Another discussion about Poland that is now entirely about the USA.
Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun?
29 Dec 2016 #152
people are scared of guns and their neighbours. when they hear the word gun - their brain goes into the panic mode and freezes
I don't think it's that. The only time I ever give any thought to guns at all is when there is yet another mass shooting in the US reported in the news, or from reading this forum.
I just can't see that a very safe country like Poland needs its citizens to be armed, what would be the point when the chances of encountering someone armed with a gun are close to zero?
IMHO true freedom is when there's no threat and no need to overcome it
Very true.
Another discussion about Poland that is now entirely about the USA.
Because some posters know next to nothing about Poland :D
johnny reb 49 | 7945
29 Dec 2016 #153
Another discussion about Poland that is now entirely about the USA.
Said the Brit Boy where half the discussions are about Britain on a U.S.A. based Polish Forum.
armed with a gun are close to zero?
Change that to, "armed with any kind of deadly weapon."
You know how many women carry a small gun for personal protection in the U.S.A.
It makes a rapist think twice when he sees a woman walking after dark with one hand in her pocket or shoulder bag.
I am no rapist and I avoid even making eye contact with such women at all costs.
Said the Brit Boy where half the discussions are about Britain on a U.S.A. based Polish Forum.
I can't find any statistics on gun crime in Poland, becuase there probably isn't any.
I don't think it's that.
Sure, could be that some people are just content with the way the things are in regard to weapon.
I just can't see that a very safe country like Poland needs its citizens to be armed
Need? I see it more as a natural right of men. Freedom to arm yourself or not.
I can't find any statistics on gun crime in Poland, becuase there probably isn't any.
The decrease in the number of crimes involving firearms
Over the past 10 years strongly decreased the number of crimes committed using different types of weapons . These are very large drops, usually several times, eg. In the case of firearms decline of 1 170 offenses in 2002 to 490 in 2012, a gas of 254 to 70, dangerous tools from 6 730
Over the past 10 years strongly decreased the number of crimes committed using different types of weapons . These are very large drops, usually several times, eg. In the case of firearms decline of 1 170 offenses in 2002 to 490 in 2012, a gas of 254 to 70, dangerous tools from 6 730
johnny reb 49 | 7945
31 Dec 2016 #157
Now that I have time today with just the prime rib prepping to do for tonight's New Years Eve party..........
Only if you want to "split hairs".
But since I was "required" to answer to Har AGAIN, to defend myself, let me "split the hairs" to be technically anal just for Har.
I'll give this a shot...using Wikipedia data for the following statistics.
The homicide rate in the US in 2010 was 4.8:100,000
There are 4.3 million members of the NRA.
On average, this would mean that there were 206.4 murders for the total 4.3 million NRA members (4.8 * 43) : (43 * 100,000).
Which counts down to 0.0000048 murders per NRA member.
So when I claimed an average of ZERO ever occurred by a NRA member only Har would challenge that just for the sake of an argument "splitting hairs" to be able to call someone a liar.
Perhaps you should get a life.
Perhaps the laws of law abiding citizens of Poland to be afforded the 'freedom to choose' if they desired to carry a gun for personal protection is in the near future.
And for those who choose not to carry one, well they should have that freedom too.
Did you know that not one (ZERO) murder by shooting ever occurred by a NRA (National Rifle Association) member.
What a hilarious claim!
Only if you want to "split hairs".
But since I was "required" to answer to Har AGAIN, to defend myself, let me "split the hairs" to be technically anal just for Har.
I'll give this a shot...using Wikipedia data for the following statistics.
The homicide rate in the US in 2010 was 4.8:100,000
There are 4.3 million members of the NRA.
On average, this would mean that there were 206.4 murders for the total 4.3 million NRA members (4.8 * 43) : (43 * 100,000).
Which counts down to 0.0000048 murders per NRA member.
So when I claimed an average of ZERO ever occurred by a NRA member only Har would challenge that just for the sake of an argument "splitting hairs" to be able to call someone a liar.
Perhaps you'd like to try telling the truth?
Perhaps you should get a life.
Perhaps the laws of law abiding citizens of Poland to be afforded the 'freedom to choose' if they desired to carry a gun for personal protection is in the near future.
And for those who choose not to carry one, well they should have that freedom too.
It's nice how most of the pro gun ppl keep ignoring that majority of Poles don't want easier gun access. It seems Polish society prefers to function without USA-style 'freedoms'
Exactly - in the US its a dumb idea but part of their culture.
In Europe its never been part of the culture except in a few places like Finland. We feel safer here without guns period. I am sure there are gun nut websites where you can discuss the pros and cons of open carry
In Europe its never been part of the culture except in a few places like Finland. We feel safer here without guns period. I am sure there are gun nut websites where you can discuss the pros and cons of open carry
I believe British Bobbies still don't carry handguns while on their normal beat, am I right about that?
