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Firearms Law Poland - UK training company

Greig  1 | 1
13 May 2024   #1

I am currently serving in the UK military and will soon be leaving; I would like to start up a Firearms training company. However, the weapons systems I would like to use & teach are banned here in the UK (5.56mm semi-auto & 9mm), which seems crazy as UK nationals are often required to provide armed security abroad but with training. I have already done some research and enquiries with ranges near Warsaw, as another UK company currently uses their range and hires weapons, but there price for ammo was crazy. As I understand it, no UK firearms license or range safety qualification will be applicable in Poland; therefore, if possible I could recruit a Polish individual with the correct range safety qualifications to act as the safety officer. As I also understand, to require a weapons permit, one needs to be a resident of Poland, which I am not.

My queries are as follows:

If I was registered as a training company in Poland, even if I didn't live there could I then obtain a license to procure weapon systems?

If so, what are the complications of registering as a business in Poland?

Would it be easier for me to find someone or a retailer to obtain the weapons and ammunition and essentially "hire" them?

Does anyone know of English speaking law firm that understands firearms laws that could help me?

Any help would be much appreciatedd thank you

Novichok  4 | 7630
13 May 2024   #2
Greig, forget Poland. In the US, even illegals can have guns.
OP Greig  1 | 1
13 May 2024   #3
The cost of flights never mind the travel time would not make business sense unfortunately.
Paulina  16 | 4384
14 May 2024   #4
You need to have permanent residency in Poland in order to get a gun license that would allow you to buy guns. I am not aware of any exceptions to this rule...

Would it be easier for me to find someone or a retailer to obtain the weapons and ammunition and essentially "hire" them?

Probably, especially if you don't plan to live and train people in Poland.

Does anyone know of English speaking law firm that understands firearms laws that could help me? (They're in GdaƄsk)

I don't know if those know English, but you can contact them and find out:



Home / Law / Firearms Law Poland - UK training company

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