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Has feminism and lesbianism progressed in Poland?

gumishu  16 | 6181
12 Jan 2024   #601
just in case you get an unwomanly impulse to abandon your domestic duties.

I now know what Atch is all about - she's mad at her husband ... er.. I mean patriarchy
Lenka  5 | 3471
12 Jan 2024   #602
just in case you get an unwomanly impulse to abandon your domestic duties. A fabulous find!

I guess I better find myself one of those!

I've never seen a husband lifting a couch just so his wife could do the vacuuming lol

Me neither. I lifted a couch on many occasions like this if something fell under but for any proper cleaning it's simply better to move it. And if I had to choose I would rather lift the couch. Half a minute Vs 10, 15 or 20 minutes of vacuuming the whole place.
Paulina  16 | 4384
12 Jan 2024   #603
You obviously don't care about scratching floors or damaging carpets.

I don't know, maybe I'm a magician, but somehow I have never scratched a floor or damaged a carpet when moving furniture :))) I guess you have never cleaned a place where you live in your life, Poloniusz :D Or maybe you have some really sh1tty floors and carpets? lol

But then again women don't pay financially into relationships

I don't know in what kind of cave you're living, but majority of women in Poland do pay financially into relationships, so stop lying.

Since it is a man who buys or pays the rent on a home, along with all the furniture, plus the vacuum cleaner

Again, majority of women in Poland are working, so cut the bullsh1t.

When women start paying 50/50 for everything in the relationship only then will they be able to speak with any credibility about "sharing".

Many women in Poland do pay 50/50 for everything in the relationship, if not majority. And it's not just about money, you creep. Even if the woman is, let us say, earning less than her husband - earning less doesn't equal spending less time at work and being less tired after work. So, sharing duties at home would be not only a humane thing to do, but also a smart thing to do on the part of the husband, because if apart from working the wife has to do everything at home, take care of the kids and remember and think about almost everything, then she's too tired and stressed out to have sex with the husband. After years of such marriage she may be so tired, burned out and disconnected from her husband that she will divorce him.

So, as you can see, sharing duties at home by the husband and wife together is also in the interest of the husband.

Also, I don't know what it's like in the US, but in Poland husbands often don't earn much more than wives. For example, my father was earning not much more than my mother and for some time she was earning more than him. And yet, she's been always doing much more at home even though my father had a much less tiring job than her and he was spending a lot of time on watching movies on a laptop at work. Even now, when they're retired, she's still doing more at home and she's the one taking care and playing with their granddaughter and taking her to the playground every freaking time. My father is too lazy to even peel an apple for himself - my mother has to do it for him.
Novichok  4 | 7630
12 Jan 2024   #604
a leg brace which will keep any lady firmly manacled to the kitchen sink...

...and a moan and nag mouth filter that turns moaning and nagging into How was day, darling? I am so glad you are home.

My father is too lazy to even peel an apple for himself - my mother has to do it for him.

She offers to do it for him.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
12 Jan 2024   #605
I am so glad you are home.

Can I get you a cold beer and a snack before you take me out to dinner and drop $100.
Novichok  4 | 7630
12 Jan 2024   #606
...or would you like to wait til I serve dinner?
Atch  21 | 4139
12 Jan 2024   #607
scratching floors or damaging carpets.

Civilized people put felt pads on their furniture legs. This also stops noise. Carpet can only be damaged if it's cheap nylon, foam-backed stuff. Even then, it would take considerable force to rip through it with a sofa!

a moan and nag mouth filter

Well, they did have something along those lines once upon a time. Ever heard of a scold's bridle? I must say American women really do sound quite dreadful. It must be a great disappointment, if not a torture to you to have two daughters and all those granddaughters.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
12 Jan 2024   #608
I must say American women really do sound quite dreadful.

They just don't know their place anymore.
The Woke feminism that they have been indoctrinated with has ruined them.
And don't fool yourself, its not just American women as this b.s. has spread like a cancer to Europe too.
There are just more Fem men in Europe that tolerate it.
Novichok  4 | 7630
12 Jan 2024   #609
I must say American women really do sound quite dreadful.

