The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by JustysiaS  

Joined: 14 Oct 2007 / Female ♀
Last Post: 9 Jan 2014
Threads: Total: 13 / Live: 0 / Archived: 13
Posts: Total: 2235 / Live: 191 / Archived: 2044
From: PL - FR
Speaks Polish?: tak

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9 Jan 2014
Love / Questions about Polish Men - flirting, cheating, liking? [44]

It could be that he's sensing his girlfriend is the one about to dump him, so he's making up a cover story ;) But to me it is an obvious form of self-advertisement. Why do people feel it is appropriate to make such confessions at a work place? There are very few worse places out there to be looking for romance, what if it doesn't work out and you still have to see each other on a daily basis?

As for this flirty attitude whilst being in a relationship, it is not exclusively a Polish trait. However it is worth mentioning that once abroad and away from everything that keeps a Polish man "grounded", such as his mother (oh yes), his wife, the church etc. they tend to go a little wild and do things they would not normally do. I've seen a few Polish colleagues over the years develop a serious drinking problem and lose their wife and children (and house) in the process... And I also heard stories of Polish men not disclosing their marital status whilst chatting up local ladies here in the UK. Don't get me wrong, this is not a description of every Polish man abroad, just the really weak ones who tend to justify this disgusting behaviour by the fact they are away from home and everything they know, therefore they deserve to have some fun. Be careful out there, if something appears to be out of order then it most likely is.

Those women that are happy with Polish men have no time nor need to post about them on PF

And why not, you would think if a woman was so happy with her husband she would want to share her joy with somebody online ;) unless of course she is chained to the kitchen making bigos, too busy and too happy to think about posting anything ;)
6 Jan 2014
Love / Are Polish men handsome to you? [182]

On average, when you walk down the streets of Polish cities, towns and villages do you see many men who catch an eye of yours?

Not so many, no. You only get the shaved head mean looking type, or thin, scared looking type... Now come on hit me, I haven't been on here for a while I missed the abuse haha.
17 Dec 2012
Po polsku / Życie pod wspólnym dachem. Jak to jest? [28]

Ja sie nie wtracam, ale w pierwszym poscie byla mowa o chlopaku wiec zalozylam, ze chodzi o Mr. Ale oczywiscie moge sie mylic.
17 Dec 2012
Po polsku / Życie pod wspólnym dachem. Jak to jest? [28]

A jeśli ktoś zaczyna działać nam na nerwy przed wspólnym zamieszkaniem?

To zalezy czym dokladnie on/ona dziala nam na nerwy, wiekszosc problemow mozna naprawic szczera rozmowa, ale tylko wtedy gdy obie strony chca kompromisu. A co do samego mieszkania razem, to naprawde nie jest tak zle! Ja z natury zawsze bylam samotnikiem, juz od dziecka wszystko chcialam miec oddzielnie. Z moim obecnym chlopakiem mieszkamy razem juz prawie 2 lata i to jest moj pierwszy zwiazek 'pod wspolnym dachem'. Tez sie na poczatku klocilismy o bzdury ale z czasem te bzdury maja mniej znaczenia i teraz jak juz to o nich zartujemy. Co do czasu dla siebie, nie powinno byc z tym najmniejszego problemu jesli ufacie sobie i czujecie sie ze soba bezpiecznie. Jestescie razem na codzien wiec wieczor albo weekend dla siebie potrafia byc prawdziwa ulga :). Uczycie sie od siebie nawzajem - co komu przeszkadza, czego brakuje, czego potrzeba i po pewnym czasie nabiera sie wyczucia.

Nie ma reguly na idealny zwiazek pod wspolnym dachem, tak samo jak i nie ma reguly na to czy i kiedy nalezy razem zamieszkac. Bledem jest pospieszyc sie z tym, tak samo jak czekac zbyt dlugo (na przyklad po slubie ;). Zamieszkanie razem to wielki krok w zwiazku, ale to takze obowiazek, ktory nie ogranicza sie tylko do szanowania i borykania sie z druga osoba ;) jest czynsz, rachunki, zakupy, posilki, goscie...

