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Short Polish<->English translations

Lyzko  41 | 9545
9 Nov 2015   #301
German, actually!
Same difference though:-)
Polonius3  980 | 12275
9 Nov 2015   #302
Kiszczak nie doczekał..

How about...didn't live to see (hear, experience, etc.).
Lyzko  41 | 9545
9 Nov 2015   #303
Good one, old man!
Polonius3  980 | 12275
9 Nov 2015   #304
German, actually!

Off the subject but I had a Polish-born grandad who was full of Old Country anecdotes, funny sayings and what not. He didn't speak a word of German but taught me the following (wirtten the Polish way he pronoucned it):

Czapka - myca, kasza . gryca, słonina - spek, gówno - drek. He had served in the music corps of the tsar's army and also told this one. On the side of a railway carriage were the equivalent Russian initials K,.Ch.Ż.D. (for Kijowsko-Charkowskaja Żeleznaja Doroga), A Jew was looking at the initials and asked a conductor what they meant. Wanting to have some fun the conductor said it stood for Konduktor Chorosz Żyd Durak. The Jew scratched his head and said. You know we Jews read from right to left. In our language it would mean: Diengi Żydu Chuj Konduktoru. (Translation not available!)

Merged: Twórca = creator?

Polish widely uses twórca to mean author, artist and other cultural producer.
In English we can say "the creators of this film went to great lengths to...."
But can we use creator a s a synonym for artist/writer/etc. the same way twórca is used in Polish? Wystawili swoje prace twórcy ludowi z naszego regionu. (Folk creators from our region - doesn't sound just right to me.

What about you?
10 Nov 2015   #305
In this case twórca=artysta.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
10 Nov 2015   #306
Many dzienks! I thought so.
anyag17  - | 1
20 Nov 2015   #307
Merged: Please, I need help translating a short thing in polish

I need help translating a conversation polish-english, I already try it in google translate but is not the best translation to be honest, thats why I need a polish native to help me. Preferably a female. Is a short conversation, please contact me.
cziksel  - | 1
21 Nov 2015   #308
anyag17, I am polish exchange student currently studying in the USA, so I can help you. Please contact me via email if you still need a translator :)
23 Nov 2015   #309
Merged: How do you say "perfectly imperfect" in Polish?

I'm planning on getting a tattoo. I want to incorporate the phrase "perfectly imperfect" into the tattoo and was wondering what the translation would be. I'm one fourth Polish and am starting to learn more about that side of family. Thanks to anyone who can translate for me.
Wulkan  - | 3136
23 Nov 2015   #310
doskonale niedoskonały
Wulkan  - | 3136
23 Nov 2015   #312
You're very welcome!
Polonius3  980 | 12275
23 Nov 2015   #313
doskonale niedoskonały

That actually sounds quite good in Polish. Some sayings and phrases defy nice, neat translations such as: SECOND TO NONE! Some ethnic novelty firms in the US produce T-shirts and bumper stickers proclaiming:

POLSKI -- DRUGI DO NIKOGO (or utter nonsense).
25 Nov 2015   #314
Merged: Help verifying Polish to English translation

Hello! I'm doing a memorial for my grandmother, who is Polish, and wanted to write "I will guide you forever" in Polish. I only really spoke with my grandmother so I'm not very confident in my translation abilities. I'm thinking:

Będę prowadził cię zawsze. (spoken by a male, hence the male participle)

Does this sound good? Should I use the perfect future rather than the imperfect?

Thanks so much!
Wulkan  - | 3136
25 Nov 2015   #315
I'd put it: Zawsze cię będę prowadził
Rafal  - | 24
25 Nov 2015   #316
...Poprowadzę Cię... It is the statement of man beliving in his skills and knowledge (literal citation of Christ) Sentences "będę" and "zawsze" are obvious.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
25 Nov 2015   #317
Będę prowadził cię

Cię should be in upper case: Będę Cię prowadził. (Unlike egoistic "me, myself & I" English, where everything is a*se backwards -- the 1st person singular pronoun is capitalised and the "you" is not -- in more deferential and altruistic Polish parlance it is only the second person prounoun (you) that is rendered in upper case in correspondence and other written/printed texts.)
Jonesy  - | 2
25 Nov 2015   #318
Hi all, Could someone let me know how I would say the following please?

