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The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland?

pawian  223 | 26977
20 Apr 2021   #1621
JR remeber there was a time the targets were with bin laden face lol

Yes, that corroborates my opinion about relieving frustration by shooting at your imaginary enemies. The fad of using shooting ranges has been wound up by the pandemic.

Those percentages are changing quickly however for those law abiding citizens that do

They need to vote for the party/parties which promise to change the regulations. It is only the nationalist party which regularly gets below 10%. So, no chance for a change right now or in near future or some distant future or even a very remote future..
Lenka  5 | 3514
20 Apr 2021   #1622
It always wonders me what is the argument for guns besides 'we want them?'
Crime rate is low and rarely involves guns.
Defending Poland in invasion? With today's technology it's laughable.
Fighting with gov? I would rather do it as we did it in 1989.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Apr 2021   #1623
69% is against relaxing the law

What relaxing laws?If a legit responsible and properly trained person wants a firearm in Poland he will/can get it.It is just like playing Golf in the USA a bit expensive.The lady who I work with here,her son is in security and I encouraged him to get a licenses and now working as an atrmed guard he makes over 7500 netto before he was stuck at 3000 pln.Total cost of license with club and training was like 6500 pln.

lol as my dream job in Poland is to be a tram driver for which training costs 4500pln but its in Polish or I would do the training for the fuc of it.
Lenka  5 | 3514
20 Apr 2021   #1624
musi mieć ukończone 21 lat;

stałe miejsce zamieszkania w Polsce

posiadanie pełnej zdolność do czynności prawnych;

posiadanie zdolności fizycznej i psychologicznej do posiadania broni, którą potwierdza orzeczenie lekarskie i psychologiczne;

uzyskanie opinii Komendanta Komisariatu Policji odpowiedniej do naszego miejsca zamieszkania;

nie może być skazana prawomocnym orzeczeniem sądu za przestępstwa umyślne.

The most important part is the doctors and the Police Chef.
And ofc have a reason

Please give a tanslation if you quote some Polish text on an English only forum
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Apr 2021   #1625
doctors and the Police Chef.

why should a healthy and law abiding person have a problem with it?Healthy means emotionally stable not an fired mod for her erratic behavior and bad judgement.

And ofc have a reason

Plenty.....hunting,target practising,work.........plenty for any person who is legit.
johnny reb  49 | 7943
20 Apr 2021   #1626
Those stipulations are excellent Lenka.
Thank you again.
If America was as stringent as Poland to obtain a firearm, I am sure we wouldn't have mass shootings since all our mass shootings have been done by mentally ill people.

Hats off to Poland in that respect.
Lenka  5 | 3514
20 Apr 2021   #1627
why should a healthy and law abiding person have a problem with it?

You asked what they want to relaxe and I told you.

plenty for any person who is legit.

For legit people, sure. But most of society don't frequent hunters clubs or want the permit just for their great grandpa's gun
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Apr 2021   #1628
You asked what they want to relaxe and I told you

lol they are more stringent in the USA,we do need same there too.Thats the basic and should not be relaxed.
And by legit I mean a person with no criminal record.
Novichok  5 | 8631
20 Apr 2021   #1629
mass shootings have been done by mentally ill people.

Even a mentally ill person can buy a stolen gun from the thugs who steal guns. Or borrow one from a mentally healthy family member.

To compare, 25 guns per 1000 in Poland vs 1200 per 1000 in the US. That's a ratio of 50.
Lenka  5 | 3514
20 Apr 2021   #1630
I mean a person with no criminal record.

That Police Chef is not about having criminal record (that is separate) . If you never got convicted but you are known to the local police you may have a problem getting it.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Apr 2021   #1631
lol known to the police..serious,I am well known to the police of my town and the towns where I had businesses,Why would that hinder.If you mean in bad way then one has to be convicted.

In poland travelling without a ticket in public transport even dont come on your record and might get you deported in the USA.
johnny reb  49 | 7943
20 Apr 2021   #1632
And by legit I mean a person with no criminal record.

To be more specific, "No assaultive" criminal record only.

That Police Chief is not about having criminal record

Better yet, if a Police Chief knows that someone who say has a known aggressive behavior, regardless of having a criminal record, should be denied.
Lenka  5 | 3514
20 Apr 2021   #1633
If you mean in bad way then one has to be convicted.

No, one doesn't.
Criminal record is a separate thing to the Police Chef opinion.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Apr 2021   #1634
Police Chef opinion

lol where will the chief derive his opinion??? from the picture on my application?
Lenka  5 | 3514
20 Apr 2021   #1635
Here is one case:

Sąsiedzi wypytywani przez funkcjonariusza twierdzili, że Romulad G. jest człowiekiem konfliktowym, wulgarnym i agresywnym. Co więcej przeciwko niemu była prowadzona procedura wydania Niebieskiej Karty ze względu na znęcanie się nad rodziną.

Czytaj więcej na,304752.html

This is an English only forum
Novichok  5 | 8631
20 Apr 2021   #1636
lol where will the chief derive his opinion???

You are correct. Chief's opinion as a basis to deny is what corruption is all about. A terrible concept...

