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Posts by Spike31  

Joined: 16 Nov 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 13 Feb 2022
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Speaks Polish?: Tak

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21 Aug 2021
History / What do Poles owe to Hungarians? [231]

We owe Hungarians for help in the 1920 Polish-Soviet war. The ammunition delivered by them has greatly helped Poles to beat bolsheviks.

17 Aug 2021
News / Israel furious as Poland signs law to limit property claims [200]

I'll have to give it to PiS that they've picked the correct moment to announce it when the eyes of the world are focused on Afghanistan and the retreat of the US army. People are much more concerned about the new wave of 'refugees' invading Europe than the rambling of a Polonophobic Yair Lapid.

All of that doesn't of course change the fact that Jewish/Israeli demands regarding heirless property in Poland are, according to international law, baseless and illegal.
30 Jul 2021
Off-Topic / Additional capacity for Nordstream II - Germany plans to buy hydrogen from Russia and use NS II for transport [420]

The right-wing comes in many flavors. And Polish nationalism value individualism.

Nationalism is like folk music: every nation has a different one. And just because Germany has crappy folk musicians doesn't mean that folk festivals have to be canceled in all of Europe because of that.

For example, take an alt-right bar "Swietlica Wolnosci" in the heart of Warsaw. Guys and girls from all walks of alt-right: conservatives, libertarians, anarcho-capitalists, nationalists, minarchists, paleo-libertarians discussing ideas freely over a glass of beer/wine/whisky. A great place to relax among intelligent people.

So you think that right-wing is boring? No, it's leftism that is boring and infertile and all unorthodox thoughts are being killed and canceled within it...
30 Jul 2021
Off-Topic / Additional capacity for Nordstream II - Germany plans to buy hydrogen from Russia and use NS II for transport [420]

Poland became biggest source of trucking companies in europe. The EU Commission neutered them thanks to German and French lobbying.

Since 2004 Poland has played by the books just to observe that when the country excels at something or taking over a lucrative market, like the logistics, the rules change by the inspiration of the 'old EU' to protect their interests. The EU is not a free market, it's a rigged gamed steered by those who invented it.

@BratwurstBoy, you as an Eastern German, an Ossi, are fully aware of it, even if you pretend otherwise. You've been screwed by Western Germans big time yourself since the "reunification".

Former DDR is now depopulated, the economy is in sh***y condition and you've been ridiculed by Wessi's as losers who couldn't make it economically and now voting for populists and right-wingers from AdF.
30 Jul 2021
Off-Topic / Additional capacity for Nordstream II - Germany plans to buy hydrogen from Russia and use NS II for transport [420]

I'm sure you have made it yourself

I'll elaborate:

By "putting Poland down" I mean keeping the Polish economy down mainly as a producer of components and skilled workforce for the German industrial complex instead of it being an independent and competitive sector of the Polish economy.

This is slowly changing now with large sums of money being invested in the military industry in Poland. The military industry not only guarantees political and military independence but it's a major source of innovation, taxes, and well-paid jobs.

And energiewende combined with CO2 tax is the next step calculated at destroying CEE energy sector largely based on coal. And replacing it with German solar energy Russian gas so conveniently delivered by Germany to its neighbors. That is also one of the main reasons why Germany is so concerned about Polish nuclear energy plans.
30 Jul 2021
Off-Topic / Additional capacity for Nordstream II - Germany plans to buy hydrogen from Russia and use NS II for transport [420]

Yeah...that thinking really did it for Poland in the past....

same for Germany...but that's good. The reminder of the past events will keep this competition somewhat civilized.

That puts Poland is a somewhat favorable position: Poland wants to go up and it's Germany that needs to put us down without using brute force cause would be disastrous for both sides of the equation.

Simply put: Poland has less to lose and much more to gain.
30 Jul 2021
Off-Topic / Additional capacity for Nordstream II - Germany plans to buy hydrogen from Russia and use NS II for transport [420]

The moment it rises up and offers chances and money they will flock to Poland

Before that hypothetical moment in the future one of the two things will happen first:

> There will be no more EU (and no more open borders)
> There will be no more Poland in the remains of the EU (and a hard border on Oder river)

And just like Germany doesn't give a sh*t about the interest of Poland, Poland should do exactly the same.

Keeping Poland weak is in the interest of Germany and weakening Germany is in the long-term interest of Poland. As simple as that. It was always like that and it will be in foreseeable future.
30 Jul 2021
Off-Topic / Additional capacity for Nordstream II - Germany plans to buy hydrogen from Russia and use NS II for transport [420]

..nice going for the future of the EU!

The future of the EU in its current form is a leftoid beaurocradic federation of socialist Europe. The prospect I truly despise. If the addition of Turkey would make this rotten structure collapse so much for the better.

But don't worry, it wouldn't be so dramatic. It would just introduce a new set of challenges for the "EU core" and they wouldn't have time nor strength to discipline Poland and Hungary.

be problematic with Ukraine

No, it wouldn't be. Ukraine is already buying military technology from Turkey* and is cooperating on a military level in order to face threats from Russia in Donbas.

