11 in total!) with a string of other men.

Mabel, of course, is still portrayed as the victim in all this and as woman who was subjected to "bureaucratic gaze and moral judgement."

Spoiler alert: Fifteen years after Mabel lost her pension she was still writing to the government trying to get it back!

You think Mabel infidelity is an exception? Nope.

Not back in her time and certainly not now.

In a woman's world it is never about having actual respect for the men in their lives let alone in the rest of society.

Rather, for women, it's always about the money!

Novichok  4 | 8841
21 Feb 2022   #390
Rather, for women, it's always about the money!

At least it's consistent with their mission of having babies. Beyond that, they are in a class of their own in criminality. They can shoot their husbands and cut up their bodies into smaller pieces to make the disposal process easier. You know, the weight...They do that when they realize their husbands are about to divorce them after the poor suckers discover that the bi*tches were stealing from the family business or gambled their savings away.

Later in life, they marry only for the money. The problem is that men trust them and are naturally stupid like a brick.

Home / Life / Has feminism and lesbianism progressed in Poland?
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