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Game - guess Polish idioms/sayings in direct English translation

OP pawian 220 | 24664
16 Mar 2024 #1531
It's also a way of indirectly not answering questions which I'm guessing is the adult version.

Yes, exactly!!!! Good job. Some politicians say it when they feel reporters become too inquisitive. :):):)

I can't think of anything other than clingy.

Ok. I need to help you more extensively which I will do with great pleasure as usual. :):):)

I said that sticky is derived from a noun. Which nouns are available?
Feniks 1 | 437
16 Mar 2024 #1532
I said that sticky is derived from a noun

I know and I have wracked my brains for one but I can't think what it is :(
OP pawian 220 | 24664
16 Mar 2024 #1533
Don`t worry! I am coming to the complaint rescue and have a great pleasure in announcing that the Polish idiom translated as sticky is derived from the English word stick which is a noun! Namely what does it mean? :):):)

I truly admire your stubborness in guessing those crazy idioms. Like a Poless! :):):)

Alien 22 | 5397
16 Mar 2024 #1534
a Poless! :):):)

Since when did a Polish mother have a red afro hairstyle?
Feniks 1 | 437
16 Mar 2024 #1535
Namely what does it mean?

Not much idea with just one word. You can stir things up with a stick. We would say to stir the pot but pretty sure it's not that.
OP pawian 220 | 24664
16 Mar 2024 #1536
Since when did

Since a certain female authoress decided to picture her in that way! Simple! Kneel down before her choice. :):):)

You can stir things up with a stick.

Yes!!! Stick which means stick! Now, look for an adjective !!!

Feniks 1 | 437
16 Mar 2024 #1537
look for an adjective !!!

I don't know. Every stick has two ends is the same as saying there are 2 sides to a coin or 2 sides to every story.
OP pawian 220 | 24664
16 Mar 2024 #1538
I don't know. Every stick

I can`t bear this torment of yours any longer!!! :(:(:((:(:(:(:(:(

Here is the explanation: sticky comes from stick meaning kij - the adjective is kijowy which means chujowy. hahahaha

Feniks 1 | 437
16 Mar 2024 #1539
So you're talking about a sh!tty stick or have I got it wrong?
OP pawian 220 | 24664
16 Mar 2024 #1540
talking about a sh!tty stick

Yes, fekking shytty lousy pathetic stick!!!!! :):):) I have always said I meant a noun but some people never listen. hahahaha

Thank you for your persistence, it is truly admirable. :):):)
Alien 22 | 5397
16 Mar 2024 #1541
fekking shytty lousy pathetic stick!!

No i było kija warte.
OP pawian 220 | 24664
21 Mar 2024 #1542
What does it mean: to screw sb in???
OP pawian 220 | 24664
21 Mar 2024 #1544
Wind up has several meanings. Can you elaborate??? :):):)
Feniks 1 | 437
21 Mar 2024 #1545
To say something to deliberately annoy them?
OP pawian 220 | 24664
21 Mar 2024 #1546
That`s what I feared..... :(:(:(:(.. Sorry, no. Check the other meaning. :):):)
Feniks 1 | 437
21 Mar 2024 #1547
It's not true, it's a joke?
OP pawian 220 | 24664
21 Mar 2024 #1548
What is a joke??? That there is no other meaning of wind up???
Sorry, there is, check the Cambridge dicktionary. I wasn`t joking. :):):)
Feniks 1 | 437
21 Mar 2024 #1549
What is a joke??

A wind-up is a joke or trick when someone deliberately tells you something untrue.
OP pawian 220 | 24664
21 Mar 2024 #1550
Yes, exactly!!!! :):):)

Now, were you aware of that meaning or you had to check it in a dicktionary?? I am curious as an English learner trying to look into the popularity of certain phrases.
Feniks 1 | 437
21 Mar 2024 #1551
were you aware of that meaning or you had to check it in a dicktionary?? I

Of course I was aware of the meaning! That's what I meant in post 1548, but I presumed you hadn't understood what I meant as you asked " What is a joke?" You could also say, " You're having me on". It means the same thing.
OP pawian 220 | 24664
21 Mar 2024 #1552
I presumed you hadn't understood what I meant as you asked " What is a joke?"

I was joking though I said I wasn`t. It is the screwing nature of Polish apes. We can`t stop screwing people in. Sorry.

" You're having me on"

Sorry, I only know I`ve had you by Ace Ventura who conned the petnapper.
Alien 22 | 5397
21 Mar 2024 #1553
Polish apes.

Is this some kind of white race?
mafketis 38 | 10775
21 Mar 2024 #1554
ome kind of white race

That reminds me. Have we had white tango yet?
Feniks 1 | 437
22 Mar 2024 #1555
A dance that women ask the men to do. I don't think that this is what you meant though.
mafketis 38 | 10775
22 Mar 2024 #1556
A dance that women ask the men to do.

Yes, ladies' choice (when women ask men to dance) aka Sadie Hawkins (though just for a dance not to get married).

There was a PRL series by that name as well, an anthology with a common theme (each episode was about a different woman but they all worked in the same place).

I thought it might be on youtube but no such luck....
OP pawian 220 | 24664
22 Mar 2024 #1557
Yes, ladies' choice (when women ask men to dance)

Always an impatiently awaited moment at school discos decades ago..... :):):)
OP pawian 220 | 24664
22 Mar 2024 #1558
Who is patch brother and why so?
Feniks 1 | 437
23 Mar 2024 #1559
I have absolutely no idea. Clue please :)
OP pawian 220 | 24664
23 Mar 2024 #1560
Hint no 1
What is brother notion usually associated with???

Hint no 2 - in Polish, the order of words is different - brother patch.

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