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Has feminism and lesbianism progressed in Poland?

johnny reb  49 | 7942
9 Feb 2022   #331
Does your slave mother know how to just say, "No" !
It boils down to both your folks are doing exactly what they 'want to' without anyone sticking their nose into their lives just because they disagree with your folks lifestyles.

Old day tradition must be working for your folks so don't try to fix it.
If it is not working for them, "They" will have to change "Their" lives "Themselves" because it's not your job to create hate between them with your modern-day feminism.

Do you still live at home with them by any chance ?
Paulina  17 | 4442
9 Feb 2022   #332
@johnny_reb, I'm not "sticking my nose" in their lives. It's my mother who's complaining to me about my father's behaviour. Also, sometimes when I'm around, I can see it with my own eyes. Besides, I know what my father is like, so there's no surprise.

And it doesn't look like this "old day tradition" is working for my mother, considering her mental state. She's clearly disappointed with my father's behaviour and she's saying stuff like "I have enough of everything already". Earlier she was even saying stuff like "Maybe it would be better if I died already".

My parents are adult people, it's their life, so I usually don't get involved. I just sometimes ask my mother, after she complains, why won't she tell him to make those sandwiches. Or, if I'm around, I'll suggest gently to my father that maybe it would be a good idea to make those sandwiches for her after she comes back from shopping. That's all I can do. I'm not their mother.
Novichok  4 | 8644
9 Feb 2022   #333
I just sometimes ask my mother, after she complains, why won't she tell him to make those sandwiches.

And then she says...?
Paulina  17 | 4442
9 Feb 2022   #334
@Novichok, one time she actually did answer my question... Her answer was: "What if he leaves me for another woman, if I don't make those sandwiches?"

Novichok  4 | 8644
9 Feb 2022   #335
If it's a sandwich that makes him stay, adios...

Tell her to stop it, go to the gym, buy new clothe, color her hair and start taking care of herself. And fu*ck the rest. The "rest" will magically take care of itself. Somehow it always does.

Make sure she has her own easy chair and a lamp next to it, not the one he just left for a moment. Also, her own TV.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
9 Feb 2022   #336
I can see by

Wrong, after work I was often doing housework and took care of the children.. I'm being realistic about it and you are not, a coal mine, really?

that after divorce your daughter stayed with her mom, right?

Yes, that works better for her and her mother, given the fact I make more money.

She offered herself to do that,

That is her choice are you jealous or something?She wants to do it. What is your problem?

it's not my duty.

Its is not your duty that is true. I have thought you care about your mother. Not enough to do something for her, you just use her to talk bad about men and your father. It is not his duty either, you are the same.

Does your mother even wants your help?
Seems to me you have issues not your family.

But he wasn't and isn't doing that. Do you understand?

I know enough to tell you it is not your place to judge them. It is something that every couple need to work out between themselves. You are being a baby.

Is he a moron? Or a selfish, lazy, inconsiderate a$$hole?

Why? She does want she want to do. He does what he wants to do. They are fine. Just leave them alone, you are getting ahead of yourself.
Paulina  17 | 4442
9 Feb 2022   #337
Wrong, after work I was often doing housework and took care of the children..

How "often"?

Yes, that works better for her and her mother

And for you lol

It is not my place to judge my parents? Of course it is. What they were and are like had and will be having a big impact on me and my life, whether I want it or not. Just like it will be your kids place to judge you, whether you like it or not.

Not enough to do something for her

How do you know? I do help her, if I can, within reason though. I took care of the kid when my father had to suddenly go to the hospital and my mother started panicking and couldn't focus on the child. I also used to help my niece, when she was younger and my mother was going all psycho on her, taking out her anger and frustrations on the poor kid. I had to do it, because my father wouldn't react. I can't be there 24/7 though.

It is not his duty either

It is his duty to be a good husband though.

They are fine. Just leave them alone

Yeah? Then why don't you tell my mother to stop complaining to me about my father's behaviour. You think I like hearing about this and worrying about her? It's been like this all my life.

And I'm not "getting ahead of myself". Read my post #332, because I'm not going to repeat myself.

Seems to me you have issues not your family.

Then you're wrong. I'm not telling everything about my family. Only what I think is relevant to this topic.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
9 Feb 2022   #338
It is not my place to judge my parents? Of course it is.

Not to judge their relationship. That is what I meant. You don't really know what it is untill you are a part of it.

How "often"?

Often enough. What does it matter? Even now, I'm doing all there is to be done. No need to pay for a hause helper.

mother was going all psycho on her, taking out her anger and frustrations on the poor kid.

Your mother has a problem.

It is his duty to be a good husband though.

Is your mother such a good wife>? You are not her husband, you don't know that.
If it is too much for her to take care of her grandkid, she shouldn't agree to do that.

why don't you tell my mother to stop complaining to me about my father's

She is venting. Just let her.
Paulina  17 | 4442
9 Feb 2022   #339
Not to judge their relationship.

Why not? I know their relationship better than anyone else. What kind of relationship the parents have also has an impact on their kids. So, sorry, but I have the right to have an opinion.

