The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Strzelec35  

Joined: 24 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
Last Post: 23 May 2022
Threads: 23
Posts: 834
From: warsaw
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: sksk

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23 May 2022
Off-Topic / Best posters [701]

hey are you really 16? and a girl? do you find 37 yr old males attractive by any chance? i know polish girls are super agist and dont but i think russian girls and basiclaly everywhere outside poland with its stratified society (pan pani) are more open to older guys? I look very young for my age btw. have you ever beenw ith sexually or dated a man over 30?
17 May 2022
Love / Woman 28 single, too late for a relationship with a Polish man? [67]

Polish men in places like Lodz still see women as property and I dont think there is really much of a charge of domestic violence unlike western countries as I assume its the same as assault laws here are where as long as she isnt in a hospital for seven days its a small ifnraction or even just a money private charge. I just saw this tatood looking chick with a black eye walking across the street crying yesterday.
10 May 2022
Love / Why Polish girl is very easy to approach and be in relationship? [63]

WHen it comes to the opposite sex or women even mature women here it seems in poland they wont make eye contact and are constantly busy which makes it impossible to me to try with my personality. I always deep down need permission or have to feel she wants me to try.
10 May 2022
News / Purturbing opinion: Poland is not a woman, it is a drunk, inept guy in depression [31]

I feel as this country is getting to me. Like it drives me depressed or mad no matter how i do like if i have endless money a place to stay no worries or anything it just makes me feel constantly weak here the inability to talk to women here how i cannot match the violence or agressiveness of the males in lodz who go up to you and punch you in the face for the slightest slight, etc. this country is just strange.
10 May 2022
Love / Why Polish girl is very easy to approach and be in relationship? [63]

I dont know what it is but I just feel uncomfortable in Poland approaching or hitting on women. I even feel uncomfortable sitting near one on the bench and this is normal in Poland where people sit on opposite sides on a bench of when I do I do it so unsmoothly and ask for permission unlike local polish people in say Warsaw where Im at. I just feel weird here. In other countries its easy or natural for me to talk to women or hit on them but this could be due to being new or excited there and not sure if it would last either. the marazm or down comes back or lack of motivation to try possibly but it could be Poland and their coldness. For instance just now I felt so uncomfortable sitting next to this redhead woman who i thought was good looking and she was middle aged or older and i couldn't utter anything to her and ive done this so many times in Malta which is weird. In Malta I met this Lithuanian woman who looked similar to her was also a redhead and just by walking near her is tarted commenting on the weather. I can never do this in Poland or at least anymore and in fact females do it more than i to them thats how bad it is thats how bad i am doing in this culture or around the people.
9 May 2022
Real Estate / Neighbourhoods in Warsaw - how safe? [23]

Warsaw is getting dangerous it seems:

Imagine guys if this was you out on holiday in warsaw and someone attacks you in the knife in the back and you go into a store bloodied and end up dead. what a crazy country. Nowy swiat seems to be where all the crazies seem to go.
9 May 2022
Classifieds / Find older PIT-11 or PIT-37 [2]

i also need to know as to get a karta warszawiaka or lodziaka apparently i need to show them my pit.
9 May 2022
Law / Polish Police and Their Tactics [181]


Polish police tactics?

I dont understand these people at all. What a weird country. I saw this boy who looked like he was patologia or a junkie or basically had a weird face and head almost like downs syndrome and looked like he was falling asleep and barely walking wobbling like he was on drunk or drunk like crazy with some older man maybe his dad or an actual pedo (well the kid looked about 11) who had tattoos on his hands and were walking inside this alley or opened the gate and went in and there happened to be cops nearby but they were busy checking the documents or id card on this bum lady (basically not even the same level this kid looked). so i simply told them you should maybe check who went into that alley as some kid probably on drugs with some man went in there and they started asking me all sorts of questions like not even caring about the kid or situation or even telling me they cant just look at a camera (not a proactive police force it seems or preventive like that of California and America or America) unless a crime for sure already occurs. So i told them it was just worth maybe looking into and i just wanted to let them know and leave or go on my way and they start drilling me about my id or info like my family last names etc. they never even ask for my number or address though. I dont even get what was the point as I am not zameldowany anywhere to get my info like that and without asking for how to find me like a phone number as they claimed this was just a standard protocol so if they need a witness to the incident later or something. but it was weird they got on the call with some guy to get my actual name as there are diff people were similar names and it was like I was being treated like a criminal or had a warrant just for reporting something suspicious. They then said I can go on my way and they will go inside the gate now to look for the guy with the kid but im not even sure they did. like they didnt care about it just getting info on me a random but not actually asking for any contact, which made it even weirder. I told them I dont really care about the guy or kid but its their job to investigate and i dont know those people hence its not my business and im not a cop so i just let them know but it seems all they cared about was investigating me. Ive had cops in Poland ask for such **** before so I have no idea why they didnt if they truly were just trying to get my info in case they needed a witness. I wonder if I could have just not gave them anything and said I am not reporting anything just giving you guys a wskazik or info you can choose to investigate or not. Basically the kid was a drug or junky baby or something was off with him and was clearly impaired and walking around an older tattooed man holding him by the neck and going somewhere private together.