@cms, be careful not to generalize about US society! While many out there ARE Homer Simpson types, plenty are cultured, cultivated, and well educated.
@cms, be careful not to generalize about US society! While many out there ARE Homer Simpson types, plenty are cultured, cultivated, and well educated.
dolnoslask 5 | 2805
31 Dec 2016 #161
I believe British Bobbies still don't carry handguns
No the Brit bobbie does not carry a side arm, but now you will see the thousands that have had to be trained and issuead with urban assault rifles.
31 Dec 2016 #162
So when I claimed an average of ZERO ever occurred by a NRA member
Poor Johnny, his latest laughable lie gets exposed so he responds by lying about what he said. How sad. How predictable.
I wonder why he doesn't want to tell us how many members of Polish gun clubs have committed murder using firearms. We know that in just one US state, Florida, which conveniently has a population half that of Poland, at least three members of one gun association have been convicted in the last few years of murdering people by shooting them. Oddly enough it's the same gun association Johnny claimed no member of had ever murdered anybody by shooting them. Why won't Johnny tell us how many gun association members in Poland have been convicted of murdering people by shooting them in the last few years? If we knew that we'd know better whether it's access to guns that's the key to people not shooting people.
No the Brit bobbie does not carry a side arm, but now you will see the thousands that have had to be trained and issuead with urban assault rifles.
They will have to be trained, but it will take years. A side arm is of no use to a policeman, trunchen, pepper spray and taser is more than sufiicent.
The assualt rifles are in case of terrorism, personally I prefer they bring in the army and SAS.
There used to be army bases encircling Central London and there is still a few left, helicopter on the roof and onsite in a few minutes, armed to the teeth all the way to Carl Gustav's.
johnny reb 49 | 7945
31 Dec 2016 #164
Poor Har with more laughable lies.
I wonder why he won't tell us how many Polish law abiding citizens have murdered by using a firearm.
Most likely because it would be about the same number as the United States maybe.
"WE" as in anti gun grabbers or we as in the total population of the EU which just is not true.
The last terrorist attack in the EU the terrorist used a large truck to kill.
Are "WE" going to outlaw large trucks too to feel safer ?
Trucks don't kill people, people kill people.
It's nice how anti liberal gun ppl keep ignoring the fact that gun ownership is increasing in Poland.
Despite some of the most draconian laws on gun possession in the European Union, over the past decade the number of firearm permits in Poland has gone up by some 30 percent. (Google that one Har)
This fact seems to contradicts someone repeatedly saying that the "majority of Poles" don't want easier gun access.
One might say that it looks like the pendulum is starting to swing the other way in Poland which is a good thing.
I wonder why he won't tell us how many Polish law abiding citizens have murdered by using a firearm.
Most likely because it would be about the same number as the United States maybe.
Which counts down to 0.0000048 murders per NRA member.
We feel safer
"WE" as in anti gun grabbers or we as in the total population of the EU which just is not true.
The last terrorist attack in the EU the terrorist used a large truck to kill.
Are "WE" going to outlaw large trucks too to feel safer ?
Trucks don't kill people, people kill people.
It's nice how most of the pro gun ppl keep ignoring that majority of Poles don't want easier gun access.
It's nice how anti liberal gun ppl keep ignoring the fact that gun ownership is increasing in Poland.
Despite some of the most draconian laws on gun possession in the European Union, over the past decade the number of firearm permits in Poland has gone up by some 30 percent. (Google that one Har)
This fact seems to contradicts someone repeatedly saying that the "majority of Poles" don't want easier gun access.
One might say that it looks like the pendulum is starting to swing the other way in Poland which is a good thing.
Thanks, dolno. I see times have since changed:-)
dolnoslask 5 | 2805
31 Dec 2016 #166
times have since changed:
For the worse sadly, bring back dixon of dock green.
No, we should not ban trucks. Trucks have many other uses and without them we would not get food to our cities. In any case the guy hijcked the truck using a gun.
Guns have two uses - the legal, but cruel and insecure hobby of killing animals, and the killing of people.
Earlier in the thread you suggest you could get a gun in Poland within a week. Thanks to gun control laws that would be much harder than you think - once you started asking around you would draw attention, real criminals are suspicious of outsiders and how would you test if it worked or had live ammo ?
This is a democracy still and if any party agrees that freedom to carry weapons is a great idea then they can put that in their next manifesto.
Guns have two uses - the legal, but cruel and insecure hobby of killing animals, and the killing of people.
Earlier in the thread you suggest you could get a gun in Poland within a week. Thanks to gun control laws that would be much harder than you think - once you started asking around you would draw attention, real criminals are suspicious of outsiders and how would you test if it worked or had live ammo ?
