The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by ShelleyS  

Joined: 26 Jun 2007 / Female ♀
Last Post: 19 Nov 2009
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19 Nov 2009
Love / Age difference, my Polish girl is 23 and I am 39 [42]

That night she told me there were no good polish men in town. All drinking and not serious.

Maybe you are a safe option, she obviously doesnt see anything positive in the men in her town.

16 years is a big age gap, but that doesnt mean that its not possible for two people to be happy.

As for is it normal in Poland, not from what I can gather, its not really the "norm" in Europe full stop, but as stated above, its possible.

Good luck.
17 Nov 2009
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

for the fact that when other nations may be getting deluded, we learn from your mistakes (hopefully) and come out on the better side

I really hope, but in all honesty I cant it.

I liked Poland's architecture and chilled atmosphere, the summers are hot and the winters cold, thats something I quite liked too.
7 Sep 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

Don't you fret honey, I'm moving back to Poland soon. And not a moment too soon! I've taken your benefits, stolen your carp, eaten your swans, and lived in your council houses - NOT.

Apart from fashion and food, Im pretty happy to agree with every word. Well apart from we should had back our treasures ;0) Ya snooze ya lose as they say! If we do promise to give everything back can WE have the Bayeux Tapestry back? We did make it after all.

So simply going to the station when the fancy takes me and buying a ticket to somewhere nice is not an option. I

National express are a good option, cheaper and more reliable, take a trip out somewhere before you leave, our countryside and villages are lovely.

I am fed up with the British feeling of superiority in all areas of life, which I find unjustified.

Hmmm, I dont think we do, although you live in London, dont worry they feel superior to anyone north of Watford (bunch of w*nkers) ;0)
4 Sep 2009
Law / Poland - Temporary Residence card - Karta pobytu - required documents [143]

Were you self-employed? If so you would have your tax returns showing you have paid the correct amount of tax for your earnings. If not and you were PAYE then there isnt much chance you would owe tax in the UK, by the sounds of it they want to see your P60 which you get at the end of each tax year which shows your earnings for the last 12 months...more like they want see what they can screw out of you.
17 Aug 2009
USA, Canada / Cigarettes reach nine dollars a pack in New York [109]

I fully support the fat tax.

Wont happen, too much money if fast food and junk food...its a disgrace how many fat kids there are in the UK, makes me sick when I see them waddling down the road with their chubby thighs chaffing, yuk!
2 Aug 2009
Life / Things that annoy you in Poland. [133]

Obviously being a muslim you dont go in bars, they actually do this in the UK if you want some paper to dry your hands! Usually africans doing it!
2 Aug 2009
Food / Polish Pizza !! The best in the world? [330]

Polish pizza is soooooooooooo the best pizza in the world, the ones from glogow are the best ever !!!

The ones from my local Italian restaurant, that is actually run by an Italian family are the best...Polish pizza is probably the worst in the world, actually scrub that, Czech pizzas are the worst in the world...I will however say the chicken kababs in Krakow were strangely enough very nice....Im no pizza connoisseur but I enjoy food so I can separate the wheat from chaff...
25 Jul 2009
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

Its just a term used by ghetto people as far as I can see, Ive heard a few WIGGAS use it in the UK...It just makes me cringe when I hear anyone use it.... Nignog used to the word of the day back in the 70s in the UK, this was offensive towards blacks though.
7 Jun 2009
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

While living in the UK all I was getting were all sorts of verbal abuse,

Are you saying people abused you for no reason on a regular basis? Im not sure that we're in the habit of just shouting at people in the street for no reason! We have 100's of nationalities in this country when made you so special that people openly abused you? It's not something I've ever seen happen.
7 Jun 2009
History / Communism fell 20 years ago, Poland led the fight since WW2 [341]

"Communism fell 20 years ago, Poland led the fight since WW2"

Really? Not what the West sees...Czech Rep were worlds away and living without communism before Poland got out the doldrums....Im not sure what your point is.
2 Jun 2009
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

I've noticed here though that older people can be very rude and they are British !

You want to see the blue rinse brigade when you're getting on public transport, they take no prisonsers, they're even more vicious when abroad!

The British people on the surface are a bit more polite <or timid > really ?

I think we used to be, but that's becoming less aparent.

And my beautiful friends from brazil and america cant stay because of visa issues,

Not sure about the Amercians but there were shed loads of illegal Brazillians who contributed nothing since they didnt pay tax, the only reason they're not here any longer is because of the clamp down on illegal workers! At least Poles pay tax and NI, so I'd shut up if I were you! Rude person!
30 May 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

I hate the way Polish peole are Polish...what's that all about???

Then damn Poles, why do they speak so much Polish?

Polish people say they're Slavic, what the fcuk are they on about?
21 May 2009
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

See you in a couple of weeks when you are asking the forum for advice on what flowers to buy for Magda the Polish girl you have just met and fallen in love with...the translation section here is wonderful..don't trust GayboyB-boyMcCoy though.
19 May 2009
Genealogy / Do Polish people have big noses? [450]

havent they ?