if you see a crime, even rape or aggravated assaults, or something in Poland its better to just walk the other way it seems or you may be the one treated as a criminal. and unlike in America there is no pre crime or minority style preventive crime it seems so no one can just report suspicious activity.

lol this is literally the same area i described above happened and no one cared or reacted to it but me and this happened there:
7 May 2022
Life / Will Poland ever be multicultural like Sweden, Germany or France? [201]

yea but paulina why do they lie about their own history or dont admit to killing jews at jedwabne or stealing their properties later on or even guys like ogien kuras who murdered civilians like russians are doing now if they are so obsessed about history or what happened 80 yrs ago? and how are they diff than black americans always hating on whiyptey for slavery and sh@t?

also the news about the flags isnt the big deal its them being so mad at the idea of Poland either having open borders like the eu or eu countries or being a multi national state which again most western europe and america is by default and thawts the playground they want to play in or be part of the west no?
7 May 2022
Life / Will Poland ever be multicultural like Sweden, Germany or France? [201]

I edited that post above with new info i added as i found it but that was only the Polish people cheering the Berlin or German flag ban but there was an older article on Warsaw and Poland i think it had to do with Ukrainian flags outlawed on public transportation or something.
7 May 2022
Life / Will Poland ever be multicultural like Sweden, Germany or France? [201]

why are these ignorant and stupid Polish people so afraid of Ukrainian flag being raised in Poland that even the mayor of Warsaw outlawed them or claimed on some day in may i think it was yesterday for only Polish ones to be put up or some shet i read on Facebook that made me sick and these stupid Polish people like these nationalist fascist women with Polish flags on their Facebook profiles were cheering it or hate other flags than their stupid country and hate multiculturalism or nations existing in Poland or something. it was some tvp article too about Germany outlawing them too and these stupid Polish fems were cheering it

here is the article off facebook:

this is the stupid twat with one of those stupid facial expressions common to Polish chicks on her profile and a polish flag of course who i meant is talking like that in the comment section like cheering it or showing her and Polands right wing nationalist colors people dont seem to want to admit or talk about on this forum:
2 May 2022
Off-Topic / Stalker 2 will crush anything any Polish game studio ever did [11]


Verdun ww1 fps war game for mac pc

anyone played this badass fps multiplayer title? I got into it very recently and realzied i had it for a while because it was free off epic store at one point. I decided to install it in this bar im at right now due to the fact it is available for mac also so I can play it on my m1 mac laptop or macbook pro in a bar here in lodz called Bistro with free wifi drinking beers and damm im having a blast. Its like it takes you back to trench warfare and a diff time and i love non modern fps titles where you have to aim carefully or snipe vs shower bullets around:

It reminds me of red orchestra 2 actually but now i can play it with beers in a bar and without the glitches red orchestra 2 comes with. the deathmatch mode is best for beginners it seems and it feels like trench warfare free for all in middle of nowhere with a bunch of trenches smoke and **** and these anti tank bolts around dead horses tanks blown up in scneery etc. sometimes games are also worht playing just for atmosphere.
30 Apr 2022
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [249]

one thing i dont get is why so many of these polish people here think theyre so western or sophisticated compared to either russians or Ukrainians? I mean the Ukrainians who come to Poland before this war were menial laborers and polish people are sod umb they thi k this represents majority or Ukrainian society or somehow theyre superior due to comparing themselves to some manual laborers? like i mentioned my moms friend or that lady who doesnt have a matura even saying ukrainians are lower people but Europeans? where does she even have the opinion from or these polaks a right to one when the only Ukrainians they ever saw were in poland doing construction work? and again jn how does calling Russians Asians solve their problems or explain the situation? thats like clsling people africans or blacks who behave like ghetto USA people right? but oh thats racist but somehow its ok in Poland but no single western country? i dont get this world man. its so hypocritical and kamala harris supports such a country now? and they call themselves liberals guys like pawian? i wonder if kamala harris or anyone from California or new York below the age of 40 would consider pawian a liberal by western standards or if hed even have the balls to talk like this in English on twitter before musk bought it to Americans.
29 Apr 2022
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [249]

"Most of Russia is in Asia and many Russians are not Slavs or not pure Slavs, but of mixed origin."