Sąsiedzi wypytywani przez funkcjonariusza twierdzili,

Then they can file a complaint and the bad guy will be found guilty by a judge. That simple. A system based on gossip and whispers is beyond disgusting.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Apr 2021   #1637
Here is one case:

I agree the cops go around asking your neighbours about you when you apply for immigration only if they dont see anyone in your house.They also use to come to my flat to check and knocked on neighbours once when Iwas not home.But that dont happen in case of firearm permit,only fingerprints and records are checked.
johnny reb  49 | 7943
20 Apr 2021   #1638
where will the chief derive his opinion???

I think they call it Interpol.
Police in every country in the world have access to it to know who is who which includes your arrest records.
Have you ever requested your personal file of records the F.B.I. has on you and every other American ?
You would sht your pants to see what they have gathered about you including your DNA.
And since you have flown internationally they even have your eye retina scan.
The Polish police have access to these records as well.
You can run but you can't hide as Sir Trump said.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Apr 2021   #1639
Police in every country in the world have access to it to know who is who which includes your arrest records.

I think so,when I applied for easy pass in Germany by airport police station so I dont have to wait in lines for immigration they had instant access to all my data including traffic violations.Same goes when we go to Canada or they come to the USA.When we drove to Canada they have a law for Americans that you cant enter if you are convicted of any crime including DUI,they stopped me for that, but I was only arrested for DUI ,had refused the test so was not convicted of DUI so they let me in.
Lenka  5 | 3514
20 Apr 2021   #1640
home.But that dont happen in case of firearm permit,only fingerprints and records are checked.

That was exactly from a firearm case.

Nit to mention Niebieska Karta is Police document, no conviction needed.

Every neighborhood has it's dzielnicowy and his tasks is to know things, go around to have friendly chats with people etc
Novichok  5 | 8631
20 Apr 2021   #1641
go around to have friendly chats with people etc

Undocumented and unrebutted chats are called gossips.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Apr 2021   #1642
Niebieska Karta

OH I thought was that blue card these guys use for immigration,I think you were mentioning this what I found on net:
Niebieska Karta" jest dokumentem służbowym wypełnianym przez funkcjonariusza policji w przypadku stwierdzenia przemocy w rodzinie. "Niebieska Karta" służy dokumentowaniu faktów związanych z przemocą w danej rodzinie, ocenie zagrożenia dalszą przemocą. Jest także dowodem w sprawach sądowych.

Blue Card "is an official document filled in by a police officer in the event of finding domestic violence. The "Blue Card" is used to document facts related to violence in a given family, and to assess the risk of further violence. He is also evidence in court cases.
Lenka  5 | 3514
20 Apr 2021   #1643
Yes, exactly. No court case needed yet you could be refused on that ground.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Apr 2021   #1644
Now freaking I have to start giving choclates to the Babcias living around my flat and vodka btls to porters,fuc that all for a gun permit.
Novichok  5 | 8631
20 Apr 2021   #1645
I have to start giving choclates to the Babcias

...and donuts to the cops. That will make you an A-class citizen.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Apr 2021   #1646
and donuts to the cop

Did that a lot back in NJ and donations to local PBA lol still get new PBA cards every year for minor traffic violations lol
johnny reb  49 | 7943
22 Apr 2021   #1647
Why do you guys find it so hard to stay On-Topic ?

Undocumented and unrebutted chats are called gossips.

What makes you think such chats are not documented ?
Even innocent chats with your family physician are carefully documented, especially if you have any signs of being depressed.
And any gun owner who has a concealed and carry permit has agreed to let the police have access to both your mental and physical health records.

This is why I always request my doctors notes about two weeks after every visit to him to make sure that I have not been misunderstood when I share very limited information about my personal life.

Even aggressive posts on a forum like this may be documented.
Credible gossip doesn't need to be rebutted for the police to use against you.
Taking this all into consideration I can see Poland's gun laws being relaxed on gun ownership for law abiding citizens.
Ironside  50 | 12816
22 Apr 2021   #1648
he Police Chef opinion.

What is a lot of crap! That is an arbitrary decision and he can always say no dude - you don't need a gun. Now go F Y. On the other hand if you know some politicians or are willing to pay certain amount of money that is an entire different story.

I would rather do it as we did it in 1989.

Don't be daft! Just don't!

It always wonders me what is the argument for guns besides 'we want them?'

Look, why not? Why law would deny people their right to own a gun? While we are on that - to be able to defend their own house against an intrusion?

It about mentality, to ban everything including knifes it just a great nonsense!
Politician get an easy way out and lots of people buy into it.
Novichok  5 | 8631
22 Apr 2021   #1649
to ban everything including knifes it just a great nonsense!

Spot on! If we must ban something to feel good, ban those idiotic pointy, 10-inch knives nobody needs. Those are a lot more dangerous since they are in the kitchen and within easy reach. The reason they are still legal is that women love them. They also vote. I mean women, not the knives.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
22 Apr 2021   #1650
to ban everything including knifes it just a great nonsense

lol forks,skews to grill,box cutters on and on.I always wondered flying business class they always give you steel fork and knives lol and sometimes a steak knife also with butter knife and they wont allow you to board with them.The hostess leaves you alone with it and goes around doing her chores,where is the logic?

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