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Boys acting and dressing feminine, girls acting and dressing masculine - transgender teens in Poland

mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Mar 2023   #91
Katoeys in Thailand

Homosexual Transexuals... not the problem....

Transwomen in Istanbul

Also HSTS presumably...

Can you define the word 'woman'?
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Mar 2023   #92
Homosexual Transexuals... not the problem....

Not necessarily.

There's an interesting quote by Chomsky: :The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum. That gives people the sense that there's free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate."

Can you define the word 'woman'?

Easily. A person who identifies as female.
Paulina  17 | 4465
14 Mar 2023   #93
A person who identifies as female.

And here I disagree. Sex is a biological fact, not a figment of imagination. Even someone after full sex transition is going to be for me a man or a woman "after sex surgery". I will address them the way they want to be addressed to make them feel good, but that's it. I'm not going to be in a denial of reality.
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Mar 2023   #94
A person who identifies as female.

Define 'female'...
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Mar 2023   #95

And isn't it interesting that you're talking about women (whether trans or cis) rather than men (trans or cis). Dp you know many people who've transitioned or are non-binary?

Suckered into a pointless distraction.
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Mar 2023   #96
that narrative that women safety depends on isolation

Let's have unisex bathrooms in schools! What's the worst that could happen?

quote: "Girls and boys have to share and the boys go in and take photos of the girls. They kick the doors down and there are no locks on the doors. They're going over to the cubicles to take photos and videos"


Because if you can't define 'woman' or 'female' or 'man' or 'male' then there's no need to listen to anything you have to say on the issue because you lack a basic grasp of reality.

you know many people who've transitioned

A couple (one male one female) both seemed to be transitioning in order to be straight. I was extremely polite to both and I sincerely wish them well.

But internalized homophobia is a big part of transitioning for some and trans homophobia is becoming externalized in the US as well.

here's some of what's going on...

(read at your own risk....)

But adults consciously transitioning is the past, there is a _lot_ of very sus stuff happening.
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Mar 2023   #97
Because if you can't define

In developed societies, gender and other definitions are as you know changing and changing fast. In a few years, nobody will ask such silly questions (and it's mostly TERFs and reactionaries who do now). Transhumanism is a bigger step, and it's started already.

But adults consciously transitioning is the past, there is a _lot_ of very sus stuff happening.

Many cross-dressers are homophobic. As are some of the loudest voices here. They'll all be dead soon anyway and Generation Z are the least anti-LGBTQ generation that the modern world has seen.

But adults consciously transitioning is the past, there is a _lot_ of very sus stuff happening.

Early days. Things will settle down.

As I've said a few times, the current 'culture wars' are manufactured, largely by the right-wing media and their financial backers to distract from some very serious issues.
Lenka  5 | 3531
14 Mar 2023   #98
Let's have unisex bathrooms in schools! What's the worst that could happen?

Again, you read that and you think the bathrooms are the problem? Seriously?
Kids knock the door down on a toilet but they will be stopped by a sign on the bathroom door?
Novichok  4 | 8748
14 Mar 2023   #99
A person who identifies as female.

No. A human female has body parts necessary to give birth to a child. You don't and all that "idenifying" will not change it.

Your kind has already kidnapped "gay", "partner", and rainbows. We will not let you kidnap "woman".
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Mar 2023   #100
gender and other definitions are as you know changing

No they're not.

A woman is an adult human female. Female is the sex class that produces large gametes.

A man is an adult human male. Male is the sex class that produces small gametes.

If your body produces or has ever produced sperm, you are male and cannot change into female.

If your body has ever produced eggs, then you are female and cannot change into male.


"Identifying as trans ruined my life & I struggle to rebuild brick by brick"

Lots more out there for anyone who cares to look....
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Mar 2023   #101
No they're not.

They are. That's why you're grumbling.

Female is

So what.

We are as a species increasingly less restrained by biological and anatomical constraints. Is this a bad thing?

ruined my life

Lots of things ruin lots of peoples lives. But hey, focus on that one as those who exploit you want you to.
Novichok  4 | 8748
14 Mar 2023   #102
Is this a bad thing?

The thing that exists only in your sick mind. But I am not surprised that you are confused about women.
I never had any doubts about which orifice is for number 2 and which one is to make a baby. The one with the baby orifice is a woman.

Now you know.
jon357  72 | 23361
15 Mar 2023   #103
What a coarse post.
Paulina  17 | 4465
15 Mar 2023   #104
A good idea.