Zycze powodzenia w odnalezieniu Mr Right ;)
17 Nov 2012
Life / The "I am never wrong" phenom - is it the Polish thing? [63]

The guy screwed up my order. He apologized profusely and is giving me a free lamp valued at 450pln. I am thrilled with the apology. I don't expect the lamp- but I am happy to have it.

he's only nice cos he wanted good feedback ;) some people rely on their allegro/ebay business as their main income and negative comments can potentially destroy that

They are never wrong and apology is not a way of getting along but seen as a sign of weakness.

you just described my sister! when cornered and no longer able to support her case, she also starts crying, slams doors, writes nasty letters/e-mails, blocks family on facebook... then when she needs something she rings or just shows up like nothing ever happened. we were hoping that this would change when she grows up but she's in her mid 20s now and worse than ever.

It is indeed very difficult to get an apology off a Polish person, especially the middle aged and older generation. For example my parents were NEVER wrong even if 90% of the time they were like parents from hell, yelling if you merely questioned their decisions. It's almost like you lose respect if you admit to a mistake, it's quite extreme sometimes. I should write a book about my family and the display of classic examples of sociopathic behaviour ;). Sometimes (perhaps more that just sometimes though) it's best to just shake your head and leave it, they will not let you have the last word. I do agree that a simple apology in PL is often perceived as a sign of weakness, admitting you are wrong even if you are is not something people like to admit to.

I can agree up to a point that the British folk are more polite and apologetic, even if they don't always put their heart into it - they just don't like to cause a fuss. I appreciate that. I would say that it often doesn't apply to British women though - especially if they have kids or are behind the wheel ;-) they do something wrong (or their kids do) and they will just glare or get aggressive if you have the audacity to point it out. And teenagers, rude and disrespectful beyond belief. I noticed that in UK an apology is viewed as the polite thing to do, the right thing to do. Be the better man/woman and say sorry. People here are basically pressured to apologise just to put things right, and they expect that as long as there was an apology everything should be ok. Their apologies are often quite condescending too (because they don't mean them) but you got your apology so there, go away now. For example, an old boss of mine was constantly being rude to me and everytime I brought it up she would say she didn't mean it, she would even go as far as hug me and say sorry a million times, but she'd still be a b*tch after that. She apologised though so it's fine right! It's a strange logic but this is how things work over here, you learn their 'dance' and dance along ;-).
5 Sep 2011
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

The staring is something that really is ridiculous.

i always ignore it but my boyfriend hates it. staring them up and down usually helps

to jump in front of a queue is to the English is a crime equivalent to murder

ha ha yeah I didn't notice a queue at the post office once, thought it was just a bunch of oldies hanging around, I did get put back in my place pretty quick ;)

but "chav-ness" (to invent a word there) seems to end at around 22/23 in the U.K

errr not really! there are GENERATIONS of chavs living in UK, the younger, the chavvier and more gormless (exposed to chav-ness for longer ;)
20 May 2011
Language / Is Polish amongst the best-sounding languages in the world? [123]

I often hear Czechs say Polish sounds like baby talk, and Polish say that Czech sounds like baby talk

had a (friendly) disagreement with a Czech person on this matter today lol. i said Czech is funny Polish, he said Polish is funny Czech.
20 May 2011
Language / Is Polish amongst the best-sounding languages in the world? [123]

British English sounds more intelligent...

not when chavs speak it. there are so many different accents in UK anyway, not just the 'proper' British English one. I really like Newcastle and Welsh accents.

the majority of people I know find the Polish language to be quite aggressive and super fast, never heard anyone say they thought it was lovely to listen to when you didn't understand it lol. to me French, Russian and Japanese sound really cool. American English works best in songs IMO.
17 May 2011

I'd like to ask another question to this question: Are people who ask questions like these allergic to women?

more like: Are people who ask these kinds of questions really have nothing more important in their lives to worry about? Cos there are people out there who would swap their REAL probems and worries for petty cr^ap like this anytime.
3 May 2011
UK, Ireland / Posting mail from Poland to the UK [26]

it's not Poczta Polska's service that was used here by the looks of it, their website states there is no item with such identification number. could be Parcel Force then. i think you don't have anything to worry about too much just yet, they're still within their time frame to deliver it. bank holidays usually mess it all up for some time.
2 May 2011
UK, Ireland / Posting mail from Poland to the UK [26]

sometimes it takes up to 15 WORKING days and at peak times such as xmas even longer than that. since the item's been posted from Poland you have to check its progress on Poczta Polska's website (if that's possible) or Parcel Force or whoever elses service was used. ask the sender to look it up since they have the tracking details. it won't be possible to track it on royal mail's website because they are not the service provider here.
14 Apr 2011
Love / Simon Mol - would he have been so "successful" in other countries than Poland? [121]

Girls should act like wh*res in their spare time by ******* half of the male population on campus?

i was being sarcastic, you richy rich prat. that's what college kids do these days, i was not like that at all when i was at school. if guys f*ck around then it's great but if girls do it then there's always prats like you who go OMG what total hoes! If that's what they do then so be it, not like American girls wait to get laid till they're 25 is it? i bet that half of the male population of your campus ain't complaining, it's just you cos you're not getting any.

