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Agnieszka Pomaska, beautiful Polish politician

Englishman  2 | 276
17 Jan 2014   #1
I've just seen a newspaper article reporting criticisms of the British education system by a Polish MP, Agnieszka Pomaska.

Polish MP slams poor UK schools: Politician says immigrants are taking jobs because they are better educated and work harder than Britons

Poles have ended up competing for highly paid professional jobs in the UK because they are better educated and work harder than their British counterparts, a Polish MP has suggested.
Agnieszka Pomaska, a senior MP with her country's ruling party, said Polish immigrants to Britain were no longer seeking low-paid work in the agricultural sector as they did a decade ago.
Instead, she said, her countrymen would inevitably seek out middle-class professions.
Speaking at a conference in London yesterday, Miss Pomaska criticised British politicians who suggest immigration from the EU has prevented British youths from finding jobs.


Setting aside the rights and wrongs of her comments, I just wanted to say I'm amazed to see such a pretty woman as a member of parliament. I know that Polish women are on average much better looking than most nationalities, but generally politicians of either aren't lookers. But Agnieszka is simply stunning! First time I've ever wanted to go down on a member of parliament... (have you seen our British politicians?)

Does anyone know any more about her? What party does she represent, what are her views and does she specialise in any particular areas of policy? And what made her want to become an MP.
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082
17 Jan 2014   #2
Does anyone know any more about her? What party does she represent

Why don't you use Google Luke? ;)
17 Jan 2014   #3
Can I ask about the connection between Agnieszka Pomaska and Polonia?
OP Englishman  2 | 276
17 Jan 2014   #4
@ Peter, thanks for the link. I tried Googling her but most of the results were in Polish, which sadly I'm not literate in.

@ Harry, I posted this in the news and politics forum originally; a moderator but have moved it here.
jon357  72 | 23350
17 Jan 2014   #5
Rest assured that she's almost certainly photogenic and looks worse in the flesh. Radoslaw Sikorski looks like a Hollywood film star with legions of adoring mostly female fans if the photo's a good one. In the flesh, he's of noticeably modest height, has terrible skin and has a complexion you only really get from one activity.
kaz200972  2 | 229
17 Jan 2014   #6
I know that Polish women are on average much better looking than most nationalities, but generally politicians of either aren't lookers.

Is this really relevant??? A politician's appearance has nothing to do with their ability to represent people efficiently.
Your sexual preferences are of no relevance either ( there must be other sites for 'perving'). Would you seriously vote for a politician because they were 'fit'!!!??
OP Englishman  2 | 276
17 Jan 2014   #7
@ Kaz, I don't know about Poland but here in the UK the number of people who can be bothered to vote has been declining for years. Everything that can help get people interested in politics has to help. That could include getting in some more attractive candidates, such as Agnieszka P.
McDouche  6 | 282
17 Jan 2014   #8
Rest assured that she's almost certainly photogenic and looks worse in the flesh.

Yeah, that seems to be the case with a lot of Poles I've met.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
17 Jan 2014   #9
As to immigrants who take advantage of Britain she wanted to mention another country but refrained to do so.
jon357  72 | 23350
17 Jan 2014   #10
Looking at the video, can you think of another reason she was talking about England?
OP Englishman  2 | 276
17 Jan 2014   #11
@ Jon, I'm guessing because he was in London. The video was filmed just outside the Palace of Westminster. She was probably shocked by the uneducated nature of some of the school groups that traipse around Parliament...
Barney  19 | 1724
17 Jan 2014   #12
Forget about what she said........
Marek11111  9 | 807
18 Jan 2014   #13
it is not because Poles are better educated or harder worker it is because pay masters can pay less it is a race to bottom nothing more, she is ignorant of the issues of working people.
McDouche  6 | 282
18 Jan 2014   #14
Poles are only taking the low class jobs. You don't see too many Polish engineers or scientists in Britain.

Contrary to Agnieszka's BS claims, you don't have to be well-educated or hard-working to take low wage jobs from young chavs.
Polish farmer
18 Jan 2014   #15
Exactly. You'd think that polish politicians would be as concerned about wages for working people in their own country. Poles shouldn't have to move all over the world to try to find a living wage.
jon357  72 | 23350
18 Jan 2014   #16
Exactly. You'd think that polish politicians would be as concerned about wages for working people in their own country.

Spot on.

Her comments didn't attract much attention back in Poland so it looks like she prefers her 15 minutes of fame in the daily mail to actually doing her job.
kaz200972  2 | 229
18 Jan 2014   #17
@ Kaz, I don't know about Poland but here in the UK the number of people who can be bothered to vote has been declining for years. Everything that can help get people interested in politics has to help. That could include getting in some more attractive candidates, such as Agnieszka P.

I agree that there is a growing apathy towards politics and political parties in Britain. Making politics into a 'beauty contest' isn't going to help though; we had all that idiocy with 'Blair's Babes'. It's that type of game show politics that has increased apathy among voters.