Spot on, Atch. They scream. Speaking softly, including whispering, is out forever as we are trying to outshout each other. Americans seem to be in a semi-permanent state of anger, myself included.

And those hands...We speak 50% with our hands, 40% with our faces, and only 10% with actual words. On top of that, nobody says "You are right" or even "I didn't know that" anymore.
Novichok  4 | 7630
12 Jan 2024   #610
Let's cut that sharing crap to the chase...Family is a woman's concept so that she can have kids.

My WAG is that 80% of men would still get married if told she didn't want kids. The opposite is true for women. So all that theatre with the engagement, wedding, 5000-dollar dress, house, and kids are for women. Guys couldn't care less about any of that. They want their toys and be left alone to watch sports. If she stopped vacuuming for six months, they wouldn't notice or care.
Atch  21 | 4139
12 Jan 2024   #611
Speaking softly

I think there have always been Lucy Loud-voice types. Otherwise Shakespeare's King Lear wouldn't have made the point about Cordelia that ' 'Her voice was ever soft, Gentle and low - an excellent thing in a woman'.
Poloniusz  4 | 852
12 Jan 2024   #612
but somehow I have never scratched a floor or damaged a carpet when moving furniture

You must buy from Ikea. Cheap and cheerful!

I guess you have never cleaned a place where you live in your life

Of course not, that's what domestic staff are paid to do.

but majority of women in Poland do pay financially into relationships


No, of course it isn't.

But since you say they do then provide the data you have to show this.

On second thought, don't bother. Just continue reading below.

majority of women in Poland are working

Nope. The statistics simply do not support your feminist lies.

Gender Equality Index 2019: Poland

"The employment rate (of people aged 20-64) is 65% for women and 79% for men. On average, women work 38 hours per week and men 42 hours."

Temporary absences from work higher for women than men

"The gap between the absence rates for men and women was also large in Hungary (13.2% for women and 5.5% for men), Poland (12.1% for women and 5.1% for men) and Latvia (12.0% for women and 5.0% for men)."

Many women in Poland do pay 50/50 for everything in the relationship

Lies. See above. Women don't do anywhere near the same amount of work as men in order to earn the same amount of money in order to pay 50/50 for everything.

if not majority.

LOL! Lies! Never!

And it's not just about money...earning less doesn't equal spending less time at work

Lies. See above. Women don't do the same amount of work as men. Literally, women are not there as much as men to do it.

earning less doesn't equal being less tired after work...then she's too tired...she may be so tired

Tired from what? Being out all night clubbing before a workday? Having to get out of bed on a workday? Not being able to have a "lazy girl job"?

So, as you can see, sharing duties at home by the husband and wife together is also in the interest of the husband.

Yeah, right. Sure it is.

Behold the feminist fantasy:

Novichok  4 | 7630
12 Jan 2024   #613
"The employment rate (of people aged 20-64) is 65% for women and 79% for men.

How dare you! Using numbers when talking to a woman?

You are supposed to show feeeelings...compassion...sympathy...not some crap facts or, God fobid, gov stats she can't call lies.
Alien  22 | 5460
12 Jan 2024   #614
The employment rate (of people aged 20-64) is 65% for women and 79% for men.

Well, women still give birth and raise children.
Poloniusz  4 | 852
12 Jan 2024   #615
Using numbers when talking to a woman?

I would love to see her explain how women are paying 50/50 ("if not more") in relationships while at the same time complaining there is a gender pay gap.

She must believe that women should befinancially compensated for doing domestic work if men are not doing it.

But she can't have it both ways.

If a wife doing unpaid domestic work is her way of meeting a 50/50 bargain with her husband's overall or complete financial contributions to the relationship then what is the problem?

Yeah, we know, we know, women are "tired".

Nah, the fact is these feminists never grew out of their "princess complex".
Novichok  4 | 7630
12 Jan 2024   #616
Well, women still give birth and raise children.

