Uneducated, immoral, unintelligent Poles say that word. It is considered vulgar.
Is it really vulgar?
Dupa used with a suitable preposition is the answer to a rhetorical questions that begins with; How, Where, Where to, Where from. Answer: Do dupy, w dupie, z dupu. For example, How was it? Where were you? 'Where you’re from?' same as stating none of your damn business in English, rude perhaps but far from being vulgar. (Zabrał się do czegoś od dupy strony) simply means that the approach is inappropriate, hence the wrong end “as in “ass end” dupa here functions as a synonym. (Dupa) is sometimes also used when making a comparison, a lot of stuff is worthless thus (do dupy warte) serves as a universal benchmark for consumer goods or service performed. You can also protect your own or someone elses ass, saying (Chronę własną dupe) or its direct English translation (I covered my own ass) once again confirms that sometimes it’s necessary to state the obvious and the translation you pick be it “I covered my own ass” or “I protected myself” is up to you depending on how much of a prude you are.
It all depends on your perspective and if you know all definitions of the word in question. There’s more to a language we choose to use to convey the massage then meets the eye. Not having a grasp on the foreign language and the subtle differance in meaning it can represent when translating it to your own language instead of using a direct translation makes all the diffrance in the world and only makes you think of it as immoral or vulgar. FFS man, don’t be afraid to engage in verbal intercourse once in a while, my bad I said intercourse. LOL
Żyć czy rzyć? - oto jest pytanie!
For those who are less sensitive about the language used and with a sense of humor.
Wiersz o Dupie:
Dupa ludzkość raju pozbawiła,
Dupa Adama do jabłka skusiła,
Dupa płodzi, Dupa rodzi,
Dupa nigdy nie zaszkodzi,
Dupa największą kopalnią pieniędzy,
Dupa kur.. wyprowadza z nędzy,
Dupa nęci, Dupa swędzi,
Dupa też wspaniale pierdzi,
Z tego powstał taki morał:
Człowiek się rodzi z Dupy wychodzi,
Człowiek się żeni na Dupę wchodzi,
Człowiek umiera na Dupie leży,
Wszystko od DUPY na świecie zależy!!