Candidates should be appointed on their ability to do the job well, looks, gender, ethnicity should not be determining factors.

Setting aside the rights and wrongs of her comments

This is exactly what you shouldn't do!! her comments showed a lamentable lack of knowledge regarding the economic situation and education systems in both Poland and Britain. The comments were sensationalist, to attract attention they offered no solutions to anything!

it is not because Poles are better educated or harder worker it is because pay masters can pay less it is a race to bottom nothing more, she is ignorant of the issues of working people.

Exactly. You'd think that polish politicians would be as concerned about wages for working people in their own country. Poles shouldn't have to move all over the world to try to find a living wage.

These two quotes are far more pertinent to the real economic situation. Ms Pomaska would achieve more by talking to people who understand what is happening in both countries.
Ironside  50 | 12877
18 Jan 2014   #18
This is exactly what you shouldn't do!! her comments showed a lamentable lack of knowledge regarding the economic situation and education systems in both Poland and Britain. The comments were sensationalist, to attract attention they offered no solutions to anything!

I think that is was reaction to British politicians who all but declared open season on Poles to be blamed for all ills of British economical and political situation. In this light her words will bar more of such a brazen displays of scapegoating presented by selected British politicians.
Kowalski  7 | 621
19 Jan 2014   #19

As for polish politician beauties please check Elzbieta Bienkowska (famous for her tattoos) and Joanna Mucha - both Civic Platform

kaz200972  2 | 229
19 Jan 2014   #20
I agree that many of the comments by British politicians are wrong but Ms Pomaska has not helped the situation with her stupid sensationalist comments. The woman is doing nothing to help Poles in either Britain or Poland by making ignorant statements that fail to address the real issues. This kind of talk will encourage not discourage scapegoating.

That said my main issue with the OP's thread is that looks should not be a voting issue, whatever the gender of the candidates.
Wroclaw Boy
19 Jan 2014   #21
I think that is was reaction to British politicians who all but declared open season on Poles to be blamed for all ills of British economical and political situation.

Thats a massive exaggeration.
Paulina  17 | 4442
19 Jan 2014   #22
First time I've ever wanted to go down on a member of parliament...

I think you could save such comments for your male friends when at the pub.

Rest assured that she's almost certainly photogenic and looks worse in the flesh.

Or the other way around - maybe she looks better in the flesh than in the photos (it happens!).
Either way - she isn't stunning at all.
And it shouldn't matter, I think.

Radoslaw Sikorski looks like a Hollywood film star with legions of adoring mostly female fans if the photo's a good one.

Even if the photo is a good one, he definitely doesn't look like a Hollywood film star. He's very average and he often looks sickly, both in photos and on TV.

Not that it matters. I don't care about the looks of politicians.

Yeah, that seems to be the case with a lot of Poles I've met.

So you're saying that Western people look terrible both in photos and in the flesh? lol

That said my main issue with the OP's thread is that looks should not be a voting issue, whatever the gender of the candidates.

I agree.
19 Jan 2014   #23
Anna Mucha ok- the best Minister of Sport ever, Sylwia Lugowska too

but Anna Grodzka = the whole package , sexy+clever
Paulina  17 | 4442
19 Jan 2014   #24
Your sexual preferences are of no relevance either ( there must be other sites for 'perving').

Maybe Englishman should join PiS lol: Eeewww... ;/

Btw, Englishman, PiS tried to attract voters with women's looks in 2011 but it seems this strategy failed:

Myth 3 : Beauty is very helpful in applying for a mandate . Another myth election , that the election can be rebutted . The falsehood of this assertion convinced the famous " angels Kaczynski " .
kaz200972  2 | 229
19 Jan 2014   #25
Brilliant post, still laughing!!
Paulina  17 | 4442
19 Jan 2014   #26
That's good, śmiech to zdrowie :) ;)
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
19 Jan 2014   #27
There seems to be an odd yin-yang here. Some men spend too much time checking out women's appearances and too often women spend an equal amount of time trying to look good.

The bravest woman will be the one who doesn't apply make-up, hair color and consistently wears pants suits. :)
Paulina  17 | 4442
19 Jan 2014   #28
and too often women spend an equal amount of time trying to look good.

I'm not sure what you're talking about. Politicians are working in the public eye and are expected to at least try to look good. Both men and women.

I don't know what it's like in the US, but in Poland for a female politician, someone working in the media, etc. wearing make-up is rather a must.
jon357  72 | 23350
19 Jan 2014   #29
Ones that don't get attacked in the media.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
19 Jan 2014   #30
I'm not sure what you're talking about.

Of course you do. Women doll up whether they are in politics or in any other work venue. It's (almost) natural judging by how automatically they seem to do it. I'm not knocking it just making an obvious observation.

Politicians are working in the public eye and are expected to at least try to look good.

As to politicians, in the U.S. it is often said that Hollywood is for beautiful people and politics is for ugly people.

Home / UK, Ireland / Agnieszka Pomaska, beautiful Polish politician

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