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I'm native Polish and I hate my own language.

gumishu  15 | 6228
12 Oct 2021   #31
Never could sing any rock song,

Proletaryat leader, Tomasz Olejnik used to write perfect rock songs using the Polish language, just saying
jon357  72 | 23483
12 Oct 2021   #32
perfect rock songs

A long way off 'perfect;...
Novichok  4 | 8501
12 Oct 2021   #33
..indicate who (or whoM) among us ..


Lyzko: Whom among us is ignorant. Him among us is ignorant.
Novichok: Who among us is ignorant. He among us is ignorant.

I asked which one is correct according to Webster or any other comparable dictionary.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
13 Oct 2021   #34
More to the point, my wife and I were at a local kawiarnia around mid-center of Garfield, NJ last Saturday early afternoon, when we encountered a youngish Polish couple with their son.

Upon hearing them speaking Polish while I was on line, by chance the husband asked me if I was standing on line as well, at which point of course, I took the opportunity to answer him in Polish, at which he seemed delightfully surprised! He then politely but insistently responded in somewhat halting, heavily accented English, inquiring why I as an American speak Polish, to which I responded that I found it easier to converse with Polish speakers in their native language. He smiled, adding that he found it funny, but enjoyed letting me practice my Polish. I then couldn't resist gently replying that I hoped he enjoyed practicing his English with me as well. His expression gradually grew intense and said that his English was just fine, thank you, and that neither he nor his wife needed any practice whatsoever!

I smiled, paid for our coffees, and left, but not without a "Trzymaj sie, panie!"
pawian  226 | 27509
13 Oct 2021   #35
All I hear is curses and messy shushing.

You should quit your pathological family and move to a better, more cultural and educated environment. The moment you do it you will feel a great relief. Simple.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
14 Oct 2021   #36
You're right, paw! Why this self-hating Polish bashing? By the way, figure that jerk I encountered in the coffee shop was just an oddity and untypical of the average, friendly Poles I've met and known-:)
Novichok  4 | 8501
14 Oct 2021   #37
Poles may be friendly but that does not change the fact that their language sucks. I tried it for 25 years. Didn't work.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
14 Oct 2021   #38
That remains then YOUR problem, so don't the Polish language for your failures!
Novichok  4 | 8501
14 Oct 2021   #39
Polish is ugly, doesn't sound good on the songs. All I hear is curses and messy shushing.

I'm native Polish and I hate my own language.

That makes two of us.
jon357  72 | 23483
14 Oct 2021   #40
that jerk

To be fair, he probably wasn't that interested in "practising" language when he was just out for a cuppa with his missus.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
14 Oct 2021   #41
True enough, yet I guess I haven't ever quite given up on the idea of life as a two-way street. A comment on both, I suppose.
pawian  226 | 27509
14 Oct 2021   #42
the fact that their language sucks. I tried it for 25 years

It is natural that when your original language is Yiddish, then learning Polish might pose a problem.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
14 Oct 2021   #43
Nice riposte!
Novichok  4 | 8501
14 Oct 2021   #44
He just accused Jews of being too stupid to learn Polish in 25 years from birth - in Poland!!! - and to you, it's a nice riposte.

You two, geniuses, deserve each other.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
14 Oct 2021   #45
Can't you even catch sarcasm in English yet or are being obtuse once again?
mafketis  38 | 11149
14 Oct 2021   #46
I hoped he enjoyed practicing his English with me

To be honest that sounds kind of rude...
Lyzko  44 | 9713
14 Oct 2021   #47
On his part you mean. I agree.
Novichok  4 | 8501
14 Oct 2021   #48
Claiming sarcasm is a handy escape from lies.
Then so was my #44, professor, and every other post you found offensive or irritating. Noticed that "geniuses"? That was sarcasm. In reality, you both are embarrassing. For different reasons, but still embarrassing. Evasive meets Clown.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
14 Oct 2021   #49
Relax, Paw knows you're not Jewish.
pawian  226 | 27509
14 Oct 2021   #50
He just accused Jews of being too stupid to learn Polish in 25 years from birth

No, you weren`t stupid,. You just refused to learn it properly coz Yiddish was good enough for you and your family. In result, your knowledge of Polish has always been superficial, that is why you are so irritated today when you can`t understand our subtle metaphors in Polish threads.
mafketis  38 | 11149
14 Oct 2021   #51
On his part you mean. I agree.

No. On your part. Suggesting to someone in the US that they need/want 'practice' speaking English implies lots of things that polite people don't imply. For all you know he's a citizen (or a permanent resident with a green card).

the husband asked me if I was standing on line

The usual American expression is "waiting/standing in line" not 'on line'... is that a NYC area thing like 'lean off' (instead of 'dont' lean on')?
Lyzko  44 | 9713
14 Oct 2021   #52
You may be partially right about the first part. But he did ask if I enjoyed practicing Polish. Tit for tat, right?
mafketis  38 | 11149
14 Oct 2021   #53
he did ask if I enjoyed practicing Polish

Speaking a foreign language is a very different thing from speaking the language of the country... would you ask someone living in Germany (with an accent) if they enjoyed practicing their German?
Lyzko  44 | 9713
14 Oct 2021   #54
I might, only if pushed, that is-:)
mafketis  38 | 11149
14 Oct 2021   #55
Do you enjoy practicing your English on this forum?
Lyzko  44 | 9713
14 Oct 2021   #56
I don't need to, neither do you.
pawian  226 | 27509
14 Oct 2021   #57
Do you enjoy practicing your English

Yes, greatly. :):) But only when I discuss history.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
14 Oct 2021   #58
Good answer.
Novichok  4 | 8501
14 Oct 2021   #59
Yes, greatly. :):) But only when I discuss history.

Another flippant comment from the class clown.

The usual American expression is "waiting/standing in line" not 'on line'...

Good catch. This and other such missteps tell me that English is not his daily language.

I have been here since 1967 and never heard "on line" in a store. Not even "Are you standing in line?" because we instinctively avoid sounding like geeky, overly verbose English teachers. The question normal Americans ask is: Are you in here? Only a retard wouldn't know what that question means considering the locations of both the asker and the askee - next to the cash register and close to others and their carts.

Askee. Yes, I just made that word up.
pawian  226 | 27509
14 Oct 2021   #60
Who is "ignorant" of Polish here?

You, of course. You are constantly trying to correct native Poles though they use perfect Polish here. It is funny you consider yourself such a linguist expert while your knack of the language is very superficial.

Another flippant comment

You always say so when you are at a loss of words. :):)

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