It doesn't seem realistic

It's not only realistic but it's already a reality. Two NATO members with no colliding political or economic goals, and no territorial claims, working together. It doesn't get more real than that.

I'm deeply against 'multikulti' in Poland but I'll say it again: Turkey is not a threat to Poland in any way and the natural destination for Turks in the EU is Germany which spread its legs wide open for millions of muslims, arabs and turd worlders already.
30 Jul 2021
Off-Topic / Additional capacity for Nordstream II - Germany plans to buy hydrogen from Russia and use NS II for transport [420]

Instead of thinking about some exotic one-sided alliances, it's better to look a bit closer.

One of the often omitted directions is our fellow NATO member: Turkey. Turkey has a capable, second-largest army in NATO. It could be also used as leverage against both Germany (there's a large Turkish diaspora in Germany and both countries are in political conflict) but also Russia cause their geopolitical interests often collide, which was visible in the recent conflict in the Caucasus. And Poland doesn't have any underlying political problems with Turkey.

Furthermore, the Turkish army and society are not pussified like the Western European ones and are willing to accept war causalities. That makes them more credible military allies in case of a real conflict.

That's why I think that president Duda did well inviting Erdogan to Warsaw in 2017 when other EU leaders have ostracized him. And a recent purchase of combat proved Turkish attack drones was also a good move.

What Poland has to offer Turkey? We can act as a bridge between them and the EU. Poland should push for Turkey to join the UE and be vocal about it. They are not a threat to us.
30 Jul 2021
Off-Topic / Additional capacity for Nordstream II - Germany plans to buy hydrogen from Russia and use NS II for transport [420]

Biden chose Germany (and Russia) over Poland and CEE (and also against the UK just like Obama before him)

How it is going to work for the US remains to be seen, however the US may loose the only truly pro-American allies in Europe.

Even Stalin and the commies couldn't make Poland, especially Polish society, distant itself from the US but Biden and his politics (and Just447 act) just may...

Poland just needs to tighten up 3 Seas Initiative, keep Germany out of it at all cost and not count ot much on help from the US
29 Jul 2021
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1139]

This time they're smarter and took the Huxleyan approach instead of hardcore Orwelianism. The bet here is that it will be too late and things will go too far to go back to normal when people eventually wake up.

The system will eventually show its true ugly face once they run out of our own money to bribe us back with welfare state and redistribution.
28 Jul 2021
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1139]

It's symptomatic that a discussion about the EU ends up with uncle Adolf.

Centralization, uniformity, bloated beaurocracy, the leading role of the German industrial core, workforce from mitteleuropa.
Politicians and states change but modus operandi remains.

I'm counting on the real diversity in Europe, the Europe of independent nations, that will not allow for the creation of the European federation.

PS: In Polish the word 'Niemcy' (the Germans) literary means: "those, who cannot speak" [cannot communicate]
15 Jul 2021
News / Dodgy PRL-holdover judiciary finally reformed [418]

In free Poland all its rulings will be annuled

You're misinformed, probably by mainstream media "journalists".

The same court ruling was given by a previous Constitutional Tribunal in 2005 [under supervision of Zbigniew Safin, currently a judge in...TSUE]:

"2.1. Art. 8 ust. 1 Konstytucji jednoznacznie gwarantuje postanowieniom
Konstytucji status "najwyższego prawa Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej". "

"Constitution has the status of the supreme law in Poland" [Kwestia nadrzędności Konstytucji RP (art. 8 ust. 1) a przekazanie
kompetencji "w niektórych sprawach"]

Furthermore, the Constitutional Tribunal ruling from 2011 [under supervision of Andrzej Rzeplinski] states:

"Trybunał Konstytucyjny podkreślił, że Konstytucja pozostaje - z racji swej szczególnej mocy -
"prawem najwyższym Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej" w stosunku do wszystkich wiążących
Rzeczpospolitą Polską umów międzynarodowych. Dotyczy to także ratyfikowanych umów
międzynarodowych o przekazaniu kompetencji "w niektórych sprawach"

"The Constitution remains the supreme law of the Republic of Poland in relation to all international agreements.
14 Jul 2021
News / Dodgy PRL-holdover judiciary finally reformed [418]

Simply put, Constitutional Tribunal of Poland has ruled that Polish Constitution stands above EU beaurocracy.
Furthermore, the EU can only use those powers that were directly ceaded to them by Poland and cannot usurp some extra powers.
12 Jul 2021
News / The ruling party in Poland tries to take American owned TV news station off the air [528]

Meh, France and Germany have similar laws when it comes to maximum foreign investments in local media. They would never allow such a situation to happen in their mass media market as we have in Poland right now.

she would be banging on doors

I believe she would. And some locals with an inferiority complex would even appreciate her actions. Fortunately, we got rid of that trollop. Polish matters should be resolved by Poles
9 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [981]

it originated from European rugby

It originated from Europe like all the other good things in the US. The US was populated by Europeans. That's what made America great in the past.

