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Poland law and business related talk. Share and exchange your insight knowledge! (page 7)

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Will a notarized photocopy of Polish documents be enough, or will they need to be Apostilled?
Buying a car in Poland for business and ZUS declarations
5 - Will it be a brand new car or used ? If brand new, u have also to pay excise....

LawPaladine - 1 May 2017 polishlawyer - 2 May 2017
Can I sell in an exhibition in Poland without a cashier machine?
Transferring money between Polish banks - is the address, postcode and town/city required?
Poland's residency card fingerprints
Can you put a tow bar on your car in Poland?
Polish mother, British father, is it possible to obtain dual citizenship?
Exporting horses from Poland
Leaving Poland in two weeks, do I have to return my residence card?
2 - No you don't have to return it....

Lawkatani - 17 Aug 2014 Harry - 17 Aug 2014
Postal services, shipment, cargo from Poland to Brasil; do I need extra forwarding agent service?
Can a EU citizen participate in Referendum in Warsaw?
What would be situtation of Polish residence card if I would change the university?
Getting registered in a house in Poland after getting married to a Polish citizen?
Buying a world war two motorcycle in Poland to import to Ireland

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