For their own satisfaction and pleasure. No woman ever said: My nation needs more workers so I am going to get me pregnant.

a gender pay gap.

The gender gap is a lie. Women are paid less because they like jobs that pay less.
Poloniusz  4 | 852
12 Jan 2024   #617
Well, women still give birth and raise children.

Yes, but it still wouldn't fully explain why 35% of women aged 20 - 64 don't work.

Number of live births in Poland from 1950 to 2022

"In 2022, the number of live births in Poland was the lowest since 2017 and amounted to 8.1 per thousand population. The highest rate was recorded in 1950 when the number of births per 1000 people was nearly 31."

My nation needs more workers so I am going to get me pregnant.

Nowadays women only get pregnant to get out of work.

The only traditional expectation from a woman about getting pregnant is that having a child means someone will be there to care for her in old age since women still outlive men by nearly a decade.
Lenka  5 | 3471
12 Jan 2024   #618
I've never seen a husband lifting a couch just so his wife could do the vacuuming lol

Me neither. I lifted a couch on many occasions like this if I lost something under but never to clean-much better to move. And I would still rather do that job. Half a minute and done Vs vacuuming the whole place? Deal.


Noone said that all those money go into family budget. But I would be more than happy to go 50/50 in both (if he earns more he can keep the rest for himself). But that means taking paternity leave, child sickness 50/50, cooking, cleaning, diapers, mopping up vommit etc.

Usually women reduce their hours to drop off/pick up the kid from childcare, they take the care when kids are sick etc.
I actually know a couple when she works and he stays at home- she loves the piece of mind (still does most at home but hey ho). Not to worry when your kids starts coughing. Not stressing the the traffic is bad and you may not pick up your child on time etc.

The funny thing is- women have less kids, marry less often and crack on with their lives ( meaning they also pay for their own upkeep) so everybody is happy, right? Ah no, you don't want that either...
Poloniusz  4 | 852
12 Jan 2024   #619
Usually women reduce their hours to drop off/pick up the kid from childcare, they take the care when kids are sick etc.

They can still put in a full work day after taking care of personal stuff so they don't have to reduce their hours.

women have less kids, marry less often and crack on with their lives ( meaning they also pay for their own upkeep) so everybody is happy, right?

No, women aren't "cracking on with their lives" and are still not happy otherwise the topic of men not doing more domestic work for women wouldn't have even been brought up.

Ever hear of the "bykowe" tax in Poland? The "bull" or "unmarried man" tax? It was imposed several times Poland's history.

Who were the beneficiaries of this tax burden? Women of course.

Sure this was abolished each time it was introduced but in name only.

Since men earn more than women by virtue of working more than women then men are de facto paying more in taxes.

And who effectively is paying for a woman's care during pregnancy, childcare support thereafter and then health and pensions for women who retire earlier and again live longer than men?

The answer again is men and only men who are paying for women regardless of a man's marital status.
Poloniusz  4 | 852
12 Jan 2024   #620
This self-identifying bollox has its roots in stupid Americans who can't accept that they're American and describe themselves as Polish, Irish, German, Swedish etc. because they had one great-grandfather who emigrated from there back in 18-something-or-other.

That's what happens in feminist/lesbian societies which fetishize diversity. In the end people realize they have nothing in common with each other apart from living within the same borders.

By the way, why didn't you include Jews in your litany of descriptors? They too hyphenate their identity (Jewish-American) or overemphasize just being Jewish. Are they talking bollox when they do this?
Lenka  5 | 3471
12 Jan 2024   #621
They can still put in a full work day after taking care of personal stuff so they don't have to reduce their hours.

So can man get I don't see then that often with their kids

otherwise the topic of men not doing more domestic work for women wouldn't have even been brought up.

1- it affects those that actually did start families. More and more women don't. And crack on. But you don't like that either, do you?

2- it was Iron who started this.

Since men earn more than women by virtue of working more than women then men are de facto paying more in taxes.