Well, since you seem to deem that normal and you're a Slavic woman, I think you're a great example of my point.

oh please, spare me your nosense you stupid college prat
14 Apr 2011
Love / Simon Mol - would he have been so "successful" in other countries than Poland? [121]

rather because education is not stressed enough

rubbish, Polish parents will insist on eduaction, no matter if they have sons or daughters. it's what sets you out for your adult life. now when it comes to parents in UK... never mind! where did you get all this information, your trailer trash neighbourhood?

Slavic parents are awful when it comes to raising daughters. They don't stress enough that using your body in inappropriate ways is shameful.

excuse me, but what the %^$£?! Polish parents are ever so strict, those girls you know are only wh*res cos they escaped the parental custody. i will never believe that Polish parents would bring their daughters up this way. if they behave like this i'm 99% sure their mom and dad know nothing about it, would not believe it and would certainly not tollerate it.

These are not poor girls with limited opportunities either...

my point exactly, they have everything paid for and provided by their folks, don't have to work, so what else are they gonna do with their spare time?
6 Apr 2011
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

can you look into a history book and please educate yourself on exactly when communism was abolished in Poland and then try to work out how many years ago was it and how old were the people whom you assume to have lived under communism. it can really help you ditch another one of these stereotypes. plus, an increasing number of Polish people claim they were actually happier under communism because there was work for everybody, not like today. some people are just miserable asses and not even living in happy happy happy U S & A will change that. i work with an American woman and damn is she a miserable cow!
11 Jan 2011
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

I suggest you work on your English comprehension. It's not such a difficult language

why look how angry you get when somebody points out YOU make mistakes in your (supposedly) native language. as for my comprehension i believe it is more than up to scratch. if you think i'm in some way inferior to you because i'm from Poland and that is the only arguement you can think of when you're struggling to get back at what i said then that is indeed pathetic.

if you don't have a problem and there is a problem, do you have a problem with that? ;)

Learn to spell.

again please point out where in that quote did i make a spelling mistake?

they are an ethnicity

Judaism is a RELIGION
LOADS of people who are Jews are not Middle Eastern.
There are catholics in Poland and in Africa, are catholics an *ethnicity* too? again, what a sh*t arguement...

Let's not forget you're the one who started this bullshit with your "little dick losers" comment lulz.

yeah that was in november last year and i totally forgot about it until you read it and it hurt your feelings and you thought it was a good idea to point out you have a big penis. ha ha... am i the only one here who finds it funny?!

Na, I'm not going to post a photo of myself for some random eastern European rag doll.

maybe i do voodoo too ;D you're so not an American, the 'insults' you dish out are something out of a foreign weirdo's dictionary. as for pictures, most people on this board know what i look like and i don't need to brag about anything. you on the other hand can talk about your good looks and big weiner all day long and for all we know it's got nothing to do with real life, not even close.

jarnowa won't post his picture because he's scared all the dark skinned men in Poland will find him and beat the hell outta him for all the crap he's been writing about them. why won't you? it is only for research purposes and you need some proof to back up the claims you're not a couple (or perhaps one if you've got 2 personas on here) of ugly turds.
11 Jan 2011
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

I'm happy for people who have successful interracial relationships..

so you don't have a problem but it is a problem. lol.

Jews are not a race you know. what a sh*t arguement.

I know I'm good looking because I don't have trouble hooking up with girls.

that's what you say on the internet. if you're so hot then post a picture holding today's paper lol. otherwise, you're just another internet troll.

Great childish insult though.

damn, and i thought it was a really good comeback, mister 'i have a big penis, i'm good looking, i hook up with girls'. now that's just sad...

