The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Strzelec35  

Joined: 24 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
Last Post: 23 May 2022
Threads: 19
Posts: 830
From: warsaw
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: sksk

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26 Dec 2021
News / The ruling party in Poland tries to take American owned TV news station off the air [528]

"Always pointing the finger at the other guy and never looking in the mirror is not a way to move forward."

Very typical polish trait though. even from the little man or bottom up form the store clerk or postal guy here.

"I don't care about paper-work. If you are a foreign crminal you should be deported."

I was form the land of the free and the brave apparently.
26 Dec 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Oh believe me russia is very respected particularly by the US unlike the eu by the US. they are a force to be reckoned with and even in the middle east have a presence unlike europe. and unlike poland and much of the eu they have a clear presence with bases and allies and strategic partnerhsips worldwide. They also have europe iun economic grips due to gas pipelines and nordstrom 2;
8 Dec 2021
Love / Sexual appetites of Polki (in the 21st century) [31]

Guys watch the show You on Netflix the first episode. This is how women in America are and how people meet over there. So much better and easier than Poland. You have women flirting with you at a library even if youre just working at the store or a librarian or whatever. no one judges you and women are way more into sex or understand their needs and sexuality than these mongrels you call Polish women here. People meet without being part of any group or groupies. Women go out alone to cocktail bars. it is nothing like this traditional backward and catholic country or its women called Poland. I literally can walk around all day go everywhere do everything and will never meet or have anyone interested in fuking me or even getting to know me without money or some personal benefit they see in having an interaction with me here. Theyre all asexual robot communists and lames and users of men. And the men beat women here I bet. It is a sick country. Like sick man of asia china used to be Poland is like sick man of europe.
7 Dec 2021
History / Vikings in Pomerania (near Gdansk area)? [19]

Damm this is a great mini documentary on the vikings in America and fighting native Americans:

The vikings it seems were like the mongols but a couple hundred years earlier and almost conquered the world. I wonder how they would have fared against the mongols or if they were still powerful by that time or the 1200s?
7 Dec 2021
Po polsku / O co chodzi z tymi Żydami. [127]

Masz racje Crow czemu ci Polacy tak żydów nie lubià czy innych słowianów jak na przykład Ukraińców a tak uwiebiajà amerykanów i anglików i tyłki im liżà?
6 Dec 2021
History / Chances of Moscow becoming part of Poland again? [102]

I dont see how anyone especially Polish claim Russia wasnt or isnt a European power. Unlike Poland they had colonies and were part of the boxer rebellion in China or nations that put the weak man of asia under their wing and divided it during the 1800s and early 1900s. Only europeans did that not Poland and Russia was one. They were also parts of most of the major wars and trade agreements with real western european pwoers and divisions that happened post wars like the great war while poland didnt exist. plus they had a big aristocrasy class and wined and dined with the french and european elites during the 1800s while again Poland dint exist. Watch some movies in holywood for godssakes Polish. not your fake crap history.
4 Dec 2021
Love / Should I forgive my cheating Polish girlfriend? [73]

Polish females are so ****** up you guys dont even know

They are like f-ing witches or from another planet of every age literally. They also lie to themselves thinking they have some morality. Yet they sell themselves for money and use sex as a weapon or a commodity but think they have some ******* morality.

yes such moral people where their teen sluts sell vids of themselves or hooking and throw themselves when on vacations abroad at foreigners but they feel inside they are so moral doe.
28 Nov 2021
News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland? [281]

why doesnt america just put boots on the ground in ukraine like they did in poland? I mean if washington needs an excuse all it would have to do is have putin kill even by accident a us service personnel and it would give the american public excuse no? I mean if nato or the west is worried about putin expanding than why not put some trump style bases there why just poland?
20 Nov 2021
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

I dont know or care how they feel. I am objectively assessing how they are not how they fear based on being to numerous countries and living in diff continents and being aware via various media across diff countries how different and non western they are and non european. they have nothing in common in terms of their culture to europe. unless there is wokeness which there isnt and true fmeinism without always expecting men to pay for everything and treat them like princesses and them being religious zealots and not accepting trannies or furries or even acknowledging their existence, they will have nothing to do with europe.
20 Nov 2021
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

I disagree. They have nothing in common with the culture wars or the culture transformation in those countries. unless trannies start using female bathrooms or new pronouns start to be used and gender diverse hires start making video games in poland with pink hair. Even the shcool system in Poland has more in common with China than any of those countries where they try to teach kids or teens to be professional chemists or chemistry courses and dont even learn English or throw a bunch of grammar **** instead of teach practical language skills.
20 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Youre right but what I mean not just in a train like on the street too if youre standing next to a female waiting for the red light or something. or even inside restaurants you may get a smile or so but theyll be with some other dude.
19 Nov 2021
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

No only Germany is Holy Roman Empire. Poland is eastern europe and a backward country that has a lot more in common in the educational system with china than any western country aong with other spheres of life. Here is a recent vice documentary you can watch teaching you this fact or how non European or western it really is:

They cant even speak English in Poland or teach it effectively and instead their educational system tries to make chemists out of kids or high schoolers.