What I like about that sport is that it allows guys with the bigger frame to team up and compete against each other in a full contact sport. Society needs that in the age of low testosterone soy boys
9 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [981]

We actually have a strong American football league in Poland

7 Jul 2021
News / Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government [532]

debt, tributes and rising prices

That's a good summary of the PiS economic policies.

The fun fact is those words fit perfectly to describe 8 years of Tusk's PO government as well.

Those two political parties: PiS and PO only look much different to the hardcore political fanatics and supporters who identify with them. To rational people, they are both scammers.

I pity the fools who got robbed by a Byzantine bureaucracy, work for a lausy 5000 pln a month and still cheer up for one of those two statist parties who **** them in return.
5 Jul 2021
News / Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government [532]

The biggest achievement of the Tusk government was obviously a steady supply of a hot tap water in Poland.

And for that, he deserves to get a monument. When he retires that is. I can't wait for the unveiling.
28 Jun 2021
Po polsku / 77. rocznica powstania w getcie warszawskim [369]

chcesz ukryć prawdę o policji granatowej.

Niczego nie ukrywam, od tego sa historycy by o tym dyskutowac i dociekac prawdy na podstawie zgromadzonych materialow. Oczywiscie mam na mysli prawdziwych historykow, nie takich jak np: "swiatowej slawy historyk" Jan Gross (z wyksztalcenia socjolog, z powolania klamca i propagandzista).

Czym innym jest natomiast kiedy robi sie to wybiorczo i w celu propagandowego efektu a w konsekwencji rabunku na Polakach pod pozorem "roszczen" z ust. 447.

Prosze bardzo, jesli premier Izraela publicznie podczas wizyty w Polsce potepi fakt zbroni Judenratu i policji getta, prezydent Polski moze wspomniec o policji granatowej.

Jeszcze lepiej gdyby byl to otwarty panel historykow polsko-zydowskich dyskutujacych o Judenracie, policji getta, organizacji Żagiew, policji granatowej, Jedwabnem, zbrodniach i skladzie powojennego UB i prokuratury, i publikujacych w mass mediach wyniki prac historycznych.

Prawda nas wyzwoli.
28 Jun 2021
Po polsku / 77. rocznica powstania w getcie warszawskim [369]

Pomagam ci tylko pozostac w prawdzie. Przeciez nie chodzi ci o forsowanie czyjejs narracji, czy tez niskie postawienie za wszelka cene na swoim w internetowej przepychance, tylko o spenetrowanie jadra prawdy.

Fakt dotowania przez Sorosa swiadczy o tym ze, ni mniej ni wiecej, linia propagandowa portalu zgadza sie z ta ktora reprezentuje Soros i jego fundacje.

Czy zmienilo narracje po roku 2018?
28 Jun 2021
Po polsku / 77. rocznica powstania w getcie warszawskim [369]

Nalezy dodac, dla osob nie znajacych polskiego rynku prasowego, ze jest finansowane przez Georga Sorosa*.

"W 2018 roku fundacja zanotowała 1,91 mln zł z darowizn oraz 654,5 tys. zł z dotacji ( od Sigrid Rausing Trust, Open Society i Fundacji im. Stefana Batorego)."

Ten fakt mowi sam za siebie. Pan placi i wymaga.

Prosze o podawanie cytatow z bardziej wiarygodnych zrodel.

23 Jun 2021
Po polsku / Polecam to, strony i wiadomości w sieci o Polsce [181]

Francja, jako panstwo kolaborujace z III Rzesza ma sporo za uszami. A gdy nie da sie samemu wybielic to trzeba innych oczernic.

Gdy samemu sie zeszmacilo nic tak nie boli i nie przypomina o wstydzie jak widok tych ktorzy pozostali nieugieci.,nId,2185508
19 Jun 2021
Po polsku / 77. rocznica powstania w getcie warszawskim [369]

"Wygrywasz", zamieniając linearną rozmowę w krąg szaleństwa.

Tu jednak nie ma zadnego celu do wygrania a jedynie wiele do przegrania.

Wszystkie te wspolczesne dyskusje na temat domniemanego polskiego sprawstwa, i obnizaniu bezprecedensowej rangi polskiej pomocy, maja obecnie jeden cel: wprawienie w czyn ustawy JUST 447*, ktora jest bezprawna z punktu widzenia prawa miedzynarodowego.

Jedynym sposobem by ja jednak przeforsowac (i nabic kabze kilku organizacji z Nowego Jorku o czym pisze Normal Finkelstein w swoich publikacjach) jest rozbrojenie mentalne i moralne ofiary przekretu tak by sami przyjeli na siebie domniemane winy.

Wiekszosc Polakow jest udoporniona na te pedagokike wstydu lecz trafia to na podatny grunt wsrod roznej masci glupcow i lemingow.

"If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything."
