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How do I verify a Polish company's existence?

26 Mar 2009   #61
hey guys thank you all for the info... i got an email 2 days ago from madelin morris and thanks God i didnt reply to her..

this company looks like is playing with us
simren  - | 8
26 Mar 2009   #62
yes ,it is a very important issue to know the customer exist ot not ,
28 Mar 2009   #63
I got one too from julia glass. How can you report as scam?
28 Mar 2009   #64
Wow this lady's on fire! now it's laurieannemcnally30@hotmail and Natalie Caldwell,
Poland Investments,! Sounds like the KGB is still after her! :)
28 Mar 2009   #65
Wow - this chick aint playin!! I got one from sarahchristina90@hotmail, but it says that I should reply to Natalie Caldwell. I know times are bad, but these folks are crazy!
28 Mar 2009   #66
Dear Natalie,

I have a few questions.
Why did this email come to my from a hotmail account? And who is Gino Keath?
If you work from Poland Investments, why is your email from Gmail?
If this is a legitimate investment broker/dealer why are you not registered with the N.A.S.D.?

I look forward to your reply.

On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 9:24 AM, Gino Keith <ginokeith1959@hotmail> wrote:

Your resume was found on the job site. We examined your candidacy and want to offer you a position in our company. If your resume changed, please send us an updated version to email, indicated at the end of the letter.

no need to repeat a post.
Jim Sneed  - | 1
28 Mar 2009   #67
I want to verify a business called Poland Investments Inc.
28 Mar 2009   #68
Your resume was found on the job site. We examined your candidacy and want to offer you a position in our company. If your resume changed, please send us an updated version to email, indicated at the end of the letter.

It's cute how spammers and scammers try to take advantage of the unemployed.

no need to repeat a post.

I meant to say I got the same e-mail and then post the e-mail...I did it a bit backwards. I am interested to see what the person says back in the reply or if you just get a bunch of spam.
29 Mar 2009   #69
TO: vrlogic guest
I received the e-mail today from Career Builder too. Same as the letter posted above, as Poland Investments, Inc. wanted to offer me 125,000.00 for some nebulous job with no description. What I want to know is why can't we call Career Builder or the authorities and get these scams stopped? I'm sure this letter is written by some hustler right here in the good old US of A. I'm sure the e-mail trail would be hard to locate, but I would like to see all these "scammers" stopped and prosecuted by someone that was naive enough to fall for this. Do you know what I can do?
MaciejS  - | 1
29 Mar 2009   #70
I got it too from Natalie. They auto-search resumes posted (in my case Career Builder) for foreign languages. I believe people from other countries get Investment jobs in their countries.

I plan to ask her to pay me in advance.;)
30 Mar 2009   #71
And is still coming:). I got the same today from Sharon Slaughter [] who will present herself in the email as "Natalie Patton". which one is the real one. Probably none of these 3 f'ckers.

It's unbelievable what others can lose time with.
szarlotka  8 | 2205
31 Mar 2009   #72
I'm feeling left out. Noone writes to me offering me zillions of dollars fro just sending them my account details. Do I have to keep on working still longer?
31 Mar 2009   #73

31 Mar 2009   #74
pls contact us . we have a problem with a poland company , bfm-etap .
write us to
thank you
1 Apr 2009   #75
I also received this exact email as well, I knew it was a scam (since I've been receiving many of these emails)...however they changed the name of the employee:

Natalie Caldwell,
Poland Investments
1 Apr 2009   #76
Hey guys, I also received the identical email of this Polish Investiment Inc promising $125K a year trading metals. Now I know what to do. Thanks for posting! (I got my resume posted on line and have got a lot of stuff like that)

I need help on finding more information on this Polish company:
National Express intermediary, (They offer jobs in USA on their website). Is that a real Polish company? How do I dig out more information about it? Any help is appreciated.
2 Apr 2009   #77

I received the same e-mail and replied and have been talking to a person named natalie turner who has given me information to set up their corporate account so that transfers can be made. The account is attached to an account in Bank of America. The corporate account that they say they have is with wells fargo. How do you verify if this company exist?
Randal  1 | 577
2 Apr 2009   #78
The most disturbing film I ever saw was a docudrama about this young, sweet, bright-eyed and virginal Eastern European girl who wanted to see the wonders that lay outside of her boring little village. So she signed up with an employment service that promised to take her to America. It took her there, alright.

