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Help regarding Poland's National 'D' Visa Appointment at Mumbai Consulate!

thecodergeek 5 | 31
20 Oct 2017 #61

I think even if its rejected , reference number will be dere ..hope for the best :)


May be in next update it will be dere .. For me , its been 11 days
raahi24 - | 11
20 Oct 2017 #62
Mine is work visa too and my number isn't there. It's been two weeks and just worried now! @abhian can you tell me if yours is a national type d too?
20 Oct 2017 #63
@abhian,@thecodergeek ,@raahi24 - When is ur start date? Hope u will get ur visa before ur start date.....All the best :)

@abhian,@raahi24 ,@thecodergeek - guys are u serving notice period in ur current company?
raahi24 - | 11
20 Oct 2017 #64
No I've resigned from my current company and my joI Int date in Warsaw is Nov 2nd.
20 Oct 2017 #65
@raahi24 - Mine was also 2nd november bt due to delay in visa appointment at mumbai consulate joining date postponed to 2nd december..
raahi24 - | 11
20 Oct 2017 #66
I see, I guess I will have to postpone mine too with the visa taking this long. :/
23 Oct 2017 #67
Hello Guys@

Can any one tell me which documents you attached for work visa??
suhasnadgouda 1 | 15
24 Oct 2017 #68
I too have an offer from Krakow Poland. Plz reply to my questions:

1. For national D work visa appointment is it necessary to apostile required documents like work experience certificate, marriage certificate, birth certificate?
which documents should be apostile for me and my spouse(dependent)?
3. How to apostile documents?
3. Can the visa fees be paid in cash or online instead of Demand Draft?
4. Does anyone completed whole process? if any additional information plz share it , I appreciate help!
Aquarian - | 21
24 Oct 2017 #69
I can aswer few questions , but i still have some like you ! :)
Even i am in same boat friend !

1. For national D work visa appointment is it necessary to apostile required documents like work experience certificate, marriage certificate, birth certificate?
which documents should be apostile for me and my spouse(dependent)?

Marriage certificate, birth certificate of children must be duly attested by means of
the Apostille certification issued by the MEA, New Delhi, but even i am not sure how to do this ! working on it

3. How to apostile documents?
hope the above answer helped

3. Can the visa fees be paid in cash or online instead of Demand Draft?
we need to get DD from Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank

4. Does anyone completed whole process? if any additional information plz share it , I appreciate help!
Not yet ! going thru it

My question is
For dependent , do we need to fill seperate visa application form (Type D) ??
suhasnadgouda 1 | 15
24 Oct 2017 #70
Hello Aquarian,
For dependent separate application is required. I have taken two appointments national visa D -work for Me and national visa D - other for My Spouse, I hope it is correct!

Plz update me information regarding apostile document on my above post! Can it be done on esanad?
24 Oct 2017 #71

How to apostile documents?

To apostille document(graduation,birth,marriage) takes 15days also this has to be done from ministry of external affairs New Delhi, you can do this with the help of "EASSPL(" authorized agency for this, they will charge you.

Also you can Aposttile of your 10th & 12th certificates from Esanad, within 10 days u will get you copies.

Can the visa fees be paid in cash or online instead of Demand Draft?
Yes we can pay visa fees in cash at the Abu dhabi commercial bank, they will give u a ready slip you only need to sign & write your name.In return you will get the carbon copy i that slip.
suhasnadgouda 1 | 15
24 Oct 2017 #72
Hello Mayur,

In previous posts it is mentioned that for work visa apostile is not required! what is your suggestion? Have you apostiled it? Can you give me list of documents to be apostiled?
24 Oct 2017 #73

for a work visa you do not need to apostille any documents however In case if you are applying for dependent national visa you need to apostille marriage certificate and birth certificate.
suhasnadgouda 1 | 15
24 Oct 2017 #74
Hello Mayur/ Aquarian,
Thank you very much for the information!
suhasnadgouda 1 | 15
24 Oct 2017 #75
Hello Mayur,
How many days required for u to get visa? have u collected it personally or sent to ur postal address?
Aquarian - | 21
24 Oct 2017 #76
Thanks to you as well I will block appointment for my spouse as well
I have a 3 year old kid what about him ?any suggestions ?
suhasnadgouda 1 | 15
24 Oct 2017 #77
Hello Aquarian,
For child just like wife you have to take another appointment and mention the details in the minor section of application form.
Aquarian - | 21
24 Oct 2017 #78
Hi @suhasnadgouda

while filling out spouse application form what have you filled in below fields?
Main purpose(s) of the journey:

current occupation:
Data of receiving person:
(for my work application i have filled out my employer contact)
Data of covering expenses :
I believe its by himself/herself
24 Oct 2017 #79
Plz reply to my questions:

It's a really bad idea to rely on any answers you get here. The only answers which count are the ones given by the consulate where you will be applying for the visa (which can easily differ from the answers to those same questions you will get from another consulate).
suhasnadgouda 1 | 15
24 Oct 2017 #80
I am answering your questions:
while filling out spouse application form what have you filled in below fields?
Main purpose(s) of the journey: Other -Accompany husband owner of work permition in Poland

current occupation: No occupation (if not employed)

Data of receiving person: Same as your details
(for my work application i have filled out my employer contact)

Do you know how to prepone the appointment date? I have sent email to consulate but they are not responding
24 Oct 2017 #81
Hi..@ Can any one tell me who sucsess with Work Visa ??

suhasnadgouda 1 | 15
24 Oct 2017 #82
Can anyone tell me what to include in Personal covering letter explaining the exact purpose and duration of stay? Is there any specific format for this letter?
dolnoslask 5 | 2878
24 Oct 2017 #83
explaining the exact purpose and duration of stay?

Just a truthful reason of why you will be in Poland and also the amount of time you will be staying, simple as that no need to go into any great detail that may cause confusion or further questions.

Good Luck
OP Abhian 1 | 29
26 Oct 2017 #84
Got my visa today. It took almost 3 weeks. Still awaiting my wife and son's visa which I applied last week.
26 Oct 2017 #85
@abhian - Awesome congratulations :) all the best....
Aquarian - | 21
27 Oct 2017 #86
National D visa?
Can you please let me know how long did work permit took ?
OP Abhian 1 | 29
27 Oct 2017 #87
Work permit took around 4 weeksm
28 Oct 2017 #88

Hello Dear, If you dontminfd can you share your experince please.

Then freshers can get some idea and avoid with rejections.

What Kind of Supporting documents you attached with the applicataion?

Like Agreement, Offer letter, Education Papers, Experuncr Certificates.

Can You Explain Please.??

Thank you.
thecodergeek 5 | 31
28 Oct 2017 #89
Please follow this attach checklist .. if you follow this no chance of any rejection..
Mayur21 - | 9
28 Oct 2017 #90
@thecodergeek - did u get ur visa?

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