thats only geography and polaks im sure would wish to have lands in Asia. That means nothing of actual people living in those lands or the country you moron. Nor does it have anything to do with their origin in Kievan Rus and the current lands of Ukraine which never was Asia. All it is is Polak racism and propaganda. most Asians are way more civilized than polaks with older civilizations like Japan and Korea and certainly act more civilized than the Polaks in Lodz when living abroad or in most including their own countries but western countries compared to polaks there. You dont see Asians beating women like polaks do here in Lodz for instance or blacks in ghettos in USA in street fights outside bars. that lady that i overheard talking wasnt talking about geography she just must never have been abroad to see how actual polaks look or behave vs the Asians she was talking about. being Asian isnt some sort of insult polaks are literally white trash or blacks of Europe. and in terms of "like Asians" the way polaks treat their animals like dogs in places like Lodz again is much more like Chinese or the worse of Asians than anyone else they can try pointing their fingers at. clean up ur own country or shet places like stare polesie in Lodz before pointing fingers at other countries or people.

And Im sure ve read much more on history than you have from western or unbiased non polak sources. polaks only existed for like a thousand yrs since mieszko 1 while kievan rus already existed before than as a unified state or geographical area. ive also seen how Asiatic polaks act first hand outside Lodz like that train ride i had from the Baltic last summer where a polak kept drinking talking with his hands and hitting my laptop every second not even udnerstanding what not talking with your hands meant like a literal ape or Asian as you polaks refer to urselves. literally imagine you trying to get work done or read something on an expensive macbook and some white negro polak keeps hitting the back of your display as he talks with his hands. and you look at him or even tell him if he wouldnt mind stopping that and he continues. then spills his can of beer or part of it on you as he throws it out the window like a literal brudas "Asian".

"Now run along and read a bit about Polish history before you spout any more nonsense on a Polish forum."

do you read any other history besides this one they write about themselves? Their history is not very boastful or proud btw as they are literally the sierota of Europe or the country who constantly gets invaded by Germany or russia. outside of that commonwealth empire time frame which their nobility sold them off. Have you ever read Lithuanian history written by Lithuanians and what they think of Poland, the commonwealth and your hero Jagiello the one who fuked 12 yr olds?
28 Apr 2022
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [249]


Can anyone explain to me how Polish racism/nationalism

or calling russians asians or saying polaks are somehow this big european civilization helps them in the world stage or makes them look good in the eyes of the woke west who hate racists and nationalists? Like when is the truth going to be found out and vie starts writing articles on them and the fact biden supports a bunch of nazis that the russian government tries to denazify? The reason I made this thread is I overheard my mom talking to her friend or some lady she knew who lives in a small town in poland and isnt very educated and my mom even disagreed with her how when my mom asked her about her opinion on russia since some russian lady apaprently attacked an uniranian one abroad or something in the news that polish lady was so ignorant my mom was tlaking to and right away just like the polaks on this forum the racism hate russophobia came out and she claimed russians are asia and even went on to make the ignorant statements saying ukrainians are european not as civilized as polaks or something. I talked to my mom later as it pissed me off and my mom even agreed most polaks live like bums abroad and ukrainians russians make something of themselves when give an opportunity or move abroad. it is the polaks whoa re the brudasy or murzyni europy not ukraine or russia. Not to mention the fact how I see they act in lodz like literal blacks with all the domestic violence,s treet fights at 2am in downtown (piotrkowska street), even hitting a woman in a scuffle like animals, etc. How polaks treat one another abroad and you cant trust one vs how much more normal ukrainians are (russians are mixed in this regard as ive ran into aholes in malta recently where theyre confident and big businessmen).
27 Apr 2022
Life / Any good Polish films to watch? [110]


Cracow monsters on Netflix

Guys, check this show out. not sure if you have a vpn you could tap into polish netflix from check out cracow monsters. the beginning of the show displays a polish club or bar scene that shows how untrustworthy people in Poland are or hard to meet people here at first at least. like the chick in the scene in the beginning goes up to a guy and says something and her first response is you drink like a medical student than she breaks the ice. basically it seems you gotta be very witty and have a very good first response to be accepted by new groups of people particularly in such a setting.
25 Apr 2022
Travel / Japanese or Korean / Asian bars or supermarkets in Warsaw? [10]

i cant stand east Asians in Poland like in their restaurants. its like they dont speak Polish or English and dont care about their customers. like they'll give you the wrong dish and try to convince you that you ordered it or its the right one just so they dont have to remake it and spend more money on food or something.
20 Apr 2022
Life / The Pole, as an example of a perfect Russophobe, in a spherical vacuum [42]

" Is there any good reason that the people of Poland and the Baltics shouldn't be Russophobic?"

no more then why they should be germanophobic. do u know how agressive germany was even prior to hitler with the teutonic knights and livania or whatever thst kingdom in baltics was called?