This is a democracy still and if any party agrees that freedom to carry weapons is a great idea then they can put that in their next manifesto.
johnny reb 49 | 7945
1 Jan 2017 #168
the guy hijcked the truck using a gun.
And if the truck driver was allowed the privilege to carry one he and the people that got run over may still be alive.
At least he would have had a fighting chance.
Guns have two uses -
Really ? I can think of a least a half dozen.
Self defense, hobby collecting, target practice for sport, killing people that want to kill you, killing animals to eat (you have to kill them to eat them and shooting them for an instant death is most human), family heirlooms (grandfathers), predator control, exercise your Constitutional Right (in country's that you have those freedoms and rights) and lastly to pis s off Sissy Liberal Gun Grabbers that want to tell you that because they don't want to own a gun then you can't own one either. :-)
Thanks to gun control laws that would be much harder than you think -
Gee, I wonder where the terrorists get their AK-47 assault rifles from in the EU if that was true.
they can put that in their next manifesto.
Unless they get shot by a criminal or terrorist first.
Which brings us back to, "If you choose not to own a gun then don't but please don't tell me because you choose not to have one then I should be allowed to have one either." (Liberal Logic)
You have been brainwashed to be scared of guns well I don't like dogs because they bite people therefore you shouldn't have the freedom to own a dog because I choose not to own a dog.
I hope you can see how silly your Liberal political correctness is.
1 Jan 2017 #169
could be that some people are just content with the way the things are in regard to weapon.
Exactly, why would anyone want an increase in the very low gun crime rates Poland has?
From your link:-,Przestepstwa-przy-uzyciu-broni.html
In 2014, there were 32 people killed, and 22 people injured due to guns.
NoToForeigners 6 | 948
1 Jan 2017 #170
Really ? I can think of a least a half dozen...
That's a lot of bs, Johnny.
Guns are designed as a weapon to kill things. That's it. The fact that some are collecting those doesn't change that. When the gun is designed as a collectible its usually doesn't even shoot. Besides "self defense", "killing animals for food" and "for predator control" is exactly killing living things.
Now please tell me how trucks are designed to kill living things and using them to transport goods is just an extra. Or maybe they were designed especially to make Anti - Truckers go mad?
johnny reb 49 | 7945
1 Jan 2017 #171
Guns are designed as a weapon to kill things. That's it.
A statement like that shows your liberal brainwashing.
Another thing guns are used for is sport competition like in the Olympics.
Now please tell me how trucks are designed to kill
I already answered that question but by the way you are flaming it is obvious that you have your young bias mind made up.
One more time just for you my Polish friend.
Trucks don't kill people, people kill people.
NoToForeigners 6 | 948
1 Jan 2017 #172
Trucks don't kill people, people kill people
Trucks purpose isn't to kill living things. Gun's purpose is just that. Trucks aren't weapons (although they can be abused as them in specific situations). Guns are weapons.
Another thing guns are used for is sport competition like in the Olympics.
Those are low caliber carabines with specific to sport designs. Those are not Smith and Wessons, m16's nor ak47's.
PS. I'm as far right winged as you are away from Poland.
johnny reb 49 | 7945
1 Jan 2017 #173
Guns are weapons.
Not necessarily as trucks could be used as a weapon too.
One more time now, People kill people, not guns or trucks. (sigh)
Those are low caliber carabines
A low caliber carbine is very capable of killing a person or animal so that point is moot also.
I'm as far right winged
Somehow I think that impresses you.
Exactly, why would anyone want an increase in the very low gun crime rates Poland has?
I don't see connection.
Another discussion about Poland that is now entirely about the USA.
Are we jealous? Besides the queen catching a cold and missing xmas tabloid grocery line brit rubbish what possibility is better?
And, you still aint got No
2 Jan 2017 #176
My four year old makes more sense.
2 Jan 2017 #177
I don't see connection.
You said it could be that some people are content with the way things are in regards to weapons, and I pointed out the very low death and injury rate in Poland from your link, and why would Poles want an increase in those low gun crime figures.
There doesn't appear to be any sort of movement in Poland which suggests Poles are actively seeking the right to own guns to keep at home, let alone to carry them on the street. From that I would conclude that Poles are happy with current laws regarding the use of firearms.
3 Jan 2017 #178
This is how criminals - who are suspected of using guns - are dealt with in the uk.
This is how criminals - who are suspected of using guns - are dealt with in the uk.
NoToForeigners 6 | 948
4 Jan 2017 #179
Name of the dead guy is such a surprise. Rofl
Name of the dead guy is such a surprise. Rofl
4 Jan 2017 #180
Yes it's a surprise. The vast majority of gun crimes are by British Afro-Carribeans. Occasionally Turks.
But Arabs are rarely involved in violent crime in the UK.
But Arabs are rarely involved in violent crime in the UK.