Did you get home okay?
Would you like me to try and make you smile tonight?

Polonius3  980 | 12275
25 Nov 2015   #319
say the following

Czy szczęśliwie wróciłaś do domu?
Czy chciałabyś, abym wieczorem znów Cię przyprawił o uśmiech?
Jonesy  - | 2
25 Nov 2015   #320
Thank you very much :)
30 Nov 2015   #321
Merged: translation

mamy deficyt duperek
3 Dec 2015   #322
Merged: Quick Translation Assistance! Please and thank you.

I'm recreating an antique sign that would have hung in a Polish business around the turn of the century. I'd like it to be as authentic as possible. I've found conflicting translations online and am in need of some assistance. The sign would have the business name, the town, and the year the business was established. Could anybody help me translate exactly how these elements would have read on such a sign??I appreciate and respect your time and help. Thank you!

1. Schwartzbaum Lumber
2. Szczekociny, Poland
3. Est. 1894

If anybody knows any talented painters/artist in the Boston, MA area to help me paint this, I'll take a recommendation too!! Thanks.
harrysmith  - | 12
9 Dec 2015   #323
Forgive me in advance, for I may accidentally use the wrong terminology =)

I have a potentially idiomatic question concerning the two English phrases "That's what I'm talking about" and "If I do say so myself".

I've done a (particularly terrible) job of translating them as they are in English (forgive me in advance, I'm only learning), however I'm fully aware that as every day goes by, the Dunning-Kruger effect becomes more and more apparent, and I was wondering if there was an idiomatic Polish phrase (or a more accurate translation) to the same affect.

(One more apology, I'm not sure how or if the English use of "do", "about" or "so" works in Polish (in this context), so they may look weird or out of place (or completely wrong) to a trained eye).

"Jeśli mogę tak powiem się"
"To jest co mówię o"
Polonius3  980 | 12275
9 Dec 2015   #324
"That's what I'm talking about" and "If I do say so myself".

Właśnie o to mi chodzi - could do for the first one.

The second is untranslatable as far as I know. What would be another way of expressing that Idea?
Possibly in Polish: Sam tak uważam.
Looker  - | 1129
9 Dec 2015   #325
"That's what I'm talking about"

I would translate it something like:
"To jest to o czym mówię" - It's not an idiom, just regular sentence - more literal translation
"To jest to!" - and it's more like an idiomatic phrase - also very close to the English term from above.

"If I do say so myself"

You can't translate it literally. And if I understand it correctly, the below are different Polish version which may more, less fit this phrase..

"Jeśli mogę tak powiedzieć" ("powiedzieć" may be also replaced by "rzec") = If can I say so
"Jeśli wolno mi się tak wyrazić" = If I can say so
"Że tak powiem"
"To jest tylko moje zdanie" = It's just my opinion
"Moim zdaniem" = In my opinion

My English knowledge is limited so maybe someone else choose the most suitable translation.
9 Dec 2015   #326
Merged: Translation assistance - thank you!

Looking for proper Polish translations of the following words/phrases for an important project, please and thank you!!

1. Sawmill
2. Lumberyard
3. Lumber
4. The best lumber in Szczekociny
5. Szczekociny's Finest Lumber
9 Dec 2015   #327

1. tartak
2. skład drewna
3. tarcica (plank)
4. Najlepsza tarcica w Szczekocinach
5. Najlepsza jakościowo tarcica w Szczekocinach
gregy741  5 | 1226
9 Dec 2015   #328
tarcica - never heard that word to be honest.
9 Dec 2015   #329

Think it's technical in the industry.
Ironside  50 | 12312
9 Dec 2015   #330
tarcica - never heard that word to be honest.

Everything that come out from lumber mill.

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