women in Poland have two jobs - one is a regular job that they're paid for and one at home that they're doing for free.
There's a simple explanation for the situation women find themselves in:
What confluence of political factors / dynamics served to give Bioleninists the "whip-hand" in contemporary Western societies?"...feminism was only developed thoroughly after WW2, when socialism wasn't selling well, and the sexual revolution was throwing women into the open sexual market and the workforce, creating industrial amounts of usable resentment."Source: parallaxoptics.com/2018/12/11/on-bioleninism/
And the fallout is still around today. You are proof of that!
Indeed, whoever said women needed to join the workforce in the first place? Marxist-Leninist-Socialist-Communists that's who!
Why did women go along with the propaganda and social pressure? Because women are natural Marxist-Leninist-Socialist-Communists that's why!
She drew only her mom and grandma, despite the fact that she also had a dad and a grandad. Draw conclusions for yourself...
Your niece's unacceptable behavior is a prima facie example of innate female misandry on display.
Not only that but her unpersoning of male family members from a drawing is deeply rooted in the despicable practices of a thoroughly discredited totalitarian ideology.

Fourth Republic Now!
Additionally, it is clear that your niece (as well as you and the other female so-called "role models" in her life) takes for granted the care and provision provided to her by the men in your family.
Indeed, from the roof over your fat ungrateful heads to the clothes on your backs to the food on your table. It was either made, paid or both by men.
You simply cannot deny that both the men in your family and men in society have played an outsized role in providing for you sick feminist ingrates. In relations with women, men are the ones who are always being shortchanged. Always! Since the dawn of time!
It's high time you checked your privilege!
but still my mother has to pick her up at 2 pm
Oh, no! Granny has to turn off the TV, get off the sofa, put on a coat and go outside in the early afternoon! Her hairdo probably got tussled by the wind too! The horror of it all!
Furthermore, if your niece resents seeing women rather than men perform such chores for her then she is clearly a case of having Cleopatra Syndrome.
"...in relationships with a man, such a lady puts herself in the position of a queen, demanding...not equality (which is good in relationships), but reverence and submission."Source: planetofdata.com/blog/female/cleopatra-syndrome-which-girls-have-problems-with-men/
Is this what your entitled niece and the other bitter feminists in your family expect her school run to look like?

You betcha!