" It doesn't matter, they will be supported by russophobic Poles and Baltic dwarfs enough for the whole planet. They will support caricatures that want to inject their 5-year-old children with sex-changing hormones and vaccines that will change their DNA, organize gay parades and bring leftards like PO to power. At least they sat in their jackets in the dark and bathed in cold water. At least they eat pate on bread every day, and everyone will say take that, Putin. Well done, guys, every boss could only wish for such obedient servants."

i sort of agree with this. why is it so puzzling for poles when i tell them just how right wing they and the chicks here are compared to all the woke chicks i met in malta in valletta in their 20s from foreign countries or places like new york? one of them i shet you not tried to convince me to try being with other dudes or asked why not.
20 Apr 2022
Off-Topic / Stock Market Talk [807]

stocks aren't even real it's just an invisible piece of paper made up by the jewish elite or jedis to make you think you own a company but in reality you don't. Holographic Elon Musk showed us all the truth and ripped the wool from the eyes of the corrupt globohomo cis-tem. Only trust commodities and data.
4 Apr 2022
Life / Stereotypes about Polish people being stupid? [281]

Today, as with the Poles, the Swedes more than caught up to the rest of the West

Poland has not caught up to the west in a single way or factor. start with customer service...
4 Apr 2022
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [143]

Te szaby te niemcory jebane guuuuuuyz:

Co to zanczy jak Polki mowia kobiety tu ze sa twarde stanace po ziemi? co to znaczy w ogole? duzo ich tak po 50 pisze na sympati czy witrynach randkowych.
4 Apr 2022
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [143]

to wreszcie nie bede musial w ogole dojezdzac do warszawy i moze te mieszkanie co mi mama kupila wrosnie w cenie.
4 Apr 2022
Life / Stereotypes about Polish people being stupid? [281]

mafkeis, here is yur average poolish middle aged guy for you who grew up during communism:,35771,28298964,jest-zawiadomienie-do-prokuratury-na-piotra-rybaka-za-szczucie.html
4 Apr 2022
Off-Topic / What's your connection with Poland? Penpals. [514]

oh boy i cant stand them but i do really want to f a b-ch. like fing a b-ch and not feeling guilty for the. asty **** youre gonna make her good is the best feeling in the world as its guilt.ess sex and pure fing.
4 Apr 2022
Life / Met two straight Polish Thugs or Hoods like out of a movie from the Slums [8]

After 1 am on that street or there it seems it turns into some gang bang ghetto place like from the bronx back in the 70s or tenderloin in san francisco on turk street. I had a guy do this exact thing you described and I shoved him. I regret not body slamming him later. Some chick he was with separated him from coming toward me again. but i should have practiced some of my moves on him. Like where I grab the leg with my left hand the stomach with my right across it and throw him backward on his back on hard concrete. Maybe then theyll learn. oh and with my body weight also slamming him on the back. I always wondered the damage this move would cause on concrete.
4 Apr 2022
Life / Met two straight Polish Thugs or Hoods like out of a movie from the Slums [8]


Polaks are straight animals sometimes

A few days ago I was walking at 2:30 am in the main street here in Lodz on Piotrkowska two nights ago and just like ghetto blacks back when I live in Chico, CA as as tudent I saw a similar thing. They were even hitting women. Basically two groups against one another 3-5 each. but one group had a skinny guy and two chicks. The chicks kept attacking but using slaps i think to get those guys to leave their boyfriends alone. at one point one of them was hit and what looked like knocked out but i walked by she was still conscious.

Polaks are like animals in some places or cities here. like blacks I remember acting. hitting people from behind head, fighting women etc. They are chimpanzes with white skin.
30 Mar 2022
Life / Why do so many Polish strive to be accepted by the West? [78]

they cant even pronounce words but teach their kids to focus on polish like in some weird nationalistic way like Poland matters or is some master rce country or some shet when its irrelevant and the amount they can make in Poland is garbage compared to other EU countries in terms of jobs yet they teach garbage english in schools in Poland. their ego is also astronomical so when i tried to teach conversational english and accents and real english not their communist garbage i had one complaint once from a pollack chick about it lol at this business english lessons one out of two before i quit that ****. they dont understand no one cares about polish translation textbook rules how things are supposed to work. its like most writing jobs in Poland or content writing positions. they think its selling their garbage products or marketing and not actual writing skills or telling a story or even informing an audience.

This is west to you Lyzko? Mafkeis?

For instance, Lyzko this 15 yr old chick just messaged me on facebook it is like 9 pm at night she is still studying or learning polish outdated methods of schooling when in realize she will not be a chemist or geographer or any of that shet they shove down their throat not realizing polish is a dead garbage language and besides polish and those crappy subjects they should just be teaching them english to get out of this country. and you think this is west lol?