No, a bloke with a big nose is just a bloke with a big nose, he could be an attractive bloke with a big nose or a really ugly bloke with a big nose, this would depend on whether he gets a shag or not, not because we are secretly thinking...phwwwuuurr look at that bloke with a big nose bet he's built like a pit pony ;0)

All the women in my small mind,

If it makes you feel any better all men have small minds ;0)
19 May 2009
Genealogy / Do Polish people have big noses? [450]

Women subconsciously equate big noses with big willys so its great

? Which women are these? Hmmm, now we know how these myths start...
14 May 2009
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

English girls dress up better but Polish girls have way much class in a way they behave like.

Like the one whose been shaggin my friends partner of 10 years, oh my mates 3 weeks off giving birth and they already have a little girl...Yeah you're right Polish girls have LOADS of class ROFL! Oh one more little gem, this tart is already married to some South African bloke she met on her travels who most probably will get deported because she decided she prefers my friends partner to her own husband!

And before you start going on about my mates ex and it was probably his fault blah blah blah, of course he's in the wrong, but don't tell me that ALL Polish girls have more class than English girls, because my friend has more class in her little finger than the tramp her ex is now shacked up with will ever have!
8 Apr 2009
Life / The Pole is happy when someone else cries... [75]

An Englishman looks at his neighbours house and wishes to himself that his porch, patio and conservatory were as nice as his neighbours.

Nah, an Englishmans wife would complain and make him work an extra 40 hours a week in order to upgrade to a better porch, patio and conservatory, we call it "keeping up with the jones" and exists all over the world.
8 Apr 2009
Life / The Pole is happy when someone else cries... [75]

Unlike America, Britain, Germany, France, Russia, Italy etc,

I think if you look at the above countries they are all suffering with mass immigration and the indiginous population are very unhappy, I suppose it's price you pay for "spreading" it around! Poland on the other hand, well, I don't really need to spell it out do I!

Road, take a trip to Poland it's a beautiful place, one where women can walk the streets after dark without fear of being raped by some illegal alien ;0) I know where I'd rather live!
27 Mar 2009
Life / Price of cigarettes in Poland? [192]

dirt cheap -if you're coming from the UK and a smoker, you'll be in fag heaven..Marlboro are cheap are cheap as chips! Lucky Strike are just nasty!
27 Feb 2009
Love / English Men vs Polish Men [207]

you and they did. So much much women power in the North East of England a bit like Poland!

Not sure about that. Have you ever actually been to Poland? I have and I didn't see hoards of pissed up women dressed like cheap hookers.

I also don't find going up to a bloke and calling him a twat enpowerment, it's brassy and common, sorry, but I'm more feminine than feminist..It's girls like your mate that give the rest of us British women a bad name..sorry, but it's true. I can sort of understand why British mens' attitudes have changed towards British women, your friend is a prime example of how not to behave.

Lexi, I really am not being nasty, just telling you how it is.
27 Feb 2009
Love / English Men vs Polish Men [207]

I meant to say about British men is that they don't show their emotions too easily.

Maybe they are not false, meaning, when they are ready to open up, it means something.

This is true statistical fact! However, I suppose it is from which area they come from in England. Upbringing and parenting covers a massive

The English are more reserved, this is true, I got called "formal" by someone who was not English, I don't consider myself formal, I'm just not comfortable flirting or being touchy feely with someone I don't really know, maybe my upbringing has some bearing on that or maybe it's because I believe people should behave in a proper manner.....Yeah, we are more friendly up north ;)
27 Feb 2009
Love / They seem nice, but could Polish girls be "gold diggers"? [196]

not (never) :) common don't be so hard on all women !! sometimes the saying becomes true ;)

What are you talking about, lexi was correct in what she wrote "never a truer word spoken" is CORRECT.
27 Feb 2009
Love / They seem nice, but could Polish girls be "gold diggers"? [196]

evryone is going after money , there is no shame in this for sure .... the point is if u looking for money from human flush like that poor guy!!!! here we go that's for sure and 100% steeling money in the name of feelings:) i can't call it anything else

I dont think that's what he was doing! Blimey the way some people think is sick!
27 Feb 2009
Love / They seem nice, but could Polish girls be "gold diggers"? [196]

the Polish girl you met may not have been a gold digger at the time you met her, but looking at the list of expenses you were happy to cover no wonder she turned out that way and took advantage of you. anyone would.

So if someone is generous they deserve to be ripped off??? WTF! Kinda shows how your mind works, which makes sense!

not saying you were asking for it cos being generous is a good thing

Make up your mind Juysty!

Why should Western women have access to their material desires and Polish women not?

Sorry Seanus, we have access to these things because we work hard, not because we single out some poor bastard to milk for all he has!!!