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The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland?

jon357  72 | 23706
14 Jan 2023   #1861
No one said anything about shots fired at the train station

Railway station?

You did however say that: "Neither would have required a gun, but the one at the train (sic) station was sketchy enough.... easily escalated into a situation ...been warranted."

Yet no situation since that railway station was built has involved people using guns. Thousands use it every day without ever feeling the need to think about guns

Would you carry a gun in Poland? Why? Are you that unlucky?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Jan 2023   #1862
Everything you comment on is completely twisted and any conversation with you is just a waste of time.

Welcome to the club of the rest of us Americans PolAm.
We all have told him those same exact words many times.

I agree. It never hurts to know how to fire a gun and use it safely.

How many times have the good guys here used the words, "responsible gun owners" and "law abiding citizens".?
Do the hools in Poland fit that description ?
Do the gangbangers in America fit that description ?

Would you carry a gun in Poland? Why?

Tell us, how would you defend yourself against a guy high on drugs brandishing a knife, joun ?
You seem to keep avoiding that question for some reason.
jon357  72 | 23706
14 Jan 2023   #1863
Do the hools in Poland fit that description ?

They don't have guns.

Because Poland has strong and effective gun control laws.

against a guy high on drugs brandishing a knife

We don't have those either, fortunately.

Perhaps where you live. Not where I live.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Jan 2023   #1864
They don't have guns.

Precisely as they shouldn't because they are not resposible or law abiding citizens.

Tell us, how would you defend yourself against a guy high on drugs brandishing a knife, joun ?

You seem to be having a hard time answering that question, joun, try again.

We don't have those either, fortunately. Perhaps where you live. Not where I live.

Nope not where I live either and PolAm suggested quite differently than you and he is much more credible than you are trying by to control the narrative here with your endless repeating the same thing over and over and over.

Or how did PolAm put it.......

[quote=PolAmKrakow]Everything you comment on is completely twisted and any conversation with you is just a waste of time. Enjoy your day.
I concur with PolAm
jon357  72 | 23706
14 Jan 2023   #1865
You seem to be having a hard time answering that question

It's a pointless question, so go whistle.

As you were told, guns are not a problem in Poland.

Due to very effective gun laws and very low levels of gun crime.

That is why there are no significant calls to weaken the law.

Interesting that the only people on here advocating for a deterioration in the law are people from a country with extremely high levels of gun crime. Fortunately Poland is a better and safer place to live.
mafketis  38 | 11287
14 Jan 2023   #1866
Due to very effective gun laws and very low levels of gun crime.

For Poland I would not overestimate the role of laws (since when do Polish people follow laws they don't agree with?)

Nor would I underestimate the question of culture (since Polish people generally don't glamorize violent crime or criminals) it's the same question of why the 1990s mafias in Poland were so.... puny an ineffective compared to those further East....
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Jan 2023   #1867
t's a pointless question,

On the contrary joun, we want to know what the alternative of a gun would be for self defense if one or two crazed druggies with big knives decided they want to cut you up.

How would you defend yourself without having a gun ? Simple
So the question is not pointless as that is just another of your copouts.

As you were told, guns are not a problem in Poland.

Yes,, you have repeated that twenty five times now for a redirect when your collar starts getting tight.
Now back to the question as we all would like to know what your alternative would be to immobilize a couple of whacked out people that wanted to cut you up with a knife.

Hypothetically joun, what would you do to stop them if you had no means of escape ?
Paulina  19 | 4558
14 Jan 2023   #1868
How many times have the good guys here used the words, "responsible gun owners" and "law abiding citizens".?

I wasn't writing about gun ownership, but about training. You don't have to own a gun in order to learn how to use it. You can go to a shooting range and pay for training and practice there. It is estimated that there are around 450 shooting ranges opened to the public in Poland and they're being stormed by people wanting to learn how to use a gun since the RuSSian invasion of Ukraine began:

how would you defend yourself against a guy high on drugs brandishing a knife, joun ?

If that was a common/serious problem in Poland I would probably be the first to get myself a gun. But it simply isn't. Usually the people who have to deal with such cases are police officers and they do have guns. But having a gun in Poland is one thing and using it - is another matter. Even police officers get into trouble because of using a gun during dangerous situations in Poland - I find this more worrying than gun ownership laws. I don't want Polish police officers to be afraid to use guns when it's necessary, especially when someone's life is in danger (most often theirs)...
jon357  72 | 23706
14 Jan 2023   #1869
Polish people generally don't glamorize violent crime or criminals

This is key. there isn't an urban gun culture in PL. Long may that remain.

450 shooting ranges opened to the public in Poland

Great fun to do, however the crime levels in Poland simply don't merit changing the law.
mafketis  38 | 11287
14 Jan 2023   #1870
there isn't an urban gun culture in PL.

I've seen a couple of (seemingly private) people with guns in public over the years... but it's pretty.... rare.
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Jan 2023   #1871
This is key. there isn't an urban gun culture in PL

Exactly. That is why I am not afraid a potential attacker or robber or mugger etc will carry a gun. Most probably it will be bare hands or a knife. In such situations I am ready to show them my John Rambo knife and expect a similar result as in Crocodile Dundee 1 this is not a knife scene:

johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Jan 2023   #1872
But having a gun in Poland is one thing and using it - is another matter.

Excellent Paulina as you are very much on track here.
Same in the U.S.
This is why the tuff guy morons with a gun get killed.
They pull it and brandish it to intimidate someone only that someone feels their life is about to end by this loudmouth so the loudmouth gets dusted.

Poland simply don't merit changing the law.