Generally tax affects those who earn more, more.
But ok, women stop giving birth and work equally-happy? Ah no, right? Because you don't want women to actually go that way, do you?

I actually met this dad few months ago. He had two wives, divorced with the first, second died when the kid was 3 (mind you that is already pretty big kid, and things usually get easier at this time). He said after being a full time dad for few months he apologised to his first wife for how he was when they were married because he has no idea how she managed it all with 3 kids.
Poloniusz  4 | 852
12 Jan 2024   #622
So can man get I don't see then that often with their kids

You're not being honest.

As already pointed out women have a lower participation rate in the workforce but a higher absenteeism rate when compared to men.

Men are at work providing for themselves (because society won't) or for their families (because that is the expectation placed on men).

Women are exercising options about whether to work or stay at home (and society will bend over backwards to support their decision even as they complain not enough is being done for them regardless of their decision).

Most women don't trust men around children anyway regardless of how close the relationship is.

Is this maternal instinct? Yes, especially when the wife cheated on her husband and knowingly gave birth to another man's child. Many such cases exist and that is why some countries ban paternity test or place the burden only on the man to pay and jump through many legal hoops to get a paternity test done. This is what matriarchal societies do. A truly gender equal society would have paternity tests done automatically and as soon as possible.

Another example (this time as a result of feminist programming) of female distrust of a father around what she knows is his own children becomes unmasked when she (like most women) file for divorce and then does everything to ensure the father is denied custody or even visitation rights while making sure his child support payments keep flowing into her bank account.

More and more women don't. And crack on. But you don't like that either, do you?

This has already been addressed in other threads.

Feminism deliberately destroyed the nuclear family by brainwashing "strong and independent" women into seeing marriage as slavery and motherhood as drudgery if not deadly (i.e., "she'll die giving birth so she needs to have constant access to free abortions", blah, blah, blah.).

For any women who do show interest in children they either want to have an "amazing career" first and then have only one child in their 30s or 40s and which frequently ends up being born with chromosomal conditions such as Down syndrome.

Or such women remain childless and take to activism to support migrant families entering the country and using the health care system they never paid into to have replacement children. These career-first/children-never women are often at points of entry smiling widely and holding "welcome refugees" signs or they can be found walking their dog in a park and stopping to talk excitedly with ubiquitous pregnant migrant women who also have at least two other migrant children in tow.

2- it was Iron who started this.

He isn't the OP. Regardless of who started it you know they have a point and that is why you are so defensive and "feel" the need to try to convince others to deny reality. It's called gaslighting and is a common female trait.

Generally tax affects those who earn more, more.

Again, you're not being honest.

If you were you would have said that generally tax affects men because men earn more than women because men work more than women.

after being a full time dad for few months he apologised to his first wife for how he was when they were married because he has no idea how she managed it all with 3 kids.

Yawn, the worn-out feminist meme of men being dumb and incompetent and women being brilliant and doing it all with ease.

Lenka  5 | 3471
12 Jan 2024   #623
As already pointed out women have a lower participation rate in the workforce but a higher absenteeism rate when compared to men.

But you described it as a personal issue and shouldn't affect their working hours. If that is the case why they don't pick up the kids?

Most women don't trust men around children anyway regardless of how close the relationship is.

And why do you think they trust their sisters, mothers ect?

For any women who do show interest in children they either want to have an "amazing career" first and then have only one child in their 30s or 40s

Never saw such a manifesto in feminist movements and most definitely not in Poland where birth rates are dropping like crazy.

you're not being honest.

I am. My point is exactly that- tax system don't care and ask you to pay accordingly. Should everyone go around complaining about taxes of the people earning less?

the worn-out feminist meme

No, it was a man. His son is 4 now.
Bobko  27 | 2124
12 Jan 2024   #624
History and empirical observation, teach us that there is only one way to truly increase birth rates.

If you want Poland to have a seriously big baby boom, things have to be "rewound" a little bit back in time. First and foremost, there must be an exodus from the cities, towards rural areas. Poland must become an agricultural country again. Borrowing from the Mennonites - any labor-saving machinery should also be outlawed. No tractors, no pumps, no excavators, etc.