I guess this what I should expect from an eastern European woman in a debate.

ooh a mistake there, i knew it was you jarnowa. loser! i'm better in a debate than you ever will be and you know it.
10 Jan 2011
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

They don't pull english,greek or german babes

we all know the slavic babes are your favourite, and they pull them. you're just not exotic enough anymore southern :)
10 Jan 2011
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

a superior nice Greek

what is so superior about you?

third worldlers

if these third worlders pull babes with such ease then maybe they are a force to be reckoned with, mister superior.

live and let live
10 Jan 2011
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

So you accept the use of polish women as sperm bags of third worldlers to justify the multi kulti dream?

let's be fair and make them your and jarnowas sperm bags then, just as God intended, shall we. if girls choose to be anybody's 'sperm bag' it is their own choice, i personally don't care what and who other people do and you should try it as well.

Why do you let such economic realities be forced upon you?

nobody's forcing anybody are they

It is not natural process.

neither is a middle aged casanova chasing after teenage sl*ts
10 Jan 2011
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

It is a problem.You don't understand the dynamics.

you're the prey hunter macho man, you tell me about 'dynamics'. will you ever start acting your age and shut up? i mean seriously, how many more years can you carry on with this?
10 Jan 2011
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

I'm from America and I don't mind seeing an interracial couple but if it happens too often then that is a problem.

are you jarnowa?? lol

what kind of a problem is it exactly? if it bothers you so much then you're the one who's got a problem. get help. it's deeply disrespectful to try and dictate people whom they can be with, it's the 21st century.

I have a pretty big penis and I have good looks.

is that what your mommy tells you?
8 Nov 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

So in your eyes me, a nice guy liked by many people, don't deserve a hot Polish girl

ha ha you taking the p*ss? you are hardly likable, you only have friends cos they feel sorry for you i reckon. i just stated the obvious, you never had the pleasure and by the looks of it you most likely won't. whether you "deserve it" or not is a completely different matter.

just because of my opinion on non-European p#ssyhunters coming to Poland

i don't think they put down 'p*ssyhunting' as the reason for coming to Poland on their visa application but hey ho, if one can get a scholarship, a job AND some hot chicks in a foreign country then good for them! you should take note and try to be one of those foreigners instead of going green with envy everytime you see someone with a woman you would like. it's very sad, jealousy won't get you anywhere, especially not in a girl's panties.

all blacks posting on the board are automatically welcomed to Poland by you

if they have the skills, knowledge and can contribute to the economy as well as getting an education they can do whatever the hell they wish, they are residents and their skin colour does not matter to me.

Never mind if they are stupid, selfish bastards, never mind if they carry some std brought straight from Africa, never mind if they are losers, criminals, cheaters or perverts,

we have enough of those that come in white i think and they get to date Polish hotties

as long as they are black you don't mind if they get a Polish hottie

the Polish hotties are also people you know, and they can date whoever they want. keep your crusty nose out of their business, you weirdo.

only to p#ss me off

well it works doesn't it lol

You must be proud of yourself! :)

always am! :)

coloured males walking around in Europe with white trophy girls offend many white guys

correction, they only offend little d*ck loser white boys who can't get any
5 Nov 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

just to first win the heart and then the p#ssy of some naive Polish hottie

something you never had and something you will never get. ouch! :)
2 Nov 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

They most likely didn't get the hot girl because of who they are, but because the girl has no taste and no selfrespect, just like a prostitute

this is the core of your problems, it's all in this statement. the girls choose whoever they want to choose and it does not make them prostitutes with no taste or respect. a wh*re is a girl who sleeps with everyone, a b*tch is a girl who sleeps with everyone but you. isn't that a perfect little saying for a pathetic, spineless little loser like you? women are right to stay away from you. a bloke who can't get a date in one of the whitest countries in the world and blames it on the 'overflow' of black men really is a big dumb LOSER. look in the mirror, look at the contents of your pants and your bank balance, if you can improve at least one of these, you'll be on the road to success. ha ha.

if they are beautiful and date negroids

then that is their choice and you should f*ck off you racist idiot

If they are beautiful they can choose between so many white guys

there's so many of them and there are unfortunately so many useless cases such as yourself that you can't really blame them for looking elsewhere.

it simply can't be true that all the white guys that tried to date her somehow failed in terms of looks

beautiful girls can pick whoever they want and out of all men they pick the ones you hate the most. now that's gotta hurt. looks are not everything but if one doesn't have a personality or at least can make a girl laugh, looks are all you've got and sadly, you do not.


seriously, buddy, you don't have a character, you're just boring and useless

then some negroe comes to her in a bar, pulls some tricks and then he succeeds where all white guys failed

what are those tricks, what does he do? maybe you should ask him?

you also welcome back Justysia. :)

hey, i was busy having a life, what have you been doing? have you lost your virginity yet? na didn't think so.