Echo - echo - echo
Wishful thinking to suit your personal agenda AGAIN joun ?
jon357  72 | 23706
14 Jan 2023   #1873
to suit your personal agenda

To suit Poland"s norms, culture and safety.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Jan 2023   #1874
Yes and it looks like Poland needs to build more shooting ranges because of the huge appetite for guns.

It is estimated that there are around 450 shooting ranges opened to the public in Poland and they're being stormed by people

That tells us that the laws will start getting more lacks soon.
Right now as I read this thread there are only "about" six people here that are grounded enough with common sense to have the privilege to own and carry a gun.

Paulina, Lenka, joun, Maf, Cargo, PolAm, and myself.
The rest are clueless cowboys that no doubt would find themselves in a heap of shlt if they carried in public.
Paulina  19 | 4558
14 Jan 2023   #1875
Wishful thinking

That's not wishful thinking, but the reality we're living in Poland. Maybe it will change in the future (I hope not), but for now I don't see that happening.

That tells us that the laws will start getting more lacks soon.

I don't think so. This is the latest poll - from October 2022:

70% of Poles don't want the gun laws in Poland to be liberalised. 57,3% think that more lax gun laws would decrease their sense of security - it would make them feel less safe.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Jan 2023   #1876
What are the chances of a knife wielding junkie spending 6 zloty on tram fare to come to my quiet suburban street ?

What are the chances of needing a parachute when going up in an airplane ?
Most likely you will never need it but it sure is nice to have one if you do.

if it came to a confrontation then I would feel more confident with fists and kicks than I would firing a gun

Another one that thinks bringing his fist to a knife fight would be fair. oh ja ja !

I wouldn't be walking around town with a loaded gun on me - you can't even do that in lots of US cities

Half of the States in the U.S. allow you to carry a gun without a license.
cms neuf  2 | 1974
14 Jan 2023   #1877
Last year I flew maybe 50 times. I didn't take a parachute once.

I said option 1 - run, option 2 fist fight. But escalating a situation with a gun might mean a worse injury or innocent people getting hurt - in fact there have been several such incidents in the UK where gun crime is getting worse.
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Jan 2023   #1878
But escalating a situation with a gun might mean a worse injury or innocent people getting hurt

Yes, things escalate quickly in the Wild West while Poland is All Quiet on the Eastern Front.

Last year I flew maybe 50 times.

Ooops, think about this pollution your flights generated..... :):)
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
14 Jan 2023   #1879

Actually you are the one missing the point.

No, you are missing the point.

, "What would you do to defend yourself against a knife wielding druggie higher than a kite ?"

We don't have that problem here.....get that through your very thick skull!

As we don't have that pronlem, we don't need guns, simple.
You react to that problem by arming yourselves to the teeth instead of addressing the's pathetic.....grab a brain!!!!!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Jan 2023   #1880
I didn't say you did. you keep saying that to avoid answering my question.
What I said was.......
No, you are still missing the point to avoid answering a very simple question presented to joun.
"What would you do to defend yourself against a knife wielding druggie higher than a kite ?"
And your answer to that question is ?
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
14 Jan 2023   #1881
My answer is that I don't need to, because I don't live in a country where that is a problem.
Your problem, your choice.
Rather than getting machine guns all around my house I would prefer to address the problem.....why does America have so many violent drug addicts?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Jan 2023   #1882
My answer is that I don't need to,

My question though was what if you did need to.
All you have done so far is stutter.
No wait, that question was to joun and not you.
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
14 Jan 2023   #1883
My question though was what if you did need to.

You keep on banging on like an ignoramous!
I have already answered your question, if you are too thick to understand then that is your problem!

You answer my question.

Why does America have so many violent drug addicts?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Jan 2023   #1884
I have already answered your question,

The hell you have.
Try again.

57,3% think that more lax gun laws would decrease their sense of security - it would make them feel less safe.

I can understand that because that is the way it has been in Poland.
Here in the U.S. I grew up with hunting guns hanging on the walls and a loaded one by the front door.
So yes, I understand why Polish people would feel less secure than they do now.
Damn Paulina, you are a breath of fresh air in explaining who, what and why without condescending and diminishing remarks for the sake of this thread anyways. :-)
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
14 Jan 2023   #1885
The hell you have

I answered your question and if you are too cowardly to answer mine then this conversation is over.

Just to remind your short term memory of my question, this was it.

Why does America have so many violent drug addicts?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Jan 2023   #1886
I answered your question

The hell you did and don't forget what it was......
"What would you do to defend yourself against a knife wielding druggie higher than a kite ?"
I will even simplify it for you in a multiple choice
A. Let him stick you so he could watch you bleed out
B. You watch him rape your wife while he had the knife to her throat
C. Stand there like a coward wetting your pants
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
15 Jan 2023   #1887
"What would you do to defend yourself against a knife wielding druggie higher than a kite ?"

Are you really thick?
I already answered that question in post 1881.
But you didn't answer mine.

Why does America have so many violent drug addicts?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Jan 2023   #1888
I already answered that question in post 1881.

The hell you did.
You won't begin to touch because I got your ears pinned to the wall with it.
"What would you do to defend yourself against a knife wielding druggie higher than a kite ?"
And your answer is ?
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
15 Jan 2023   #1889
And your answer is ?

Read my post 1881 dumbhead......I have had enough of your bonehead stupidity now....answer my question, for the third or fourth time of asking(I am losing count now!)

Why does America have so many violent drug addicts?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Jan 2023   #1890
Read my post 1881 dumbhead.....

I did and nowhere have you answered my question which is: "What would you do to defend yourself against a knife wielding druggie higher than a kite ?"

Are you starting to feel like you wet your diaper because you have that look on your face right now.

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