Often enough. What does it matter?

Well, that's the topic of the current discussion. What does "often enough" mean according to a man? I'm curious.

Your mother has a problem.

No sh1t, Sherlock lol

Is your mother such a good wife>?

Yes, she is. That's the thing - she's always been a better wife than a mother, so my father could do sth to repay her for all those years.

If it is too much for her to take care of her grandkid, she shouldn't agree to do that.

Well, that's what I told her. I guess it's not that it's too much for her, but it would be easier for her if she didn't have to do almost everything by herself. It's not only about taking care of the grandchild, but all the rest.

She is venting. Just let her.

It doesn't change the fact that she has good reasons to vent. She's doing much more work than my father. And that's why I wrote about it - as an example showing that what Poloniusz wrote is far from the truth.
Miloslaw  20 | 5103
9 Feb 2022   #340

I sympathise with your family problems.
My opinion?
Ignore the trolls.
You are a good woman doing the best you can in a difficult situation.
It is hard for you to change a relationship that has existed since before you were born.
If your mum asks for help.
Help her.
If not.Respect her and stay out of it.
I know this is not a perfect solution.
But the last thing you want is for you to become part of the problem.
johnny reb  49 | 7942
10 Feb 2022   #341
Her answer was: "What if he leaves me for another woman, if I don't make those sandwiches?"

My response would have been, "If he leaves you because you don't make him a sandwich......then do you really think he truly loves you ?

Do you really want to make sandwiches and wash dirty socks and shorts for a man that does not love you ?"
Obviously she waits on him and your sister because she "wants to", and it seems to just grind you because of how feminism has progressed in Poland from the old days.

Your mom is old school, and you are new school, and you both will survive.
Whatever you do though, don't listen to the troll's with opinions for advice. ;-)
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
10 Feb 2022   #342
So, sorry, but I have the right to have an opinion.

Look anybody can have an opinion. My point is that what going on between couples is only known to them. Children often don't know everything but they think they do know or that they know better. It is a bias and you should be aware of it.

What does "often enough" mean according to a man?

Whenever there was a need for me to step up, or there was nobody else to do it. That what responsible people do. My ex-wife was rather slopy with a princess syndrome. Playing a victim if I ever said anything about that this or that need to be done, so I rather would do it myself.

It is my opinion that your mother and father are like that becasue they want to be like that. It is too late to change it. Just roll with it.

but it would be easier for her if she didn't have to do almost everything by herself. I

Maybe, but that doesn't change the fact that your mother choose to do it all.
So I don't know what it all has to do with feminism. There is no law that says what wife should or shouldn't do or what man should or shouldn't do. There are no laws that force people to do or not to do something.

They can sort this out between themselves.
Feminism is another idological idea that create more problems like all other - isms.

that what Poloniusz wrote is far from the truth.

Are you sure? Maybe in his family things were different and he can back up his views with a real story.
That all tell us that people are individuals in different circumstances and there is no a magic formula to solve it all.
Novichok  4 | 8644
10 Feb 2022   #343
My point is that what going on between couples is only known to them.

Paulina hears, sees, and can read body language as well as any woman. And, by the great design, they are good at it.
pawian  224 | 27129
10 Feb 2022   #344
they smoke like chimneys, abuse alcohol, don't want to eat healthy and don't want to go to the doctors

It`s curious that males are the first to fall prey to their own pseudo machismo. The sooner they drop it, the longer they will live. Digi digi boom.
Miloslaw  20 | 5103
10 Feb 2022   #345
Males, on the contrary, view women as objects, goods, prey

I am not taking sides here but that is a gross misrepresentation of men.
That is not how most men think or feel.
Some do, I don't deny that.
But.please, do not tarnish all men with the same brush.
And hey, do you count yourself as the type of man that you describe?
And if not, why not?
pawian  224 | 27129
10 Feb 2022   #346
But.please, do not tarnish all men with the same brush.

Of course, there are exceptions. As always. And they make the rule - as always.

do you count yourself as the type of man that you describe?

No more, thanks God.

And if not, why not?

Coz I have read a lot of serious books on women or male-female relations. And I have worked hard on myself. Now I am a new male. Homme Nouveaux.
Miloslaw  20 | 5103
10 Feb 2022   #347

You know what Pawian?
I find it hard to believe that you were ever a man like the one you described.
pawian  224 | 27129
10 Feb 2022   #348
I find it hard to believe that you were ever a man like the one you described

Only Jesus was born flawless after Immaculate Conception. All other males are born corrupt. And if they want to get rid of that horrible stigma, they need to work hard on themselves.

Jesus - the only one who forgave the fallen woman coz he saw a human being in her while all other males were eager to murder her in cold blood like an animal.

  • a27d24_b467f7f119944.jpeg
Miloslaw  20 | 5103
10 Feb 2022   #349

So, are you really telling me that you were once a nasty male?
Sorry, I just don't believe it.....
For all the differences we have had on this forum,I have always regarded you as a thoroughly decent human being.
pawian  224 | 27129
10 Feb 2022   #350
were ever a man like the one

Hadn`t St Paul been a cruel oppressor of christians at first? Later he died as a christain martyr. That means people can change quite radically.

once a nasty male?