It turned out to be an elaborate scam and she ended up being held against her will and sold into sexual slavery far from home in America.

No girl should ever –ever- respond to any solicitation on the internet or to any such travel or employment service. It could very well end up being the worst mistake of her life.

No one should think they’re safe or that they’re too smart to be taken advantage of. It could happen to anyone. Tell your daughters and sisters, your students, your friends and neighbors and nieces.

4 Apr 2009   #79
This is obviously fake.. for one a company should be using their own company email link.. not google.. I received the same email.. only it was from a different person. Diana Wilson.
4 Apr 2009   #80
I just got the same e-mail but this was the sender info...

Diana Wilson,
Poland Investments

and the e-mail was...

Goazempis Wrinwright <goazempiswrinwright94@hotmail>

talk about a
jsmobutu  - | 1
6 Apr 2009   #81
Apr 6, 09, 17:48 - Thread attached on merging:
Verification of Business

I am attempting to verify the existence of a Polish business, the name of the business is:

Poland Investments Enterprise or Poland Investment Incorporated

I want to know of any website or telephone number that I can use to verify and review this company's profile.

Need your help! Thank you.

8 Apr 2009   #82
Hey I recieved the same email but from a Diana Wilson, If it sounds to good to be true, then it must be a scam!
9 Apr 2009   #83
Got one of those email. It is a fraud from the get go. Check the sender, receiver and person addressed to. They are all different.

mine was from Almeta_Engholm to d mayers from Barbara Keys.
atf-dia dallas
9 Apr 2009   #84
I also received a lucrative offer from Poland Investments Inc. Yes it is a SCAM.
Also beware of Barbara Keys, and Dreyton Orders.
10 Apr 2009   #85

Wow I cant believe how many of you got this email... well just as an fyi i recieved two more emails containing the exact same messege from different peope and different companies...

I have found your CV in Resume Database but was unable to reach you by the phone. It is my pleasure to send you the following offer of employment on behalf of our company. We are a family-owned jewelry business dedicated to bringing our clients beautiful jewelry, value, and excellent service.


We have found your CV on the job site. Your candidacy was analyzed and we want to offer you a position in our company. If your CV has changed, please send us an updated variant to email, indicated at the end of the letter.



Your resume was found on the job site. We examined your candidacy and want to offer you a position in our company. If your resume changed, please send us an updated version to email, indicated at the end of the letter.

My name is Barbara Keys, I am a employee manager in the company Poland Investments Inc.

There is no need to paste the whole text (x3)
10 Apr 2009   #86
Of course it's a scam for God sake!

1: This AMAZING company doesn't have a f*ck#ng website, in 2009 really!!!!!!!!

2: 'We want to offer you a position' what is it? Usually $125k positions have a title!

3: The writing is really terrible.

Do I need to go on?

I did have a laugh at how transparent and fake it was, so I suppose it isn't all bad :)
15 Apr 2009   #87
Yes...I got the letter, too. I also noticed that the grammar was terrible. Not to mention, they told me that they found my resume on career builder, and I have had nothing to do with career builder! Just to let you know...there is another name out there with Poland Investments. She is Miranda Washington, and the email address from which this was sent to me is xiaojiancernosek61@hotmail. That sure doesn't sound very Polish to me!
15 Apr 2009   #88
Mine was from Keng Calvetta (kengcalvetta66@hotmail) - signed by Miranda Washington (
16 Apr 2009   #89
Poland investment Inc.
Dzieci Warszawy 37
Warszawa, Poland

Is this a real business in Poland? I have had about 5 different people contact me on my email address offering me a job as selling Metal Certificates here in US. I'm not believey all the their talk and starting pay a year of $125000! I have ask them the same questions that I have ask you. The next day I get a new person telling me about the job and sent me appication to fill out. Please give me a answer on my email. Is this Company a SCAM one. My email address is mfitchpatrick@gmail. I want to thank you so much for your help and answering all my questions and God Bless You!!


Minerva Fitchpatrick
16 Apr 2009   #90
The scam sender is now known as "Miranda Washington" ( What a shame this is a scam. I am glad there are sites where people share there experience so others don't get burned. For online newbies like myself keep in mind, NEVER GIVE OUT PERSONAL INFO ONLINE! Don't forget a LEGIT job will pay YOU. NEVER send money to a company for a job. I will NOT be responding to Ms. Washington but what I WILL do is ask my husband who is an ex hacker to mess this scammers day all up!

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