I don't know about that... It looks like that minors should be getting first and foremost proper psychological care, so they wouldn't do something that they'll regret later:

Sweden was the first country in the world to legally/formally allow sex change, so it's hard to accuse that country of "intolerance".

In developed societies, gender and other definitions are as you know changing and changing fast.

I disagree, gender isn't changing. Gender roles are changing to some extent and at different paces, but not biological gender. In developed societies people are simply often more tolerant and accepting of people who are "different". No matter whether it's your lifestyle that makes you different, your life choices, sexual orientation or health or mental problems.

Sex transition for people with gender dysphoria is simply the only treatment that is available these days. It is a way to accommodate them, to ease the distress caused by their condition. It doesn't mean that somehow suddenly biological sex became "fluid" and people morph naturally into whomever they want.

Maybe one day medical advancement will go so far that it will be possible to completely change a man into a woman and vice versa, but right now it isn't possible and so I can't consider a man after sex surgery to be a real woman. There are things that those surgeries and hormone treatment simply can't do (at least not yet). That's a fact. Wishful thinking won't change that.

It's also possible that in the future science will discover what causes gender dysphoria and better treatment will be available and those invasive sex change surgeries simply won't be necessary anymore.

We still know too little about this condition, imho.

Btw, this is not a political/ideological issue for me. I look at this from medical and psychological perspective. I care about the well being of those people. So, as far as I'm concerned people with agendas - whether it's right-wing or LGBT agendas (I don't care) - who use those people for their "fight" can go and "f" themselves, because I'm getting an impression that they don't really care about those people, but only about their issues.
mafketis  38 | 11137
15 Mar 2023   #105
so they wouldn't do something that they'll regret later

Can't sign a contract.... but can get an elective double masectomy? or be castrated?

How does this make sense?
Paulina  17 | 4465
15 Mar 2023   #106
@mafketis, I think there's a high profile case that is probably a good example of a minor changing her mind about what sex she wants to be - Shiloh Jolie-Pitt. When she was a kid she wanted to be a boy, she was wearing short hair, boy's clothes and told others to call her "John". She thought she's one of her brothers. But later when she grew up into a teenager she started wearing long hair and feminine clothes (allegedly her friendship with Suri Cruise had such effect on her), so it looks like she had a change of heart.

Kids and teens are often very impressionable and entering puberty can make you feel confused and that's why I think people should tread very carefully with this stuff.

Shiloh Jolie-Pitt earlier as a "boy" (on the left) and later as a girl (on the right):


mafketis  38 | 11137
15 Mar 2023   #107
a minor changing her mind about what sex she wants to be

good thing she didn't get that double masectomy or stunt her development on puberty blockers or hormone treatment (which have long term effects that do not just go away when a person stops taking them)

even before the current push, something like 80% of gender dysmorphia cases in adolescent just... went away after a while.

no "gender affirming care" until adulthood....

another good source: Exulansic who herself began transition before realizing it woulnd't solve her problems does great work in analyzing videos by transitioners (the surgeries are not safe - they are prone to all sorts of gruesome complications and doctors have no incentive for these complications to not occur....) she also comments on the 'reality' show about the very tragic Jazz Jennings (who was castrated as a minor and whose vaginoplasty was botched...) He could have been a young, feminine gay guy but his mother preferred to mutilate him so she could have a 'straight' daughter instead....

they don't really care about those people, but only about their issues

true of a lot on both sides, unfortunately

I have no issue with adult transitioners who aren't deluded about what they are doing. There has always been a tiny minority of people whose best chance at happiness has been living socially as the opposite sex (quite distinct from gay men and lesbians) and it makes sense to make a place for them.

Blaire White and Buck Angel, for example, are high profile trans people who fully understand that they haven't changed sex, just their outer presentation. More power to them.

But creepy autogynephiles like Jonathan Yaniv who sued immigrant beauty salon workers to try to force them to wax his 'female' testicles can go ffff themselves and never return.
jon357  72 | 23361
15 Mar 2023   #108
minors should be getting first and foremost proper psychological care

They do. That is the first priority.

hose invasive sex change surgeries simply won't be necessary anymore.

It's more likely that the procedure is refined and improved. With increased life-expectancy, it may well be that people change two or three times in their lives. Transhumanism is here to stay.
mafketis  38 | 11137
15 Mar 2023   #109
Transhumanism is here to stay.