Of course I wasn`t nasty - my character, nature, personality, psyche etc reject any nastiness. It is not my genre and style. I was just a typical male. Fortunately, I dropped it around 30.
Miloslaw  20 | 5103
10 Feb 2022   #351

I am an atheist
So all your religious comments just go over my head.
But if you say it is true,I will believe you.
It's just that I am surprised.
pawian  224 | 27129
10 Feb 2022   #352
religious comments just go over my head.

Until the last hour comes upon you and you will demand to see the priest/rabbi/minister/shaman etc to receive the blessing for your last journey.
Novichok  4 | 8644
10 Feb 2022   #353
Only Jesus was born flawless after Immaculate Conception.

You forgot "allegedly" or "some claim".
Do you know how to connect the dots between not pregnant and pregnant and describe the process in greater detail?

for your last journey.

I just realized that my passport has to be renewed. Thanks for reminding me...
pawian  224 | 27129
11 Feb 2022   #354
my passport has to be renewed.

You`d better set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. Drop your earthly passport coz it is useless. Be always prepared to hold your heavenly passport just in case, coz you do not know what tomorrow will bring.

Thanks for reminding me..

One more reminder: what is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.

Stick to the topic please
Novichok  4 | 8644
11 Feb 2022   #355
Only Jesus was born flawless after Immaculate Conception.

Feminists should be outraged. Getting a girl pregnant without her explicit consent is immoral, illegal, and, on top of that, child abuse. Today, we call it rape even if no physical force is involved and will get you ten years.
pawian  224 | 27129
11 Feb 2022   #356
Novi, the Mod told us to keep to the topic. So, knock off those silly religious digressions.

Unless they refer to feminism.

I am strong, coz despite my family`s pressure, I decided not to baptise our son, letting him choose.

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pawian  224 | 27129
14 Feb 2022   #357
This one is for women who worry about their looks too much.

I am perfectly imperfect.

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Poloniusz  5 | 970
15 Feb 2022   #358
women in Poland have two jobs - one is a regular job that they're paid for and one at home that they're doing for free.

There's a simple explanation for the situation women find themselves in:

What confluence of political factors / dynamics served to give Bioleninists the "whip-hand" in contemporary Western societies?

"...feminism was only developed thoroughly after WW2, when socialism wasn't selling well, and the sexual revolution was throwing women into the open sexual market and the workforce, creating industrial amounts of usable resentment."


And the fallout is still around today. You are proof of that!

Indeed, whoever said women needed to join the workforce in the first place? Marxist-Leninist-Socialist-Communists that's who!

Why did women go along with the propaganda and social pressure? Because women are natural Marxist-Leninist-Socialist-Communists that's why!

She drew only her mom and grandma, despite the fact that she also had a dad and a grandad. Draw conclusions for yourself...


Your niece's unacceptable behavior is a prima facie example of innate female misandry on display.

Not only that but her unpersoning of male family members from a drawing is deeply rooted in the despicable practices of a thoroughly discredited totalitarian ideology.

Fourth Republic Now!

Additionally, it is clear that your niece (as well as you and the other female so-called "role models" in her life) takes for granted the care and provision provided to her by the men in your family.

Indeed, from the roof over your fat ungrateful heads to the clothes on your backs to the food on your table. It was either made, paid or both by men.

You simply cannot deny that both the men in your family and men in society have played an outsized role in providing for you sick feminist ingrates. In relations with women, men are the ones who are always being shortchanged. Always! Since the dawn of time!

It's high time you checked your privilege!

but still my mother has to pick her up at 2 pm

Oh, no! Granny has to turn off the TV, get off the sofa, put on a coat and go outside in the early afternoon! Her hairdo probably got tussled by the wind too! The horror of it all!

Furthermore, if your niece resents seeing women rather than men perform such chores for her then she is clearly a case of having Cleopatra Syndrome.

" relationships with a man, such a lady puts herself in the position of a queen, demanding...not equality (which is good in relationships), but reverence and submission."


Is this what your entitled niece and the other bitter feminists in your family expect her school run to look like?

You betcha!
Novichok  4 | 8644
15 Feb 2022   #359
Because women are natural Marxist-Leninist-Socialist-Communists that's why!

Bingo! That is why women are the American Bolshevik's core supporters.
pawian  224 | 27129
15 Feb 2022   #360
Indeed, whoever said women needed to join the workforce in the first place? Marxist-Leninist-Socialist-Communists that's who!

Your erronoeus statements show you are ignorant of major processes in history. Or you are ready to falsify history to suit your sick agenda.

Women already became considerable workforce during WW1 when millions of white males happily went to war started by their white male governments. Don`t mix communism into it, darling coz there were no communist states at the time, except bolshevik Russia but it doesn`t count. Women went to work in factories coz sb had to maintain the family. You can only blame the leaders of your beloved patriarchal society for introducing this major change.

women are the American Bolshevik's

You constantly mention American women in Polish threads and matters. Quit this silly obsession. This is Poland, not America.

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