Second, women must be made into second class citizens (no legal recourse against men in courts), and contraception totally outlawed. It would be good even, to perhaps shift from Catholicism to Islam - so that some of these policy prescriptions could truly stick.

The last stroke, would be a large civil war, that would result in most Poles living in dense refugee camps. I don't know what it is about refugee camps, but fertility levels really explode there.

After reaching a more comfortable population level of around 100 million Poles, you can slowly begin reintroducing aspects of a post-industrial society.
Novichok  4 | 7630
12 Jan 2024   #625
You forgot p0rn on all channels from 8 to midnight.
Lenka  5 | 3471
12 Jan 2024   #626
@ Bobko
I think just two would be necessary:
Outlaw the birth control and forbid women earning money.
Women have less kids simply because they can. They can stop getting pregnant and they can support themselves so they don't have to relay on husband, kids.

p0rn on all channels from 8 to midnight.

From what I know **** addiction actually decreases sex life and makes it less satisfactory.
Novichok  4 | 7630
12 Jan 2024   #627
P0rn has many shades of gray - from Telimena to Debbie Does Dallas.
We could fine-tune it for the most impact.
pawian  219 | 24592
12 Jan 2024   #628
Feminism deliberately

Polo, is that you???

  • 1819969_1_o.jpg
Poloniusz  4 | 852
13 Jan 2024   #629
But you described it as a personal issue and shouldn't affect their working hours. If that is the case why they don't pick up the kids?

It is a personal issue.

If a father agrees to pick up his kids then he will. The man is being responsible.

If a father agrees to pick up his kids but suddenly is unable to then he will reasonably ask the mother to do this instead because he knows they have joint responsibility for their children. The man is still acting responsibly.

When the mother tells the father she will pick up the kids because he can't then on a whim she changes her mind without telling him or anyone else then you will come on here like any feminist and complain how bad men are.

And why do you think they trust their sisters, mothers ect?

Because women are weaker than men and they respond to this through safety in numbers with each other.

This is why in any nightclub women always escort each other to the toilets.

Women are natural collectivists anyway.

Generation after generation.

Never saw such a manifesto in feminist movements

Propagandists already know women feel and don't think. They understand that women aren't going to read hefty manifestos before doing their bidding.

Propagandists also know that women are conformists and always look for visual and other social queues on how to model their lives.

See for yourself:

and most definitely not in Poland where birth rates are dropping like crazy.

Gee, I wonder why?

Clearly the near zero birthrates must be due to men not doing their fair share of domestic chores at home rather than crazed feminists publicly pressuring women to avoid having children under the guise of it being a "human rights" issue.

My point is exactly that- tax system don't care and ask you to pay accordingly.

Taxes are based in law and you "as a woman" are fine with the status quo because the tax system benefits women at the expense of men.

Feminism isn't about equality between men and women. It's about using the state to secure power and privilege only for women.

Individualist Feminism Versus Collectivist Feminism

"modern gender feminism owes more to Marxism and socialist feminism than it does to classical liberalism and individualist feminism...gender feminism incorporates such socialist ideas as 'surplus labor,' by which human cooperation is viewed as the process of one group taking benefits from another group...the law must act to benefit women, who have been historically disadvantaged, at the expense of men, who have been the oppressors."

Polo, is that you???

No, it is a younger version of you!

Decades ago you were a young single incel in public seeking the attention and approval of women.

Today you are an old married incel lurking on the internet and still seeking the attention and approval of women. :)

You are also what is shamefully called a "white knight" (which women don't respect by the way):

I'm more like this guy:

How dare you!

Indeed. This is why women and so-called "real men" who simp for women need feminism.

Novichok  4 | 7630
13 Jan 2024   #630
Propagandists also know that women are conformists

See ripped jeans and the social contagion of being non-binary or anything other than hetero - now at 20% among teen girls. Just 5 years ago, it was in low single digits.

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