Never mind the broken, deformed bodies that are just eggs going into the superb omelette of the future?
jon357  72 | 23361
15 Mar 2023   #110
broken, deformed bodies that are just eggs going into the superb omelette

Crikey, you're a bit glass half full, aren't you.

People once thought that the first passenger trains were highly dangerous because the human body could never survive travelling at 20 mph.

And the first plastic surgery looked pretty bad at first.

If you're so negative about a rapidly developing procedure that has been constantly refined since the 1920s and which will be refined yet more with time, just wait until the first head transplant happens. They are working on this now.
mafketis  38 | 11137
15 Mar 2023   #111
so negative about a rapidly developing procedure that has been constantly refined since the 1920s

an artificial vagina has to be dilated daily or it will close up, it's an open wound... and sometimes there are problems with hair on the inside... not for nothing do some call it a 'rot pocket'...

an artificial penis is completely non-functional (an homage to a phallus as exulansic puts it) and has all types of common complications

these are elective procedures that are irreversible and being performed on minors who cannot buy a beer legally.... what is wrong with this picture?

metoidioplasty has its own problems as well....

you're a bit glass half full, aren't you.

the glass won't fill itself....
gumishu  15 | 6227
15 Mar 2023   #112
Kids knock the door down on a toilet but they will be stopped by a sign on the bathroom door?

man, so this is what's happening now in schools - I never heard of such things in my school days (the only instance where I have seen this was in a psychiatric ward)
jon357  72 | 23361
15 Mar 2023   #113
an artificial vagina has to be dilated daily or it will close up,

That's simply untrue. There was something like that back in the days of Dr Bourou however as mentioned, procedures are constantly developing.

an artificial penis is completely non-functional

There are plenty of real ones that aren't especially 'functional'.

These matters however are issues solely for people involved. If you aren't trans, why would you worry?

the glass won't fill itself....

You little ray of sunshine, you....
mafketis  38 | 11137
15 Mar 2023   #114
That's simply untrue.

"dilation which you have to comit to mostly youre whole life after the surgery"
Novichok  4 | 8748
15 Mar 2023   #115
Shiloh Jolie-Pitt earlier as a "boy" (on the left) and later as a girl (on the right):

That "girl" would be taking off her lipstick very quickly in the Cook County jail.

and those invasive sex change surgeries simply won't be necessary anymore.

They should never be allowed. Mental illness should never be treated by irreversible surgeries. On my island, a doctor who would do it to a child would never leave prison.
jon357  72 | 23361
15 Mar 2023   #116
have to comit to mostly youre

So you're referring to aftercare.

Is that a problem for you?
Novichok  4 | 8748
15 Mar 2023   #117
They do. That is the first priority.

No, it's not. The priorities are: safety, food, roof, and supervision by sane adults. 6 billion people manage without psychological care and are mentally healthier than the nuts and perverts in Western "democracies".

Why is it that the most affluent societies have the highest density of nuts, weirdos, and perverts?

The answer: because they are affluent and spend too much time gazing into their smartphones with self-admiration while looking for ways to be edgy and different. When a guy spends 10 hours in a warehouse lifting heavy objects he has no time and energy to dream about being a girl.

Being a normal heterosexual is so passe today...
jon357  72 | 23361
15 Mar 2023   #118
No, it's not.

Yes it is.

The answer: because they are affluent and spend too much time gazing into their smartphones

You are a misanthrope.

When a guy spends 10 hours in a warehouse lifting heavy objects

Aside from some people being less intelligent than others and having less insight into their characters, one of the first cases in my city was someone who worked in heavy industry.

But you only want to argue.

Things change. Get over it.
mafketis  38 | 11137
15 Mar 2023   #119
referring to aftercare.

that you had just said was no longer an issue....

My last word on this for a bit... spot the difference...

  • FrMZF5eakAEUSvr.jfif
Paulina  17 | 4465
15 Mar 2023   #120
They do. That is the first priority.

It doesn't look like it's always the case. Have you read that article on France 24 that I posted? Mikael Kruse from that article was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome and Attention Deficit Disorder only after he changed sex (and later he detransitioned).

It's more likely that the procedure is refined and improved.

How do you know what's more likely to happen in the future?

That "girl" would be taking off her lipstick very quickly in the Cook County jail.

What on Earth are you talking about?? o_O And why did you use quotation marks with "girl"? You realise that Shiloh Jolie-Pitt was born a girl, right? lol 😂🤦

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